Bullpole awaited the greek as that grinning contestant was escorted into the room containing a brace of broad couches by a docile-faced little attendant who led the scheming man to one of the wide beds and helped him lay himself upon it, after gently assisting him to divest his body of the single garment he wore.

“Are you ready, old friend?” asked Bullpole in a languid voice. “Servants will bring each of us a girl as we indicate by gesture.”

“Ready indeed,” replied the smirking Greek.

“We can interrupt our fucking at any time for rest, refreshments or simply brief conversation. A highly reliable servant over there -” Bullpole pointed to an expressionless man holding a pen and tablet, “will keep score. He's been instructed to keep it accurately and impartially upon pain of death. You needn't suspect any chicanery where the tally is concerned.”

“Why, I trust your methods implicitly, friend of my youth!” crooned the Greek. “Surely, you aren't implying that I would insult you by entertaining the faintest doubt regarding -”

“No,” interrupted Bullpole. “I merely wish to assure you that every precaution to insure total fairness and efficiency has been taken.”

The Greek nodded his approval.

“Then the contest begins the moment the first virgin is upon her back with her lovely legs opened on either side of us each.” Bullpole resettled himself, holding his mammoth penis ready in one hand, fingering its blunt tip and making it hard with this preliminary excitement. “Good luck to you!”

“And to you, old friend!”

Attendants led two naked girls – both of them blonde and beautifully shaped – to the couches where they were positioned upon their backs, each girl averting her eyes as her sexual partner climbed between her thighs and lowered himself upon her quivering belly.

“One thing more,” said Bullpole. “Each girl is prepared, her artificial lubrication being a time-saving device rather than await her natural juices to come forth which would require fondling and other time-consuming manipulations which would only serve to slow down the contest.”

“Brilliant!” complimented the Greek. “You seem to have thought of everything – or almost everything!”

“Everything, I assure you!” Bullpole smiled inscrutably across the space separating the couches. “Including a physician who will examine each girl for proof of male juices within her cunt as we continue to the next girl!”

“How scientific!”

Bullpole addressed himself to the frightened wench beneath him, grasping her buttocks and stabbing his huge organ at her velvety-lipped, glistening cunt until, on the fourth thrust, his immense penis sank into her while she bit her lip in pain and moaned hollowly.

At the same time the Greek was plunging his penis rigidly into the yielding moistness of the girl lying numbly under him, hearing her gasp of shock as his gigantic organ penetrated her – the size of it threatening to split her in halves.

Both men fucked in silence, the only sound in the room being that of the girls suffering their virginities to be brutally violated, moaning and groaning softly as the Greek and Bullpole pumped ruthlessly in steady rhythms of undulating hips that sent their members lunging in and out of the now opened vaginas with unrelenting motions that soon had each girl sobbing in labored excitement as her involuntary reaction to the stimulus of the large penis within her cunt quickly brought on her first experience of orgasm.

Bullpole suddenly came, savagely thrusting his macelike organ harder and deeper into the girl clutching at him, and grunting hoarsely as his juice shot into her body. Even before his last spasm had exhausted itself, he was gesturing for another girl.

Rolling off the deflowered blonde who still clung to him with eyes tightly closed, panting with the sensations yet roiling throughout her nervous system, he waited while attendants took her from the couch and substituted a pale-faced brunette whose nude brown body was a symphony of curved and satiny flesh. Spreading her legs, she gazed up in terror at the bulk of malehood descending toward her exposed cunt nestled within the dark thatch of silky hair in the pit of her crotch – wincing and crying out as Bullpole's still-stiff penis impaled her and plunged deeply beyond the rudely parted lips of her organ. He was moving steadily in and out while she had hardly realized that her innocence was gone forever, the shock of his sudden entry having dimmed the discomfort of her torn hymen.

Shortly thereafter, the Greek discharged his hot juices into the blonde clawing at his shoulder-blades in a frenzy of ecstasy, waited until his brief gesture had her removed by the attendants who brought a trembling redhead to his couch and once again threw himself between her quivering plump thighs, his warty cock ramming into the soft warmth of her wet cunt and went ripping through her virginal tissue while she shrieked in pain – the shrillness of her outcry adding to his mounting excitement and urging him on to greater motion as he screwed away in zestful glee.

Staying apace of one another by a few seconds, each man taking the brief lead alternately, they used five wenches apiece before the Greek – panting audibly – called out, “I sh-should like to quench my th-thirst, old friend!”

Bullpole gave the girl under him one last thrust which caused his organ to erupt again – the juice gushing into her cunt copiously. He nodded, and rolled to his side, gasping for air in great shuddering breaths.

Both men rested in quietude for a few minutes, sipping the cool wine from beakers replenished by alert-eyed little attendants who regarded them with wistful awe, undoubtedly wishing that they – having already sampled their master's virility in past heated nights of lustful delight – were now lying with thighs opened to the sensual pleasure of having the prodigious penis of each man present in their twitching coozes.

“By the aching breasts of fair Athena!” swore the Greek solemnly. “This manner of contesting takes its toll of a man's endurance, aside from shrinking his balls to marbles!”

“True.” Bullpole quaffed the spiced wine in thirsty gulps, the liquid spilling from his mouth and streaming down his hoggish jowls in dribbling wetness. “Are you telling me that you wish to concede this game?”

“Not at all, old friend. Simply commenting upon the interesting fact that unremitting intercourse is also demanding upon the back-muscles, the leg-muscles and the lungs.”

“I see.” Bullpole gazed musingly at the Greek.

“I'm ready anytime you are for furtherance of our enjoyable competition!”

His answer was another gesture that instantly brought a fresh pair of virgins – a cowering blonde and a bold-eyed brunette this time – to their respective couches. Now they threw themselves into their work – unheedingly fucking these newest victims despite the resultant screams of pain and fear as the huge male organs went plunging feverishly into the wenches' untouched holes.

Finding myself no longer titillated by the almost mechanical mood of the orgiastic contest, since neither man was bothering to stop for loveplay or any degree of lascivious enjoyment, I left the room to seek other, perhaps more enthralling observations to be found elsewhere – realizing that the contest would continue unabated for quite some time yet.

Deciding that it was time indeed for me to get a bit of sunlight and the invigorating air of the island, I left the building's interior and was placidly hopping along a stone railing edging a lengthy veranda when I heard a familiar voice – spying Ignacio seated in the shade of the courtyard beside a lovely dark-haired girl whom I also recognized as belonging to the treacherous Greek's imported retinue. She held a lowly position of servantry to one of the more passionate and attractive women who acted as personal mistresses to the lustful Greek; but the girl's demeanor was far from servile when she was apart from the others in the Grecian group.

Dropping lightly to the crown of her sweetly scented head, I went from her scalp to her equally pleasant smelling armpit where, amid the soft hairs there, I found the flesh temptingly warm enough to warrant a cautious sampling of her young and delicious blood. So engrossed was she in their conversation she felt not the bite which delivered to me a meal most satisfying. In fact, I fear that I gorged myself as I eavesdropped.

“That bastard, Bullpole, had ordered me castrated following the assault upon my manhood by a horde of slavering perverts,” said Ignacio, shuddering at the memory of his recent punishment. “Fortunately, for me, the chief guard proved to be a merciful churl whose memory of his young sister's ravishment at the hands of Bullpole caused him to order my immunity from castration, taking the responsibility upon himself that his countermanding of Bullpole's cruel instruction would never be discovered.”

“Fortunate for you indeed,” murmured the girl, stroking Ignacio's beardless cheek lovingly and regarding him with the adoring eyes of every girl who has ever fallen in love with a young man. “And fortunate, too, for me, dear Ignacio!”

“Even so, you should see the scars my manhood will bear to the end of my days. Terrible teethmarks those degenerates slashed into my flesh in their lustful savagery!”

“Oh, let me see them!” she begged excitedly.

“What?” He looked startled.

She pulled at his arm, a sly expression across her face. “Come behind this large bush where we can have privacy – and show me your poor scarred organ! I crave to see it, dear Ignacio!”

“You jest! You make sport of me!”

“Not at all! I've never seen a man's – a man's member! Never in my life!” She lowered her eyes in brief shyness. “I'll tell you my deepest secret to show you that I jest not! I'm – I'm still a virgin! Lord Zorba took a strange liking to me after I'd been carried off from my village and delivered to him – and he gave orders that I was to be hand-maiden to his favorite concubine but left untouched! There are those who claim he is merely saving my innocence until a later date, but he shan't ever have it at all!”

“Pah! He'll take it anytime he desires! Powerful men like him and that bastard, Bullpole, can do as they please, whenever they please! Haven't you learned that much yet, you little fool?” Ignacio regarded her with amazement. “He'll have your purity whenever he so pleases!”

“Not if I give it to another, first!”

“True, but -”

She tugged stubbornly at his arm. “Come behind this shrubbery! Must I drag you there in order to give you my most precious possession, dear one?”

“Precious possession?”

“Yes – myself, you dolt! You're so embittered by your punishment that you're ignoring my offer – I wish to give myself to you in love!”

Understanding and desire dawned in his eyes as he studied her uplifted face, glancing down her slender but well curved body. “Well, such a gift is to be cherished! I'm afraid you're right about my obsessive bitterness. Forgive me – uh -” He waited, indicating he needed to know her name.

“Iona,” she said softly.

“Iona,” he repeated. “Ignacio and Iona! They fit together very musically!”

“I know.” She rose, leading him behind the spreading shrubbery and settling herself upon the sandy loam, looking up submissively as he lowered himself beside her. Opening the top of her dress she bared her breasts, revealing two plump melons tipped with taut strawberry colored nipples. “Be gentle but take me completely.”

He began making tender love to her, kissing her mouth passionately as his hands played with the full breasts and she writhed responsively to the touch of his hands, moaning as one of them lifted her skirt – under which there was only bare flesh and a thicket of crisp hair surrounding the chubby mound of slitted delight – and creeping up the satiny smoothness of her rounded inner thigh, began caressing the lips of her mound, rubbing and stroking them apart. She gasped as the fingers found her sensitive clitoris.

“Oh, take me!” she whispered urgently.

Awkwardly divesting himself of his breeches, he freed the rigid penis which stood up throbbingly – the foreskin pulled down from the bulbous head and exposing a muscular column still mottled with livid scars – as it pulsed with excitement and readiness. Iona glanced down, seeing the stiffened shaft and her eyes widened in fascination.

“So that's what a man looks like! Why, it's a handsome thing indeed!” She struggled to a sitting position, reaching for the upright penis and closing a gentle fist about its column. “It's so hard, so strong and sure!”

“Suck it!” Ignacio's muttered plea was hardly audible as he twisted around, burying his own face between her thighs, snuggling upwards until his mouth was pressed to her velvety lips and closing over the delicate crevice, a tongue darting forth to insert itself between the moist walls of her gash and flickering in search of the clitoris. “Suck it while I suck you!”

Obediently she lowered her head, relaxing upon her side as she took the bulbous head gently into her mouth, letting it loll upon her tongue as she sensually nursed upon its pulsating hardness – feeling his mouth wetly working upon her organ as he nuzzled and sucked.

For a few moments they lay like that, each giving the other pleasure with their mouths diligently busy upon one another's private parts – until, with an abrupt increase in excitement and a flurry of motion, they surged into a simultaneous orgasm, grunting and sucking frenziedly as his hot juice spurted into her avid mouth and shocks of enjoyment contracted her cunt with each electrifying jab of his tongue.

They pulled apart when the violence of their mutual climax had passed, both panting rapidly and resting in labored silence.

“Th-that was m-marvelous pleasure!” she murmured, lying peacefully upon her back with half-closed eyes. “Feeling you discharge your fluid only made me more lustful, I fear! I hope we may do that bit of delightful ardor often, dear Ignacio!”

“We can,” he replied dreamily. “I'm very fond of that particular pleasure.”

After a moment or two, her hand crept down to his penis, toying with it idly until it gradually erected again, and when it was entirely hardened, he rolled over, positioning himself between her thighs and nursing greedily upon her plump melons while he made tiny stabs at her opened crotch with his aching rammer.

“Oh, put it in – put it in!” she begged, raising her behind to assist him. “Take me with all your strength, my love!”

“It will hurt a trifle.”

“I welcome the pain – if it means having you within my body, beloved Ignacio!”

He thrust the member into her wet and yielding entry in a steady plunging penetration that drew a sharp gasp of pain from her throat that was almost immediately followed by a moaning of contentment as he began moving the long hard instrument in and out to the head with slow powerful strokes that soon had the girl frantic with passion. She clung to him, her fingers scrabbling madly at his shoulders and her legs scissoring his waist, the heels of her bare feet drumming wildly upon his buttocks as he screwed relentlessly. She grunted urgently, squirming and lifting herself to each driving plunge of his prick as it stabbed deeply into her cunt – her legs quivering with the tension building up as orgasm approached.

Then his self-control dissolved and they launched into a madness of motion, both of them making animalistic sounds of gratification while their climaxes dimmed their senses and sent them into a grindingly brief spasm of savage movements which shortly ended in total exhaustion, leaving them sobbing for air as they limply slumped apart.

The familiarity of the act reminded me of the contest between the scheming Greek and Bullpole still in progress within the building, and my curiosity was revived – wondering just which man would indeed win the contest even though I tended to favor the clever Greek thanks to his insidiously careful plans to insure a superhuman endurance. Leaving the exhausted young lovers still lying wearily in the aftermath of their performance, I returned to the room where the contest was taking place.

It was still in progress.

The contestants definitely showed signs of increasing strain now, despite the grim pace that was still being maintained. I had fully expected to find Bullpole lagging considerably behind a Greek immune to exhaustion but, strangely enough, this was not the case. The Greek was undeniably flagging in his thrusts which now obviously lacked the drive and powerful surging effect of his initial motions; while Bullpole pounded along with an equal degree of determined consistency, albeit also indicating far less freshness and strength than his earlier performances had delivered.

Climaxing again within seconds of each other, Bullpole gestured for another girl – rolling free of the deflowered virgin into whom he had just deposited another charge of his juices, and breathing heavily while a tense-eyed brunette was led to his couch. He rolled between her trembling thighs with undisguised disinterest, his immense penis still erect as he pushed it unenthusiastically into her well-greased pit, ignoring her shrill cry of pain and the involuntary flinching of her impaled body as he resumed a ponderous thrusting calculated to bring him to an orgasm as swiftly and directly as possible, his grunting the result of physical effort rather than lustful enjoyment.

At the same time the Greek signaled for another replacement – having spasmed his juices into the motionless redhead beneath his pumping loins – and narrowly eyed his opponent as he rested, waiting for the pale, sad-eyed blonde who was forcibly led to the couch and positioned in readiness. He went between her plump thighs with an air of resignation, listlessly jamming his still-stiffened member into her lubricated hole and thrusting mechanically while she yipped in pain, threshing about uselessly as his truncheon stabbed in and out of her violated organ with a monotonous tempo.

Two more girls later, Bullpole called for a refreshment halt and both men rolled upon their backs with grateful sighs of relief while attendants hurriedly served wine and biscuits.

“I have always believed that we Spaniards were the most virile men on earth,” rumbled Bullpole yawning fulsomely, “but now I must confess that you Greeks are indeed our equal, judging from the endurance which you are exhibiting.”

“How generous, old friend,” panted the Greek. “Frankly, you have just expressed my own conviction on the subject, but in reverse – and it's rather dismaying to be educated to the fact that you are the living legend of virility that your far-flung reputation lauds you to be!”

But how you press that reputation to a thinness in order for it to survive. Without shame, I must admit I feel just a tinge of weariness beginning to flicker in my balls. This is a new sensation for me.”

“I, too, know the vague awareness of feeling spent – also unknown previously to me.”

Bullpole drank a pitcher of crimson wine without stopping until it was emptied, hurling it to the floor and belching loudly as he wiped his wine-stained mouth with the back of one of his huge hands. “Well, I always finish what I begin – no matter how demanding of myself or others. It's a cardinal rule of my very existence.”

“Greek honor requires precisely the same of me.” The Greek drained his pitcher, dropping it to the couch. “Even though I must fuck until my balls shrink to the size of stunted peas, I shall see this contest to the end of my strength.”

They glanced disgustedly at each other.

“The fanaticism of such honor lends awe to your faithful support of it,” dryly chuckled Bullpole. “But, after all, it's your health that such a code endangers and I can only respect your sincerity in courageously risking your future virility if that's what you needs must do.”

The Greek grinned evilly. “Exactly! And I view your personal philosophy on the subject with sad admiration since it, too, jeopardizes your later years carnally without a doubt; but if you're bold enough to chance the tragic results of brash overindulgence, who am I – being a mere guest in your house – to gainsay your conduct in the matter?”

Hatred flickered briefly in the yellow eyes but Bullpole smiled faintly. The Greek returned the smile with his own that was but a shade removed from being an impudent smirk.

“Ah, well,” sighed Bullpole, stretching his vast bulk. “Had I suggested this contest, I might feel qualified to determine at what point I should concede defeat. But it wasn't my idea and having agreed to participate – I lack the authority to do other than continue as long as I possibly can.”

“True enough,” replied the grinning Greek. “And as the instigator of the competition, I'm honor-bound to fulfill its course to the end of my strength since it would be crass rudeness bordering upon sheer insult were I to do other than extend my sense of honorable respect to your own avowed rule of completing what you have agreed to begin.”

Gesturing impatiently for another pair of girls to be brought to their couches, Bullpole prepared to resume the contest – handling himself gingerly and holding the great penis in readiness as it jutted stiffly out from the mass of tangled hair covering his huge testes.

“Let's get on with it,” he grumbled.

“Any time!” chuckled the Greek, fondling his own estimable organ until it was again hard and long. “I have the definite feeling that now we shall end this competition, one way or another!”

Attendants led a weeping redhead to the Greek's couch, a grim-faced blonde to Bullpole's – and no sooner had the virgins been positioned than each man forced himself between the smooth thighs of each girl, burrowing his organ into the soft cunt hair and past the lubricated lips until his member went lunging into her hole – rupturing the hymen and plunging deeply within the vaginal passageway while she writhed and shrieked in pain.

Fucking intently and ignoring the cacophony of anguished cries, they pumped with steady rhythms until – this time the Greek leading by a few seconds-both men once more reached orgasms and furiously undulated their juices into the squirming bodies pinned beneath them.

And so it went, time after time, with neither man showing the slightest sign of defeating exhaustion or having been bested by his opponent's continued virility. Gradually, however, the Greek began glancing worriedly more frequently at Bullpole who, in turn, glanced at the Greek with a perturbed expression when the other's attention was riveted upon the girl under him.

I sensed that a moment of decision was swiftly approaching. And it came indeed shortly thereafter with most surprising results. Straining simultaneously for yet another orgasm, Bullpole and the Greek slumped forward upon the girls in identical motions of total quits – each wearing an expression of dismay upon his face as he pitched forward with undisguised exhaustion.

“I cannot!” grunted Bullpole thickly.

“I'm spent!” bleated the Greek.

They stared disbelievingly at one another while the girls were removed and the physician closely examined the cunt of each girl, rising to announce with a bland expression: “Neither wench contains male juice, sire! Both wenches have been deflowered.”

“What is the count?” muttered Bullpole.

The scorekeeper cleared his throat. “An even thirty-two virgins apiece, sire. Which amounts to a draw. There is no winner, no loser, sir.”

The Greek regained his poise with magnificent speed and smoothness, grinning at Bullpole as he sat up on the edge of the couch and reached for a pitcher of wine handed him by a flirtatious little attendant wiggling her scantily draped curves at him in open invitation.

“Well, we're both good men, old friend!” laughed the Greek. “It seems that we shall have to face that fact! To your splendid virility, sir!”

Bullpole stared coldly. “Yes, that would indeed seem to be the case. Well, perhaps there will be another way, at another time.”

“For what, old friend?”

“For a final opportunity to determine who is the better man at what activity!” Bullpole rose wearily to his feet, starting out of the room with abrupt rudeness. “I dislike even results where any of my abilities are concerned!”

The Greek's face went thoughtfully hard.

Intuition bade me leap upon Bullpole as he went past the Greek, knowing that only if I accompanied that tyrant would I likely learn anything more about his mysterious ability to last during what had been a most unfair contest against him.

Intuition, as always, was indeed perceptive.
