Chapter Fourteen

Cullen had long since ceased to listen to Claudius’ endless droning on about power and destiny. He was glad when he’d finally gotten to that place where the other man’s voice had become background noise, and the man had finally fallen silent about half an hour before. The blue liquid continued to pour into his veins but he felt no ill effects from it. His body seemed to be protecting him from whatever it was the liquid was supposed to do. It didn’t surprise him, not really. The longer a wolf-shifter lived, the better and faster they could heal. Claudius wouldn’t know that unless Kendrick had told him. The room they kept him in was windowless so he had no idea as to the time of day.

His arms tingled. Something was about to happen. Every hair on his body stood at attention which meant only one thing: his wolf senses had come on alert. Maybe it was a good idea to check in with his furry side.

Are you okay?

I’m annoyed at being stuck on this table. I want to kill the man with the pig face. But other than that, I am fine.

Claudius’s silence was a nice change. But it still bothered Cullen that he couldn’t identify what was about to happen. He tensed against the restraints. No luck. He was still stuck as ever.

This is a lesson in patience for us.

When had his wolf developed a sense of humor or a moral compass? Cullen groaned slightly.

Kendrick slammed into the room, his eyes red rimmed in anger, his breathing hard. “I don’t like this.” He slammed his fist down on one of the operating tables, knocking it over. “First the girl escapes. Just vanishes into midair. The cameras have no record of her going and now my wolf senses are pounding with anxiety but I can find no trace of anything wrong.”

So Cullen wasn’t the only one. Kendrick had always been strong and powerful. Cullen was somewhat disappointed to see he hadn’t lost his powers.

“Kendrick.” Cullen pulled the man’s attention in his direction. He hadn’t realized his throat was so dry until he heard the croak sound coming from his own voice.

Kendrick sneered. “If you need something, Cullen, you will have to submit to me first.”

Hell, he guessed he wouldn’t be getting any water anytime soon. But that wasn’t why he had bothered with his former Alpha.

“How could you do it? How could you betray Mary Jo like you did?” Truthfully, Kendrick’s betrayal of his mate had always been the part that bothered Cullen the most in the whole disastrous episode.

“I didn’t betray my mate. She disobeyed her Alpha and committed the worst kind of treason. She was killed. But I will follow her someday to the other side.”

Cullen closed his eyes. There had been no substantive answers from Kendrick thirty-three years ago and there were obviously none now. “How can you stand the pain of being away from her?”

It didn’t seem like two hundred fifty years since Kendrick had met Mary Jo. Two and a half centuries. They’d all been so young and the two had seemed so incredibly in love. What had happened? If he ever got out of his situation, Cullen was going to make sure it never happened to his relationship with Summer.

“You’d be surprised what you can endure when you’re the most powerful creature in the world.”

Cullen opened his eyes to stare at Kendrick. He sat across the room, a smug, self-satisfied half-smile formed on his lips. Was he serious?

“Is that what you are? The most powerful creature in the world?” Cullen tried to keep the sneer out of his voice but failed. “Most people don’t even know that we exist, let alone that you exist.”

Kendrick crossed to Cullen. “Not yet. But they will. When my army grows and the breeding program gets under way. Then they will all bow down to me. Humanity will know we are meant to own them.”

Cullen closed his eyes. The man had plans for world domination. Why was he not surprised? When goosebumps appeared on his arms, he opened his eyes wide. Something was about to happen. He just knew it. His ears were ringing and he could feel the sweat starting on the back of his neck. All signs to impending action. Then they’d see if Kendrick Kane was as all-powerful as he thought he was.

He just hoped Summer wasn’t the one leading the brigade.

* * *

“Tell me again why I’m helping you people after you turned me into a damn wolf,” Faith whispered behind Summer as they crawled through the most disgusting, pungent smelling sewer water she had ever encountered, even living in New York City and watching the sewer lid outside of her apartment explode at least once every few months.

She had to admit the layout of IPAG was impressive. It had been built to be entirely self-contained and everyone had seemed relieved to have been able to locate the start of the sewer system on the outskirts of the main building.

“We didn’t make you a wolf. You were already a wolf.” Summer rolled her eyes. She’d been having the same conversation with the woman for the last ten minutes and she suspected the newfound wolf had vented the same complaints to half of the pack.

Faith snorted. “How is that even possible?”

“Look,” she didn’t care that she sounded short. Her entire focus was on rescuing Cullen not explaining the history of Westervelt to Faith. Let Tristan do that, since he seemed to enjoy it. She liked the woman and she hoped later they’d be friends but at the moment there was just no time. “I know Tristan explained what happened thirty-three years ago. I’m not hashing through it again. I need to get Cullen out of here. You have your ax to grind with this place, too. Let’s get this done and then we’ll work the rest out.”

Faith sighed. “Fair enough.”

In all her life, Summer never imagined she’d be crawling through sewer water in the jungle trying to rescue the man who for all intents and purposes was her husband. She’d judged Ashlee so harshly for just this type of behavior. Now she wished she could ask her sister for advice. A heaping helping of humble pie sounded good right about now

But she was in a different sewer line, probably out of telepathic range so she’d have to make do on her own. Cullen would flip when he found out the entire pack, including the Alpha, had put themselves in danger to rescue him. He wouldn’t have believed anyone cared that much. She smiled as she imagined his face when he discovered just how admired he was. Her grin faded as she envisioned a much grizzlier scene.

A scene where she never gets the chance to tell Cullen how much he meant to his pack mates. One that despite her preparation and determination to do things differently than the vision, she was still too late and Cullen died.

She shook her head and reminded herself as she crawled through the sludge that she wasn’t having a vision, not the kind she was used to having anyway, but an ordinary run-of-the-mill anxiety attack. Determination was what called for in this situation. She needed to be strong. Beneath her hands, the slime felt squishy. She closed her mouth and tried not to breath. Too much more of this and she was going to start heaving. That wouldn’t be good for anyone.

Focus. Her Wolf sounded annoyed.

I’m trying. I’m just a human, you know.

You’re a shifter. Think of Cullen

She would get Cullen back. They would have their time together without Kendrick or Claudius or any other psychopath who might interfere in their lives. She’d been born to be with Cullen and she wasn’t ready to die.

“You crawled through all of this muck pulling me in that bag?” Summer was sure, even with the tremendous pain that had been throbbing in her paw, that she would have remembered the smell and the sheer amount of time it was taking to get through the sewer.

“No.” Faith sighed. “I’ll show you what I did with the cameras when we get in there. I set them on a loop so you and I simply snuck out the side door and got lucky.”


Faith laughed. “Thanks.” She looked past Summer, squinting at something in the distance. “The opening that you’re going to push through is about five feet ahead. You’ll see it’s a grated gate. Shove hard or, if you want, let’s switch places and I’ll do it.”

Summer shook her head. She was small but she was tough. Walking up to the sewer gate, she pushed against its center, and it went flying, slamming into the wall across the room.

Up ahead stood a metal door with the words ‘Utility’ printed on it. This door took Summer a little more time but she managed to pull it from its hinges in a matter of moments.

“Maybe in your case I should have told you to go gently. Wow. Wonder woman.”

Summer smiled. “You’ll get used to your extra strength, too. Right after my change, I went home, twisted the top off of a pickle jar and broke the whole thing in half.”

“I’m going to need some help with all of this, I think.”

Summer nodded. “Help me get Cullen out of here and I’ll write you a handbook.” The air around them felt stale. Summer scanned the room. It was some sort of utility room. “Go do whatever it is you do to make the cameras go on loop, please.” She was glad she’d thought of the please at the end of her command. They’d all be screwed if Faith took off and left them here.

Faith nodded and Summer hoped she was as good at accomplishing this type of mission as she seemed to be. Fortifying herself with a deep breath, she let it out slowly. With her wolf returned to her, she could smell an amazing amount of detail about the Institute. The aroma of pain and sickness hit her nostrils first and she squinted, resisting the urge to cover her nose with her hand. That wouldn’t do any good. She needed to smell Cullen. There were hundreds of people in the Institute and she wasn’t all that good at using her wolf senses yet but Cullen’s scent, the familiar bouquet of home and safety found its way to her mind.

He wasn’t far. Summer walked to the hallway door and opened it quickly. It wasn’t locked and she preferred not to pull it from the wall which would have been a dead giveaway that something was going on. She glanced both directions to make sure she wasn’t spotted and was relieved to find it empty.

Ashlee? If her sister was in the building she should be able to hear her telepathically.

We’re here Summer. We just caught his scent and we’re moving into position.

Summer nodded and her shoulder slumped in relief. In her dream, she’d been alone. Now she had the entire pack with her. Did you manage to talk Tristan into staying behind?

Her sister snorted. Are you kidding? He said if I was going, he was going.

Maybe you should have stayed back, too.

The man who is responsible for all the woes of my pack, including the recent murder of our parents is here. Do you think I’m going to let you to have all the fun?

Summer walked into the hall, keeping her footsteps steady. Again, another improvement from her vision, she wasn’t running down the hall at a frantic pace. She made herself keep her speed slow and even.

There is nothing fun about taking a life. I’ve taken one, maybe two today. Cullen tried to warn me but I didn’t understand.

She got it now. Taking Claudius’ life might fill some part of her that needed revenge but the truth was it would also be something she would never be able to let go, whereas her need for retribution might waver in time.


For the first time in her life she’d left her sister virtually speechless. She couldn’t remember the last time Ashlee had been reduced to one word answers.

Cullen’s scent grew stronger and she knew she’d soon be in his presence. Her heart fluttered. What had they been doing to him since she’d been taken? She desperately wanted to reach out and speak to him telepathically but she knew what he’d say if she did. He’d order her to turn around.

Not that she needed to follow his orders. He didn’t just get to command her around. He wasn’t the Alpha. But she didn’t want to argue with him either. No, all she wanted to do was eliminate anyone who got in her way. And get Cullen out of this horrid place then squeeze him until she was satisfied that he was really okay.

If he let her. He might be too busy wanting to strangle her for being part of his rescue.

The fluorescent lights above her head buzzed giving the hallway an even eerier feeling than it already had. Summer took a deep breath. She knew if she needed to, she could always let Tristan and Gabriel run the operation. But she wasn’t a coward—at least she was trying not to be one—and Cullen was her mate. No one would take away her joy in rescuing him.

She reached inside the pocket of the jacket she’d borrowed from Azriel and pulled out Faith’s gun. In her vision, she hadn’t been armed. Even though she’d detested taking her attacker’s life earlier in the day, if she had to, she’d go in shooting. Cullen was worth whatever distress it caused her. He’d do more than that for her.

As she turned the corner, she crouched down low. If her dream was to be believed, she was approaching an open window and didn’t want to be seen from the other side. Voices drifted from the room. Cullen wasn’t alone in the room with Claudius. Another person’s scent lingered in the air. Who was it?

It’s a bad, sick wolf. But not like the others. He wasn’t made that way.

Summer swallowed. Only one person qualified for that description. Kendrick Kane. Her mind whirled. She was in big trouble.

If Kendrick was in the room and she could smell him, the former Alpha of the Westervelt Wolves would certainly be able to smell her. Her plans for sneaking in undetected flew out the window.

The future might have changed from her original vision but it didn’t look like Fate would make this easy on them.

I think I am screwed. Kendrick is in the room too. Summer broadcast this thought to the whole pack. They all needed to know who they were up against.

Kendrick is mine. Tristan’s voice spoke of finality and even though she was sure the other pack mates would object to Tristan placing himself in any more danger, his statement warranted no argument or response. We’re in place, Summer. Go in. Nothing has changed.

From inside the room, Cullen swore and roared. Her heart slammed against her chest. Her man needed her.

She narrowed her eyes and stood, making herself visible through the window. Without a second thought, she pushed open the door. Both pig-faced Claudius and Kendrick faced the door as if they’d anticipated her arrival. She’d been right, Kendrick had smelled her.

“What did I tell you, Cullen? Your mate would never leave you here. And now that she’s back, she’s ours.”

Summer had hoped never to hear Claudius voice again but she found she wasn’t bothered by it. A strange feeling of calm entered her body. It was similar to the foggy feeling she got when she was about to have a vision but different. She shook her head. Now was not the time to have a new ability present itself. There was too much at stake.

Let me do this for you. Summer’s wolf pushed into her thoughts.

Do what?

You never let me protect you. You keep me away, even now. But I’m part of you Summer. I always was and I always will be. Cullen is my mate, too. I would save him for you, if you will let me.

“Summer, what are you doing here? Get out. Run.” Cullen’s voice barely penetrated the fog that took over her mind. Was now the time to trust? To finally let her wolf take control and steer the events? She wished she had time to consider but Cullen was strapped to a table with an IV in his arm, doing gods knew what to him.

Do it. Her wolf squealed with delight before a strange prickle sensation crossed her skin. She looked at the floor, her vision getting sharper. She looked up and smiled. Now she understood.

She was still a human but now her wolf was in charge.

Cullen sucked in his breath. “Summer, your eyes. What are you doing?”

“Saving you, darling.” She grinned as she raised Faith’s gun and fired.
