The Chronicles of Scotland. Robert Lindsay Pitscottie
King James IV of Scotland. R. L. Mackie.
Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies of Great Britain. Mary Anne Everett Green
Lives of the Princesses of England. Mary Anne Everett Green.
Lives of the Queens of Scotland and English Princesses. Agnes Strickland
Lives of the Queens of England. Agnes Strickland
A Short History of Scotland. P. Hume Brown (New Edition by Henry W. Meikle)
Memorials of Henry VII (The Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages). Edited by James Gairdner
British History. John Wade
The Dictionary of National Biography. Edited by Sir Leslie Stephen and Sir Sidney Lee
The National and Domestic History of England. William Hickman
Smith Aubrey
Henry VIII. A. F. Pollard
History of England: Henry VIII. James Anthony Froude
The Political History of England (1485–1587). H. A. L. Fisher