
Elements of these stories have been floating through my imagination for the past decade, but getting the chance to write them all down was something I never believed I’d be blessed enough to do. It was a delight to originally share these novellas as e-books, but seeing them printed as a physical book is a dream come true. So it’s with immense gratitude that I thank the following people:

My husband, Josh—for making dinner, bringing me coffee (and tea … and chocolate … and snacks), walking Annie, and for all of the unconditional love. I could not do this without you.

My parents—for buying multiple copies of every novel and novella, for being my #1 fans, and for all of the adventures (a few of which inspired these stories).

My incomparable agent, Tamar Rydzinski, who called one summer afternoon with a crazy idea that would eventually become these novellas.

My editor, Margaret Miller, who never fails to challenge me to be a better writer.

And the entire worldwide team at Bloomsbury—for the unfailing enthusiasm, brilliance, and support. Thank you for all that you’ve done for the Throne of Glass series. I am so proud to call myself a Bloomsbury author.

Writing a book is definitely not a solitary task, and without the following people, these novellas would not be what they are:

Alex Bracken, whom I’ll never stop owing for the genius suggestion regarding The Assassin and the Underworld (and for all the other incredible feedback, too).

Jane Zhao, whose unwavering enthusiasm for the world of Throne of Glass was one of the things I clung to most on the long path to publication. Kat Zhang, who always finds time to critique despite an impossibly hectic schedule. Amie Kaufman, who cried and swooned in all the right places.

And Susan Dennard—my wonderful, honest, fierce Sooz. You remind me that sometimes—just sometimes—the universe can get things right. No matter what happens, I will always be grateful for the day you came into my life.

Additional love and thanks to my incredible friends: Erin Bowman, Dan Krokos, Leigh Bardugo, and Biljana Likic.

And you, dear reader: thank you for coming with me on this journey. I hope that you’ve enjoyed this glimpse into Celaena’s past—and I hope that you’ll enjoy seeing where her adventures take her in Throne of Glass!
