Chapter 8

A commotion at the front of the warehouse caught both Sugar’s and Michael’s attention. She stood to get a better view, but his hand clamped down on her forearm, yanking her back onto the stool.

“Your lover’s here.”

Confusion clouded her thoughts, then she realized he meant Eric, not Daedalus.

Michael released her arm, and his face transformed from anger to regal calm before her eyes. He glared at the arrival of the Omegas’ challenger.

An air of expectation silenced the hum of conversation.

Eric stalked with a predatory grace to the dais where they sat. The Weres who had been guarding the door surrounded him and Daedalus.

Sugar barely recognized her best friend. They’d only seen each other a few times since Daedalus had arrived. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from the obvious changes. Confidence radiated around him like a beacon, and everyone in the warehouse drew closer to him.

A leather kilt hung from his lean hips, the rest of him naked. The healthy sheen of sweat covering his skin reflected the neon lights, defining his lean, newly acquired muscles. She noticed, like Daedalus, he also bore a black circular tattoo over his heart. Except his was of the full moon.

He looked like a gladiator.

Daedalus stood a step behind. His usual black jeans and muscle shirt contrasted with his pale, translucent skin. The light gleamed off his head and caused his deep blue eyes to look soulless. It made it impossible for him to hide his vampire origins. The cold, menacing expression on his face sent a shiver down her spine. Thankfully, he was on their side.

Eric’s gaze flicked over to her, and she shrugged. Nothing he did at this point could help her. He needed to win. She wished Daedalus would glance her way to offer some reassurance.

Michael rose. “The Ayumu pack recognizes you, Eric of the Omegas. Who is this vampire accompanying you?”

Eric’s voice rang through the warehouse. “Daedalus is my appointed advisor.”

“This isn’t a place for advice.” He faced Daedalus. “You shouldn’t be involved in this.”

“The Accords state I can be present during a challenge.” His expression and stance never changed.

Hushed voices hummed over the crowd at this statement. Michael’s face lost its amused expression. “The Accords? No one follows those ancient laws anymore.”

Eric turned to address the crowd. “That’s because most of us don’t even know of their existence. We’ve forgotten them.” He returned his attention to the Lead Alpha. “We’ve lost our way.”

Eric climbed the stairs to the dais, causing a stir among the guards. Michael held up his hand to forestall them.

“You knew about the Accords,” Eric whispered. Only Sugar and the Alpha could hear him.

Michael lowered his face within inches of Eric’s. “Of course, every Lead Alpha does. No one cares.”

“I care. They define us as a people, Michael. Without it...” Eric diverted his gaze to the floor. He paused and swallowed, then sucked in his breath. When he looked back up, his eyes matched Michael’s, amber wolf. “We’re nothing but animals.”

Sugar had never seen one of the Omegas this close to losing control of their beast. She found herself scooting back on her stool.

Eric noticed her and gave a small, encouraging nod. The amber glow of his eyes grew. He returned to the floor to announce, “I challenge Michael, Lead Alpha of the Ayumu pack, for the right of his throne.”

The outcries from the pack startled Sugar. She feared they’d run out and tear her men to shreds.

Michael waited until the noise died down before he responded with a smirk. “You have to work your way up the pack to get that kind of challenge, Eric.”

“No, I don’t, Michael. I am Lead Alpha to the Omegas pack. Leader to Leader challenge. We’ll absorb the Ayumu. At least one Accord law is still followed.”

Sugar looked to Daedalus. He grinned and gave her a shameless wink.

The arena was set in the center of the warehouse. Sugar attempted to join the Omegas on the bench when Michael left the dais, but his thugs blocked her way. The muscled brute who had wanted to keep her at the door pushed her back onto the stool. He didn’t leave her side. She looked around him to her friends. Tyler held Katrina, Robert and Sam watched the preparations.

The brute explained to her most dominance fights were to the first draw of blood, but this kind of challenge went to the death. He bent closer to Sugar. “When Michael’s done with you, he’ll give ya to me.” His teeth were stained brown from chewing tobacco, and the smell curled her toes.

“You ever heard of a toothbrush?”

The brute choked on his words while he sputtered, his eyes dilated before he grabbed her by the hair. He pulled her head back as he drew his fist to punch her. Fury burned in his dead eyes.

She raised her arms to protect herself when he stopped mid-swing.

Sam held his arm in his grip, then pulled him away. It caused them both to tumble off the dais. Sugar wasn’t sure who let the first punch go, but the brawl didn’t last long. A piercing whistle made most of the Weres cover their sensitive ears, including Sam and his fist buddy.

Daedalus removed his fingers from his mouth. “Break it up, boys! The fight’s between these two.” He gestured to the Lead Alphas of the opposing packs.

Sam pushed himself off the floor, nodded at Sugar, and sat back with his pack. The brute returned to the dais, murder in his eyes as he watched her.

Michael stripped completely. He paced the floor, unconscious of his nudity. His eyes never left Eric while he stared daggers at him.

They approached each other in the center of the cleared area. The surrounding crowd cheered. The Alphas began their change.

Sugar didn’t want to look, but couldn’t make herself turn away. She’d never watched a transformation before, her stare remained glued to the horror. Their skin flowed like water while fur took its place. They groaned when bones and joints popped, reshaping themselves into what looked like half-wolf and half-man. Claws grew from their fingers and toes. Lastly, they stood on their hind legs and howled as their jaws elongated, exposing the long, sharp canines.

She sensed Daedalus’s presence before turning to see him beside her.

“You’re pale, Sugar. Are you okay?” He lifted her chin with a knuckle.

She glanced back at the werewolf wearing a leather kilt. “I’m managing. Eric seems to be the same size as Michael in his beast form. If he didn’t keep the kilt on, I’d have trouble telling them apart.”

A pleased look briefly touched her lover’s face. “Exercise strengthens the human body, but it’s the soul which strengthens the beast.” He caressed her face, then returned to his charge by the arena.

It dawned on Sugar what Daedalus had truly been doing this last month. He taught Eric to fight and built his confidence to give him pride so he could lead. He grew Eric’s beast. It must have been his plan from the start, and she loved him for it.

Eric matched Michael in size. Maybe he could win if he could match him in skill.

The Alphas circled each other, testing their reflexes and speed by feigned attacks. Michael sprang at Eric, knocking them both into the bystanders. People screamed under the crush of two huge monsters as the struggle for dominance began.

They fought like the animals they’d become. Fang and claw, bite and tear, a gruesome display of strength and agility. Eric’s kilt lay on the ground, torn off during the battle. Sugar couldn’t tell who was who now.

The beast under assault placed his feet against the other’s abdomen and shoved with great power. The assailant flew across the warehouse, landing with a hard thud on the concrete floor.

The spectators scattered, gathering around the dais. Sugar needed to stand on the stool to watch. Both Alphas raced at each other to collide in a storm of fury.

Sam waved his arm to catch Sugar’s attention. “We can’t see! Who’s winning?” He tried to get up on the dais, but the guards pushed him back.

She stamped her foot on the stool. “I can’t tell! They both look alike.”

She glimpsed Daedalus. He stood alone by the front door, absorbed in the fight. Occasionally he’d shout something. At least he can tell which one is Eric.

One beast stood over the other, its jaw clenched around the other’s throat, shaking its head with vigor. In a spray of blood, the dominant werewolf almost decapitated the other when he ripped out most of its throat and swallowed the flesh. He crossed his arms, then faced the crowd around the dais. Bloody gore dripped from its maw.

Sugar’s head spun at the sight.

“You are all Omegas now.” Its rough voice rolled over them. Sugar twisted to look at the Omegas. They jumped up and down in unbridled joy. She stared as the beast approached them.

Eric had won.

Sugar jumped off the dais and rushed over to the celebrating Omegas. This would be a new era. No more “Wimps of the Underworld” or “Pansies of the Paranormal.” They’d be part of the Ayumu. No, the Ayumu would be part of them.

The Omegas owned Chicago.

That thought, the enormity of what had transpired, stopped her in her tracks. Things would change, maybe not for the best. Her simple lifestyle wouldn’t survive. The Omegas’ time would be consumed in maintaining dominance over their new members and worse, they thought she belonged to Eric as his mate.

Daedalus saved her friends, yet at the same time destroyed her quiet, happy life.

The touch of a hand at her elbow startled her. She frowned, expecting her lover, but instead came face to face with the muscled, rude brute. His grip tightened around her arm. Before she could cry for help, he dragged her through the crowd to a small side exit.

The cool air outside snapped her from the shock. Her lungs, stiff with fear, couldn’t seem to get enough air. She tried to scream. His steel grasp prevented any escape, no matter how hard she fought and tore at his hand.

He pulled her without effort toward the surrounding woods. His eyes glowed with amber light in the dark when he glanced over his shoulder. “I’m going to fuck ya.” He grinned, exposing long, sharp canines. “Then I’m going to eat ya.”

She froze. None of her limbs functioned. The Omegas were too busy celebrating to notice her absence, she was on her own against this creature.

Daedalus strolled out of the woods.

Her heart skipped a beat. Relief flooded her and loosened her knees.

“Nice night to take a walk. Who do you have there, wolf?”

The brute stopped moving forward when he saw Daedalus. “None of your business, blood sucker.” He squeezed Sugar’s arm harder, making her cry out.

Quick as a blink, Daedalus stood a breath away with his hand on the brute’s wrist. With a quick snap, he broke it. “You’re hurting my Sugar.” The words came from behind clenched teeth.

The werewolf cried out in pain, releasing her arm. His cries grew louder when Daedalus twisted his injured joint.

“Stay here, Sugar, this won’t take long.” He dragged the brute into the forest, where his pleading screams ended abruptly.

She lay in the dirt and cringed with each of the brute’s cries. Something innocent died within her when those shrieks stopped. Tears burned behind her eyes.

Daedalus returned, wiping the blood on his chin with a handkerchief. He crouched in front of Sugar, a small satisfied smile on his face.

Before he could say anything, she pushed him, knocking him on his ass. “Get away!”

“Hey.” His stunned response echoed off the warehouse.

She crabbed back from him, then stood. “Sorry, it’s... Well...” She gestured to the woods. “You ate him?”

He remained on the ground. “Sugar, I’m a vampire. The world won’t miss the likes of him.”

“I know. It’s just with focusing on the challenge and my own quiet...” She looked at her feet. “I’m starting to realize how naive I’ve been.”

The side exit door opened. “I’m telling you, Katrina, I smell her this way.” Tyler and his girlfriend hurried out to find their quarry. “Hey, I thought you were in trouble.”

Sugar spun, thankful for the interruption. “Not anymore. Daedalus saved me.” How could she explain to Daedalus she’d never thought of him as a monster until tonight? And now he terrified her?

He stood, brushing the dirt off his jeans. “Can you take Sugar home, Tyler?” He looked at her and sighed. “I think she’s had enough supernatural excitement for one night.”

“Yeah, sure.”

Daedalus walked up to Sugar as if approaching a frightened fawn. He lowered his face to hers, expecting a kiss. His lips lingered, soft and velvety. Eyes closed, he murmured her name.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered back.
