
I realize more and more with each book how much it’s not a solitary process. There are many people to thank each time, and my heartfelt gratitude goes out to each of them.

First, always, thanks to Marcy Posner for holding my hand, keeping me from going off the deep end, and for celebrating the good stuff.

And to Claire Zion, whose brilliance makes the Gardellas that much better…every time.

Thanks to everyone at NAL who has helped bring Victoria and her story to the market—Sandra Devendorf, Hilary Dowling, Kara Welsh, and the incredible, amazing art department, which just blows my mind with their cover and promotional designs. They just keep getting better and better! Thanks, too, to the sales reps, who have done a fabulous job getting the books out in unexpected places everywhere.

Big thanks to my blogger friends who have helped along the way, especially Carl V. (who is constantly going out of his way to support me), Cheya, Nancytoes, Zeus and Marina, Bam, Susan Helene, Chris, Mary F., Kailana, the Smart Bitches, Heather Harper, Megan F., and everyone who hangs out at my blog. Also to Jeff for the great pictures!

Thanks to my writer friends, especially Jackie Kessler, Diane Gaston, Janet Mullany, Anne Mallory, and all of the Wet Noodle Posse.

I couldn’t do it without Holli and Tammy holding my hand through the whole creative process, and also Jana DeLeon, whose shoulder to cry on and ear to celebrate in has made it all so much easier.

Thanks to Christel for the Italian and French assistance, and to Beth, Debi, Danita, and Jen for all their support. And also to the Brighton Borders, for hosting me and my Mambo addiction nearly every day during deadline time, and to Paperback Outlet, for two of the best signings ever!

And, lastly, to Steve and my three lovelies for understanding the whole concept of the writing process, and letting me do it…even when we’d all rather be hanging out together. I love you all, and thank you for your love, enthusiasm, and plot help!
