In Secret, Nick deals with the fear and isolation surrounding coming out to his family, while Quinn deals with a dangerous and abusive family environment. Though their stories are fictional, young adults all over the world are living with these same issues—and worse. I want all of my readers to be happy and comfortable and safe, but I know that’s not always the case. I know sometimes it feels like it may never be the case. Being a teenager means living with people who have control over your life: financially, emotionally, and sometimes physically. Many families are amazing and supportive. Unfortunately, many families are not.

I’m going to plagiarize Dan Savage here, but it gets better. I promise you, it gets better. Middle school and high school are full of your peers—but they can also be the most isolating years of your life. You’re not alone. I promise. There are many amazing people you have yet to meet, and they will change your life in the most amazing and unexpected ways. I don’t ever want a child or young adult or anyone to feel that no one cares, or that ending his or her life is easier than continuing to live it. Life is worth waiting for. Trust me. Even though it might not feel like it right now, the world is a huge place, and it’s waiting for you. You’re so important. Life gets better—a lot better.

If you’re distressed, if you’re in trouble, if you just need someone to talk to, here are some resources.

The It Gets Better Project—

The Trevor Project—

24/7 free confidential support: 866-488-7386

National Suicide Prevention Hotline—

24/7 free confidential support: 1-800-273-TALK(8255)

PFLAG: Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays—
