As soon as Kellen had left to save Shade from his rescuer, Owen shut the door and turned toward Lindsey. He knew Kellen could be a bit intimidating if one didn't know him. Owen was sort of glad he'd been drawn away for a moment so he could speak to Lindsey on a more personal level. He wanted her to be able to relax. Her elevated breathing rate led him to believe she was far more nervous than she was letting on. He knew from experience how exciting it could be to no-holds-barred fuck a stranger, but it could also be awkward and a little frightening. Especially in a situation where one woman mixed with two rowdy guys.
"I don't want you to feel like you have to do anything you don't want to do," Owen said, scraping the Santa hat off his head and trying to smooth his hair into place. He’d forgotten he was still wearing the festive accessory. And there was nothing Santa-like about the gifts he was about to bestow on sweet Lindsey.
"Are you kidding?" she said, with a laugh. "You have no ideas what sort of dirty thoughts I was having while watching you on stage."
"Yeah, well, were just a bunch of regular guys, who happen to make music that a lot of people enjoy."
"You're also all fuck-hot."
Owen smiled. He never tired of the ego boosts. Sometimes he wondered how he'd ever lived without them before fame had knocked at his door. "You're fuck-hot too, Lindsey."
She inched closer, until she was standing directly in front of him. Her succulent breasts were inches from brushing his chest. He was well aware that Kellen had instructed him to get her ready and was probably anticipating her to be naked and massaged into submission by the time he got back, but Owen needed a few minutes to get to know a girl before he stripped her of her clothes and got down to business. Just a minute. "So, Lindsey, what do you do for a living?"
"Investment banker. Well I just started, actually. First job out of college. I kind of suck at it so far. I don’t have good instincts when it comes to picking stocks."
“I figured with a body like that you’d be a model."
She lifted an eyebrow at him. So she wasn’t buying his lines. Moving on to plan B. “Why did you follow the tour bus tonight?”
"I have a fuck-it list. You've always been at the very top of it."
"A fuck-it list?"
"Yeah, my friend, Vanessa, and I made a list of the top three guys we'd most want to fuck. There’s you and Kellen, and some soccer player who I can’t recall the name of at the moment."
"I'm ahead of Kelly on your list? I know how much he drives the girls wild."
Her cheeks went pink. "He's close second. Almost a tie."
"Well, just so you know what to expect, Kellen won't fuck you," Owen said.
Lindsey's brows drew together. "Isn't that why he invited me here?"
Owen shook his head. "No. I'm not saying he won't touch you, but when it comes to the actual act, he never goes that far.” Or he hadn’t since Sara had gone. All these girls who got Kelly’s blood pumping at first sight had Sara’s same blue-eyed, innocent look about them. Owen wondered if Kelly realized how transparent he was.
Lindsey's jaw dropped. "He's a virgin?"
Owen laughed. "Well, I wouldn't call him a virgin. He's very discriminate with where he puts his cock." He grinned at her. "But not his tongue."
Lindsey shuddered.
"I, on the other hand, will totally fuck you."
"Thank God." She giggled. "So are we going to do this now or wait for Kellen?"
"It's a long ritual for him, you know. I thought maybe you'd like to talk for a bit. He gets rather intense."
"It's a ritual?" She glanced at the door. "Like, what do you mean? I’m not a virgin if he’s thinking I’d make a good sacrifice to the gods."
Owen shook his head. "No, nothing like that. He thinks sex is some sort of spiritual connection with the earth. That the body is the gateway to a person's soul. That the right connection between two people during sex can become a religious experience. That's why he only goes so far. It’s far more personal for him than most guys.” Which was partially the truth and partially a way to protect his friend’s still wounded heart from questions Lindsey might ask. “Do you think it's weird?" Because if this woman was critical of Kelly in any way, Owen would show her to her snow-covered car in an instant.
"Not weird," she said. "Interesting. So if a woman was to get him to fuck her..."
"I think he'd love her forever." Owen chuckled. "Don't get your hopes up, doll. He’s not ready for love just yet. We will make you feel wonderful though."
Lindsey placed her palms flat on his chest and looked up at him. "I'm ready for whatever you have in store for me."
He circled her back with both arms and tugged her forward to hold her loosely against his chest. Her entire body was quaking. As he'd suspected, she was far more confident in words than in actions. Owen stroked her back gently and brushed gentle kisses against her hairline. When Kellen returned there would be no time for tenderness and while what he did with Kellen made his balls throb just thinking about it, he liked a little connection with his bed partners before he got naked. Lindsey rubbed her face against his neck, her lips finding the pulse point in his throat. She placed a wet, tugging kiss on that sensitive spot and the sensation shot straight to his balls. Okay, he admitted it. It really didn’t take much to seduce him.
Lindsey’s soft breasts warmed against his chest.
"Can I take your shirt off?" she asked. "I want to feel your bare skin against mine." She didn't take her eyes off his as she reached for the hem of his T-shirt. "Owen," she whispered. She removed his shirt and released an excited breath as her gaze roamed his inked chest and the barbells in each nipple. "Your body is even hotter than I imagined."
Owen grinned. Unlike Kellen, he wore a shirt most of the time, but he worked out just as hard as his friend to keep his muscles tone and cut for the ladies.
Lindsey plastered herself to his chest. The heat of her skin permeated his thoughts until all he could think about was warm, soft, female flesh and being buried balls-deep inside it. He flattened both palms over her back and tugged her against him so that her full breasts pressed into his chest. Kellen was going to flip out when he saw how endowed she was. He would have turned her body into a work of art no matter her shape or size, but they both liked the way ropes looked when they dug into a full pair of tits.
What was taking Kellen so long anyway?
Owen began to massage Lindsey's back, kneading her muscles until she melted like butter against him. "I think Kellen wants to help me with this part," Owen said.
"With what part?" Lindsey lifted her head to look at him. She looked tranquil. She wouldn't be looking that way for much longer.
"Preparing your body."
"Oh my body has been prepared since the moment you walked out on stage tonight, Owen."
He chuckled low in his throat. "I honestly doubt that."
The door handle turned and Owen took a step back, drawing Lindsey deeper into the room with him. Kellen smiled when he closed the door behind him.