
So many people helped this book exist. I owe my first, greatest debt to my husband, who put our then-baby to sleep every night while I worked on my new book — and then read pages and told me, “It’s good. You should keep going.” (And better yet, told me when it WASN’T good.)

I’m also grateful to my friend Amy, who read not-so-wonderful drafts and gave me wonderful comments; and to Ragan, who jokingly offered to design my cover when my book was inevitably published, then seriously offered to design my website instead. And to my other dear friends, who were surprised/amazed/thrilled/terrified that I had turned my hand to fiction. (Anna — I’ll be sure to dog-ear your copy, just like old times.)

These typed pages wouldn’t be a book without the tireless, limitless energy of my fantastic agent, Paige Wheeler; the faith and confidence of my editor, Alicia Condon; and the delightful serendipity of the 2009 Northwest Houston RWA Lone Star Contest.

Finally, thanks to my family, who is always proud of me, even when I don’t deserve it. I hope I deserve it this time.
