Brenna was so nervous, her knees were knocking. Since she was trying to drive her car, this wasn’t a good thing. Fortunately it was an automatic, and she didn’t have to worry about using a clutch.

“What on earth was I thinking?” she muttered as she turned onto the main highway. “I wasn’t thinking. Okay, I was, but with the wrong part of my brain.”

Actually, there was no excuse for what she’d done. She wasn’t even a guy, so she didn’t have the “little head” to blame for her poor decision. The night was going to be a disaster and she had no one to blame but herself.

She’d invited Nic to the party in part because she felt guilty, in part because her grandfather was driving her crazy and she wanted to act out against him, and in part because she wanted to spend some time in Nic’s company. Were those good reasons or bad reasons? Did it matter at this point?

And what about her family? Should she have warned her parents? Her sisters all knew and had been supportive, if Mia teasing her about still having the hots for Nic counted as support. She pressed a hand to her stomach to try to calm the uneasy rumbling that was the result of her nerves.

At least she looked good, she thought, trying to find a bright spot in the one-act spoof that was her life. Over the past couple of weeks she’d actually been too busy to eat, and, miracle of miracles, she’d lost a couple of pounds. So the sleeveless black sheath she’d wanted to wear had slid over her hips without a single whimper of protest. She’d chosen fashion over comfort and had borrowed a pair of impossibly high black strappy sandals from her mother’s department-store-sized collection. Mia had fussed with her hair, using a combination of mousse, gel, and hair-spray that gave her normally uncooperative hair lift and shape. A touch of makeup, a spray of perfume, and she was ready to go.

Except for the chorus line warming up in her midsection.

She turned from the road onto Wild Sea property. If only this didn’t feel so much like a date. Was it a date? It couldn’t be. She and Nic didn’t date. Some days they barely spoke. But she’d asked him to a party and she was picking him up in her car, so it looked like a date. Sort of.

She arrived at the house far more quickly than she’d wanted to. Once there, she didn’t have an excuse to linger in the car, so she forced herself to get out and walk to the door. She was shaking and hyperventilating. What the hell had she been thinking?

After knocking on the front door, she tried to calm herself. She was a mature adult who could handle any situation. She was-

Nic opened the door and smiled at her. Just like that, one smile and her brain went from al dente to mush. She couldn’t think, couldn’t speak, probably couldn’t breathe, although who cared about that? The man looked amazing.

Dark slacks, dark shirt, dress shoes, gleaming hair, freshly shaved cheeks, and a delicious glint in his brown eyes. Italian sex appeal at its very best.

While she was still trying to collect her synapses and force them into functioning, Nic leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “You look great.”

She swallowed and managed a smile. “Thanks. You, too.”

He held open the door and she stepped inside.

“I know I’m early,” she said as she clasped her hands together. “I was ready and I couldn’t stand the waiting. Plus I had to get away while I could. The place is complete chaos. Between the Grands trying to get the food ready at the last minute-because God forbid we should hire a caterer instead of just serving staff-my mom rearranging the flowers, and Grandpa Lorenzo changing his mind about the wine, I thought a timely escape the best course of action.” She glanced around the living room. “This hasn’t changed much, has it?”

“Not really.”

She tried to tell herself that the two of them being alone in Nic’s house after dark didn’t mean anything. She’d been here before when they’d needed lamps. Of course, that had been many years before, in the dead of night, and for the sole purpose of finally making love in a bed.

Best not to think about that, she told herself. Best to just study the furniture and pretend she was completely fine with her plans for the evening.

Nic watched Brenna’s gaze dart around the room. She looked nervous enough to jump out of her skin.

“You didn’t tell them about me coming to the party, did you?” he asked.

She sucked in a breath. “My sisters know. They’re all really excited about meeting you.” She smiled. “Between the motorcycle and black leather jacket, not to mention your reputation for being a troublemaker as a kid and a ruthless businessman now, you’re something of a legend in these parts.”

“I’m flattered.”

He led her to the sofa. While she sat, he crossed to the table by the window and poured them each a glass of Cabernet.

“Wine?” Brenna asked as she took the drink. She stood up and clutched it in both hands. “I guess it won’t hurt.”

“Are you going to be like this all evening?”

“What? Insanely tense? Maybe. Is that a problem?”

He studied her large eyes, the fullness of her mouth, then looked lower at the simple black dress that skimmed over her lush curves. He didn’t even get as far as her bare legs before he felt interest stir.

“Not a problem at all.” He touched his glass to hers. “To your sisters’ happy engagements.”

“To not throwing up on any of the guests.”

“Is that a real possibility?”

“I sure hope not.”

She held the glass up to the light and studied the color, then inhaled the fragrance. After swirling it around several times, she inhaled again.

“Brenna, just drink the damn thing.”

“What?” She glanced from the glass to him. “Oh, sorry.” She took a sip. “It’s lovely.”

“Now I know you’re really nervous. You never compliment my wines.”

“I know. I guess I should. Some of them are very nice.”

He winced. “Nice, huh? Maybe you’d like to be our spokesperson.”

She set her glass on the coffee table. “I’m sorry, Nic. I know tonight is going to be fine. I’m really glad I’m taking you.”

He waited for the “but” part of the sentence.

She sighed. “But I’m terrified. Silly, huh?”


“Do you mind if I pace?”

He waved his arm. “Feel free.”


She kicked off her sandals, then, barefoot, walked the length of the living room. “I’m a grown-up. I’m a capable person. My parents are going to be fine with this. We’re going to have a good time.”

“Who are you trying to convince?”

She looked at him. “You don’t look the least bit worried, so I guess just myself.”

He watched her resume her pacing. She crossed and uncrossed her arms, then paused by a window and stared out at the night. Her apprehension didn’t surprise him, but his reaction to it did. He would have thought he would be pleased by her discomfort, that this night would be a victory for him. Instead he felt badly for putting her in this position and he wanted to do something to make her feel better.

“Brenna, I don’t have to go,” he said before he could stop himself.

She turned to face him. “Oh, yes, you do. I’m prepared to bring you onto Marcelli land and have it out with my grandfather. I have no idea what’s going to happen with my parents, but my sisters are all waiting to watch the show. I have a bunch of crap in my hair just so I can look nice, and I’m wearing shoes that are going to cripple me. I didn’t do all that just so you can back out at the last minute. You’re going to the party if I have to drag you there by your ears.”

He chuckled. “All right, then. A gracious invitation like that is difficult to refuse.”

Her gaze narrowed. “You think this is all pretty funny.”

“I don’t think it ranks up there with war and pestilence.” He set down his wineglass. “You need to relax.”

“I can’t.” She held up a hand and watched as it trembled. “I’m shaking.”

He crossed to stand next to her and took her hand in his. After rubbing her fingers, he bent down and kissed the inside of her wrist. He could feel her rapid pulse fluttering against his lips.

“Maybe we should give you something else to think about,” he said.

Her eyes widened. “Nic, I-”

He waited, but she didn’t continue.

Truthfully, he hadn’t planned this. He’d been more focused on the party and seeing the Marcelli family close up than on spending the evening with Brenna. Now that she was here, he found himself mesmerized by the sweet scent of her body and the way her breasts rose and fell with each breath. She’d always been attractive, but tonight she was beautiful. Soft, vulnerable, all woman, and sexy as hell.

He could hate her, he could ignore her, he could even do his best to forget about her, but he’d been unable to stop wanting her. Just being close was enough to get him hard. As blood pooled in his groin, he moved in closer. She didn’t back away, not even when he lowered his head and kissed her.

Nic tasted of wine and temptation, Brenna thought when his mouth brushed against hers. It was a heady combination, one she didn’t think she could resist.

As their lips pressed together, she pulled her hand free of his and wrapped her arms around his neck. Okay, this probably wasn’t the smartest thing she could be doing right now, but leaning against him, kissing him, wanting him just felt too good.

She parted her lips and he swept into her mouth. The second his tongue brushed against hers, she felt her good sense sizzle into smoke and drift away. She lost herself in the heat that exploded between them. He’d always had the ability to make her body respond on the most primal level, and tonight was no exception.

She clung to him, wanting their bodies to touch as much as possible. At the same time she needed to explore, to remember, to feel all those magical things that had only happened with Nic. As he deepened the kiss, she moved her hands down his shoulders to his back. His was broader than she remembered. Stronger. Yet his muscles still clenched and released as she touched him. She traced his narrow waist and hips, then circled back to cup his rear. When she squeezed, he thrust his hips forward and she felt his erection.

He was hard and thick and the things he’d been able to do to her filled her mind. Her memory flashed pictures of them making love while her body remembered the pleasure. Every part of her ached as liquid desire pooled low in her belly. Her panties were already wet, her breasts swollen, and both she and Nic were wearing way too many clothes.

He cupped her face and broke their kiss. Before she could complain, he pressed his lips to her cheeks, her eyelids, then her jaw. After nibbling his way to her neck, he licked the sensitive skin behind her ear. Shivers danced across her skin.

He kissed his way down to her throat, where he paid homage to the hollow before kissing her chest, just above the neckline of her dress.

When she felt the slow slide of her zipper being eased down, she reached for the buttons on his shirt. She got three of them undone before she had to drop her arms to her sides so he could pull her dress off her arms and let it settle at her waist. The silky fabric barely paused before slipping to the floor, leaving her wearing nothing but panties and a bra.

Nic returned his attention to her mouth. He kissed her thoroughly, exploring her with a devastatingly erotic dance that left her boneless. Had she been in the mood to protest her undressed state, she was too occupied to speak a word. Not that she wanted to complain. Not when she felt his warm hands move from her waist to her breasts. Not when he cupped her curves through the lace of her black bra and brushed his thumbs against her already tight nipples.

Need spiraled through her. Her breath caught as she waited for the next sweep of his fingers, then the next. Had anything ever felt this good? Even as his touch eased the pressure in her breasts, need continued to build between her legs. She reached for the bra clasp and fumbled with the hooks. When she managed to unfasten them, she pulled off her bra, then grabbed Nic’s hands and placed them back on her body.

The flesh on flesh made her moan. He held her breasts in his palms and squeezed them gently. Long fingers explored her sensitive skin, then teased her nipples. He seemed to know exactly how she liked to be touched, how fast, how hard, how…everything.

This time when he broke the kiss, she caught her breath in anticipation. He bent his head and pressed his open mouth to her breast.

Wet heat surrounded her. He circled her with his tongue, then sucked her deeply into his mouth. Brenna held on to his head, holding him close, barely breathing as she concentrated on the pleasure spiraling through her body. He moved to her other breast and continued the dance. She felt him tug off his shirt.

When he pulled back and straightened, she opened her eyes. He was bare to the waist. His hair was mussed, his eyes were heavy-lidded with passion. As his hands reached for his belt buckle, she slipped off her panties. He unfastened his slacks, then took her hand and pulled her to the couch.

When he was seated, he shoved down his trousers and briefs, allowing his erection to spring free. Brenna sucked in a breath as she stared at him. At one time she’d known his body as intimately as she’d known her own. She knew what he liked to do, what he fantasized about, and how to make him come in less than fifteen seconds. Of course he knew the same things about her.

She liked being on top, she liked him playing with her breasts while he was inside of her, and most of the time she liked it slightly less than civilized. Had he remembered or was this just dumb luck on her part?

He reached for her hand and drew it to his mouth. But instead of kissing her fingers or her wrist, he bit down on the thick pad by her thumb. A silly thing that had always driven her wild. Shivers rippled through her. Damn him. He remembered everything.

Still watching her, he released her hand and grabbed her by the waist. She knelt on the sofa, straddling him. With their eyes locked and a part of her unable to believe this was really happening, she lowered herself onto him.

She was hot, slick, and more than ready. He was hard as a rock. He filled her completely, making her stretch to accommodate him, and before they’d even begun to move, she felt the first quivering promise of her release. So much for self-control. The only saving grace was the way his eyes dilated and his mouth stretched into a straight line. She wasn’t the only one barely hanging on.

Still watching him watch her, she shifted so that she could raise and lower herself. He cupped her breasts and rubbed her nipples. The combination was pure paradise.

Tension built from the inside out. She rested her hands on muscled shoulders that were as hard as the rest of him. As she moved up and down, she found herself falling into a rhythm that felt familiar and incredible. He pulsed his hips in time with her movements. When the pitch of her need increased, she tried to look away but couldn’t. Not even when the first deep contractions pulled at her.

She told herself to hold on, to make it last, to-

The shudder of her release made her cry out. She moved faster as her body convulsed around him, pulling him in deeper. More. There was so much more. He dropped his hands to her hips and urged her to keep moving, his body matching her pace, taking her through every ounce of her release.

It was only when the last muscle relaxed that he tightened his hold on her and groaned. She felt him push in as far as he could. He shook violently and closed his eyes, then was still.

Brenna tried to catch her breath. Aftershocks rippled through her as she lost herself in the sense of well-being that flooded her. Strong arms pulled her close. She nestled against Nic’s bare chest. His heat and familiar scent surrounded her. He stroked her back, slowly moving along the length of her spine. She smiled. Talk about amazing. Talk about-

Oh. My. God.

She sat up and stared at him. He had the contented expression of a well-pleasured man. One corner of his mouth turned up.

“Unexpected, but very nice,” he said.

Nice? Nice! What on earth had she been thinking? She and Nic had just had sex. Sex!

She closed her eyes and shifted so she could slide off him. When she was free, she curled up on the sofa, her bare butt against his hip and covered her face with her hands.

“Just shoot me now,” she muttered, wondering how things had gotten so out of hand so fast.

Nic placed his hand on her hip. “Look at the bright side,” he told her. “At least you’re not still worried about what your family is going to think when you show up with me.”

He had a point. Great. Not sure if she should cry or burst into hysterical laughter, Brenna stayed where she was. Maybe she could disappear into the fabric and never be heard from again. She didn’t plan to ever move again…right up until Nic leaned close and whispered, “It’s ten to seven. Want to get dressed and go to the engagement party, or stay here and do it again?”

For reasons that still didn’t make sense, she’d chosen the party. Brenna sat in the passenger seat of Nic’s Jag, smoothing her hands over her dress and trying not to think about how mussed she must look.

Five minutes in the downstairs bathroom had allowed her to repair her makeup and smooth her hair. Her dress wasn’t even wrinkled. She should have looked exactly as she had when she’d left the hacienda an hour before, but something was different. Maybe it was the sated, slightly stunned expression in her eyes, or the shape of her mouth-now swollen from Nic’s kisses. Or maybe it was the aura of guilt and stupidity surrounding her.

If the dashboard hadn’t been covered in such a lovely, soft leather, she would have banged her head against it in an attempt to knock some sense into herself. Sex with Nic? Could she have been more impulsive? She was no longer a starry-eyed teenager who still believed in happily ever after. She was a mature woman with a plan for her life. A plan that didn’t include screwing up an important business relationship.

She drew in a slow, steady breath. Time to be calm. Time to be one with the universe. Time to ignore the fact that her panties were soaked and that the trembling in her body no longer had anything to do with nerves.

Was anyone going to be able to figure out what they’d just done?

“You okay?” Nic asked.




She glanced at him. He looked calm and in control. How like a man.

“Want to talk about it?” he asked.

She shook her head. What was there to say? That she was sorry she’d lost control and given into the desire that seemed to always be on the fringes of their up close and personal encounters? Of course she was sorry…almost.

Just then he turned from the road onto the long driveway that led to the hacienda. Brenna stiffened. Sex or no sex, she’d just brought the enemy onto Marcelli land.

Nic pulled in behind a silver BMW. There were several dozen cars parked along the wide road. White lights hung from trees and illuminated the walkway up to the three-story hacienda.

He’d grown up only a few miles from this house, but his world couldn’t have been more different. How many times had he crept out in the early evening and made his way to the Marcelli home? How many nights had he hidden in the bushes and watched through the brightly lit windows, hungry for the family he’d seen living inside? They’d belonged to each other, and to a boy who had belonged to no one, their lives had been perfect.

When he and Brenna had met and fallen in love, he’d actually thought he might one day be a part of this. A part of them. Welcomed into the family as one of their own. He’d wanted that nearly as much as he’d wanted her. In the end he’d lost both.

He shook off the memories. He wasn’t that kid anymore. He was a successful adult who had a shot at owning all this. Not the house-he no longer cared about that-but the land and the name.

“For the first time in my life, I’m wishing for a few minutes with Grandma Tessa’s rosary,” Brenna murmured. She turned to him. “Ready?”

He nodded and stepped out of the car.

From where he stood, he could see the large tent filling the backyard. The sides had been rolled up, allowing the evening breeze to drift across the set tables. More lights crisscrossed through the trees. People stood in groups, talking, laughing, holding wineglasses, no doubt toasting the happy couples with the best Lorenzo Marcelli had to offer.

“This is all going to be okay,” Brenna said when he moved next to her. She glanced at him and gave a faint smile. “I’ll give you a tour later, if you’d like.”

“Will it include your bedroom?”

“Very funny.” She drew in a deep breath. “Let’s do this.”

He followed her toward the party-goers. The sound of music drifted to them, and as they neared the house, he spotted a dance floor set up in a garden. Two couples stood out in the swaying crowd. He recognized Brenna’s sisters-Katie and Francesca.

A uniformed young woman approached with a tray of drinks. Brenna took a glass of champagne, handed it to Nic, then snatched another for herself.

“If this is a small get-together for family and friends,” he said, “what does a big party look like?”

She gulped half her glass of wine. “I know. My mother doesn’t do things by halves, so that’s a problem. This time it was compounded by the fact that Katie is a professional organizer who specializes in giving parties for the rich and famous. It’s not a good combination if you’re going for small and intimate. I should warn you that dinner has about seventy-five courses.”

“Then I won’t fill up on hors d’oeuvres.”

She finished her champagne and set the empty glass on the edge of a garden planter. Nic took his first sip. Rather than admit he might be a little nervous at the prospect of meeting the Marcelli clan, he concentrated on the light scent and blend of bubbles and flavors in the sparkling wine. It was good. He tasted it again and decided that when he was in charge, he would expand production.

Brenna scanned the crowd. “Over there,” she said and linked her arm with his. “We’ll start easy and work our way up from there.”

He followed her gaze and saw her mother talking with an older couple he didn’t recognize. As they approached, Colleen Marcelli glanced over at her daughter, smiled, looked at him, and froze.

Her eyes widened, her mouth dropped open, and she nearly spilled her glass of wine. But as quickly as it had come, the shock faded. Colleen excused herself from the older couple and approached them.

“Oh, God, oh, God,” Brenna muttered. Her fingers tightened around his arm. “Stay calm. Just stay calm.”

He wasn’t sure if the instruction was for her or for himself. Either way it was good advice.

“Brenna,” Colleen said as she approached. “You look lovely.”

Brenna cleared her throat. “Thanks. Um, Mom, this is-”

“I believe I already know your friend.”

Nic braced himself for the attack. Colleen handed her glass to her daughter, took his free hand in hers, and studied his face. “I see a lot of your grandfather in you,” she said. “And your father. Do you go by Nicholas or Nic?”

He hadn’t expected the question. “Nic.”

“Well, Nic, this night has been far too long in coming.” She smiled. “We’re delighted to have you here.”

Then she leaned forward and raised herself on tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “Welcome.”

Her graciousness surprised him. “Thank you, Mrs. Marcelli. I want you to know I’m here as Brenna’s guest. Not to make trouble.”

“Colleen,” she said. “Trouble was the furthest thing from my mind.” Her expression turned wry. “I’ve always thought the feud between our families was pretty silly, although my father-in-law would disagree. Now that you’re here, I can’t help thinking this meeting is years too late. I’m sorry about that.”

“Not a problem.”

He spoke the words easily. She sounded sincere. As if she were sorry. Brenna had always said her mother was a warm and caring person. Until now, Nic had never believed her.

Colleen glanced through the crowd. “Now, where is my husband?”

As she turned to look at the people standing by the tent, Brenna finished her mother’s champagne.

“One down, the rest of the clan left to go,” she whispered. “Of course she’s going to want an explanation later. Any ideas on what I should tell her?”

“That you’re hot for my body and think nothing of seducing me at a moment’s notice?”

“Bite me.”

He grinned. “When and where?”

Brenna’s gaze narrowed, but before she could snap at him, Colleen reached for his hand again. “There’s Marco. Come along. I’ll introduce you.” She smiled at her daughter. “I won’t keep him long.”

Brenna waved her hand. “Keep him for as long as you want. I won’t mind a bit.”

He glanced back and mouthed “liar” as Colleen led him away to introduce him to their guests.

Marco Marcelli concealed his surprise better than his wife had, but he was just as gracious. Family friends from the area were obviously shocked to see him on Marcelli land, but they smiled politely. Nic figured there would be more than one midnight call about the party.

The grandmothers were reserved, Tessa Marcelli more so than Mary-Margaret O’Shea. Still, they welcomed him. Nic wondered if they would be so friendly if they knew that he and Brenna had once planned to run away together.

He knew what their reaction would be if they figured out he was going to use every means at his disposal to buy Marcelli Wines. But he understood that. If the situation were reversed, he would be just as furious.

Nic found himself an observer rather than a participant in the evening. He’d known about the Marcellis all his life. His grandfather had talked about the family, he’d run into them at local events, passed them in the post office. But except for Brenna, he’d never spoken to them. Now they were accepting him as one of their own.

He’d always seen them as the enemy. Funny how they were turning out to be just regular people.

“I’m Mia,” a young woman said, slipping between Nic and Colleen. “The youngest, the smartest, the most fun. And you’re Nic Giovanni.”

“I know.”

Mia grinned. Streaks of blond lightened her dark hair. She wore a strapless dress that barely came to mid-thigh and high heels that looked expensive and dangerous. Heavy makeup emphasized her big eyes and full lips. She was Lolita at eighteen.

Mia took his hand in hers and brought his arm around behind her so he rested his palm on her hip. “Everyone is talking, but then you expected that.”

“It’s not a big surprise.”

“You like making trouble.”

He thought about the trouble he and Brenna had made early that evening. “Sometimes.”

Mia placed her fingers on his chest. “All my sisters had wild crushes on you when they were growing up, even me. Of course, I’m the only one who will admit it.”

“I’m flattered.”

Her brown eyes crinkled at the corners. “But not shocked.”


“Do you have the hots for my sister?”

Before he could decide on a politically correct answer to a charged question, he heard a low murmur of voices behind him. He disentangled himself from Mia and turned to find Lorenzo Marcelli stalking toward him.

“Who let you in?” Lorenzo demanded. Anger and insult pulsed in every word.

Suddenly Marco was at Nic’s side. “Nic is a guest.”

Lorenzo moved closer. “He wasn’t invited. No Giovanni would ever be invited.”

“He’s with Brenna.”

A muscle twitched in the old man’s cheek. He muttered something in Italian, something Nic couldn’t catch or translate, then turned and moved away.

Marco put a hand on Nic’s shoulder. “You’ll have to excuse my father. He’s an old man. Very stubborn. For him the feud between our families lives on.”

Nic glanced at Lorenzo as he disappeared into the crowd, then turned back to Marco. “I’m glad you don’t agree with him.”

Marco smiled. “It was sixty years ago. I have trouble remembering last week.” He dropped his hand and held open his arm. “Here comes your date.”

Nic saw Brenna approaching.

“I heard the thunder of disapproval clear across the lawn,” she said. “Did he say anything awful?”

“Nothing unexpected,” Nic said. “I’m an intruder.”

“Termites are an intruder. You’re a welcome guest,” Marco told him. “We will have dinner soon. You’ll eat, you’ll talk, you’ll enjoy.”

Brenna smiled at her father. “You sound like Grandma Tessa.”

Marco winced. “Don’t tell me I sound like an old woman.”

He kissed her cheek and stepped away. Brenna pulled Nic to the edge of the crowd. “How’s it going? Is it too awful?”

“Everyone is being very gracious.”

“Except my grandfather.”

“I didn’t expect anything different.”

“Me, either. I wonder if he’ll fire me.”

Nic raised his eyebrows. “Are you serious?”

“No.” She sank into a chair. “He’ll be crabby for a few days, but nothing more. I saw my mom introducing you to people.”

“She’s been very nice.” He took the seat next to hers. “Mia said all your sisters had crushes on me.”

Brenna rolled her eyes. “Great. Like you need an ego boost. I gotta tell you, Nic, you’re not as hot as all that.”

He leaned close. “Yes, I am. Do I need to remind you what we were doing-”

She cut him off with a frantic shake of her head. “Don’t say anything. My grandmothers could hear. Do you know how completely creepy that would be?”

“Okay, I don’t want the old ladies knowing, either.”

She looked at him. “Is this too weird? Being here like this? I mean I never invited you before.”

Before. When they’d been desperately in love. When belonging had mattered as much as loving her.

“It’s not what I expected,” he admitted. “I didn’t think I’d like your family.”

“But you do?”

“Most of them.”

Not that his feelings would make him change his mind about buying. Liking or not liking didn’t affect business decisions.

Katie and her fiancé joined them. Nic listened to the conversation more than he participated. Most of his attention was captured by the lands around the hacienda. The sun had fully set and most of the view was in shadows, but he could make out rows of vines stretching into the distance.

Behind them were the winery buildings, and the tasting room beyond that. Marcelli Wines was smaller than Wild Sea. Smaller, but more prestigious. Once they were a part of his holdings, he would have achieved everything he wanted. He would be the best. It was all here, within his grasp.

Dinner was the blur of courses that Brenna had promised. Colleen had rearranged the seating, putting Nic on her right and Brenna next to him. Lorenzo was at a different table, with his back to them.

“Save room for dessert,” Brenna said, leaning close to speak in his ear. “The Grands outdid themselves with this amazing cake they make. The cream filling is probably illegal, it’s so good.” She sighed. “I’ve been living here since March. I don’t dare get my cholesterol checked. As for dieting, forget it.”

His gaze dropped to her breasts, and he instantly remembered them bare and filling his hands. The memory expanded to include the sight of her, naked, flushed with need and riding him with an abandon that had left him so hard, he practically winced with pain. As far as he was concerned, there wasn’t a damn thing wrong with her body, except that it was too clothed and they weren’t alone.

He reached for his wine. The full-bodied Cabernet did nothing to stop the flow of blood south. In three seconds he was shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

He still hadn’t figured out how making love with Brenna fit in with his plan. His first thought had been that while it had been great, they probably shouldn’t do it again. But on second thought…

He reached for her hand and slid it across his thigh until her fingers encountered his erection. She looked at him, her eyes wide, her mouth slightly parted.

“What’s that all about?” she asked in a whisper.

He pressed his lips to her ear. “You naked, riding me to hell and back.”

She swallowed and pulled her hand free. “We can’t talk about this. My mother is right next to you.”

“I know. That makes it more exciting.”

She reached for her water glass. “You’re nothing but trouble.”

He leaned close again. “Tell me you’re not wet and I’ll shut up.”

She took a drink of water, deliberately turned her back, and started speaking with the man on her other side. Nic chuckled. While Brenna was pretending to ignore him, he ran his finger down her spine. He was rewarded by a slight shiver and goose bumps breaking out on her arm.

Nearly an hour later, as the plates were being cleared, Marco stood up. The crowd quieted. He picked up a microphone from a stand by the table and walked to the front of the tent.

“I would like to thank all of you for coming to help our family celebrate. Engagements and weddings are always special, but Italian weddings”-he grinned-“they’re events.”

Everyone laughed.

“The Marcelli family has a long, proud history.”

Marco outlined the founding of the winery, omitting any reference to the connection with the Giovanni family or the feud that had occurred. As Nic listened, he glanced at those in attendance. Lorenzo had turned his chair to face his son, but never glanced in Nic’s direction. Mia winked when he caught her eye and Katie smiled. Even Grandma Tessa raised a glass of wine in his direction.

His plan to buy Marcelli Wines had been born nearly ten years ago. Except for Brenna, the Marcellis had been faceless enemies. He’d never connected them with people he might come to know.

He told himself nothing had changed. So what if he’d met them? Was he going to walk away from years of hard work just because he’d been treated well at a party? He was a man who went after what he wanted, and he wanted Marcelli Wines. End of story.

But he had the uneasy feeling that despite his conviction, something had changed. Something he couldn’t define or even explain.

He shook off the thought and returned his attention to Marco.

“My daughters, Katie and Francesca. I would ask that you raise your glasses to toast them and the fine men they will marry. To my-”

A loud gasp from Colleen silenced him. Beside him, Brenna turned to see what had shocked her mother.

“I can’t believe it,” she said with delight and got to her feet. “He’s here.”

Nic frowned. He saw a man walking toward the gathering. He was tall and casually dressed, with a duffel bag slung over one shoulder.

Brenna walked toward him, which got Nic on his feet and moving toward her. The man stopped in the light of a hanging lantern. Nic knew he’d never seen the guy before, but his features were oddly familiar.

“Seems like my timing is off,” the stranger said to Brenna as she approached.

“Only if you weren’t planning on making an entrance.”

She was smiling and happy. Nic glared. So who the hell was this asshole and how did he know Brenna?
