Chapter Thirteen

Matt opened the door to the trailer and backed up in a hurry as Hope forced her way past him. Tuesday night, nothing good on TV. It had been another freaking cold day with more bad weather in the forecast. He’d been considering heading to bed early.

“Umm, hello. Didn’t know you were coming over.”

She twirled, dropped a bag by the couch then tossed her gloves on the nearest chair. Her boots were kicked off as she grumbled out a complaint. “You know what? This town is fucked in the head.”

“The town is? How can a whole town be—?”

“Fine, the people. Did you know there’s a bloody betting pool based on when we have sex for the first time?” Hope planted both hands on her hips and shook her head in frustration. “Someone who was disappointed you and I weren’t doing the mattress mambo yet accosted me in the grocery store today. Said we’d cost them over two hundred dollars.”

She jerked off her coat and tossed it aside as well, and Matt’s mouth went absolutely dry.

“Holy hell, what are you doing?” There was nothing under her thick winter coat but a blue bra. A very pretty blue, like the bright winter sky on those freezing cold days they’d had back in December.

And why he was thinking about the weather when Hope was partially naked, he wasn’t sure. His brain didn’t seem to be keeping with the program.

“There’s too much speculation about us, and I don’t see it ending. Which—fine. They got nothing better to gossip about than us, they can go right ahead. But I refuse to let anyone profit from when and where I have sex.”

She pulled off her pants as she spoke, standing in front of him in a skimpy pair of panties with a duck on the front panel.

Matt sat heavily on his couch and prayed for strength. “So you’re stripping in my place…why?”

Hope lowered her chin and gave him the best smoldering look he’d seen in a long time. “No one’s got money on today. You want to piss off a lot of people?”

The sight of all her smooth flesh as she wove her way to stand only inches in front of him made him crazier than everything else had up to this point. “You want to have sex?”

“God, yes, don’t you?”

“Right now?”

“Now. Because, while waiting has been oh-so-much fun, we’re going to do it sometime, right? And I sure don’t want them boasting down at Okay Autobody that we increased their coffee fund by doing it next Friday.”

Matt laughed, the sound turning into a gasp as she crawled into his lap, straddling his thighs. She reached for his shirt buttons and he caught her hands in his. “Wait.”

Hope paused.

God, the look in her eyes. Heat and fire and fuck them all mischief mixed together. “Forget the damn betting pool. And I’m totally saying yes, but first, why do you want to have sex with me?”

She leaned closer and rubbed her cheek against his, sighing with satisfaction as she pulled back. The second time she swung forward she pressed her lips to his, soft, fleeting. She’d planted her palms against his collarbone and slipped them down his torso as she spoke.

“I like the way you smile at me. Like you’re constantly surprised that I’m there beside you and that me being there is a good thing. The way you smell—hmmm—totally turns me on. I snuck that spare T-shirt of yours upstairs the other day after you’d taken it off helping move the extra shelves into the quilt shop.”

“I wondered where that had gone.”

Hope slipped her palms around his lower back then sank her nails in deep as she pulled forward. “The way your voice buzzes against my skin when you whisper, like in the movie theater—it’s this gravelly layer of sensation that trickles over me and makes me all achy inside.”

Matt was less and less worried about the reason that had brought her storming through the door and more sure that what was about to happen had been too long in coming.

She covered his jean-enclosed cock with her hand, palm cupping his ready erection. “I want to have sex because you’ve been haunting my dreams for far too long, and I want to have something else of you to enjoy, more than your laugh or the way you try to save me from myself.”

She squeezed, and his hips jerked. The top button of his jeans popped open under her fingers, and the first teeth of the zipper slid open, easing the pressure on his full, and getting fuller, dick.

Hope leaned in and breathed in his ear, the warmth of her skin melting against his T-shirt. She whispered, a throaty husky moan accompanying the words. “So, are those good enough reasons for you? Or do I need to mention the urge I have to be fucked hard enough I’m aching the next day? The fact I want you to tie me up and—”

He captured her mouth, silencing all the dirty things that he had no need for her to voice. Not right now, anyway. She’d made up the no-hitting-the-sheets rule in the first place. She’d just removed it.


He held her tight, taking her mouth under his. One hand clasped the back of her neck, the other slipped up to flick the hooks on her bra, releasing the straps and freeing her breasts. He stripped away the material without stopping the kiss, his hands suddenly full with hot, rounded flesh. She gasped into his mouth, and he responded by squeezing harder as she writhed over him.

Screw this couch business. He stood, cradling her under the butt as he walked blindly into his bedroom.

Hope never stopped touching him. Their tongues danced together, sweeping past each other again and again. She groaned as he lowered her to his bed, placing himself on top.

“Yes.” A huge sigh escaped as she wiggled slightly, limbs opening to let his hips nestle in tighter. “God, I’ve waited so long for this.”

“Good thing you came to my place, then.”

She smiled against his lips. “Good thing.”

He was lost in what to do first. Rocking his hips against her when he was still wearing jeans wasn’t going to be enough. And he begrudged the time it would take to strip them away.

So maybe a new tactic instead.

First, he kissed her again, making sure he’d had a good taste of what she was so willing to give. He pulled back and caught her lower lip between his thumb and forefinger, rubbing the softness.

“We got any requirements in that betting pool? Like did they specify any order for us doing it? ’Cause if we’re going to fuck with their evil plots, let’s tear it all down.”

Hope laughed. “Nothing but a date. That was bad enough, wasn’t it?”

“Hmm, then I get to set the agenda. I’m going to take you alright. Fast, slow, somewhere in the middle.”

Her eyes shone, heavy passion flushing her skin. He traced a finger down her body until he palmed a naked breast. He plucked her nipple once before lowering his head and tasting her.

Under his tongue the tip tightened, drawing up hard, and he rewarded her response by sucking. A needy moan followed, her hips rising as if trying to find him.

He rolled to the side and let one hand drop to play with the elastic of her panties while he kept teasing her nipple. When he used his teeth on her, Hope screamed and a shot echoed through him.

Maybe doing it all before their first time wasn’t going to happen.

“Matt, what’s your favourite position?”

He laughed as he stripped away the scrap of fabric from her hips. “All of them.”

“Ha, typical guy response. Oh God, more of that. Yeah.” She cradled his head and held him to her breast. “I like the biting. I like it hard. Doing it on all fours drives me crazy. I don’t mind getting tied up—”

“Whoa, no need for the rundown.” Matt leaned on one elbow so he could see her face clearly. “You nervous?”

She shook her head.

“Then why don’t we just do whatever I want? That’ll make it plenty fun.”

She caught his tease but didn’t react like he’d expected. Instead of goofing off or bossing him back, she nodded. “Do it.”

He crawled down the bed, ignoring her breasts for a minute, drawn instead to where she eagerly opened her thighs. Matt teased her. Kissed the inside of one leg, licking slowly along the crease of her leg and thigh.

She quivered and he smiled.

“Now touch yourself.”

Hope turned her gaze his direction, and the blue there struck him—blue that wavered between the chill of ice and the hottest part of a flame. She obediently trailed her fingers down her torso, skimming her breasts and coming to rest between her open legs.

One hand opened her further to his view, with the other she circled her clit with two fingers, dipping into her body then returning to touch the erect nub poking out from its hood.

“Perfect. Keep going.”

He leaned in, briefly lapping her fingertips, adding to the moisture. Then he tucked lower still and tickled the very tip of his tongue through her folds.

“I like that. You…ohhh.” She drew her thighs higher, lifting her knees in the air as she completely exposed herself.

“Not very shy, are you?”

“Why are you talking? Your tongue has so many more important things to do. Ahh…

She screamed because he’d nipped the inside of her thigh. Then she moaned when he went back to licking. And when he grabbed hold of her fingers, dragging them out of his way so he could suck her clit into his mouth and thrust deep inside with his own touch, she called out his name and came.

He wanted to watch every second. Wanted to see her body react to his touch and pulse around his fingers. See if her skin would flush brighter, if she closed her eyes when she came. Or if she’d be able to look at him as the pulse of pleasure rocked her repeatedly.

There was only one way to find out. Practice. Lots and lots of practice.

He’d never stripped off his clothes faster in his entire life. Jerked open the side drawer, scrambled to find a condom. It had been far too long, and when he came back, covered and ready, Hope was waiting with eager hands to guide him to her wet pussy.

“You sure about—” Her hand slapped over his mouth, and she lifted her hips, drawing the tip of his cock into her heat. He shook off her hand. “You’re sure. I’m sure. Good.”

Matt moved slowly, watching closely as he slipped inside. He rocked forward, small increments, her tight passage squeezing him as she shifted position.

“Holy…you’re…oh yeah. That’s so so good—” Hope puffed air upward and squeezed her eyes shut.

“You know how to make a guy feel proud.”

“You know how to make a girl feel awesome. It’s been a while.” She wiggled, and he grabbed her hip, lifting her slightly and easing in farther. The moisture from her orgasm smoothed his way, but she was tight. It was better than anything he’d felt before.

He deliberately kept his eyes on her face. On the delicate arch of her brow and how her long red hair lay tousled over the pillow. This was Hope under him, and he had no doubts about mistaken identity. No flashbacks or comparisons, and that’s exactly how he wanted it.

His groin hit her ass and he grunted out his happiness.

Hope grinned. Ear-to-ear wide with an accompanying light that made her face shine.

Matt couldn’t remember ever having this much fun along with the physical pleasure of sex. “You’re thinking something dirty or you want to make a smart-ass comment, right?”

“I’m with animal man. You going to growl for me later? Howl? I could go for the beast escaping and having his wicked way with me.”

She laughed out loud, and the motion made her stomach and core tighten, which felt incredible around his dick.

He was going to die happy. “Do that again.”

Matt covered her, cupping her face and kissing her gently as he pulled his hips back and carefully pressed his cock in and out of her body. Every plunge smooth now, the motion wicked and hot. She tilted her hips, and he adjusted to grind over her clit.

“Oh. My. God. That. That.

This time he was the one to laugh, holding her chin and licking her lips, tasting her mouth without changing his thrusts.

She let out a squeak when he pulled her nipple a second before squeezing it. Matt swallowed the sound and repeated the motion, pushing into her harder, following his tease by grabbing her thigh where she’d held it out to the side and dragging her open farther. The change in angle brought him directly in contact with her clit, and she tightened everywhere, shaking under him as she came.

There was only enough energy left in him for a couple more thrusts to enjoy the sensation of her clutching him internally, the tight motion triggering then dragging out his climax.

He shuddered then lowered his face to her neck, pressing a kiss to the pulse throbbing there. The scent of sex filled his room, soaking into his sheets, and he was very glad.

Oh yeah, there was no way that anyone was going to benefit from this other than them, Hope was right about that.

“You, Matt Coleman, are one dangerous creature.”

He growled in her ear, soft and low, and she squeezed his ribs in a bear hug, rolling sideways. He went with her, ending with them lying side by side on the bed.

She was still smiling, still laughing. And he was torn between kissing her and thanking her for helping bring him back to life.
