Gabriel sat beside Hunter in the front of his jeep, eating a Big Mac and wondering how he was going to go home looking like this. He couldn’t even walk into a store. If the cops and firemen were looking for an arsonist, a kid walking around with burned clothes might draw a little attention.

“So we need to bring a change of clothes,” said Hunter.

Gabriel gave him a look. “You think?”

“You said they got a good look at you?”

Gabriel shrugged. “I don’t know. I had the helmet on. There was a lot of smoke.”

But he’d bet good money they’d figure it out.

“Did you delete the text I sent you?”

Gabriel nodded. “I’m not an idiot.”

He wondered if Hannah would put it together that he’d run out of the house on the same night a stranger showed up at a fire. She hadn’t come to their house suspecting him of arson—she’d just been looking for information.


He set half the burger on the wrapper. “I need to tell you something.”

Hunter was eating a grilled chicken sandwich. He didn’t even look over. “This is so sudden.”

“Shut up. They think someone is starting these fires.”

Hunter shrugged. “An arsonist. I know.”

Gabriel blinked. “You do?

“Sure. It was in the paper. My grandfather mentioned it at dinner. Something about that guy at school having his house targeted.”

Gabriel picked up his soda and took a sip. “He’s a tool.”

Hunter looked over. “You regret pulling his little sister out of that fire?”

“No.” Gabriel hesitated. “I need to tell you something else.”


Gabriel told him about the night he’d started the fire in the woods, how he’d lost control. He told him about Hannah, how she’d come to the house tonight, fishing for information.

Hunter didn’t say anything when he was done, just polished off the rest of his sandwich and shoved the wrapper into the bag.

“I couldn’t control it tonight,” said Gabriel. “There was too much. I lost it. That guy could have died.”

“That guy would have died.” Hunter started the ignition. “If we hadn’t been there, he still would have fallen through the ceiling, and he still would have broken his leg, but he would have been dead before anyone could get to him—not to mention the rest of them. You want to stop?”

Gabriel hesitated. He did—and he didn’t. It was addictive, drowning in fire every night.

And it was helping his control. He was getting stronger; he could feel it. But he eventually would kill someone if he couldn’t manage his element better than this. He was going to get caught.

He looked out the window. “I don’t know,” he ground out.

Hunter fell silent again, pulling his jeep onto the main road. But after a while, he glanced over. “Maybe we’re going about this all wrong.”

“What does that mean?”

“You’re a sports guy. You don’t just go out and play a game—you practice, right?”

“This isn’t a game, Hunter.”

“Still. Practice makes perfect.”

Perfect. It made Gabriel think of Layne. He pulled his phone out of the center console.

No messages.

He sighed. “So what are you saying? We should go set a house on fire for practice?

“No, not a house. We’d start smaller than that.” Hunter glanced away from the road. “My grandparents have an old barn at the back of their property. It’s full of old hay bales, the lawnmower, stuff like that.”

Gabriel stared out at the road. He and Nick used to go down to the beach to set things on fire. Gabriel would always try to drive the fire as high as he could, to incite the flames to burn as much as possible.

He’d never tried to draw flames back, to convince them to settle.

Hunter hit him in the arm. “Come on. Do I really need to convince you to play with fire?”

Gabriel smiled. “No. You don’t.” He paused, noticing they were pulling into the Target parking lot. “Where are we going?”

“You sure can’t go home looking like that. I’ll go in and get you another pair of jeans. You have any cash?”

Gabriel pulled out his wallet and found a twenty.

Hunter shoved it into his pocket and jumped out of the jeep. He left it running. “Don’t steal the car,” he called.

Gabriel smiled.

He missed his twin—almost to the point it hurt.

But it wasn’t so bad having a friend either.

Michael was waiting on the front porch when Hunter pulled his jeep up the driveway.

Gabriel swore under his breath. He’d killed time at Hunter’s house, splattering zombies on Xbox again after grabbing a shower. It was after eleven now, and he’d hoped his older brother would be in bed.

“Problem?” said Hunter.

“Stick around. I might need a getaway car.”

“Want backup instead?”

Tempting. Gabriel hesitated.

Michael stood up from the porch chair and came to the top step. The light by the door had been replaced, making his hair shine and keeping his face in darkness. “Get out of the car, Gabriel.”

Hunter hadn’t even put the jeep in park. “Your call.”

Gabriel heaved a sigh and grabbed the door handle. “Go home. I’m sure as hell not bringing you down with me.”

But when Hunter was backing down the driveway, Gabriel felt very alone facing his brother from the sidewalk.

He set his shoulders and tried to play it easy. “Why’d you wait up? Think Hunter was going to get fresh with me?”

“Where were you?”

Gabriel shrugged. “Grabbed a burger. Hung out.”

Michael was looking at him a little too intensely. “And what did you do last night?”

For a second, Gabriel wondered what his brother would think if he told him the truth.

He wondered how much Michael had guessed already.

“Cut the crap, Michael. What do you want?”

“I want to know if you’re starting these fires.”

The words hit Gabriel like a fist to the face.

That’s what his brother thought? That Gabriel was out deliberately setting fires, purposely killing people?

He almost couldn’t breathe for a second, the feeling of betrayal hit so hard. Just like last night, when Nick had stolen his air. Only Nick hadn’t been accusing him of murder.

That moment of brotherly camaraderie earlier in the evening was completely gone. He’d been so stupid to think Michael could ever be a friend. Gabriel clenched his jaw and moved to walk past him up the steps. “Fuck you.”

His brother caught his arm. “Are you doing this to get back at Becca’s father? Do you want the Guides coming here? Tell me.”

Not just a murderer, but someone who would turn on his family. Gabriel jerked free and shoved him away in one motion.

Michael caught him and spun him around before he could make it through the door. “You were pretty upset when you ran out of here last night. Where did you go?”

Gabriel tried to yank his arm free again, but Michael was working a death grip.

“Let go of me.”

“Damn it, I can’t help you if you won’t talk to me.”

“Help me? Help me?” Gabriel hit him with his free hand, getting in a solid punch before Michael wrestled him against the siding of the house to pin him there.

“Yeah,” Michael said, and his voice was tired. “Help you.”

Gabriel glared at him, struggling, but his brother had six years and a good twenty pounds on him, plus leverage to boot. Gabriel ground words out. “I’m not doing anything.”

“You don’t sound like you’re not doing anything.”

Life would be so much easier if Michael was an idiot.

Michael narrowed his eyes. “Why are you hanging out with Hunter all of a sudden?”

“What difference does it make?” Gabriel heaved against his brother’s hands, throwing his weight into it.

Michael slammed him back into the house. His head cracked against the siding. Hard.

The porch light sizzled and flared for a brief moment. Gabriel heard his brother’s breath catch.

The sound filled Gabriel with shame and pride all at the same time, a sickening euphoric feeling that gripped his chest and churned his stomach, but let him meet his brother’s eyes.

He gave the electricity a tiny push, making it flare again. “Don’t screw with me, Michael.”

Michael didn’t move. They stood frozen for an eternal second, until the front door flew open.

Nick, his eyes a little wide, his face a little pale. “Michael. Let him go.”

“Go back in the house,” said Michael. But his hands were already loosening.

Gabriel wrenched free, scraping along the siding until he had some distance from his brothers.

But not enough distance that he couldn’t feel their judgment.

All of a sudden, he didn’t want to stay here. He didn’t want to have to walk past them, to go upstairs and do normal things like brush his teeth and wash his face, knowing that his brothers thought he was out of control. Not just out of control, but a murderer.

He couldn’t look at his twin, didn’t want to find accusation or condemnation or, hell, even pity on his face.

He wanted out of here.

But he had nowhere else to go.

Gabriel took a step forward, throwing the door wide again. He half expected one of them to stop him, to catch his arm or call his name or something. He was ready to argue, to fight, but silence followed him to the top of the stairs.

He’d never felt so isolated. Christ, by the time he shut his bedroom door and locked it, his throat felt tight.

God, he missed Nick.

Knock, he thought. Knock. I’ll apologize. I’ll explain. Knock.

Nothing. Nothing.

He wanted to burn this whole house to the ground.

Gabriel sat on the floor under his window and pressed his forehead against his knees.

If Layne called now, he’d be such a mess that he’d tell her everything.

He fished the phone out of his pocket, staring at it. Praying for exactly that.

But just like everyone else around him, the phone remained silent.

All night long.
