
The Man Who Loved Jane Austen is the embodiment of a dream. It is a fantasy viewed through the mists of time, in which Darcy, the enigmatic hero of Pride and Prejudice, is finally unmasked and Jane, the woman who created him, reveals the secret of her own true love.

But make no mistake, this is just a dream. Our dream, Mike’s and mine. Not Jane Austen’s. And though we have doubtless taken unconscionable liberties with the life and times of that illustrious author, we would like to think that Jane, of all people, would understand. And, at discovering herself playing the coveted role of the romantic heroine, even reward us with a smile.

This book is presented in three volumes, just as Jane Austen’s books were published. During the Regency era, books were made by hand, and so for ease of creation and publication Jane Austen’s books were issued in three separate volumes. We have included the three volumes of our fantasy, The Man Who Loved Jane Austen, in this one book.
