
If it weren’t for music, my world would exist in a constant shade of grey. So thanks to the hundreds of musicians who have inspired my creative work and added color to my life. Keep on rocking, so I can keep rolling.

I’d like to thank my family for being understanding and patient when I’m in the writing zone and for never giving up on me. Their unending support and faith in my ability means more than they’ll ever know. Sean, you rock!

I’d like to thank my second readers—Sherilyn Winrose, Beth Hill, Judi Fennell, Lisa Brackmann, and Jill Lynn Anderson—for offering their excellent professional opinions and advice on this work. They helped make Sed sing and Jessica worthy of his devotion.

I’d also like to thank my online writing group, The Writin’ Wombats. I wouldn’t be where I am today without their knowledge, help, support, and occasional (okay, regular) kicks in the pants.

Major thanks to my agent Jennifer Schober, who gets me through the business side of this with most of my hair still attached to my scalp.

Finally, I’d like to thank my awesome editor, Deb Werksman, who totally rocks, her ever-helpful associate, Susie Benton, and all the folks at Sourcebooks who believed in an unknown writer enough to give her an incredible opportunity.
