This is by no means exhaustive, and some of these books I relied on extensively while some only provided helpful tidbits. I love to look up books and resources when I read historical fiction, and I thought it might be enjoyable for others to do so, too, if they wish.

Sjogren, Gunnar. Helena Snakenborg, 1973.

Bradford, Charles Angell. Helena, Marchioness of Northampton, 1936.

Bell, James. Queen Elizabeth and a Swedish Princess, 1926.

Gorges, Raymond. The Story of a Family Through Eleven Centuries: Being a History of the Family of Gorges, 1944.

Somerset, Anne. Elizabeth I, 2003.

Plowden, Alison. Elizabethan England: Life in an Age of Adventure, 1982.

Plowden, Alison. Elizabeth I, 2004.

Doran, Susan. Queen Elizabeth I, 2003.

Borman, Tracy. Elizabeth’s Women: The Hidden Story of The Virgin Queen, 2009.

Somerset, Anne. Ladies in Waiting, 2004.

Marcus, Leah S., Janel Mueller, Mary Beth Rose, editors. Elizabeth I: Collected Works, 2000.

Doran, Susan. Elizabeth I and Religion 1558–1603, 1994.

Doran, Susan. Monarchy and Matrimony: The Courtships of Elizabeth I, 1996.

Secara, Maggie. A Compendium of Common Knowledge: 1558–1603: Elizabethan Commonplaces for Writers, Actors & Re-enactors, 2008.

Sim, Alison. Pleasures and Pastimes in Tudor England, 2009.

Picard, Liza. Elizabeth’s London: Everyday Life in Elizabethan London, 2003.

Gristwood, Sarah. Elizabeth & Leicester: Power, Passion, Politics, 2007.

Doran, Susan. Mary Queen of Scots: An Illustrated Life, 2007.

Fraser, Antonia. Mary Queen of Scots, 1969.

Mattingly, Garrett. The Armada, 1989.

Arnold, Janet. Queen Elizabeth’s Wardrobe Unlock’d, 2001.
