Chapter 13

Salisbury, Christmas 1139

The horses thundered past the onlookers, hooves tearing clods from the moist December grass. Breath smoking from wide-flared nostrils and muscles flowing like fire, they devoured the length of the racecourse crudely marked out on the tourney field. A bright chestnut boasted a half-length lead over a powerful ash-grey with black points. At the grey’s hindquarters a bay strove to gain ground, and a length behind, an ugly brown was fighting to maintain contact.

The fair bearded man in a cloak trimmed with ermine clenched his fists against the fur and muttered anxiously beneath his breath as the chestnut eased further in front. ‘Too soon, he has taken him too soon.’

Beside his king, Ranulf de Gernons twisted the tail of one long black moustache around his forefinger and smiled within himself. It had been a simple enough matter to bribe the boy astride the royal courser to waste him on the first stage of the race. The grey would probably have won anyway, but since several bags of silver were riding on the outcome, Ranulf had preferred to make sure. It was money that Stephen could afford to lose. The Bishop of Salisbury’s demise less than a month ago had left the King in possession of everything that was in the old weasel’s strongboxes. It was the reason the court was spending Christmas in Salisbury instead of gathering at Windsor. Stephen wanted to take account of and secure the Bishop’s massive wealth for himself.

Robert of Leicester hunched his shoulders against the gnawing wind and watched the coursers swirl around the post at the far end of the designated sprint. Like horse, like owner, he thought. Stephen’s chestnut had the swiftest turn of foot but only in a very limited burst; de Gernons’s grey was powerful, showy and unpredictable. His own bay, an honest worker, had no exceptional talent, and the brown would still be running one-paced long after all the others had dropped.

He glanced across the field at a young nobleman who was holding the bridle of an elegant black stallion and talking earnestly to one of the King’s Flemings. Renard FitzGuyon of Ravenstow. A pity he had not been here earlier when the race was organised. Neither chestnut nor grey would have stood a chance against the black’s pace as demonstrated over Ravenstow’s hunting grounds during the two days of celebrations following the wedding feast.

The thunder of hooves swelled in a crescendo towards the waiting men. Stephen’s horse was sweat-darkened and visibly labouring. The grey pushed its nose in front. Stephen’s disappointed groan was audible. Ranulf de Gernons continued to finger his moustache and say nothing, but his eyes glittered. The horses tore past their owners in a wind of ragged manes, tails and tearing breath, the earth shaken by the force of their speed.

‘Congratulations, Ranulf.’ Stephen said with a tepid smile at Chester. ‘I would have sworn on my life that Soreldor was going to win. A good thing I didn’t, eh?’ It was supposed to be a jest, but it fell tellingly flat.

Leicester was driven to folly by the half-concealed smirk lurking behind Chester’s moustache. ‘It’s a pity that FitzGuyon’s black wasn’t competing, Ranulf,’ he observed. ‘Your grey would have been left standing for certain.’

Ranulf ’s eyes sharpened. He swung his head in the direction Leicester indicated. ‘Call that a horse!’ he snarled. ‘I’ve seen bigger dogs!’

‘Fast though, and the size is deceptive. FitzGuyon’s a handspan taller than you and the beast bears him well.’

Ranulf spat on the grass to demonstrate what he thought of Leicester’s opinion. ‘You’ve been soft on that troublemaking whoreson ever since you went to his wedding!’

‘We’re talking facts, not personal opinions.’ Leicester’s voice was mild, his eyes hard. ‘You want to forget old scores. You’ve got more irons in the fire than Caermoel and Woolcot.’

Ranulf glared but had the good sense to tighten his lips. It was common, if unspoken, knowledge that he only adhered to Stephen’s cause because he desired the return of the former family possession of Carlisle and whatever else Stephen would grant him for his ‘loyalty’.

Ranulf ’s boy dismounted from the blowing but not winded grey and he stumped away to speak to the lad.

Stephen watched his groom lead the chestnut around to cool off and bit his thumbnail, eyes full of disappointment. Scowling, he looked round for the chestnut’s rider, but the lad had made himself scarce. His drifting gaze fell upon Renard FitzGuyon and the horse he was idly fondling as he talked to the Fleming. It was a courser, glossy pitch-black except for its hind legs which looked as if they had been dipped to the hocks in milk. The stallion was long-boned and rangy with the high-flagged tail and dished face of the eastern horses sometimes brought home by returning crusaders. Stephen thought that de Gernons was right: bigger dogs did exist, but there was plenty of lung room in the well-sprung ribs, and the lean lines suggested speed. His scowl cleared.

‘I’ll make you another wager, Ranulf!’ he yelled over to the Earl. ‘Your grey against FitzGuyon’s black!’ And without waiting for Chester’s confirmation, set off across the field.

Renard left his conversation with the Fleming to make a hasty obeisance as the King strode over to him and clapped a powerful arm across his shoulders. Stephen’s enthusiastic proposal filled him with more than a seasoning of doubt.

‘Sire, there is already enough bad blood between us. Whoever wins, it will only increase the enmity,’ he said.

‘Are you refusing me?’ Stephen snapped.

Renard drew a breath and hesitated for a long moment on the peak of it. ‘No, sire,’ he exhaled at last.

‘Leicester’s lad can ride him for you. He’s the lightest boy and he’s got an angel’s touch on the reins. Come on, man, don’t be such a wet trout!’ He shook Renard exuberantly.

Renard could hardly refuse. Besides, it was something he more than half wanted to do. Barring a freak accident, he was as certain of Gorvenal’s victory over the grey as any man could be. The thought made his stomach leap. He also knew that it was folly and if Stephen had the sense to look beneath the surface he would see it too. The problem with Stephen was that he saw his own ungrudging, generous nature in every man he encountered, never realising it was a false reflection.

Against his better judgement, Renard led the horse across the field. Ranulf of Chester gave him a glare which he returned full measure. They had both been at court since yesterday, but thus far separated from each other by the throng of earls and barons in similar attendance on the King. This was their first full meeting since Renard had gone to Antioch. The main enmity stemmed from an incident more than ten years old. De Gernons had been showing off a new and vicious hunting dog. The beast had run amok, Renard had killed it with a jousting lance and there had been trouble. Nothing had changed.

‘Is your grey rested enough, my lord?’ Renard asked his rival with neutral courtesy. ‘I would not want to claim a false victory.’

Ranulf ’s neck started to mottle with angry patches of red that filtered into his stubbled jowls. ‘He’ll leave that pony of yours standing!’ he sneered.

‘Force is not everything, my lord. If you doubt it, go to Ravenstow and look at what remains of a troop of mercen — aries caught raiding on my lands.’ Renard turned to watch Leicester’s boy spring into the saddle.

Chester’s fingers tightened convulsively on the dagger grip. ‘You had no right …’ he started.

‘Neither did they,’ Renard interrupted without turning round, but he was intensely aware of the glare focused on the space between his shoulder blades. He checked the girth for something to do with his hands. ‘It is not in my interests to seek a quarrel with you, but I will bite if provoked.’

Chester dragged on his moustache and narrowed his eyes.

Stephen’s hand came down heavily on the Earl’s thick shoulder. ‘Come now, Ranulf!’ he cajoled. ‘It’s the season of goodwill. Time to abandon old grudges and make peace!’

Chester shuddered beneath Stephen’s encouraging slap, but but he held his body in check.

An interested group of courtiers had gathered around the starting point as the horses were brought round and lined up. De Gernons’s grey stood well over sixteen hands high, the solid power tempered by strains of Barb and Spanish. Gorvenal’s sire had been a desert-bred Bedouin stallion, his dam a mare of Andalusian blood. In consequence he was smaller and lighter than the other horse, but Renard had few qualms. What was lacking in weight was made up in speed.

Each youth fretted his mount back on its hocks, awaiting the King’s signal, and when Stephen dropped his raised arm, both horses sprang forward like shafts from a triggered arbalest.

At first there was no discrepancy. The sheer power of the grey’s initial thrust from the starting line put him a length in front, but as they approached the wooden stake that marked the turning point, it became obvious that the black owned the fleeter turn of foot. The horses swerved neck and neck. The lighter Arab had the advantage of manoeuvre and began to draw ahead as they started the home stretch.

De Gernons’s boy knew the penalty for failure, could already feel the stripes smarting across his back and the boot connecting with his ribs. Fear became panic as the black continued to overtake him, and in desperation he cut his whip at Leicester’s boy.

The youth gave a cry of pain and jerked his arm from the rein to ward off a second blow. Gorvenal’s stride slackened. He wavered, pecked slightly on an uneven piece of ground, and veered into the grey. The whip cut again. The grey’s solid weight barged Gorvenal out of stride and almost brought him down. Chester’s horse regained the lead.

Sobbing with pain and outrage, a bright weal swelling on his white cheek, Leicester’s boy gritted his teeth, dug his heels into Gorvenal’s flanks and drew him wide, asking of the stallion everything he possessed.

Ranulf de Gernons’s premature smile froze. He gaped in utter disbelief as his grey courser, the pride of his stable, was overhauled and taken on the line by a spectacular burst of speed from the black.

Stephen crowed his delight aloud, as tactless but genuine as a small boy. ‘What do you think of FitzGuyon’s pony now!’ he chortled to Earl Ranulf.

‘A fancy toy to be shown off at fairings and the like!’ Chester snarled. ‘That’s no honest mount!’

‘Oh, come now, Ranulf!’ cried Stephen.

‘But then it wasn’t an honest race,’ Renard observed tartly as he went to Gorvenal. ‘Are you all right, lad?’

The boy nodded and gingerly touched the swollen stripe on his cheek. ‘Yes, my lord. He’s got fire in his feet. No side-swipe from a whip was going to stop him!’

Renard gave the boy a silver coin and examined Gorvenal for signs of damage.

Incensed by having lost the wager and Renard’s remark, Chester started forward with a snarl on his lips, but bounced off Leicester’s wide chest. ‘Peace, Ranulf,’ he growled. ‘You’re beaten, you know it, so accept with a good grace for once.’

De Gernons thrust himself out of Leicester’s grip. ‘Don’t lecture at me, Beaumont! You’re not as holy as you think you are!’ Then, glaring at Renard, ‘Enjoy your petty triumph. Hide behind Beaumont and his ilk. I’ll winkle you out of your shell yet on the end of my sword. We have some unfinished business, you and I.’

‘Caermoel is Ravenstow’s,’ Renard said, his voice a calm mask over fear and fury. ‘Copies of the charter are lodged with the monks at Shrewsbury and in Chester itself if you care to look. You’ll not find a single point lacking.’ He turned to Stephen. ‘Perhaps you would like to study the charter yourself, sire, and confirm it?’

Looking at Renard, Stephen was reminded of the old king. Not so strange, for it was in the blood, and the actual bond was closer than his own. He had been delighted when Robert of Leicester had managed to persuade Renard to attend the Christmas court. There had been no open display of rebellion from Ravenstow, but neither had there ever been any tremendous loyalty and Stephen knew that Guyon FitzMiles’s son-in-law, Adam de Lacey, was possessed of strong rebel sympathies. It behoved Stephen to treat this young man generously. The dilemma was how much he could dare to afford.

He vaguely recalled Caermoel being mentioned before. De Gernons disliked the intrusion of the keep within territory he considered his own. It served to prevent the Welsh from raiding, but it was also a watchtower on some of his more questionable activities.

‘Charter?’ Ranulf spluttered furiously. ‘Maurice de Montgomery bribed that land from old King William at the time of the great survey!’

‘Obviously he was setting a precedent.’ The tone of Renard’s retort was caustic.

Ranulf shoved past Robert of Leicester and before anyone could stop him had closed with Renard and seized a handful of his tunic. Renard promptly used the street-fighter’s trick he had shown William in the forest. A slight refinement and an adroit twist of his arm prevented him from being pulled over as his victim toppled like a tree.

‘Enough!’ Stephen roared, horrified, but aware of a treacherous glint of satisfaction, indeed amusement, at the sight of his most powerful tenant-in-chief sprawled thus. Chester opened his mouth to roar out curses and threats. Renard kept his clammed shut, eyes glittering with all that went unsaid. Indeed, some of the anger was self-directed. He knew he should have kept a closer guard on his tongue. It was just that Ranulf of Chester riled him beyond all caution. He had intended Stephen to ratify the Caermoel charter, but quietly, not in a blaze of public display like this, with the main contender howling for blood.

Chester regained his feet. From the way he was standing, it was obvious he had torn a muscle in the fall.

‘There will be peace between you,’ Stephen said, eyes darting between the two men. ‘The matter of the Caermoel charter will be fairly examined and in whomsoever’s favour I find, I will hear no more on the matter. Now give each other the kiss of peace and have done!’

Neither man moved. ‘By Christ!’ Stephen’s complexion was as ruddy as wine. ‘Do as I say. I will have peace between you!’

Chester bestowed a look of contempt on Stephen and, with a shrug that was pure insult, did as he was bid. Renard reciprocated, knowing that their embrace was no overture to piece, but confirmation of a war begun in earnest.

The angry flush on Stephen’s brow and cheekbones, dissipated. He took men at surface value, upon their superficial gestures. ‘Good.’ He gripped Renard’s tense shoulder. ‘Now, about that black of yours. I realise you would not sell him whatever sum I offered, but might I ask the favour of his services at stud?’
