Chapter Twenty-Two

Canadian Thanksgiving

“How long we do we wait?” Blake plopped down on the edge of the mattress.

Jaxi burrowed a little farther under the covers and groaned. “Oh hell, don’t rock the bed.”

Blake pulled the edge of the quilt free and smoothed his fingers along her neck, rubbing gently. He leaned over and kissed her nape. “You’ve got to get up sometime, Slick.”

“Go away.”

Blake chuckled and drew the blankets back, a tug at a time. She was still warm and soft from sleep, cheeks rosy, and the subtle scent of her skin made his mouth water. He rolled her carefully to her back and smoothed his hands down her body all the way to her toes. He picked up a foot and massaged his thumbs along the bottom length.

“Oh, yeah. You keep that up, and I promise I’ll be real nice to you later.”

Blake snuck in a nip to her arch. “You’re already going to be real nice to me. How long do we have to wait?”

Jaxi opened her eyes with reluctance. “I don’t know, read the box. Why do we need that thing anyway?”

“’Cause I want to know for sure.”

Jaxi sat and snuggled in close.

“You ready for today, Jaxi?”

“I’ve been ready for a long time, but…”

He kissed her eyelids, stroked her hair, held her close.

Three more hours and they’d be standing in front of their family and friends, saying the words to join them as a couple. Together and forever and everything that went with it.

It felt so right.

“But what?”

Those big eyes stared at him as she traced a finger along his jaw. Her touch was light but it echoed through his whole body.

“I’m a little scared.”

Blake shook his head. “You? Scared? Hell, woman, I’ve always admired how fearless you were. Even as a little tyke, the first time I saw you, half-naked, covered in mud and whaling on Travis. You were so damn proud you never gave a hint to how much you hurt.”

“I was only seven and Travis deserved it. You’re never going to let me forget that fight, are you?”

Blake stroked a finger over her lips. “Nope, I like it that you know how to use your fists.”

“You like a woman who fights?”

Blake kissed her. “I love a woman who fights. I think I fell in love with you the day I found you taking on that boy who was planning to drown the kittens.”

Jaxi’s eyes flashed. “You never did let me finish him off. He was ready to go home crying to his mama—”

“Yeah, but he was about three years older than you and a whole lot bigger. Tell me when you knew you wanted me.”

Jaxi nuzzled at his neck, her lips brushing his rough stubble. “I fell in love with you when you came to the school for the Professional Day talks. You told everyone all about how the ranch was managed, and the hard work and caring needed to keep the animals happy and everything. I decided right then and there I was going to be the one that helped you.”

His jaw dropped. “Jaxi, you must have been about ten years old when I gave that talk.”

She flashed him a gorgeous smile. “I told you I’ve loved you forever.”

He cradled her tenderly, enjoying their embrace. There was one last lingering concern he had to share. He had to start this marriage with a clean slate and somehow he’d never managed to bring it up while they were wooing. His chest tightened. “Jaxi, I’ve got to tell you. Travis and you and me. I mean, there was this one time…”

Jaxi wiggled back, her cheeks slowly flushing with colour. “Oh, shit.”

He narrowed his eyes. She looked guilty, but he was sure that was his own emotion reflecting back. “I have to confess the first time you touched me wasn’t the night after the pool hall. You kinda… Well, there was this time earlier when you hit on me.” He hurried to reassure her. “I mean you were out of it and nothing really happened. I don’t think you were aware you were with me.” He stuttered to a stop, not sure there was much else he could say.

Her face glowed red but her eyes twinkled with mischief. “Um, Blake, if you’re talking about the trip home from the Stampede? I knew it was you.”

A funny feeling tickled his stomach. “You knew?” Holy shit, she’d known all the time?

She licked at her lips and nodded. “I don’t remember much from the start, but suddenly it was like I woke up. Well, I wasn’t sure how I’d gotten into the situation, but there was no way in hell I was going to give up the opportunity once I had it.”

He stared at her. Unbelievable. “You are more trouble than anyone I’ve ever met in my life.”

Blake shook his head, and they both laughed, soft at first and then louder until he was lying flat on his back beside her.

When they finally calmed and he wiped the tears from his eyes, he noticed the time. “Damn, we’ve got to get ready.”

Jaxi stood slowly, biting her lip. Blake swung around and wrapped his arms around her waist, keeping her close as he sat on the bed.

“I’m sure it’s done by now,” Blake teased.

Jaxi leaned into him as he kissed her belly. “I can’t believe you woke me early to pee on a stick. Just remember I already told you the answer.”

Blake followed her into the tiny bathroom, crowding against her back. He dropped his chin to her shoulder as she lifted the small white indicator.

“What’s it say?” He kissed her neck. Couldn’t stop touching her.

“It says you owe me a trip to Calgary to buy maternity clothes like I already told you last week.”

Blake slipped his hands over her still flat stomach, imagining how it would feel round and heavy with their baby. All the doubts, all his worries were a thing of the past.

The future was feeling mighty fine.

Jaxi looked at the community people gathered around, faces gleaming at them with delight. Blake’s fingers interlocked with hers as he led them firmly down the path toward the outdoor barbecue reception.

“You sure we need to stay for this?” Blake whispered in her ear. “’Cause I got plans.”

Jaxi poked him in the side. “We have a whole lot of tomorrows for sex but we’re only getting married once. Behave.”

Blake grumbled under his breath. “I want to get to the good stuff.”

They were swept apart into a sea of well-wishers.

Everywhere Jaxi looked she saw family. Matt and Travis manned the barbecue with Mike, grilling a steady stream of thick steaks. Joel was in charge of the music, and she smiled as he raced to make sure everything was ready at the large dance area they’d built on the lawn. Jesse mixed drinks and flirted with the girls while he restocked the large ice-filled buckets with long-necked beer bottles. Marion, finally free of her cast, visited with Jaxi’s parents while Daniel hovered at her side.

Jaxi watched Blake as he spoke with their friends, laughing and receiving congratulations from their neighbours. Her heart filled with joy at the realization she was living her dream.

It wasn’t long before they were back together, swaying on the dance floor for a first dance. Jaxi slipped into his arms and sighed with happiness.

“You’re looking mighty sexy in them boots, Mrs. Coleman.” He twirled her a bit and let her skirt flare against his legs. “You going to tell me if you’ve got panties under that pretty little dress?”

“Of course, I’m wearing panties.” Blake’s face fell a little. Jaxi lifted a brow. “You going to pout because I wanted pretty undies to remember this day?”

“You’ll have plenty to remember it by without needing some bits of fluff and lace.”

She was sure she would, but still.

“Think of it this way. You enjoy unwrapping presents, don’t you?” Heat swelled between them, and Blake drew her closer, his fingers splayed possessively over the open keyhole in the back of her dress. She rested her head on Blake’s shoulder, dancing close and easy. She waited until he relaxed completely before she spoke again. “Of course, if you don’t want to unwrap I made sure nothing would get in your way.”

Jaxi counted slowly, aiming for ten. Before she’d reached five, Blake jerked for a moment, and they stumbled. He recovered in time to keep them upright but she’d felt the increase in his heart rate.

“You saying your panties have no crotch? Hot damn, are you trying to kill me right here on the dance floor?” He nudged his erection harder into her body. “Now we have to keep dancing until I can walk past my ma without blushing and embarrassing everyone.”

She laughed.

His voice, dark and husky, drifted over her skin like a caress. “There will be a price to pay.”

“I love paying my debts. You can strip-search me later.”

He stumbled again, and this time the laughter welled up from deep inside her until it burst out and flowed over them both. Swaying on the dance floor, family and friends all around, Jaxi felt the satisfaction she’d been working to achieve for so many years. She’d finally come home, and it wasn’t the land or the house or even the family she’d just joined.

It was Blake, and he was all the home she’d ever need.
