Chapter Seven

The ship moved easily as the morning tide turned, and a small yawn escaped as she stood waiting to say goodbye. She was tired in places she didn’t think ever got tired, but wallowing in satisfaction made the lack of sleep all worthwhile.

Kallen leaned in and kissed her. Thoroughly. With enough heat to make her toes curl. At her back, Matt cleared his throat and she couldn’t stop from giggling. Kallen smiled against her lips, and suddenly the passion faded into good solid friendship—the main thing she felt for the man.

“He’s very possessive,” Kallen complained.

Laurin winked. “Sharing me is one thing the shaman doesn’t do easily. Didn’t you notice that? He totally steals the covers as well.”

“Hey, you two.” Matt surrounded her with his warm arm and Laurin sighed with contentment. Boxed between two men who cared for her—how could she feel anything but ready to take on the world?

Kallen leaned closer and whispered in her ear. “We would have been good together, but you and he are better than good. You are in balance.”

A shiver stroked her skin. Enough with the omens. She laid a hand on his cheek and gave him a final quick kiss. “I’ll miss you, Kallen. Be safe—and when we come east, we’ll stop and see if there is anything we can do to support you against your brother.”

The air shifter nodded, his eyes sparkling at her before he turned to face Matt fully. He bowed formally, then grasped hands like kin. “When you stand in need of me, I will return. Or…” his gaze darted back to roam over Laurin’s body and she blushed, “…if you ever wish to play some more, I’m available.”

Matt pushed him on the shoulder, grinning good-naturedly. “Go on. Find your place, but know you are always welcome in our home.”

Kallen stripped off the shorts he’d borrowed, raising his brows briefly in Laurin’s direction before shifting and rising on silent wings into the air. She tucked under Matt’s arm and listened to the sounds of the ship, the noises of the ocean and wind making the ropes sing. Waves splashed against the Stormchild’s sides in a rhythmic pulse that matched the timing of Kallen’s wings in motion. Sunlight sheered off him, and they watched without speaking until his giant eagle form disappeared from sight.

Laurin was going to miss him. Strange how quickly they’d become friends. It wasn’t just the sex, as intimate and wild…and totally exhausting as it had been.

“Regrets?” Matt asked softly, his fingers caressing the back of her neck as he nestled her body against his.

She shook her head.

“You could have ruled the mountains with him.”

That wasn’t an appealing thought. “Too much like work. The air clans are all about power and hierarchy. You people of the sea know how to play more. And besides, he’s right—you and I—we bring balance.”

Matt turned her to face him. “You to me, and I to you. But I think it’s even bigger than just between us. Our people are going to benefit from the lessons we can share. It’s been too long since the air and the water shifters have worked together.”

Laurin laughed. “Some of the lessons are going to come as a shock.”

He grinned and nodded. “We’re still planning to go to visit your people in a few weeks, correct?”

“Of course. I think we should stop in at the Assiniboine tribe first though, and cast our support behind Kallen’s leadership.” It felt wonderful to be certain of at least a few things. “I’m not sure what we’ll find, but I now believe that whatever I am supposed to do there, you’re supposed to be a part of it.”

He stroked the back of his knuckles against her cheek. “I’ll go anywhere you need me to.”


She led him toward the wheelhouse. A sudden thought struck her. “Wait a minute. Kallen said he’d return when we stand in need of him? What was that about?”

His gaze heated. “Remember your science, teacher.”

She shook her head. Nothing came to mind.

When he reached for her and cupped a breast in his hand, his lips descending to tease and nibble on her neck, she still wasn’t sure what he was talking about, and she was growing less interested in finding out. Laurin returned his advances, attempting to bring their mouths back in contact. He laughed at her, eluding her attempts.

“Still not sure? When we want to start a family, we have some twisted magic to perform—air and water combined. And Kallen can act as our third.”

Laurin froze. “You’re… Oh my God, you’re right. That’s true.”

She couldn’t get pregnant right now. Didn’t want to get pregnant yet. But someday… Wild images from the previous night poured through her mind. Bodies tangled, the dual possession. Four hands caressing, two mouths teasing her passions higher.

Matt groaned and clutched her close. “Hell, woman, you’re doing it again. Making me see all the dirty things I want to do to you.” He grabbed her hand and forced it against his groin, and she grinned at the obvious power she held.

“Not dirty. Passionate, and perhaps creative. Exactly what I need and want.”

He grabbed her by the butt and a gasp escaped her lips as he manhandled her against the door. His strong body forced her back, his arousal a clear and solid temptation as he ground against her. She countered by building a scenario in her mind. Her, naked on the bed. Rolling to her knees and reaching between her legs. She highlighted his entrance to the room and poured a healthy dose of what she felt for him. The lust and the desire, of course they were a part of it. But more importantly, the love, and unending need for his presence in her life.

She packaged it together and then let it free. Her magic flared around them, hitting him solidly. His head fell back slightly and he groaned, receiving her gift, her passion.

Accepting her.

As well as accepting all the crazy things that went along with being partnered together. His responsibilities to the People of the Sea would constantly change, as wild and far-reaching as the ocean itself. Of her future amidst the air shifters—she had no idea what to expect.

They’d face it together.

His hands shook as he stroked her body, dragging his hands up her torso until his fingers were buried in her hair. Matt tugged her face up to meet his gaze full on.

He spoke, the words inducing a shiver up her spine at the need in them, the dark hunger barely contained. “I love you. All of you. With all of me.”

Laurin drew from deep, deep inside her to confess the truth. “My life would be so much less if I hadn’t met you.”

His face lit up. “Through the storms and the peace, I’ll stay with you.”

She nodded rapidly, choked with emotion. She had to say it—had to let him know. “Matt—you bring me balance.”

The ship rocked under them, but his grasp on her body kept them upright. They both smiled, joy filling up to the top and overflowing. The wind picked up, singing through the high wires, rattling the lines and the sails. Laurin’s hair whipped around her face and she pulled it back.

Matt brushed his lips against her cheek then pushed her lightly toward the stern to start the chores that had become second nature to her with practice. She watched him for another second, admiring his smooth gait forward. His lingering glance over his shoulder in her direction heated the warm spot in her heart like a glowing ember.

They moved silently, working as a team. Tightening straps, pulling in anything that could be lost if the storm raged too hard. Then they retreated below to the compact cabin. It was more than enough—the place filled with memories from the past months. Filled with hopes for the future. Laurin tilted her head toward the forward berth and Matt grinned as he crowded her into the tiny space. They stripped off each other’s clothing before their lips and bodies moved together in a perfect harmony. Outside the Stormchild the seas turned rough, rocking the ship. She was solid enough to withstand the challenge—well-enough built to face even an unexpected storm or two.

Laurin felt the connection, strong, wild. This time it was Matt’s magic that filled her, overwhelmed her. Brought her to the place that she knew she never wanted to leave. In the center of any storm, she’d found the place she belonged. With Matt—somewhere between both their peoples. One day, one adventure at a time.
