«Are you sure about this, man?» Both men stood over the exhausted female lying asleep in the bed, looking down on her with varying degrees of indulgence and care. Sebastian had cleaned her and the bed while Matt grabbed a shower and dressed.

«Look at her, Matt. She's so petite. She's been a victim too long. I'm just making sure that when the time comes, she can fight back. She'll never be whole if she doesn't face her past and come out the victor.»

Matt sighed and rubbed one big hand over his face. «I hear you. I'll come back tomorrow night. A double dose of were ought to help. I just hope she doesn't become too strong for even you to handle.»

The werecougar left as silently as he'd come only hours before.

A half hour later, Marc called to check on Christina's condition. Sebastian reassured his old friend that she'd responded well to the conversion and was still the kind soul she'd been before, only stronger, though he was careful not to mention the werecougar's involvement in her feeding. Marc didn't need to know about that…yet.

«I wanted to let you know we've had some disturbing news from the Were Lords.» Sebastian was surprised. «I didn't know you were in contact with them.» «It's a recent development and it's not direct. I got the news from Hiram up in Seattle. He got it from another who apparently had direct contact with the werefolk a few weeks ago. Regardless, the news is startling. They said the Venifucus are back, and that the weres recently defeated a mage who claimed to be part of that ancient society.» «You're kidding.»

«Afraid not, my friend.» Marc's voice was as serious as Sebastian had ever heard it. He was too young to have ever dealt directly with the Venifucus, but he'd heard plenty of tales about the evil group.

«So do you believe it? Couldn't it just be a couple of buffoons using the name?»

Marc sighed over the line. «I hope that's all it is, but we have to keep alert, just in case. Sebastian, you've never seen these folks in action. Believe me when I say, if the Venifucus are back, we're all in very real danger.»

They talked over the possibilities for a few more minutes, but they didn't have enough information to formulate any real plans other than to stay vigilant. Only an hour or so remained before dawn, and sleep for their kind. Eventually, Marc came back to the subject of Christina and her problems.

«What will you do about the husband?»

«Is he still in jail?»

«For now, though he's hired a good lawyer. I expect he'll be out in a day or two.»

Sebastian felt a fire in his gut. He wanted to kill the mortal who'd dared lay a finger on the woman entrusted to his care. But it wasn't his fight. Still, he had some ideas of how to work behind the scenes to keep an eye on the mortal.

«Since Christina now has many years before her, I think she needs to stand up to him before I take any action. As her maker, I think it the best course. Hiro is coming over tomorrow to begin her training.»

«Wise decision, my friend. I was going to suggest something similar. It's important that she begins her new life from a position of strength instead of as a victim.»

«Of course, I'll be standing behind her to help if she has any problems with the man.»

«I expected no less.»

Sebastian kept vigil at Christina's bedside until morning. Only then did he go to his own room across the hall and let daybreak send him to slumber. When he awoke moments before true nightfall, he made his way to her room, waiting for that magic moment her sleepy eyes would open.

Christy woke as the sun dipped below the horizon the next night. She felt fantastic. Strange, hungry, powerful and sexy. It was empowering. And a little scary.

She remembered what had made her feel that way. Christy could hardly believe the things she'd done?and let the men do to her?the night before. She felt the heat of a blush stealing across her cheeks even as she sat up in the disheveled bed.

«Good evening.» Sebastian's voice came to her from the darkness of the room. He stepped forward and she saw him, her eyesight sharper than it had ever been. He was so handsome, so debonair. She'd never met a man quite like him, and likely never would again. He simply took her breath away. «How do you feel?» he asked.

She clutched the rumpled sheet to her breasts, shy now after the debauchery that had come before. She realized that while Sebastian had directed the entire scene last night, he hadn't touched her much at all. He'd kissed her though. Oh, how he'd kissed her.

Sebastian's kiss had felt more intense than any kiss she had ever received. His kiss felt like he wanted to be inside her. Desperately.

But he hadn't done much more than kiss and touch. He hadn't made love to her. He'd only watched and instructed as he let his werecougar friend fuck her in varied and exciting ways.

She'd never come so hard in her life. Or so many times. Last night was truly a night to remember and she'd blush every time she thought of it for the rest of her life, she was sure. Just like she was doing now. But Sebastian was waiting for an answer.

Christy shrugged and tried to be nonchalant. «I'm okay.»

Sebastian sat on the side of her bed, his eyes kind. No man should look that good or that understanding. Certainly no man she'd ever dealt with on an intimate level had ever looked at her with such compassion.

«Just okay?» Sebastian's fingers rose to stroke over her cheek.

A tiny shiver of attraction coursed down her spine. «Better than okay, but very…decadent. I can't believe half the things…the things…» she stammered, trailing off, the flush of embarrassment heating her cheeks even more than before.

Sebastian chuckled as his hand slid down to stroke over one bare shoulder. Caressing. Comforting. «The wicked things you did and had done to you last night? Ah, but my sweet, you're immortal now. Sex is life to us.»

«But then why didn't you…?» She could have died of embarrassment when she realized she'd spoken aloud.

«Why didn't I partake of your lovely body? Is that what you want to know?»

Cringing a little at how needy the question sounded, she nodded.

«I dare not. For one thing…» he squeezed her shoulder, «…I am your maker. I must be your teacher in these early days until you learn your limitations and strengths, and can stand on your own with no uncertainty.» She liked the sound of that. He stroked down over her arm and took her hand. «For another, I greatly fear that once I have you, I'll never be able to let you go.» He kissed her hand in a gallant, old world gesture that made her womb clench.

His eyes were hot, his expression tight. «I've watched you for a long time, Christina. Longer than you might realize. And I've wanted you from the first moment we met, but you were already claimed. You'll never know how much I wanted to tear your husband limb from limb when I realized what he'd done to you, but it's not my debt to repay. Not yet anyway. Not until I know for sure whether you could truly be my One.» He released her hand and rose, his gaze filled with regret. And promise. «The only way to learn the truth of it, is to fuck and feed. I dare not do either with you until you've gained the strength Matt's blood can grant you. I want you to be strong, Christina. I want you to know that no one will ever be able to hurt you again. Not even me.»

«Why?» She was puzzled by his words and nearly overcome by the sexual tension rising like a sudden conflagration between them.

«By feeding from Matt, you'll gain an echo of his were traits for the rest of your immortal life. Your senses would have been sharp, but with Matt's blood in your system, they'll be as sharp as the cat that shares his soul. You will probably also gain some of his cougar cunning, agility and strength. Vampires are powerful in many ways on their own, but few have the coordination to be able to use their abilities effectively when first turned. I'm hoping you will. I'm hoping you'll be so fast, agile and wily, you'll be able to evade even me, though I have three centuries of experience on you.»

She was amazed. But still puzzled. «Why? Why would you want me to be stronger than you?»

His eyes darkened. «So you'll never be afraid. So you'll know-for certain-that you'll never be hurt again. So you can never be hurt again.»

Christy's breath caught and tears filled her eyes, but Sebastian moved away, toward the door.

«This room has an attached bath and you'll find some workout clothing that might fit in the drawer over there. Come downstairs when you're ready. We have much to do this evening before Matt arrives.» Sebastian walked to the door as he talked in a business-like tone.

«He's coming back?»

Sebastian turned at the threshold and she could see his eyes glint in the darkness. «After tonight, you'll be more powerful than I, Christina. I know in my heart, you will use your abilities wisely.»

She was floored. «How can you have such faith in me?»

Sebastian looked away. «I know your heart, little one. There is no other I would trust with such power, but you need it. You now know what it is to be defenseless against those physically stronger than you. Tonight, with Matt's help, that will change forever.»

Sebastian left her and she had a moment to savor the new knowledge flooding her mind. She perceived things in much greater detail on a sensory level, but what he'd told her about his motivations and the consequences of what he'd set in motion completely floored her.

But the question remained…why?

Why would he go so far out of his way to make her stronger even than himself? Why would he want that? Why would he send her into the arms of another man to accomplish it?

Did he love her?

Did he pity her? Did she dare find out?

Christy cleaned up and dressed in the sweatshirt and loose pants she found in the drawer. They were a bit too large, but by rolling the cuffs, she made it work. She headed out of her room and toward the faint sounds in one of the downstairs rooms. Her hearing was so acute it was hard at first to discern one sound in the old house from the next.

The ticking of multiple clocks in rooms all over the large place had her covering her ears before she discovered she could tune them out or turn them down with a thought. She heard the creak of each floorboard as she moved slowly through the space, the swish of water through the pipes, even the soft hum of electricity flowing through the wiring in the walls. It was incredible, and it only got stronger the more she thought about it.

Just as she could turn the sounds down by thinking about it, she discovered. It was like magic.

Then again, she'd done a lot of things that would have been out of character for her just a few days ago. She'd fantasized about some of the sexual excesses she'd participated in last night, but they'd only been fantasies. She never thought she'd have the nerve to try anything like that, but the new fire in her blood seemed to spur her on.

She followed the soft sounds of moving feet on a wooden floor to a room in the lower part of the house that surprised her yet again. Hovering on the threshold, Christy was surprised to find another man with Sebastian. Both were wearing traditional martial arts uniforms that looked as if they'd seen a great deal of use. They were worn, with lighter spots on the elbows and knees, and comfortable looking. The soft swish of cotton greeted her ears as the two men moved side by side in some sort of pattern that took them through various defensive and offensive moves.

She knew a little bit about karate, having once taken a semester of it in college. She'd enjoyed the class even though she was bad at it. She'd wanted to take another semester, but right about that time, she'd met Jeff and been dazzled by the young man whom she eventually married.

On trembling legs, Christy stepped forward into the peaceful room she now recognized as a dojo-the place to study and practice martial arts. It had smooth wooden floors and beautiful Japanese tapestries hanging on one of the walls along with framed woodblock prints and a few black and white photos. There were mirrors on the entire wall to her left, and to her right, the opposite wall consisted of several glass doors that opened onto a lovely stone garden complete with fluttering bamboo and trickling water. It was beautiful.

Near the door were a few wooden benches. Remembering to bow as she entered, a formality her college sensei had insisted upon, she left her shoes outside the door, next to two much larger pairs, and took a seat on the bench. She watched in awed silence as the men spun and kicked in the patterns of the most difficult kata – a sequence of defensive and offensive moves done in a choreographed pattern she'd ever seen.

Their concentration was absolute, but she knew they were aware of her presence. They completed the kata and both bowed, signaling the end of the pattern. Sebastian smiled at her as they moved nearer and his expression put her at ease.

«Christina, please allow me to introduce Hiro Yamamoto, a long-time friend and one of those I've asked to help teach you.»

Christy held out her hand to the tall, dusky-skinned man. She could tell by his features that he wasn't fully Asian, though his name sounded Japanese. He took her hand with a firm grip, but his strength was tempered and his manner non-threatening. This was a man who knew his own measure and didn't need to prove how strong he was, unlike her husband.

Resolutely, she shook off thoughts of Jeff. She wouldn't allow his darkness to shadow her new life. She'd been given a second chance and she was going to run with it as fast and far as she could.

«It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Yamamoto.» She smiled and was gratified by the man's return grin. It lit his dark eyes and made him seem somehow less scary.

«Please-« his voice held no trace of accent, «-call me Hiro. You've been in a dojo before, haven't you?»

«I took a Shotokan class one semester in college. I loved the history and grace of it, but I was terrible. No coordination at all, and some boy accidentally punched me in the nose during our first sparring practice, so I was a little afraid to do much after that.»

Hiro chuckled, though Sebastian looked stern for a moment. She got the impression he didn't like hearing about her little hurts, so she made a mental note not to mention those kinds of things in front of him again. She was his guest. She didn't want to upset him.

«Would you like to try again, if we promise never to punch you in the nose?» Hiro chuckled with amusement, putting her at ease.

Gathering her courage, she nodded. «I'd like to try learning kata again. It was so beautiful and such good exercise. I was in terrific shape that semester, even though I was ranked at the bottom of the class.»

«There are no rankings here,» Hiro said softly as he moved backwards, drawing her into the center of the room. «Only learning. Follow what I do and try to do the same.»

Hiro bowed to her and she returned the gesture nervously, noting Sebastian had opted to sit this one out, watching them from the sidelines. The ambiance of the room was calming, but Sebastian's eyes were hot as they followed her hesitant movements. She watched Hiro and tried to follow what he was doing as he started slowly, in a simple pattern that looked like the capital letter I. He stopped a few times to demonstrate the individual movements of blocking, punching, how to make a fist and the proper foot positions for greatest balance.

After a few minutes of his tutelage, she began to feel a little more comfortable. This was easier than she remembered. She didn't lose her balance once, which had always been a problem, and her body wasn't nearly as awkward as she remembered it being when she'd tried so hard before. This time, her movements came almost effortlessly and she felt an increased spring in her steps, her feet and hands answering her commands without much conscious thought. It was amazing.

She followed Hiro, unconsciously mimicking every one of his movements as if it were second nature. She didn't need to think about how to move. She just did it. Before she knew what was happening, Hiro had gone beyond the basics to flying, spinning kicks that she executed with ease. She landed after a particularly high spinning back kick and stopped in shock when she realized she'd been a good six feet off the ground!

Mouth gaping, she turned to find Sebastian watching her.

«What's happening to me?» Panic filled her as the past few moments registered on her conscious mind. She'd been so in the zone, she hadn't questioned what she'd done and now it seemed impossible.

«You're a natural, sweetheart,» Hiro said with a satisfied grin. «You're too modest.»

«No, I swear…» her breath came fast as panic started to build, «…I was a total klutz the last time I tried this. I have no idea-«

Sebastian came over and took both of her hands in his, pulling them into his chest, sheltering her with his tall body. «Calm down, Christina. This is what I was hoping for. The cat lives in you. You have all the strength of our kind and some of the agility of Matt's cougar. Don't be afraid.»

Hiro laughed and shook his head, gaining her attention. «Matt, huh? I should've guessed. He's the only one I've seen jump higher.»

«You know Matt?»

Hiro nodded. «I trained him, just as I'll train you.»

«But why?»

The half-Asian man shrugged. «Because Sebastian asked. He's my friend and more than that, I owe him my life. You're important to him, so therefore, you're important to me. We'll work together every evening for about two hours. It's a strict schedule, but with the shifter influence, you should advance quickly to the more complex moves. Like I said, you're a natural. I had a much harder time adjusting when I was newly turned.»

«Then you're-?»

«Vampire?» Hiro chuckled when Sebastian cringed at the word. «We're siblings of a sort, you and I. Sebastian was my maker too.» He bowed slightly to Sebastian and moved toward the doorway. «I'll leave you two to sort things out. Don't forget. Tomorrow evening at sunset. We've got a date in this dojo.»

A little overwhelmed, Christy could only nod as he left, her hands still held tight against Sebastian's chest as his warmth surrounded her. He moved slightly, keeping hold of one hand while he turned them toward the wall of glass and the moonlit garden beyond. He put one arm around her shoulders, the contact with his warm body comforting her strained senses.

«The night is beautiful, Christina. Let's not waste it in fear.» He led her outside to a stone bench in the middle of the meditation garden and they sat, his arm still around her, one hand holding hers. «Never be afraid of what you've become, or what you will yet be. You're a strong woman with a pure soul. You have power now, but you have to train it and grow accustomed to it in order to use it to the best of your abilities.»

She couldn't deal with much more. She had the feeling Sebastian was quietly preparing her for something, but she had no idea what. She didn't know what her other friends had been through when they were changed, but she didn't think it involved having wild cougar sex with a stranger, then being trained by a pumped up, devilishly handsome version of Mr. Miyogi.

«You said my friends were turned by their new husbands. How? Why?»

Sebastian sighed, contemplating the stars twinkling above them. «It started with Lissa. When the passenger van wrecked, only she and Atticus were left alive, as you know, but it was a much closer thing than you realize. Atticus was run through by a support beam, close to the heart. He was ready to bleed out-one of the few ways one of us can actually die-but he heard Lissa's heartbeat, and he fought back from the edge to save them both. He needed her blood to be strong enough to heal them both, but she'd already lost almost too much. The only way to save them both was to feed, then give her his blood. To turn her. A dangerous gamble, but one that worked out best in the end. She was his One, his life's mate. She completed him.» Sebastian's arm tightened around her.

«They were married soon after, as you know, and Kelly went to work for them at the vineyard. That's where she met Marc LaTour and when he was poisoned by silver-yet another way for us to die a very painful death-she saved him. They knew they were true mates by that point, but Marc was waiting for her to decide if she wanted to be turned.

Unfortunately that decision was taken out of their hands by the turn of events. Then Carly met Dmitri-«

«Jeez, Carly too?» she interrupted, surprised. «But she lives way out in Wyoming now.»

«Yes, and oddly enough, her new home was right above Master Dmitri's hidden lair. It brought her to his attention and shortly thereafter, he learned she was the One for him. Then she got into a terrible accident, and was forced to choose between never seeing the sun again or death. Luckily for Dmitri, she chose to be turned.» Sebastian sighed and she felt his warm breath ruffle her hair. «With you, there was no choice. You were too near death to ask, but I couldn't let you die, Christina. I hope you don't hate me for making the decision without your consent.»

«I don't think I could ever hate you, Sebastian.» She felt the truth of the words as they left her lips. «And I'm truly grateful for this second chance. When Jeff turned violent, I didn't know how to fight back. I just sat there, taking the beating, like a punching bag. I don't ever want to feel that helpless again.» Sebastian squeezed her shoulder, offering comfort.

«That's all over now. You are already far stronger than he, and after tonight, you'll be more cunning than many ancients. He'll never be able to hurt you again. Nor will any other man.»

«Is that what the martial arts lessons are all about?»

«You're strong, but you need training in order to master your new skills and abilities. Hiro and I can do that for you, if you let us.»

«He's an interesting man.»

«He's a true friend and a man of deep conviction.»

«Is that why you turned him?»

«I knew Hiro as a mortal, before I found him dying on a battlefield, fighting for what he believed in and to protect the innocent. Knowing him as I did, I couldn't leave him to die. I liked him too much, but more than that, I respected him. He comes from a long line of martial arts masters. His father immigrated to the United States and married an American woman. It wasn't easy for either of them, but it was especially tough on Hiro. Even with that, when innocents were attacked, he stepped forward to help defend the people of his country and for that he nearly died.»

«I can tell how much you love him.» She patted his arm, understanding.

«He is like a brother to me.» Sebastian smiled crookedly. «Sometimes a pesky younger brother, but still a brother. It's nice to have family again. After so long alone, it's good to have family to care for.»

«Do you have any other progeny around that I should know about?» She chuckled as she gazed over at the trickling water draining through a series of bamboo pipes. The garden was peaceful and made her more relaxed than she could ever remember feeling.

«No, sweet.» He kissed the top of her head as she leaned back against the seat, his arm around her shoulders. «Only you and Hiro. Generally speaking, we don't make many offspring that way. When you turn someone, you are responsible for them, and you risk much if you don't know the measure of the person. If they turn bad-if they kill innocents or act so rashly they threaten the secrecy of our existence-the Master of the region will demand their death for the good of all. Then it falls to their maker, or one of the enforcers to do the deed.»


He absently stroked her shoulder with his thumb. «You've met Ian Sinclair, haven't you?»

«Once. At Lissa's.»

«Ian is one of Marc's most trusted enforcers. Marc LaTour is Master of this region. The two of them are very old. Ian was a knight during the Crusades, if you can believe it.» He tugged her closer, so she rested against his shoulder. «He's been assigned to watch over your friend Jena, since she knows about our kind now. Marc decided she had to be watched, lest she somehow betray her new knowledge to the wrong people. There are those in the world who still hunt our kind, and those who watch us, whose intent is unclear. We have to be vigilant to protect the secrecy of our race and ensure our continued existence.»

«They won't hurt her, will they?» Apprehension filled her for Jena, the smartest of her college friends who'd gone on to medical school. She knew Jena had done all she could to save Christy's life after Jeff nearly killed her. She loved her like a sister and didn't want her in danger.

«I doubt it. She didn't strike me as the kind of woman who'd sell out her friends by trying to tell the world about immortal vampires.»

«No. She wouldn't. She'd probably do her best to try to figure you out, though. She's a true scientist at heart. She loves riddles and puzzles of any kind.»

«Well, she won't get much of a chance to study any of us. She'll just have to be content knowing we're out there.»

Christy laughed softly. «That'll drive her nuts for sure, but she's not reckless, and she's a steadfast friend. She'll keep your secret.»

«I had to bite her, you know.» Sebastian stilled, as if he were holding his breath. «I'm sorry. She wouldn't let me help you until she was sure what I proposed wouldn't hurt you more.»

Christy turned to face him, the moonlight gilding his handsome face. «It's okay, Sebastian. Both of you were only trying to protect me.» She reached up and kissed his cheek. «Just don't ever do it again, okay?»

He dipped his head and took her lips with a languid kiss. «It's a deal, milady.»

They lost track of time as the moon rose higher over the trees shrouding the backyard oasis of calm. Sebastian kissed her with drugging thoroughness, leaving no millimeter of her mouth unexplored, no nerve ending untingling. The man was a talented kisser and a devastating masculine presence.

Dimly, Christy heard a soft rumbling purr and suddenly a warm, furry, and very large body pressed against her legs, rubbing lightly. It startled her enough to pull away from Sebastian's hot mouth. Looking down, she stared into the sparkling topaz eyes of the biggest cat she'd ever seen.

«Don't let him frighten you. It's only Matt.»

«Matt?» Suddenly, it all made sense. She knew Matt was a werecougar, but before last night she'd never even suspected such things were possible. Soft, tawny fur covered Matt's large body and tickled her hands as he rested his head in her lap and snuffled at her fingers. A long, wet tongue licked out to rasp over her hand, making her laugh. Emboldened, she reached out and scratched behind the cougar's pointed ears, luxuriating in the feel of his thick pelt under her fingers. It was one of the most sensual and exciting things she'd ever experienced.

Matt settled one big paw on the stone bench, right between her legs, forcing them wider. His nose fell unerringly to the juncture of her thighs, sniffing playfully. She pushed him away, but he would not be deterred, sending that long tongue out to press between her thighs, causing almost unbearable pressure as his purr grew louder.

«There are better places for this than outdoors on a hard stone bench, you creature of mischief.» Sebastian pushed at the cat with a good-natured shove, freeing Christy. She stood quickly, unwilling to be pinned by the cat again, though she wasn't scared so much as excited.

Sebastian ushered her inside, the cat following close behind. Once indoors, Matt moved up next to her, putting his large body under her hand as he led her through the house to another room she hadn't seen before. This room was as decadent as the dojo was austere. A giant sectional couch filled one wall and looked like the most comfortable nest she'd ever seen. The opposite wall was covered with what looked like a movie screen with all kinds of electronic gear set in built-in cabinets all around. This was obviously some kind of high-tech media room and it was built for comfort as well as style.

The colors were bold, but pleasing to the eye and the furniture looked both adaptable and functional. Of course, it would be useful for more than just watching movies. If the building rumble in the cat under her hand was anything to judge by, tonight the main attraction in this movie theater would be her.
