1618 Darius is born
1641 Darius transitions
1643 Darius is sent to war camp
1644 Tohrment is born
_____Darius leaves war camp
1665 Wrath is born
1669 Tohrment goes through transition and is promised to the firstborn female of the Princeps Relix
1671 Darius meets Tohrment: nine months later Tohrment is inducted into the Brotherhood
1690 Wrath goes through transition
1704 Vishous and Payne are horn
1707 Vishous goes into war camp
1729 Vishous goes through transition and leaves camp (drifts, then functions as merchant heavy)
1739 Vishous meets Darius and Wrath
1778 Phury and Zsadist are born
_____Zsadist is abducted
1780 Zsadist sold into slavery
1784 Wellesandra is born
1802 Phury and Zsadist transition
1809 Wellesandra goes through transition
1814 Tohrment and Wellsie are mated
1843 Rhage is born
1868 Rhage goes through transition
1898 Phury rescues Zsadist from the Mistress
_____Rhage joins Brotherhood, kills owl and is cursed by Scribe Virgin with the beast
1917 Zsadist and Phury meet Wrath
1932 Phury on his deathbed—Z gets Darius, who contacts Wrath for last rites (Phury survives)
_____Phury and Zsadist inducted into Brotherhood
1960 Butch O’Neal is born
1969 Jane Whitcomb is born
1975 Mary Madonna Luce is born
1980 Beth Randall is born
1983 John Matthew is born in bus station
2005 Wrath and Beth are mated
2006 Rhage and Mary are mated
_____Zsadist and Bella are mated
_____Wellesandra is killed
2007 Butch inducted into Brotherhood
_____Butch and Marissa are mated
_____Blay goes through transition
_____Qhuinn goes through transition
_____Lash goes through transition
_____John Matthew goes through transition
_____Vishous and Jane arc mated
_____Nalla is born
AARP American Association of Retired Persons
BFD Big Fucking Deal
BMOC Big Man on Campus
BTW By the Way
BVD Men’s full briefs that Wrath hates
DL Down-low
FNG Fucking New Guy
FUBAR Fucked up Beyond All Recognition
FYI For Your Information
GW God Willing
HEA Happily Ever After
IIRC If I Recall Correctly
IMHO In My Honest/Humble Opinion
IMO In My Opinion
ITA I Totally Agree
MFN Motherfucking
MYOB Mind Your Own Business
OD Overdose
OMG Oh My God
OPP Other Person’s/People’s Property
PNG Persona Non Grata
POS Piece of Shit
POV Point of View
PTSD Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
RTFM Read the Freaking/Fucking Manual
SOL (1) Slice of Life
SOL (2) Shit outta Luck
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
TBH To Re Honest
TLC Tender Loving Care
TO Time-out
WASP White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
WTF What the Fuck