Chapter Eight

That had been incredible. Actually, it had gone way beyond incredible. Braelyn lay beneath Skylar, stroking his back as her breathing slowly returned to normal. Making love to him had been the best sex of her life. And as he’d promised, his cock was still hard, buried deep inside her after climax.

Besides being the best she’d ever had, she also hadn’t missed the something that had passed between them just before they’d reached orgasm. It almost felt as if a part of her had touched a part of Skylar, and then wouldn’t let go. Whatever had happened, it made Braelyn feel even closer to him. The word love rose inside her head, but she quickly pushed that away. It was too soon, and it had to be the great sex they’d shared that would have brought those thoughts to her.

Skylar kissed her forehead and pumped his hips in shallow strokes. She moaned when a wave of pleasure shot through her. “More?” She shivered when he buried his face into the crook of her neck and gently nipped her.


Braelyn gasped when he pulled out of her and flipped her onto her stomach. His hands placed on her hips, he urged her onto her hands and knees. Still at her side, he reached under and fondled her breasts. Just like that, she because fully aroused.

She moaned when he shifted to kneel behind her and stroked his cock against the outside of her pussy. Braelyn lifted her hips, wanting to feel the length of him slide inside her. When he pushed against her, she rubbed herself along the head of his cock. Skylar made another one of the growling sounds he’d done the first time they’d made love. The animalistic noise did nothing to kill her libido. If anything, it increased it.

When he continued to tease her, she moaned, “Skylar, no more. I want you inside me. Now.”


Holding her in place, he positioned his cock at her entrance and pushed forward with one hard thrust. She let her head hang down as he rocked behind her, the position allowing her to take even more of him. In and out he stroked. Braelyn felt another climax quickly build. Unlike the first time, she didn’t feel the sensation of another part of them joining, but that didn’t mean she felt any less connected to Skylar.

His cock grew even harder inside her pussy as he thrust faster. The grip he had on her hips held her in place while he just about pulled all the way out of her body only to slam back in.

Braelyn cried out at the first flutter of her orgasm. She moaned, pushing back to meet Skylar’s strokes as she came, her pussy clutching at his cock, milking him to his release. With a loud groan, he stiffened and pushed into her one final time, his shaft pulsing deep inside her.

Skylar put an arm around her waist and rolled them both to their sides with him spooned around her. His cock hadn’t softened a bit. She pressed deeper into his embrace. “You might be able to keep going, but I need a breather.”

He chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “Rest. I don’t want to wear you out yet.”

Braelyn closed her eyes and relaxed against him. She’d take a little nap, then she’d be able to keep up with Skylar.

* * *

They made love, slept, and made love again. During the early evening, they broke that routine by ordering room service. But once the food was gone, Braelyn found herself back in Skylar’s arms again while he made her come. The man was insatiable. She lost count of how many times he reached climax without losing his erection. He could go for hours before it finally subsided. At the amount of calories she had to be burning, Braelyn didn’t think she’d have to watch her food intake with Skylar around. A good romp in bed would be all she’d need.

After the last time he’d made love to her, Braelyn had collapsed on the bed feeling as though she’d never move again. He’d taken her in every position imaginable. Her muscles felt like jelly, and she’d more than likely be walking funny the next day. Not that she regretted what she’d done to get in that condition.

Skylar must have sensed she no longer had the energy to make love one more time when he suggested they watch a pay-for-view movie offered through the hotel. Braelyn quickly agreed. The movie she chose was one that had vampires and werewolves in it. It was one she’d seen before, but Skylar hadn’t. Since she’d enjoyed it, Skylar had been pretty quick to agree with her choice.

Sitting naked in bed, propped up against Skylar while they watched TV, Braelyn couldn’t help noticing how critical he was of the werewolves in the movie. He made more than a few comments of “Yeah, right” and “That’s just plain stupid.”

After he did it for the fifth time, she turned her head to look at him. “I have to say I’ve noticed you’re quite critical when it comes to the werewolves, and yet you have nothing to say about the vampires. Is there a reason you’re so harsh when it comes to the shifters?”

Skylar’s gaze snapped to hers. “No reason. Why would I have one?”

“I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me? Do you have something against werewolves?”

“No. I actually like them.”

“So you’re just overly critical about this particular portrayal of them.”

“Well, some of the things are a bit farfetched, don’t you think? And why do they have to make them dumb beasts, hungering for the flesh of humans once they’ve shifted? And you can’t tell me all of them instantly become killers after being turned. Being a werewolf does not mean you end up having a personality adjustment and go crazy.”

Braelyn bit back a smile at Skylar’s rant. He had such a serious look on his face. “Listening to you, I would have to say you sound like some kind of werewolf expert.”

“I guess you could say that.”

“Oh, really now. And just where did you learn all things werewolf? Books, movies, or did you happen across a real werewolf and pick his brain?” Skylar opened and closed his mouth a few times as if he weren’t sure how to respond to her questions. Taking pity on him, she laughed. “The last part, about you meeting a real werewolf, was a joke. I know there isn’t such a thing as a werewolf.”

His face grew serious. “Since you’re the one that brought the subject up, let’s say werewolves were real. What would you think of them?”

She chuckled. “But they aren’t. It being a hypothetical question, I truly don’t know how I would react if I happened to come across one.”

“Okay, how about this? What if I were a werewolf and I kept it hidden from you? And say after you’ve gotten to know me better, I then reveal that secret. Would your feelings for me change because of what I turned out to be?”

“All right, I’ll play along.” She took a few seconds to think it over as she gazed at Skylar. He wore an expectant look on his face, as if how she answered would have some great meaning to him. “Okay, if you turned out to be a werewolf and could shift into some kind of half human/half wolf bloodthirsty beast, it more than likely would freak me out.”

“What if my type of werewolf isn’t like the ones in the movie? What if I could control when I shifted, and when I did, I only shifted into a wolf?”

“Like the wolves in the wild?”


“Then I would have to say I’d more than likely be able to handle that better. It would be closer to you being a dog.”

Skylar looked at her indignantly. “A dog? My wolf does not compare to a mangy dog.”

She laughed again. “For a hypothetical werewolf, you sure are touchy.”

“Being referred to as a dog is a great insult to werewolves everywhere.”

“I’ll have to remember that. I wouldn’t want to insult the wrong werewolf and have him bite, thus turning me into one of his kind.”

With a frown, Skylar said, “A bite from a werewolf doesn’t turn a mortal. You have to be born a werewolf to be one. Or in some cases, know someone special that has more magic than the average werewolf and uses a spell. Then the mortal would be turned into a werewolf.”

It was Braelyn’s turn to frown. “Okay, now you have me a little worried here. You sound like one of the geeks from my high school that were really into role-playing games. That’s all they ever talked about, and listening to them, you would swear they thought it was real. They sounded like you, talking about their make-believe world as if it were true life.”

A panicked look crossed his face. “I…ah…” Right then, Braelyn heard the muffled sound of a cell phone ringing. Skylar quickly jumped out of bed and reached for his discarded jeans. “That’s mine.” Once he fished it out the front pocket and looked at the call display, he said, “I’ll take this in the bathroom so I won’t interrupt the movie. It’s my sister, Saskia.”

Braelyn watched Skylar walk into the bathroom, her gaze lingering on his muscled ass. Once he shut the door behind him, she heard the sound of his voice as he spoke to his sister.

She turned back to the TV, not really paying much attention to the movie. Skylar’s reaction hadn’t been what she’d expected. She’d thought he’d bluster a bit and try to prove in some way he wasn’t a geek. Panic. Not something she thought she’d ever see on his face. He was so sure of himself in an alpha male sort of way. And considering the topic of their conversation had centered on something that didn’t exist, she felt he might have overacted just a tad.

About ten minutes later, Skylar came out of the bathroom. He put his cell phone on the small table on his side of the bed and then climbed in next to her. When he saw her looking at him, he said, “As I said, that was my sister. She called to give me more details about a job I have to do tomorrow. Even though it’s a family business, she’s what you would call our boss.”

“I thought you said you have the next few days off.”

“I do, but since everyone else will be busy taking care of a sensitive matter, that only leaves me to pick up the slack. Actually, it’s a job both of us will be doing.”

“You want me to go with you when you do whatever you do while you’re protecting someone?”

“Yes. If I don’t…Let’s just say I’d be too distracted to do my job. I’d only want to get back to you.”

Braelyn couldn’t stop the smile that spread across her face, or the warm feeling she got inside when Skylar said that. She turned toward him and put her hand on his chest as she kissed him on the cheek. “In that case, I’d be more than happy to go with you. When do we have to do this job?”

He put his arm around her waist and held her close. “Late tomorrow morning. Roxie—the woman we have to watch over—lives not too far from the hotel. So I figure after we check out, we’ll pick her up and then go back to your parents’ place. You can change your clothes, then all three of us will go to my place.”

“Has Roxie been using your family’s protection services for very long? You must be pretty friendly with her if you would take her to your house.” Braelyn didn’t miss the jealous tone in her voice. Not normally someone prone to that emotion, she found when it came to Skylar she felt a small twinge of it.

Skylar chuckled and kissed her forehead. “We’ve been with Roxie for over a year now. And you have nothing to worry about. I’m all yours, babe. After what we’ve done inside this room, you’re my one and only. If it makes you feel any better, Roxie is married and is nine months pregnant with her first child. She’s due anytime now.” She pinched his nipple, hard. “Ouch. What was that for?” he asked as he rubbed the offended area.

“That’s for laughing at me,” she said. “So I’m jealous. I can’t help it.” Braelyn met his gaze. “This is probably too soon, but I do have to go back to LA in a week.” She took a deep breath and forged on. “I don’t want this to be over after I leave San Francisco. I have feelings for you, Skylar. Strong feelings. Making love to you just seemed to reinforce them. The thought that once I go back home you could end up being with another woman upsets me.”

Before she could blink, Skylar had her on her back with him stretched out on top of her. He kissed her long and deep, stoking the flames of her desire once more. When he broke contact with her lips, he ran his gaze over her face. “There will never be another woman, Braelyn. Ever. You have no idea what you mean to me. And as for you going back to LA alone, it won’t happen. You’re stuck with me from here on out.”

She looked him straight in the eyes and saw he meant every word he’d said. “What are you saying? It sounds as if you already have us as good as married.”

“Would that be such a bad thing?”

Braelyn ran her gaze over Skylar’s handsome face and knew she’d find it no hardship to make that kind of commitment with him. It scared her a bit to realize it since she really hadn’t known him for very long, but she was never one to try to ignore how she truly felt about something or someone.

“No,” she said, feeling a bit breathless with the wild emotions flitting through her. “It wouldn’t be a bad thing at all. I take this to mean you’ll be booking a seat on the same flight as me back to LA?”

Skylar used his thigh to spread her legs a little farther apart and settled between them. “Or we could take a later flight.”

The tip of his cock brushed against her pussy. Skylar was hard again. “I have photo shoots to do, ones that can’t be rescheduled. I won’t give up my modeling career.”

“I never asked you to.” He lowered his head until his lips were a breath away from hers. “We’ll talk further about this tomorrow when we have another type of discussion with Roxie. After we talk with her, it’ll put things into a different perspective for you.”

Braelyn was about to ask him what they had to discuss with Roxie when Skylar closed the space between their mouths and took her lips in a heated kiss. After that, she pretty much lost the ability to think properly as he made love to her once again.
