The King of France was well again; and there was no reason why the assault on Acre should not be renewed.

The citizens were in desperate straits after two years of siege; the failure to receive the promised stores which had been on the ship which Richard had sunk had been a vital blow; their walls were already badly breached and they could not hold out any longer. The combined Christian forces were formidable; the coming of Richard had put such heart into them; it was true that many had believed he must die but now that he had recovered they were of the opinion that he must be immortal and they were convinced that victory would soon be theirs.

In such a mood did they storm Acre.

The fighting was fierce; the losses were great; thirty thousand Christians died in the battle for Acre; but at last came victory. The town had surrendered and Saladin’s army was in retreat.

Both Richard and Philip agreed that such a valiant people must be treated with some respect and they ordered that the usual pillage which was generally the result of such a situation should not take place. Prisoners should be taken that these might be bartered for Christian captives. This was wise for later it was arranged that two thousand Christian captives should be returned with a ransom of two hundred thousand pieces of gold in exchange for the release of the prisoners of Acre.

Now there was victory. Over the town should fly the Christian flag. Philip set up residence in the Palace of the Templars and the royal palace was given to Richard. Here he immediately installed Berengaria, Joanna and with them the Cypriot Princess.

It was greatly comforting for the women to be in such surroundings after living in tents with the army, but they were delighted more with the victory than by the luxurious way of life.

‘We must make the most of it,’ Joanna told Berengaria, ‘for you can be sure it will not last long.’

‘I wish they would be content with taking Acre,’ sighed Berengaria.

‘They will never be content until they have taken Jerusalem,’ replied Joanna.

* * *

Richard, riding round the walls of the captured city, saw a flag he did not immediately recognise flying high.

He shouted: ‘Whose flag is this?’

‘It belongs to the Duke of Austria, my lord,’ he was told.

‘Will you bring the Duke of Austria to me here,’ he ordered.

Leopold of Austria, a proud man, did not like the peremptory summons but he knew that he must obey it. He came reluctantly to where Richard stood beneath his flag.

‘Who ordered that this flag should be placed here?’ asked Richard.

‘I did,’ answered Leopold.

‘Why so?’

‘It is my flag and I and my men have just taken part in the capture of this city.’

‘If every man who has brought a few men to fight for the Cross begins waving his flag we shall be ridiculous. Leave flags to your betters.’

With that Richard seized the flag and ground his heel on it.

Leopold of Austria was purple with rage. Those watching were astounded. Richard was in bad mood. He had heard very disturbing rumours about the King of France and he could not help believing that they had sound foundations. He was fighting his own battle with the Plantagenet temper and it had won a round when he saw Leopold’s flag. He was uneasy not only concerning the King of France, but he could not forget the strange visitation which had occurred during his fever, and although he must rejoice in the victory at Acre he could not help pondering morosely on Saladin’s defeat.

The arrogance of this petty Duke had angered him and given him a reason for giving vent to his feelings, and he had let his rage grow out of all proportion to the offence.

Saladin, he was thinking, you came to me and laid your magic talisman upon my brow. This happened ... I know it did. It was not a fancy. And we are at war.

Saladin was his enemy and in a strange way he loved this man.

‘In other circumstances ...’

Was that not what Philip had once said? ‘If I were not the King of France and you the King of England ...’ And Saladin: ‘If I were not the Sultan, ruler of the Saracens and you were not a Christian king ...’

It was a complex situation and Richard loved that which was simple and straightforward: and because he was baffled he was angry, so he had let his fury loose on the Duke of Austria.

He turned abruptly away. He knew that he had acted foolishly. What harm was the Austrian flag doing there? In that moment of rage when he had torn it down and trampled on it, he had insulted Leopold and Leopold was a vindictive man. Moreover some of the Germans had seen what he had done and the rest would soon hear of it.

‘I will never forget this insult,’ muttered Leopold.

Richard had indeed made a bitter enemy.
