Chapter Three

Rick couldn’t stand it any longer. He pulled and tugged her slacks as gently as his growing sense of urgency would allow, unwilling to cause her a moment’s pain. He longed to just use his strength to rip the damn things from her hot little body, but he retained enough sanity to know how much that would hurt her hip.

So he unzipped, and unbuttoned, and thank God , pulled them down those long, luscious legs of hers.

The boots she wore flew as he toppled her onto the bed face first, that incredible ass of hers right in his face. He moaned out loud at the sight of the black lace thong she wore.

She tried to stand up but he stopped her, placing one hand between her shoulder blades, the other at her waist. “Stay down.” He knew his smile was wicked as she snarled, those bright gold eyes of hers glaring at him from under the fall of her pale hair. “Don’t make me spank that pretty little ass of yours, Belle.”

The red sheets had turned gold, almost the same shade as her Puma’s eyes. It was one of the reasons he’d picked that color, knowing what he’d see when his vision changed. He’d had more than one erotic dream centered on what he was looking at right now, in fact.

He stroked her under her thong, reveling in the gathering damp between the bare folds of her pussy. She was getting off on this, big time.

He used his strength to keep her down, pulling one hand away long enough to unzip his jeans and free his cock. “Are you ready for me, Belle?”

She opened her mouth—

The phone rang. His private number, the one used only by the Pack. He closed his eyes, willing whoever it was to go away . He had a mate to fuck, and he wasn’t about to stop unless the Lodge was burning around their ears.

Hell, the Lodge could burn merrily as long as he was between her thighs when it happened.

He slid the head of his cock past the thin line of her thong, pushing gently into her swollen pussy. “Take me, Belle.”

She snapped at him, those sharp, pointy teeth of hers still in evidence. Claws ripped into the bedspread under her hands.

He stopped, totally shocked. My little kitty has been holding out on me. Wolves had the power to shift between wolf and man; no Wolf could stop in between, never mind what the myths about his kind said.

Now he knew where some of those myths had come from. In self-defense he leaned over her, grabbing both of her hands and forcing them flat against the mattress.

He growled as she bucked under him, furious and delighted as she fought him for dominance. Him! He was twice her size, and she still tried to throw him off.

She was the most incredible woman he’d ever met, bar none.

He moaned as her jostling forced him deeper inside her. “Oh yeah, baby.” He snarled, his own fangs dropping as he fought the Wolf for dominance and won, barely. “Submit.”

She stilled. “What?”

He grabbed her wrists and forced her arms apart, causing her upper body to lay flat against the mattress.

He slid even further inside her, his Wolf demanding he dominate his mate. His cock was now halfway inside her. Her moist heat was nearly his undoing. “Submit to me.”

“Oh, Fido. Them’s fightin’ words.”

He would have been worried if he hadn’t heard the humor threading through the threat. He leaned down, letting his hair form a curtain around them. Distantly he heard the answering machine pick up, but really couldn’t give a…well, okay, he was giving a fuck, wasn’t he? He brought his lips to her ear. “Submit to me.”

He felt the shudder that ran through her, saw the hot, speculative gleam in her eyes, before his pretty little kitty turned into a wildcat in his arms.

She bucked against him, writhing, her claws moving in and out as she tried to toss him off and out of her body. He held her as still as he could, trying to put as little weight as possible on her hip, only forcing the issue when she grunted in pain.

“Enough!” He held her down, immobile, his body trapping hers against the mattress. His cock was now fully seated in her body, throbbing with the need to move before he exploded like a teenager with his first hot pussy. “Submit, Belle.”

“Never!” She bucked one last time, but he could see the exhaustion beginning to war with the need.

Time to end this. “Submit, my Luna.” He moved back cautiously, the smooth, silken glide of her snug passage nearly his undoing.

“I submit—” his heart jumped into his throat, “—that you’re crazy.”

He slammed his cock home, smirking as she gasped and shuddered. “Submit, Belle.” He pulled back again in a long, slow glide.

“Ah, I submit my taxes every year.”

He could feel her shoulders shaking as she grinned up at him.

He grinned back, slamming his cock home again. “Submit.” He didn’t even have the heart to growl it. He was no longer sure which of them was submitting to the other.

“I submit to a gynecological exam every year, too.”

He nipped her shoulder as he rammed into her, reveling in her sighed moan. “Submit, love.”

She looked up at him through her bangs, shocked. “What?”

He backtracked. He hadn’t meant to reveal that yet. “Submit, Luna.”

She smiled slowly, bucking back into him as he fucked into her again. “Make me. Alpha .”

With that one insolently drawled word, Rick lost control of his beast, and thanked God for it, too.

Oh my God! Belle felt Rick lose it as he began ramming his cock in and out of her wet pussy. She yowled and pushed back, trying her best to get him even deeper, not caring in the least that she sounded like a cat in heat. He bit savagely into her shoulder, once again claiming her and marking her for all to see as his. She shrieked, her orgasm nearly robbing her of breath, the Puma in her glorying in the strength of her mate.

He let go of her hands to grab at her waist, heedless of her hip, pulling her back into his thrusts like a wild man. “Submit.” His voice was deep and gravelly, like he battled his Wolf back.

She couldn’t fight him anymore. She collapsed beneath him, allowing him total access to her body.


She withheld that one, final thing that would tip him over the edge, knowing it would mean all the more when she finally gave it.

He reached under her body, between her legs, and began stroking her clit, timing it to coincide with the motion of his hips. When she moaned hungrily he picked up speed. “Mine!

She could feel herself building up to one hell of an orgasm. She bit her lip, determined to save that one final word for when she came.

“Say it”!

“Yours!” She could barely get the word out as her body clenched around him in a climax so strong it robbed her of breath.

When he howled out his own release she couldn’t even move, so satiated with pleasure she couldn’t have said her name if her life depended on it.

All she knew was she was his.

Rick collapsed over her, too stunned to do more than pant.

Where the hell has she been all my life?

He could feel himself beginning to snarl as he remembered where, and with whom, she’d been. He took a deep, calming breath, amazed at the depth of rage in him at the thought of her with any man but him.

His Wolf mourned the fact that he hadn’t been her first. The man rejoiced in the fact that he would be her last.


He headed into the bathroom without even stopping to think. He had an Ibuprofen and a glass of water in hand before he even realized he’d moved. He shook his head at himself in the mirror and chuckled.

So this is what it’s like to be pussy-whipped.

He decided not to share that little observation with Belle. She’d probably do something gruesome to him in his sleep.

He wet down a washcloth and added it to his pile to bring his hurting mate. He carried everything back into the bedroom, smiling to see her exactly as he’d left her. He put everything down on the end table but the wet washcloth. “Hold on one moment, and I’ll have you comfortable.”


He would swear she purred as he gently cleaned her off. He was just glad she couldn’t see the bruises he’d left on her hips, or the multiple bite marks he’d left behind. They would heal, given a few days, but everyone would know she’d been most thoroughly claimed.

He got rid of the washcloth after cleaning himself up. Picking up the bed’s control, he pressed the button that lifted her side of the mattress.

“What the hell?” She opened her eyes and stared at the remote in his hand. “You got me the extra deluxe hospital bed?”

He shook his head. “It’s one of those beds you see on TV. I can raise your legs or back, depending on what’s most comfortable for you. Didn’t you see that the sheets are two twins?”

She blushed bright red and glared up at him sleepily.

“I mean, your face was right there.” The devil was in him tonight, it seemed. He wanted to see her all feisty again. “It’s not like you could miss it.”

He laughed when she snarled at him, swiping at him half-heartedly with her claws. “You just wait until I can feel my legs again, you bastard.”

He smirked. “That good, was I?”

She rolled her eyes as she accepted the pain pill he held out. She sipped the water, swallowing the Ibuprofen. “Uh-huh.” She sighed dramatically as she snuggled down into the bedding, her breasts jiggling under his delighted gaze. “But you know I’m the best you’ve ever had, so I think that makes us even.”

He had no intention of telling her she was right. She was smug enough as it was.

Belle listened in as Rick made a few phone calls. He thought she was asleep. She had been, up until the Ibuprofen wore off.

“Yeah, Gina tried calling last night. Like I was going to answer the phone on my mating night.” He paused, obviously listening to the person on the other end. “No, I want you to show her every aspect of the restaurant.” He sighed. “Chela, just do this for me. No, I don’t give a flying fuck what Gina thinks.”

He chuckled. “Good girl.”

Maybe I should bring a Milk-Bone for Rick’s friend. Belle tamped down the unreasonable jealousy she felt over his call to another woman.

“Just remember, Belle is in charge. Any changes she wants to make are pre-approved by me.”

What? Belle sat up slowly as what Rick was saying filtered through the haze of pain that had woken her in the first place.

She could see him slowly pacing, a slight frown on his face as he listened to whatever Chela had to say.

“Uh-huh. No, I took care of the paperwork two weeks ago.”

What paperwork? She felt her heart trip as possibilities, good and bad, ran through her mind.

“This is her dream, Chela. Help me make this happen.”

Whose dream? She was practically screaming in her mind, wondering what the hell her mate was up to.

She totally hated not knowing what was going on.

Rick froze, his gaze darting to the open bedroom door. “I’ll see you in a bit.” He hung up the phone and walked into the bedroom, his eyes turning brown as he saw her sitting up. “You should be asleep, my Luna.”

She bit back a smile. “You think I can sleep through big clumpy feet stomping around the dining room?”

He slid beneath the sheets, one hand coming to rest on her bare stomach. “I was quiet.”

She tapped one of her ears. “Cat hearing.” She sniffed. “Much superior to dog hearing.”

She giggled when he growled and nipped at her breast playfully. “Dog hearing?” He started to tickle her but stopped as soon as she grunted. “You’re in pain, aren’t you?”

She nodded, biting her lip to keep from screaming. Her hip hurt like a son of a bitch, no offense to the man next to her.

Rick practically ran for the bathroom. She could hear him slamming open cabinet doors and running water. He came back and helped her take the pain pills, frowning until she’d finished the glass of water.

Mumbling to himself, he left the room, returning with two graham crackers. “Eat.”

She looked up at him suspiciously. “The doctor told you about my stomach, didn’t he?”

Two imperiously raised eyebrows demanded she eat.

“Fine.” She nibbled the crackers as his expression relaxed. He was right, anyway. The amount of Ibuprofen she’d been taking had done some damage to her stomach, but they’d caught it before it became a full-blown ulcer. “Thank you.” She batted her lashes up at him. “You’re my heeero.”

He threw his head back and laughed. “I’m sure I am.” He sat on the edge of the bed, gently brushing her hair back from her cheek. “I want to be.”

She gulped. The yearning in that normally hard face had her reaching up. His beard, soft as silk, grazed her palm as she stroked his cheek. His eyes closed in pure bliss, his head leaning down until she was scratching at the top of his head. “Typical canine.”

“Hmm?” He was barely lucid, turning into her hand. If he’d been a cat he would have been purring.

“You have a happy spot.”

He grinned, his eyes never opening as she continued to scratch. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll pet your

‘happy spot’ until you purr.”

He leaned down to kiss her. Just as their lips met, the doorbell rang.

Belle looked over at the clock. It was seven in the morning. “Expecting someone?”

“Yes.” He grinned wickedly. “Get dressed. I have a surprise for you.”

Belle stood, wincing as she put weight on her abused hip.


She took the underwear he handed her, pausing to watch him pull on his jeans. She nearly groaned as she realized he’d be walking around commando all day.

She looked down at the panties in her hand, then looked back at him. With a smirk she tossed them onto the bed, then pulled on her own jeans.

His groan was music to her ears.

She pulled on the lacy bra and reached into her bag for her favorite shirt. It was a men’s style button up in a pale blue pinstripe with wide collars and cuffs. She covered it with a low scoop sweater in sapphire blue.

By the time she was pushing her feet into her low heeled boots Rick had the door open.

“Chela. What’s wrong?” The worry in his voice was barely audible, but it let her know something wasn’t quite right.

“Sorry, Rick. Rumor has it Gina’s planning on starting trouble at the restaurant today. If you want me to introduce the Luna as the new manager, we’d better make it quick.”

Belle stumbled, pulling up short against the doorjamb.


Rick looked over his shoulder and started towards her. “Where’s your cane?”

“Um…” Belle looked behind her into the bedroom, still dazed.

He shook his head, gently lifting her aside. He went in, got her cane, and handed it to her on his way out.

“I want you to meet Graciela Mendoza, Chela to the Pack.” He followed Belle’s slow progress into the living room, his gaze riveted to her white-knuckled grip on the cane’s handle. “Chela, Belle.”

The woman bowed and bared her throat to Belle, something that would take some getting used to.


Belle nodded back, uncomfortable in a way she hadn’t been yesterday. Rick was watching her, his gaze sharp. “Chela.” She put out her hand, expecting Chela to take it.

Chela looked at it, slowly standing to look her in the face. The bruises marring her skin were numerous.

The dark-haired woman blinked before reaching out slowly to take Belle’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Luna.”

The uncertainty in her voice tugged at Belle. “It’s a pleasure to meet you too.”

Chela nodded, the gesture abrupt and tinged with fear. “If you’ll follow me, I’ll take you down to the restaurant.”

“Wait, Chela.” Rick strode into a different room, off to the right of the bedroom. He emerged pushing an electronic scooter, complete with basket, in candy apple red. “Here.”

Belle looked at the scooter, then looked up at Rick. “I can walk.”

“I know. But you’re in a lot of pain today, and you’ll have a lot of walking to do. When your hip gets tired, use the scooter to get around.”

Belle was stunned. She knew how much the damn things cost. She’d looked into it once, but her COBRA insurance had denied her claim and she hadn’t been able to afford it on her own. They didn’t seem to understand that you couldn’t push yourself in a wheelchair with a broken arm. She’d had to rely on Sarah, Sheri and Adrian to get around. Now that her arm was healed, she could use a standard wheelchair, but he’d spent a couple grand to make her life easier, knowing she’d only need it for a few more months. What kind of man did that?

He smiled like a kid when she settled into the seat. “The controls are simple.” He leaned over her and pointed at the handle bars. “Forward, reverse, and horn. The headlamp comes on automatically when you move.” He turned it on and watched as she learned to maneuver around the apartment. She could feel his gaze burning into her, the pride on his face visible to any who looked.

She stopped next to him and climbed off the scooter. “Thank you.” She wrapped her arms around him, cuddling in close, trying without words to let him know just how much both of his gifts meant to her. Not only had he done everything in his power to see to her comfort, he’d handed her dream to her on a silver platter. She had no clue how he’d found out she’d always wanted to run a restaurant, but she wasn’t about to turn the gift down. No one had ever done anything like that for her before. It made her feel…cherished. She was going to have to make sure she did something for him, something that would show how much he meant to her. She’d just have to figure out what that something was.

He hugged her back, his face buried in the crook of her neck. She felt him smile just before he placed a small kiss there. “You’re welcome.” He let go and winked at her. “Have a good day at work, my Luna.”

She watched as he strode out of the apartment, that incredible hair of his swishing above that equally amazing ass.

When the door shut behind him she turned to Chela. “Where can a girl get breakfast around here?”

“So, that’s the general layout, all of the financial paperwork, and the employee records. What do you think?”

What do I think? I think I want to kill Gina Maldonado, that’s what I think. Gina had been acting manager of Lowell’s Steakhouse for the past year, and she’d pretty much run it into the ground. Key staff had quit, preferring to work the front desk rather than be under Gina’s thumb. The financial records looked like they’d been done by a toddler.

But what really, really pissed her off was the fact that she’d signed certain documents as Gina Lowell.

Belle had learned a few things in the last four months. First, she’d learned who her true friends were.

Second, she’d learned that, distance notwithstanding, Rick Lowell was hers , damn it.

And third, she’d learned that she had zero tolerance for self-absorbed assholes with delusions of grandeur. Been there, done that, thank you very much.

Belle looked up and met Chela’s gaze. “Does Rick know any of this?”

Chela shook her head. “He’s been avoiding Gina ever since he realized what she was up to.”

“Up to?”

“Trying to forcibly become Luna.”

Belle tapped her nails on the wooden desk. “And how was she doing that?”

Chela hunched in on herself, becoming nervous. “By beating up the lesser females and surrounding herself with the strongest. Making sure she was the one who made the decisions normally made by the Luna, citing the fact that she’s the dominant female and Rick had no Luna.” Chela’s shoulders relaxed as she refocused on Belle. “At least, not until now.”

“And don’t you forget it.” Chela’s startled laugh was sweet. “So we need to deal with Gina, first and foremost.” Belle tried to discreetly squirm in her chair, but the pain in her hip was steadily growing. Looks like the Ibuprofen wore off again.

Chela frowned as Ben entered the office, a glass of milk in one hand and a small plate in the other.

“Luna. Chela.” He put the plate and glass on Belle’s desk with a smile. On the plate were two pain pills and some graham crackers. “Rick asks you to meet him for lunch, if your schedule permits.”

Belle smiled at Ben. “Thanks. I’ll meet him.” I don’t think I’ll ever get used to how formal the Woof-Woof set is.

“He also wanted to let you know there’s going to be a Pack meeting tonight. If you’re not back at the apartment by six, he asks that Chela escort you, as the meeting is at six thirty.”

Belle saw Chela nod to Ben before he smiled at both women and left. “If Ben knows you’re in pain, you can bet Rick does. You might want to take that.”

She’d forgotten that, as Marshall, Ben could feel the physical well being of each and every Pack member. He’d know quickly if her medication was wearing off, and knowing Rick, he was under orders to let him know if Belle was trying to hide her pain. Belle quickly took the medication. The last thing she needed was Rick breathing down her neck right now. “Okay.” She leaned forward, her expression intent. “You’re Pack. Born or made?”


“So you have a pretty good idea about what will get Gina to back off, right?”

Chela nodded. “Total annihilation.”

Belle was silent for a moment. “So talking things out diplomatically won’t work, huh?”

Chela ran her hands through her hair, a hopeless look on her face. “Gina Maldonado wants to be you.

She wants to be Luna, and she wants Rick. Always has, always will. If she can find a way to get rid of you without harming Rick, she’ll do it. If she has to share you with Rick, she’ll do it. And if she can kill you without it killing Rick, she will.”


“I know things are different in the Prides.”

You think? In the Pride a female like Gina would have been Outcast long before now for her treatment of the “weaker” females. Not that any of the “weaker” females would have stood for it. They would have found many, many ways to make Gina’s life miserable…

“I know that grin. The Grinch gets that grin every Christmas on my TV.”

Belle motioned Chela closer. “I have a plan .”

“Does it have tweezers, very hot water, and Sea Breeze astringent in it?”

Belle waited, hoping Chela would explain what the hell she was talking about.

“Um. Never mind.”

“Oh, no. You can’t just let that one sit in my brain and percolate.”

Chela choked on a laugh. “My father made my mother very, very angry one day before he went to work on a big project.”

“Uh-huh. Men do that to women.”

“He called her from work and told her he was very sore after a long day, and that he wouldn’t be back until the next day.”

“Why not?”

“He works construction in New York, and the drive can be murder when you’re hurting. Anyway, he asked what he could do to soothe his muscles.”

“Oh, boy.”

“Yeah. She told him to take a very long, very hot shower, as hot as he could stand. Then, when he got out, he was to splash Sea Breeze all over his body.”

“But…that would…” Belle’s eyes widened as she realized exactly how much pain splashing astringent into wide open pores would be caused.

“Yeah. He had to sit in a cold tub for hours . He called her and cursed her in three different languages and didn’t come home for a month.”

“Didn’t that cause problems?” Now that she’d lived with Rick, even if it was only for a day, she couldn’t imagine spending a month away from him.

“Oh, yes, but his other mate went up and took care of him. Then she and Mom got into a fight—”

Other mate?”

Chela gulped, and Belle wondered exactly what her expression looked like to make the previously friendly woman look wary. “Yes. It happens sometimes, that a Wolf finds he has two mates.”

Not my mate.

“It’s very rare, though, and unfortunately was the cause of a lot of my parents’ fighting.”

“Where are they now?”

“My mom lives in Santa Fe. My father and Brenda live in Texas.”

“So they don’t live together?”

Chela shrugged. “My father flies up to see my mom once a month. Now that they don’t have to live together, they actually get along fairly well. My mom doesn’t have to take care of him anymore; Brenda does all of that.”


Belle started when she felt Chela’s hand on her arm. “Don’t worry about it, Luna. Rick has only one mate.”

Belle felt her anger drain away at Chela’s touch, felt the brush of the other woman’s power as it soothed her Puma. She looked at the other woman in wonder as the knowledge of what was going on moved through her with swift assurance. “You’re the Omega.”

Chela’s hand drew back, her expression startled. “What?”

What? How the hell… What the…

It was like knowing Rick’s eyes were blue, or that drinking water would quench your thirst, or that Gina Maldonado was a bitch in both senses of the word.

Belle bit her lip, wondering how to fix what she’d just blurted out. She knew she was right, but how to make Chela see it? “Trust me, nobody these days takes me from pissed to pleased with just one touch.”

“Not even Rick?”

She shook her head slowly, watching the other woman’s face carefully. Belle wasn’t certain how to make Chela see what was so clear to her. “Do me a favor, will you?”


Chela still looked wary. She’d have to fix that. “I want you to think, really think, about how the Pack feels right now.”

Chela’s head tilted to the side and she frowned. “How the Pack feels?”

“Are they angry? Are they upset? Who’s fighting right now? Who’s in need of a shoulder to cry on?”

Chela’s brow furrowed.

“C’mon, Chela, I know you know the answer. I can feel it in you.” Belle felt something strange moving within her as she concentrated on Chela. “Tell me.”

And that something whipped out of Belle and wrapped around Chela, cocooning her in Belle’s strength.

Chela’s eyes blanked. “Gina is supremely pissed, and heading to the restaurant. Her flunkies are spoiling for a fight. Rick is distracted. Not sure why. Ben is…” Chela looked startled before a muffled laugh erupted. “Um. Not going there.”

Huh. Go Ben. “How does the Pack as a whole feel?”

Chela’s eyes slowly focused back on her, a wide smile lifting the corners of her mouth. “Hopeful.”

Belle matched Chela’s smile. “We need to talk to Rick. And I have an idea of how to deal with Gina.”

“You do?”

“Uh-huh.” Belle outlined her plan to the new Pack Omega. The look of wonder on Chela’s face was a balm, but the unholy glee that eventually replaced it was even better.

Just as she stood to get settled into her scooter, Chela’s hand landed on her arm. “Luna?”


“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Rick stepped into Lowell’s, prepared to meet Belle for lunch, and stopped cold.

Gina was hovering over his mate, snarling at her, right in the middle of Lowell’s dining area. Patrons, shifters all, watched with amusement as Belle stood there, her expression one of vapid confusion. The scooter was right behind her, what looked like paperwork shoved willy-nilly into the basket. Her cane rested against the seat as she stood under her own power and faced her rival.

“Who authorized these changes?”

Belle looked innocently baffled. “I did.”

Rick grinned at the sound of his mate’s voice. He stepped back and prepared to be entertained, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back against the wall.

Gina had no idea what was about to happen, and he had no intention of enlightening her. He’d been on the receiving end of this mood often enough that there was no way he could not recognize it.

“You had no right.” Gina was speaking through clenched teeth, never a good sign in a Wolf. It made him wonder how long his mate had been playing with the alpha bitch.

“Oh, but I did. Rick made me not only manager, but part-owner of Lowell’s.” She smiled sweetly.

Ah, my curious little cat. I thought she’d find those papers.

Gina drew in a deep breath, her fury obvious. “He had no right to give you what is mine!”

“I believe it is the Alpha’s right to gift his Luna with whatever he wishes.”

Rick’s eyes widened as Chela boldly stood beside his mate, her gaze never leaving Gina’s face.

One of Gina’s minions moved forward, but Gina held up a hand. “Well, someone’s getting brave.” The sneer on her face as she stared at Chela was met by a cold glare.

“I wouldn’t if I were you.” Belle’s gleeful sing-song words went right past Gina.

“Perhaps you need a lesson in who’s boss around here.” Gina stepped forward, her arm lifting, her hand clenched into a fist.

Belle’s hand shot out so fast Rick barely saw it move, grabbing Gina’s wrist and stopping Gina’s fist an inch from Chela’s face.

The most interesting thing was, Chela didn’t even flinch. She just kept that cold, steady gaze on Gina.

That fixed, dead gaze was starting to give him the willies.

Gina howled in pain as Belle smiled vacuously. “I really wouldn’t try to hit Graciela any more, okay?

That’s bad.” She shook her finger at Gina, who was desperately trying to get her wrist out of Belle’s curled hand. “Bad woof-woof.”

Half the patrons of the restaurant had their faces buried in their napkins, their shoulders shaking. The rest were openly laughing.

Rick scented blood and realized his kitty had unsheathed her claws right into Gina’s arm. Her pretty green eyes had turned bright gold. Her expression was still as vapid as she could make it. A cheery smile graced those full lips as she put her free hand in her pocket.

Gina managed to get her arm free of Belle’s grasp. “Bitch.”

“Oh, silly poodle. I’m not the bitch, you are, remember?” Belle shook her head sadly. “Didn’t your mommy teach you anything ?”

Rick swiped at his mouth, desperate to wipe the grin from his face as Gina shook with anger. To be defeated by someone she considered inferior was bad enough, but to be defeated by someone who was acting like a complete imbecile was intolerable to someone like her.

“Why you little—” Gina lunged forward, losing what little self-control she had.

Only to be brought up short by the air horn Belle pulled out of her pocket and set off right next to her ear. The dominant female dropped, hands over her ears.

Belle let up on the button. “Not done yet.” Belle’s cheery voice floated through the sudden silence, causing more than one patron to choke out a laugh.

Mental note: take Belle’s new toy away. Rick’s ears were ringing from halfway across the room. He could only imagine what Gina and her coterie felt like. With another quickly hidden grin he realized Chela had covered her ears, muffling some of the sound.

“So, here are the new rules, okay?” Belle looked dementedly happy as she started ticking things off on her fingers. “No more trying to piddle on Rick’s carpet. If anyone’s going to mark territory there, it’s me.”

Gina snarled up at Belle but rapidly pulled back when Belle brandished the air horn.

“No more beating up on the other women or I will take you to the vet and have you tutored.”

“Neutered.” Gina corrected her with a frown.

Belle leaned down and patted Gina’s cheek. “Don’t worry, sweetie, someone would learn something .”

Rick coughed as Belle straightened. He lost his fight with his grin as she winked saucily at him.

“And last, but not least, you will show deference to the Omega. Because if you don’t, you will regret it in a very bad, not good, terribly awful way.” She was really laying on the inane sincerity. Rick wondered what she was up to, and how much in damages he’d probably have to pay.

Gina bared her teeth at Belle. “Who’s the Omega?”

“Me.” Chela’s grin was not in any way friendly.

“You?” Gina’s laugh reminded Rick of a hyena, especially when her loyal minions joined her.

There was a gasp as Belle rapped Gina on the nose with…

Rick lost it. His Luna had just hit the dominant female with some rolled-up papers she must have grabbed from her scooter.

God I love that woman.

“Bad woof-woof.” Belle shook her finger, completely ignoring Gina’s shocked expression. The alpha covered her nose with her hands. “No Milk-Bone for you.” Belle gave Gina that horrendously serene, vacuous smile, and Rick tensed. “Now, remember. The Omega, that’s Graciela for those of you with two-second scrolling memories, outranks all of you. So,” she clapped her hands together, setting off the air horn for a brief, shrieking moment of pain, “I want you to treat her with respect.”


Belle looked sad as she shook her head. “Oh, honey, you’re just not the quickest bunny in the forest, are you?” Someone snickered. “It’s not me you need to be afraid of.”

Gina stood, her sneer not nearly as pronounced as it had been. “No?”

“Nope. Well, okay, sometimes you need to be afraid of me. But not right now.”

“Then who do I have to be afraid of? Rick?”

“Nope.” That scary cheer was there again.

“Then who?”

Belle sighed, and looked at Chela. Chela never took her eyes off Gina.

Gina’s face went white as Chela let Gina and her friends have it with both barrels. Rick had no idea what Chela was doing to them, but it did not look pleasant. Gina was soon a sobbing wreck on the floor, curled into a ball of misery, and her friends weren’t any better.

“Now remember, poodles, the Omega outranks everyone but the Alpha, Luna, Beta and Marshall.”

Belle tapped Gina on the head with the rolled-up papers. “That means you. So I would treat her with respect, or this could become a daily, perhaps an hourly , occurrence around here.”

The savagely gleeful anticipation on Chela’s face let him know that she would probably use any infraction of the Luna’s new rules, intended or not, to inflict pain on Gina and her minions.

“Now shoo. I have a lunch date.” Belle waited patiently while Gina and company beat a hasty retreat.

Rick caught one glimpse of the dominant female’s face as she left, and his blood ran cold. He pulled out his cell and called Ben.

“Ben here.”

“Keep an eye out for the females. Belle just put a verbal smack-down on Gina and the woman looks like she might be out for blood.”

“Will do. Enjoy your lunch.”

Rick hung up and made his way over to his Luna, shaking his head at her antics.

“I really don’t like her.”

He took her hand and led her to a seat. “Don’t worry. No one would ever be able to tell.”
