Chapter 4

Sam tensed and fisted the sheets of the bed as Clementine rubbed against his erection. The way she gazed at him and called him dessert sent all his blood rushing to his cock. It throbbed, trapped behind the zipper of his jeans. He hadn’t taken a lover in months and all those pent up urges suddenly roared to life.

Her veil of innocence vanished as a spark of mischief twinkled in her eyes.

She unclipped her bra and tossed it to the floor with her torn t-shirt, setting her perfect handful-sized breasts free. Rosy pink nipples perked in the cool air, her pale skin flawless.

He sucked in a breath. His inner beast howled as a wave of her scent rolled over him. Clementine stirred his animal nature. After months of uneasy quiet, his beast responded to this vampire like she was more than a packmate.

Taking slow, deliberate breaths, he calmed his beast. She’d be theirs. No point in tearing the rest of her clothes off and scaring her away. Delicate creatures like Clementine needed caressing, not crazed animal fucking. The muscles in his back and arms twitched with the effort to not pin her to the bed until the beast finally retreated. Just a little. But enough. He rested his head back on the mattress and reached for the bouncy temptations of her breasts, wanting to twist those little buds until she panted for more.

A sharp slap to his hand stopped him. “Ouch.” He jerked his hand back. Her strength and speed were more than he would have guessed, but then again, she’d tossed him on the bed like he weighed nothing when she’d fed from him. That was sexy as hell.

“I didn’t give you permission to touch me.” Her sweet smile transformed into something more sensual.

He grinned back, enjoying this side of his new bedmate. Resting his hands behind his head, he relaxed into the pillows. “I might like this game.” His beast remained close to the surface, waiting to pounce and play with the half-naked vamp. A growl rumbled within his body. “For now.”

“I don’t play with my food.” She grabbed his t-shirt and pulled it over his head with one swift motion. “I devour it.” Licking a solid line along the center of his chest, she trailed her hard nipples over him as well.

Desire flared hot as his head was jerked back by her hand tangled in his hair. The sting of her delicate fangs triggered his balls to clench. He moaned. Pain and pleasure made sex a sharper experience. It drew him into the moment, setting his worries aside, and kept him there. Living in the now, hot and sweaty.

He ran his hands along her back, his vixen too entranced by blood to reprimand him. The erotic touch of her lips on his neck was like nothing he’d experienced. Daedalus was the only vampire who’d fed from him prior to tonight. Nothing sexual in that bite.

She tugged at his hair with one hand while caressing his shoulder with the other. Her bite more tender than predatory.

Relaxing into her embrace, he fluttered his eyelids closed. Ever since Katrina’s old pack had attacked their home six months ago, he hadn’t taken a female to his bed. He’d been pretty carefree with his partners, but didn’t have the time to waste anymore. He needed to prove to his friends, and to himself, that he took his role as Sigma seriously.

So, he took a backslide with Clementine. The sacrifice was worth it.

“You taste better than I’d thought.” She eased her hold on him and trailed a line of kisses along his jaw. The soft brush of her lips, her words, lit a hole in his chest he hadn’t been aware existed. “I’m going to do terrible things to you, Sam,” She whispered close to his ear.

A shiver ran down his spine. “Promise?”

She laughed, the sound a little uncertain. “I’ll do my best.” Directing her kisses south, she moved over his chest, along his abs, and stopped just below his navel where she focused on undoing his pants.

Trying to keep his breathing even, he followed her progress, leaning onto his elbows the closer she came to his cock. He fisted her short, brown curls, a wild mess, and jerked her head up. “Let me.” With one hand, he unbuttoned his fly, then slipped the waist band over his hips. Cool air slid over his hard-on, his need to sink into the warmth of Clementine’s pussy peaked into a commanding urge.

Stroking his cock with her small fingers, she traced the veins running over his shaft. “Are all shifters generally this thick?”

He groaned and arched into her ministrations. “I couldn’t tell you.” Fuck, she knew all the right things to say. He chuckled; of course she did. She was probably a hundred times more experienced than him and four times his age.

Sighing, he rolled his eyes. “Don’t play coy with me.”

She jerked her hand away, a deep red flush spread across her cheeks right to the tips of her ears.

Frowning, he wanted to kick himself in the ass for wrecking the mood. He tilted his head to the side. “You’ve never been with a shifter?”

“No. Where would I have met one? Pal Robi is all vampires with a few human employees.”

He aimed a rolling growl at her, almost purr-like. “A virgin?” He already knew the answer, but needed to return the confidence he’d stolen from her, especially if he wanted her hands back on him.

“Hardly.” She gripped his dick tight, the flare of determination in her narrowing eyes. With deliberate grace, she arched over his cock, her mouth hovering at his tip, and then at a leisurely pace she grazed the sharp edge of her fangs over his pulsing shaft.

He couldn’t look away. Oh shit. Not while she used her teeth to scrape along his sensitive flesh. “Be nice.”

Warm lips sealed tight around him. At an achingly slow pace, she slid him deeper into her mouth. Deeper still, until her throat engulfed him, then she swallowed. The fine muscles convulsed around him, squeezing tight.

Sam flung his head back, digging his heels into the mattress. “Fuck. Yes.” Something could be said for talent.

She stroked him in and out of her mouth, sucking him closer to the edge. The combination of soft tongue and sharp teeth had him at Clementine’s mercy. He’d have promised her anything to have her never stop.

She tugged his jeans off and squeezed her slim body between his thighs, cupping his balls in a firm grip.

He looked down, watching his cock slip out from between her wet lips. “More.” He wasn’t beyond begging.

* * *

Clementine loved the blazing unspoken demand in Sam’s eyes. She grinned at his plea. “Not yet.” Fear never tainted his sensual musky scent. If anything, her fang play seemed to excite him more.

She allowed her fingers to linger over the pulse in his groin. “Would you like me to bite you here?”

He swallowed visibly. “Yes.” His smooth skin appeared untouched where she sensed his blood pulsing through him. He really told her the truth about never having a vampire lover. She’d fed enough to quench her need, but his taste was addictive. His blood was so full of strength and power that it thrummed through her body.

With precise aim, she pierced his femoral artery. His blood flowed once more. The flavor differed from humans. It filled her weak body, healing her, replenishing all the blood she’d lost. And all from two bites. This third was a bonus.

No wonder Daedalus bemoaned the loss of pack alliances from the old times.

Sam undulated his magnificent body on the bed. Moans escaped him as he clung to the pillow under his head. She stroked his cock faster, his hips moving in time with her. This passionate male inspired naughty ideas. He’d held her down to the bed before, an example of his potency in comparison to her unnatural strength. He wouldn’t be easy to tame.

She released him and held pressure on his wound. It sealed quicker than a mortal’s.

“You’re killing me.” He spoke between heavy breaths.

Her dead heart fluttered and she rose to her knees. “Did I take too much?”

A deep, sensual laugh was his answer. The sound wrapped around her like a mink coat. “Not that kind of death.” He sat up and pulled her onto his lap and claimed her mouth. Forceful lips parted hers as he thrust his tongue inside, and strong hands clasped her head so he could devour her like a beast. He rolled on top and pinned her to the mattress with his solid body, tearing her pants from her hips.

This wasn’t supposed to happen. She wanted control. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she went to roll him off, but Sam had other ideas.

He pushed inside her pussy with a single hard thrust.

She cried out. The burning stretch left her bereft of thought. Pressing her body against his, she almost lifted them both off the bed. “Oh my God.”

He growled, not like the sexy noises he had tossed at her. This one contained an edge of threat. He rode her hard and fast.

Pain flamed from her shoulder as he returned her bite, his teeth and jaw made for crushing, not piercing. She clawed at his ass, needing all of him inside of her. Where had her control gone?

Releasing her shoulder, he lifted himself off her body. With little effort he pinned her arms over her head. She’d underestimated him. Young shifter didn’t equal weak shifter. Note made.

Stealing another kiss, he drove into her without mercy, giving her no quarter to move.

Something unknotted inside her, snapping loose a hidden secret. Pleasure from its awakening rose inside her as her shifter rode her in crazed passion.

Grunting with each stroke, he never released her mouth.

She preferred dominating her males. She needed that power to own them, rule them. None had been shifters, though. None of them Sam.

Ecstasy crashed over her.

He swallowed her cries as the wave of her climax sent her spiraling, unaware of anything else but this male.

The world returned one sensation at a time. Huge male crushing her, his musky scent infusing the air, his tender kisses pressed to her neck, his hand cupping her breast.

“Oh dear God.” How did she express the best-sex-ever without inflating his head to humongous proportions?

An arrogant chuckle told her it was already too late. He trailed his fingers between her breasts, holding her down a little longer, a small reminder of his superior strength.

Her gut knotted up and she pushed against his shoulders. “We should get ready to leave. My master will be here soon.” She budged him a few inches, but he settled back on top of her.

Silken kisses continued along her jaw toward her ear. “I want more.” Warm licks tickled her earlobe.

Squirming in his arms, she wiggled as the delicious sensation assaulted her diminishing control. “Sam, it’ll be dawn soon.”

With an exaggerated sigh, he rolled off.

She wiped the hair from her face with shaky hands. “Pushy jerk.”

He lay on his side next to her, a crooked smile on his face. “If you keep calling me pet names, I might start thinking you care.”

She couldn’t pry her gaze from him, all masculine power and solid muscle. He moved with the grace of a predator and fucked like one too. She leaned her face on her hand, and to her horror, she sighed. All the tension she’d carried for weeks had melted away in a flash of shifter passion. “You’re not what I would’ve expected.” She sat on the edge of the bed and stretched.

“What do you mean?” The bed shook as Sam moved closer to her, his breath hot on her shoulders.

She shrugged, doing her best impression of nonchalant while her insides quivered at his presence. “Everyone at Pal Robi has heard of Daedalus’s pet project, the Omegas, but I thought that referred to a weak pack. You don’t seem weak.”

“Ah.” His hands snaked around her waist. “The original members of the Omegas all live together with Daedalus and Sugar. We were all omegas of different packs once, but we’ve grown into more over the past years.”

“Under my master’s guidance.”

“Yeah, I guess he helped.”

“You should be careful of making Daedalus your enemy. I’ve known him a long time and he always wins.” She glanced over her shoulder at him and resisted shaking him.

“I’m not the one with the grudge, sweetheart.”
