Chapter Nineteen

I stared out the window of the large SUV, taking in the sights of the mountains, but I couldn’t really concentrate. I leaned my head against the cool glass pane as the driver turned up what I hoped was the final road. John McKenzie’s place was really isolated. Dev held my hand as he looked around as well. I could see he was satisfied with the beauty of the place. I, for one, was not looking forward to spending the next week in a tent.

Of course, it would probably be better than the last week. Dev had spent the entire night of my blown heist yelling at me and giving me all kinds of ultimatums I knew he would never follow through on. At one point, he was taking me to an unspecified location where he would keep me barefoot and pregnant for the rest of my days. He’d given me all kinds of guilt trips, but when the time had come to go to bed, he climbed in next to me and held me close. When morning had come, he woke me up in the sweetest way and was back to being Dev. I was coddled and cuddled and loved until I cried out all my tension.

Daniel was another story. Daniel was doing what he always did. Daniel was pulling away.

For the last week, he hadn’t slept with us, preferring to use the interior room. He still fed and he still had sex with me. When he was making love to me, there was no question in my mind that it was love. He was passionate and said all the right things in the heat of the moment, but after, there was a coldness and a distance that left me feeling brutally alone. Danny had worked with Dev relentlessly to get ready for this meeting, but he wouldn’t share a bed and he wouldn’t go out with us when we took the night off.

He blamed me for what happened to Joel, or he blamed himself. Either way, I felt his absence and I was going to have to find a way to work through it.

Then there had been the unexpected nuisance of the purification ritual I’d been informed I had to follow for seven days prior to the fertility ritual.

Unlike the other rituals we performed, which I will admit have been informal and mostly for our own pleasure, this one had a few caveats. Ingrid had shown up four days ago with a box she said was for me.

When I opened it there was the most beautiful gauzy white gown. It could have been a nightgown, but it was more formal somehow. She’d made it for me and it fit perfectly. It was oddly old-fashioned for the ritual we were to perform, but it made my skin glow and showed off my breasts in a fashion I knew would make my faery prince’s mouth water. When I gazed into the mirror, I thought I looked a little like a bride on her wedding night.

Then Ingrid explained all the things I couldn’t do between then and the ritual. No meat. No alcohol. I was supposed to spend an hour a day in quiet contemplation. I have no idea what I was supposed to contemplate. I had to scrub my skin every day with some kind of exfoliant containing sand from Dev’s sithein. I asked if I was to abstain from sex as well, but Ingrid glared at me like I was slightly off and told me there was nothing impure about sex. I was beginning to wonder what all the fuss was about and would have complained, but Dev was so enthusiastic I found myself unwilling to disappoint the only man who was happy with me.

“Wow, this place is beautiful,” Sarah said from the third row of seats. She and Felix had come along as part of our retinue. We weren’t allowed to bring vampires other than Daniel, so we had filled out our party with a small group of friends. In addition to Sarah and Felix, there was Lee and Zack. Declan would be along shortly, and I’d been informed that the organizers of the Gathering were honored to be hosting the future king of Faery. Unlike vampires, the sidhe tend to be welcomed wherever they go.

Albert had gone ahead of us to make sure everything was ready. The thought of our proper butler pitching tents made me giggle.

The car stopped in front of a magnificent cabin. I call it a cabin because of the materials used to make it, but it was a mansion really. McKenzie wasn’t going to miss the million he was paying us.

Lee got out first. After a moment, he gave the signal for the rest of us to move. Dev rushed around to help me out and I waited patiently because it was important to him. There was a middle-aged wolf with a clipboard walking toward us, a wide smile on his face.

“Your Grace,” he said to Dev, using the title bestowed on a high priest. In this case, his status as a high priest superseded his princely title. “It is such an honor to have you here. I am Matthew, Mr. McKenzie’s assistant. He’s waiting in the house and requests your company before you join the others.”

“We would be honored.” Dev threaded my arm through his and followed the assistant.

John McKenzie’s home was a stunning combination of natural beauty and modern luxury. We were led into a great room with huge bay windows overlooking the valley. I glanced back at Sarah and bet she was wondering the same thing I was. She was wondering if Neil was out there in those lush forests.

“Devinshea.” A man who could only be John McKenzie greeted us warmly.

He was an alpha, no doubt about it. There was a certain power that emanated from an alpha wolf that even a human could feel. He was a leader from his casual but expensive boots to the pearl snaps on his Western shirt. He was probably in his mid-thirties but could be older. He was in his prime, leading the largest wolf pack in the country.

“It’s good to see you, John,” Dev replied. “Your home is lovely. We’re so pleased to be invited.”

McKenzie shook Dev’s hand. “And we’re pleased you agreed to help us, Your Grace. I believe you’ll find all has been made ready for you. We’ve been working on the altar for days. My wife’s been having fun with it. She’s handy with craft projects.”

“Excellent. I’m sure it’s lovely. My brother will bring a few things with him we will incorporate into the altar,” Dev said and pulled my hand to his lips. “Let me introduce you to my goddess, Zoey Donovan.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you,” McKenzie said, tipping his head gallantly my way. “I thank you, in advance, for being willing to help us. Fertility has been an issue for many years now. It’s been difficult on our females.”

I nodded because put like that I was willing to overlook my embarrassment. “We’ll do our best.”

“If I understand correctly, you’re also Donovan’s queen,” McKenzie said with an amused smile on his face.

I returned it because I was well aware ménages were not the norm on this plane. “I’m Daniel Donovan’s companion, though I prefer the term wife. He’s happy to have the opportunity to make his case to you, Mr. McKenzie. You’ll find him a reasonable and fair man.”

He looked slightly skeptical but seemed unwilling to argue with me. “I promise to listen to everything the vampire has to say. If he is correct, then I need to listen to him. But for now, please introduce me to the rest of your party.”

The introductions went well. Everyone was polite and friendly right up to the point McKenzie and Lee got in each other’s faces. One minute John McKenzie was a friendly host and the next he was growling at my wolf.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing here?” McKenzie all but spat.

“My fucking job, Mac.” Lee didn’t move an inch.

“You know loners aren’t welcome in my home,” the alpha said.

A low snarl came from the back of Lee’s throat. “I’m not going anywhere so you better get used to it. Are you hiding something you don’t want the others to find out about? Can’t stand anyone you can’t push around?”

“Hey, what’s up with the boy fight?” I put myself in between the growling wolves. I pushed Lee back and faced our host. They’d obviously met before, but I wasn’t looking for that story yet. “Is there something wrong with my wolf?”

I placed a heavy emphasis on the “my” part.

“He’s a loner,” McKenzie said in an accusatory fashion, as if it was a horrible thing to be. “He’s only here to cause chaos. He doesn’t care about his own kind. He’s a troublemaker.” The alpha looked at Dev. “You didn’t mention you were bringing a loner, Your Grace.”

Dev held his hands up, taking himself out of this particular fight. “I didn’t really know he was one until a few days ago. Don’t look at me, John. I’ve fired him several times. My goddess has an incomprehensible affection for him.”

“He’s not going to cause trouble,” I stated plainly. “He’s entirely too lazy to cause trouble. He just wants to sleep and drink his beer and watch the occasional wrestling show, though I don’t know why he likes that. I tried to explain to him that it’s fake, but I don’t think he believes me. He’s completely harmless.”

Lee snorted behind me. “I’m…”

I gave him that look I give men when I want them to shut up. He acted like he wanted to defend his manhood but made the smart play and closed his mouth. I turned back to McKenzie. “Lee promises to behave himself. He’s just here to do his job which is to make sure no one kills me. I assure you, he’ll be far too busy with that to cause a bunch of trouble. Tell him, Lee. Tell him that you’ll try to play well with the other wolves.”

I heard Zack snicker behind me and sent him a look too. Lee frowned at me, but after a moment nodded McKenzie’s way. “I’m not here to cause trouble. I really am just here to do my job.”

“Are people going to try to kill you, Mrs. Donovan?” McKenzie asked, a frown on his face.

“Oh, it’s probably inevitable.” Halfer was still out there. We had decided the possibility of him showing up here was very small. We’d talked endlessly about the fact that it hadn’t worked on Zack. He’d felt absolutely nothing when close to the artifact. It had made Lee sick. The Strong Arm of Remus had been a bust so he couldn’t use it on the wolves. He didn’t have an army with him so we felt fairly safe from Halfer here among the werewolves. Of course, I had more problems than just him. “Is Mitchell Roberts here?”

“The Dallas alpha? Yes, I believe he’s due to arrive here in the morning,” the assistant replied, checking his clipboard.

I smiled. It was good to know exactly who would be coming after me. “Then yes, I expect at least one attempt on my life.”

McKenzie’s eyes got wide. “Do we need to supply you with extra security? Matthew, perhaps we should bar Roberts from the Gathering.”

I shook my head, not at all worried. “Please, don’t trouble yourself. It’s nothing Lee can’t handle if I don’t kill him myself.” I smiled brightly at the thought. The last week had been tension filled. A good fight might clear my head. I turned to my boyfriend. “Baby, this whole purging myself of impurities thing, does that include killing?”

“Well, murder is not the purest act, lover,” Dev replied with a serene look on his face. “I would prefer you waited to kill Mitchell until after the ceremony is over.”

I sighed. “Fine. If he needs killing before the ceremony then Lee can do it. See, Mr. McKenzie, there’s nothing to worry about. You’ll find we always try to handle our own problems. You won’t even notice we’re here.”

McKenzie shook his head like he was having a hard time following the conversation. “You’re an interesting group.”

“You have no idea,” Dev replied.

* * *

It was almost nightfall when we finally made our way into the valley. This was all McKenzie’s land and it went on for miles. It was completely isolated and the valley was filled with werewolves. They were everywhere. There were small tents, large tents, and simple setups with sleeping bags. Everywhere we went, the wolves smiled at us and shot Dev looks of great respect and gratitude. I wasn’t used to being respected. People were wary around Daniel. When I played companion to Daniel’s vampire, people tended to ignore me completely for the most part. That wasn’t the case at this outing.

“Good evening, ma’am,” a female wolf said as we walked through the valley.

“Hello,” I replied, my arm still through Dev’s. “Whatever you’re cooking smells heavenly.”

Her husband was behind her now and beamed down at his wife. “She’s the best damn cook I know. Please join us. It’s her legendary beef stew. We have more than enough.”

Dev shook the man’s hand. “It does indeed smell lovely. Unfortunately, my goddess and I are abstaining from animal flesh until after the ceremony. Purity of the body is important to the ritual.”

The woman’s eyes went wide with fear. “We didn’t know. They didn’t say anything about changing our diet.”

“Not at all, dear lady,” Dev said, charm oozing from his pores. “There’s absolutely nothing you need to do but show up with your husband and desire in your heart. My goddess and I will handle the rest. Though be kind to her. She’s been forced to give up burgers and cheese. It’s made her cranky.”

I punched him in the arm. “Has not. The lack of alcohol made me cranky. I need a beer.”

The wolf couple laughed at our banter, and I was glad we would be able to help them. It was like that everywhere we went. We were offered food, drink, small gifts. A little boy welcomed me with a handful of wildflowers and I tried really hard not to cry because he was so sweet. He thanked me and said he wanted a baby brother.

By the time we made it to our tent, I was filled with a sweet sense of belonging. I stood beside the massive structure it must have taken several men days to erect and realized Dev’s version of a tent was different than everyone else’s.

“Seriously?” I asked because the damn thing had windows.

Smiling slyly, Dev pulled the flap open. “You didn’t think I would have us in tents and sleeping bags, my lover? I thought you realized I don’t camp.”

I walked into our little movable palace and quickly found it had several rooms.

“Good evening, mistress.” Albert greeted me as he was lighting a gas lamp. It gave the room a romantic air. “Dinner will be served in thirty minutes. It’s a lovely spinach and strawberry salad with a saffron risotto.”

“That sounds delicious, Albert,” Sarah, the vegan, said. She’d been thrilled at my forced vegetarianism. She firmly believed that once I got used to it, I wouldn’t go back.

“You know what would make it better? A side of beef,” I groused lightly.

Albert smiled. “I’ve been informed to greet you with a pound of bacon three mornings hence.”

“Now you’re talking, Al.” I was already looking forward to that little breakfast treat. Dev kissed my cheek and walked away to find our bedroom. I was left with our butler. “So did you pick out where you want to set up your 401k?”

He shook his horns and looked down at me, confusion in his blue eyes. “The master said you wished to free me. Have I done something improper? Has my work not been to your liking?”

Quickly I shook my head in the negative. “Not at all, Albert. You’re the best butler anyone could ask for.”

He pulled himself up to his impressive height, pride in every inch of his body. “Then why does my mistress wish to force me from my home?”

“Whoa, now, I never said anything about that. I just thought Dev should pay you,” I quickly explained. Felix and Sarah laughed at my discomfort.

“It’s insulting, mistress,” Albert replied. “I could never show my face again if I accepted anything so vile as money for serving my master. I was hurt by the insinuation I would even want that.”

“I’m sorry,” I said quietly, hoping the slave would accept my apology.

Albert nodded in a superior, not at all slave-like fashion. “I will ignore the insult, mistress. I’m sure in your world it was a sweet gesture. I look forward to one day training your children in the ways of our world.”


Albert smiled at the thought. “Yes, mistress. I’m also a well-trained nanny. The master made sure of it.” With that little tidbit dropped, Albert went to the kitchens to make sure all was ready for dinner.

“I’m sure he’ll be an interesting fixture at the playground, Z,” Daniel said from the door. I turned to see a wry smile on his face. “Good evening, Sarah, Felix. I’m going to steal my wife for a moment. She’ll join you for dinner shortly.”

He took my hand and started to lead me away. Daniel took me down a corridor and I knew he, at least, hadn’t been surprised by the opulence of the structure. He knew exactly where he was going.

“I will?” I asked, surprised I would be joining anyone shortly. Daniel usually took his time when he fed. He might not be willing to spend a ton of time with me talking lately, but he damn sure enjoyed himself in bed.

“I have to meet McKenzie in an hour,” he explained. “You’ll be dining with Felix and Sarah. Dev and I will be at the big house for most of the evening. It’s just a preliminary meeting but it’s important. If I can convince McKenzie, then he’ll call in the other alphas.”

He pulled me into a small room. There was no window here, and I drew in a startled breath at the sight of a coffin.

“I’ve got to sleep somewhere,” Daniel said and pulled me to the couch which was the only other piece of furniture in the room. There was a single suitcase on the rug and a briefcase I was sure held his laptop.

“Why aren’t you sleeping with us?” Dev would never have brought a small bed. There would be more than enough room.

“It’s too dangerous,” he said shortly, and I knew he was lying.

“Are you mad about the stuff Albert said?”

“The stuff about kids?”

I nodded. The worst fight Danny and Dev ever had revolved around the possibility of Dev knocking me up.

“You sleep with a fertility god, Z.” Daniel’s voice went low, his hand scrubbing through his hair. “He can be as careful as possible but someday… You don’t want kids anymore? You always did before.”

“I knew I wasn’t going to have kids when you turned, Danny,” I admitted. He couldn’t have kids and I had accepted that a long time ago.

“And Dev? You just expect him to not have kids because I can’t? That doesn’t seem fair.” Daniel took a long breath, his eyes turning weary. “You’ve already given up a hell of a lot for me, Zoey. I never meant for you to sacrifice so much.”

He slumped down on the sofa, and I sat on his lap before he could stop me. I let my hands find his hair, smoothing it back. “I haven’t given up much, Danny. I didn’t finish college, but let’s face facts. Was I ever going to get a nine-to-five job? We were fooling ourselves. The kids thing…we’ll sort it out later. I just want to be happy for a while. I don’t want you to pull away from me.”

Danny sighed, his head falling back. “I watched you and Dev walk through the valley, Z. Man, everyone loved you. That had to feel good. They respected you.”

“They respected the fact that Dev can help them have babies, Danny.”

“They were happy to see you too, Z. You’re his goddess. He doesn’t do the whole ‘get a bunch of wolves pregnant’ thing if you aren’t around.”

I snorted at the thought. “I assure you if I weren’t around, Dev would have another ‘goddess.’ He’s a good boyfriend, but I doubt he would be celibate if he hadn’t found me.”

Daniel started to play with the collar of my shirt, his hand rubbing my throat. There was a little mischievous smile on his face. “Baby, what exactly do you think is happening two nights from now?”

I rolled my eyes. “We’re performing a ritual, and I get to have sex with Dev in front of a bunch of horny wolves. Why are you laughing?”

Daniel leaned forward and kissed my neck. His hands tightened, and I felt his body begin to react. “I’m really looking forward to seeing you after that particular ceremony is over.”

I frowned but let him continue because it was the happiest he’d been in days. If the thought of me embarrassing myself gave him some small measure of joy, then I would let him have it.

Daniel’s magic flowed all around me. He pulled and pushed me until I straddled him, my knees cradling his hips. His big hands palmed my thighs, pushing up my skirt. I wanted to force him to talk to me. I wanted him to tell me what was wrong and let me help him solve it. I knew he wouldn’t let me do any of that, so I took the only connection we had lately.

I kissed him, pulling his head to mine and licking lightly at his lips. He groaned and delved deeply into my mouth, his hands moving up until his fingers teased at my core. He didn’t have to shove my undies aside since Dev hadn’t packed me any. He’d decided they just complicated things.

My tongue slid along his, grazing his fangs as I unbuttoned the fly of his jeans. His cock was already long and thick, hot against my fingertips. I wrapped my hand around him, pumping him in my palm. Danny groaned and looked down, watching me work him.

I wanted to give to him, to take away his cares. The last week had been hard on both of us, and all I wanted was to see him relaxed and happy even if it was only for a few moments.

“God, Z, I don’t have time for this,” he said even as his hands gripped my ass and he pulled me tightly against him. “I need to get ready to meet McKenzie.”

“Don’t.” This was the only way he would let me close. I couldn’t lose it. I kissed him again, practically begging him to stay with me for a while. I felt him drifting and it hurt my heart. We’d been so happy all these months, but I’d screwed it up. I couldn’t help but wonder where we would be if I hadn’t gotten dragged back into Halfer’s plans.

With a little growl, he lifted me. His lowered me onto his erection, filling me up. I held onto his shoulders, letting him control the penetration.

“You feel so good.” This was what I needed. I needed him, but I was worried that the longer he stayed away from our bed, the further away he became.

But not now. Now he was inside me. He was with me, and I let time stop. I let the world shrink down until it was only the two of us. Everything else fell away. His magic blanketed us, a warm cocoon to keep out the rest of the world.

I shifted on his cock, pleasure vibrating through me.

Daniel gripped my ass, his hips slamming up. “I shouldn’t be doing this. God, Zoey. I can’t fucking help myself. You’re going to be the death of me.”

His words rang in my head, but his magic was stronger. The pleasure was stronger. I held on to him so tightly, praying it didn’t have to end. I gave over to Daniel, letting him move me on his cock, his strong arms making a toy of me like I weighed nothing at all. Over and over he moved me, forcing his cock deep until there wasn’t anything between us, no space, no time, nothing.

Daniel pulled my head back and suddenly sank his fangs in with a dominant strength that took my breath away. My fingers wound their way into his thick, sandy hair and held him as he drew heavily from my neck. His hips moved, thrusting his cock in time to the rhythm of his mouth. Every tug brought me closer to the edge until I finally let everything go and gave in to the powerful orgasm Danny was always able to draw out of me. It left me boneless and physically satisfied. I slumped over, wrapping myself around him.

Daniel released the vein and licked the side of my neck. A moment of pure peace flowed over me. I rubbed my nose over the strong muscles of Danny’s neck, feeling smooth skin and breathing in his scent.

I felt his hands move, shifting me slightly so he could tuck himself back in. He stood, easily lifting me into his arms, and he stepped outside his small room. I didn’t hate leaving that coffin behind. He seemed to know his way around Dev’s little tent palace. He took a left and then strode into what had to be the master bedroom. Sure enough, there was a bed that was big enough for five, covered in sumptuous fabric. Gas lights lit the room. It was gauzy and romantic, and I knew how I wanted to spend the next couple of hours.

Daniel set me down on the bed, but he stepped back, not following me.

“I can make sure you’re relaxed for your meeting.” We could call Dev in and be together for a while. I stared up at him. His face had closed off. Those blue eyes were colder than before, utterly remote. “Danny,” I whispered. “Please. I need you, baby.”

I did. I needed him so much, and he was holding himself back.

He stood over me, his eyes staring, but I wasn’t sure what he was seeing. His previous words came back to haunt me. I would be the death of him. I’d been the death of his charge. Daniel took those vamps seriously. They had a connection, a friendship that should have lasted for close to eternity, and because of me, one of them was dead.

I sat up, pushing my skirt down. “Can we talk about it?”

He was withdrawing, and I had to wonder if he was pulling back for the last time. I had to wonder if this was the time he left me for good.

After a long moment he smoothed his clothes out. “There’s nothing to talk about, Z.”

I didn’t try to stop the tears forming in my eyes. “Please tell me what’s wrong. I’ll try to fix it. I didn’t mean to get Joel killed. I didn’t. I thought I was doing the right thing.”

I saw the look of naked pain cross his face, but he banished it so quickly I almost believed I’d imagined it. “What are you talking about, Z? Everything’s fine. I don’t want to be late. This meeting is really important. It means a lot to me. If we don’t get the wolves on our side…well, I have a plan for that, too. It doesn’t matter now. Have a nice dinner. Don’t wait up.”

Daniel walked out without a second glance.

I sat there for the longest time wondering when he would tell me we were over.
