
While writing the Lords of Deliverance series, I realized just how important friends and family are. I’ve needed walks on the beach, house/kid/pet sitters, shoulders to cry on, and drinks… lots and lots of drinks.

Bonnie, you have no idea how much I appreciate you. Thanks for being there. You and Ziva have been lifesavers for me and Hexe.

I also need to thank Nancy Popour, who has been so awesome as well—I don’t know what I’d do without you!

Mom and Dude, thank you for being willing to drop everything at a moment’s notice to fly out here to help. Because of you, I’ve been able to attend conferences and go on vacations that have made a big difference in my professional and personal lives.

I also need to send thanks to my father-in-law, Mike, who has been willing to help out when needed, which is a huge relief, since my husband is gone so much.

Thanks also to the amazing ladies who belong to the Book Obsessed Chicks Book Club. I had a blast hanging out with you, so lots of virtual cupcakes to Jennifer, Terry, Nina, Holly, Penny, Denise, Francesca, and Kimberly Rocha!

And last but certainly not least, thanks to everyone at Grand Central Publishing for all the work you put into making these books the best they can be.
