Chapter Eighteen

WHEN Thorpe pulled away, he found Sean on the ground between Callie’s feet, arms thrown around her thighs, pressing his cheek into the flat of her stomach, eyes closed, expression reverent. Thorpe couldn’t help but see how much Sean loved her. It should reassure him to leave Callie in such good hands. Instead, an acid ate away at him that she couldn’t be his. Why couldn’t he be more right for her?

As Thorpe reached around to bring her closer against his chest, he smoothed a palm up her ribs to her breast. Callie melted into him a little bit more, giving him a soft sigh.

From her waist, Sean dragged down the overlarge sweatpants she’d swiped from his bag. He removed her panties with them, prompting her with just a touch to step free. She was gloriously bare, naked to them now in all ways. And Sean didn’t waste a second. He kissed his way up her thigh and settled his lips over her pussy, lapping at her, kissing her with not just his mouth, but his whole body, full of gusto and need and promise.

Callie arched. Her lips parted with a gasp. A gentle pink spread across her milky skin as her nipples drew up tighter.

“Lay her across the bed,” Thorpe demanded.

Sean looked up like he wanted to object. Then he glanced at the bed. “Yeah. It will be more comfortable for what I have in mind.”

He stood, lifting Callie against his body. Instantly, she wrapped her legs around his waist and he walked with her to the mattress, still rumpled from the last time they’d taken her between them. Thorpe was there to untie her wrists and catch her as Sean spread her sideways across the bed. Her hair fanned like black silk against the bleached white sheets, her lips a succulent red. He secured her wrists together over her head again, then tied the pillowcases off to the bed frame, chafing with impatience to possess her.

As soon as she lay across the mattress, needy and writhing, Sean fell to his knees between her legs and bent to lap at her pussy again. No hesitation. No games. They were beyond that tonight.

Thorpe watched for a moment, the beauty of her skin shimmering in the low light, the power of her arousal, the way she spread herself wider and gave, all revealing the woman within.

Suddenly, her fingers dug into his thigh, conveying her sensual distress without a word. Callie couldn’t see him, but she could obviously feel his presence. She must need him, and for that he was damn grateful.

Thorpe bent over her pleasure-filled face and sucked her nipples into his mouth, rolling them on his tongue, a lap here, a nibble there, alternating, lavishing sensation on them as Sean continued to worship at the altar of her cunt. Soon, she began tensing and crying out, pleading.

“She’s going to come,” Thorpe pointed out.

“Not yet. Distract her for a minute. I want her good and ready.”

He could think of several ways to do that, but one overtook his thoughts and filled his cock with even more blood. Fuck, he couldn’t remember ever being not just eager but frantic for a woman.

Tearing into his trousers, he released the button and zipper, then shoved the pants down, kicking them out his way with a snarl as he ripped his shirt from his torso, buttons pinging everywhere.

Fastening his grip around her arms, he tugged a bit and slid her closer. Callie’s head fell over the edge of the bed with a cry, and he fisted her hair, tilting it a bit more. Anticipation wracked him as he stroked his cock and guided himself toward her parted lips.

As soon as he brushed the head along her softness, she opened fully for him, greedily swallowing him deep in her mouth and moaning.

“She likes that,” Sean murmured. “She just got even wetter.”

Thorpe couldn’t do more than nod as he leaned forward, braced his hands on the mattress, and slowly began to fuck her mouth. The sensations of Callie all around his length, laving every nerve, coating him completely, and still eager to take more, was short-circuiting his brain.

Sucking up his shaft to the sensitive head, she laved it with her tongue, moaning and eager, before he plunged into her mouth again. Her lips tight, she took him as far as she could and held him there as if she sought to memorize his flavor. And she did it all so slowly. Her face, her body language, her very movements, they all shined with her love. No way his heart couldn’t beat for hers in return.

Thorpe wasn’t a man prone to emotion—or he hadn’t been in over twenty years. Now he couldn’t stop feeling. He didn’t like it much. Some part of him wanted to resent her for dragging him from his self-imposed gray. But he’d needed Callie. He’d been suffocating without her. God alone knew how he was going to make it without her after tomorrow.

And if she kept sucking him like that, he wouldn’t make it two minutes more without coming.

Suddenly, she gasped around his cock. Her body tensed again. Thorpe couldn’t miss the rosy flush spreading across her chest or the way she lifted her hips to Sean’s mouth.

With a whimper, she writhed. He almost swore he could hear her say “please” with a mouthful of his cock.

Sean pulled away, and she gave another little groan of protest that made Thorpe smile, despite his stinging arousal. She’d rarely been shy about saying how she felt or what she wanted—in her clever way. Lance had once referred to her as a handful. He’d been right.

“I’d love to let her,” Sean said sheepishly. “I don’t have it in me to deprive her tonight.”

Thorpe brushed Callie’s cheek, encouraging her to slowly release him. With another breathy moan, she did.

“She may need it now,” he countered. “It’s possible the double penetration will be a bit too uncomfortable for her the first time and she won’t come. Besides, if pleasing her pleases you, she’d want that.”

“You’re right.”

All of what he’d said was true, but there was a bit of selfishness in there as well. He wanted Callie to remember this night and the ecstasy they gave her over and over. She’d pair off with Sean, and they’d share a lifetime of passion. But Thorpe wanted tonight embedded in her heart forever.

“Here,” Sean cut into his thoughts, shoving a plastic cup in his hand. “I’m sure you’ll find something fun and creative to do with these.”

Thorpe looked down. Ice. Always a favorite. “I’m sure I can.”

“Maybe put them in her mouth?”

And sink his cock back into that velvet heaven after adding more stimulation? “I’ve got a better idea.”

“Excellent.” Sean grinned as he returned to the bed, petting and laving Callie’s swollen pussy, driving her arousal up once more.

Thorpe stretched across the bed, settling beside her and keeping the cup within reach. As soon as she turned her face in his direction, he took her mouth with his, cementing his lips on hers and nudging her open wider. Then he grabbed one of the cubes from the cup and skimmed it over her nipple.

Her gasp filled his mouth. As unexpectedly as he’d set the cold cube on her flesh, he took it away. Callie tried to raise off the bed, as if searching for more. Sean held her hips down firmly and affixed his lips to her pussy again until she twisted, her breathing turned uneven, and she mumbled pleas that thrilled both the Dom and the man in him.

Then Thorpe set the little block of ice on her nipple again. This time, he turned it on end, dragging an uneven edge back and forth across the sensitive bud. She whimpered, then held her breath, her entire body straining toward the pleasure.

“Now?” Thorpe asked.

Sean lifted his face from her slick folds and licked his lips like a man having a really good time. “Yeah. Fuck, she’s so juicy. Tell her to come.”

Thorpe nodded, dragging the ice down her breast, then caressing her nipple with the edge again. Callie wriggled and gasped, both tender peaks as hard as he’d ever seen them.

With one hand, he switched the ice to her other breast. With the other, he dislodged one of her ear buds. “Let go, pet. Sean wants you to come on his tongue.”

He barely wedged the little piece back in her ear and sucked on the chilled tip of her breast before she tensed from head to toe and shouted out a low, agonizing climax that seemed to last forever. Sean didn’t stop, didn’t waver. He just loved her clit with a nonstop devotion that soon had her bucking in aftershocks and tears streaming from her eyes.

Every time they gave their all to Callie’s pleasure, he swore that she couldn’t possibly experience more ecstasy than the time before. Again, she’d proven him wrong. Her capacity to open herself to them just kept growing and astounding him.

Lost in his musings, Thorpe almost missed the condom Sean threw his way. “Put it on now. I need to be inside her.”

He hedged. “It will be easier on Callie if I go first.”

Sean hesitated, gritting his teeth, then nodded. “Then hurry up.”

Thorpe scrambled to his feet and had his condom on seconds later, studying the bed all the while. “How do you want to restrain her now?”

Doffing his shirt, the fed frowned and took in the situation with a glance. “Untie her hands. I’ve got a solution.”

Thorpe released Callie’s wrists from the pillowcases and unknotted them from the bedframe.

“Want to clue me in?”

“Oh, you’re going to get this without a word.” Sean grinned. “Pick her up for a minute.”

Thorpe did, bringing Callie against his chest and nuzzling her neck as Sean lifted the mattress and settled a length of rope he’d brought from the galley beneath it, leaving a foot or so dangling on either side.

Just like Sean had promised, he understood. And he grinned back.

“I think I can help you. I brought a few things with me . . . just in case.” Thorpe passed Callie back to Sean, then rifled in his bag until he came up with two pairs of cuffs. With a quick couple of knots, he affixed the ropes through the O rings of the cuffs, watching the other man kiss Callie with abandon. “Now, she’s not going anywhere.”

Sean eased her onto the mattress on her hands and knees. He fitted one cuff around her wrist. Thorpe took care of the other. Callie didn’t protest. Instead, she arched restlessly on the bed, a silent invitation neither of them would ever refuse. Like Sean, Thorpe couldn’t wait much longer.

He settled onto the bed behind her and gripped her hips.

“Gently,” Sean warned.

Gritting his teeth, Thorpe fought with his conscience . . . and it won. “You want to do this yourself? It’s your right as her Master to fully claim her.”

Uncertainty slid across Sean’s face. “I’d love to and I will someday. But I really don’t want to run the risk of hurting her. You know what you’re doing.”

“It’s not that complicated,” Thorpe pointed out.

“I know. But she’s not just fragile to me, she’s priceless. You’ll do a better job.”

Now really wasn’t the time for this conversation, but Thorpe had to know. “How are you the most selfless bastard on this fucking planet?”

“Haven’t you ever lost someone precious to you and realized all the things you should have said and done when they were around? I don’t want to end up with regrets.”

No, he hadn’t, Thorpe realized. Since adolescence, he’d been closed off, never letting anyone matter. Never letting anyone in. He didn’t know what it was like to lose someone because he was not just walled off, but always the first to leave.

No wonder Sean had earned Callie’s devotion. He would take care of her forever, putting her on a pedestal and loving her unconditionally.

Thorpe sighed. He felt like a terrible prick.

“She’s waiting,” Sean pointed out.

Looking down at Callie’s sweet, round backside, Thorpe wished again he could give her more than this. Suddenly, all his regrets weighed two tons.

Trying to shove all the crap in his head aside for her, Thorpe caressed Callie’s ass, then anchored one hand on her hip. The other he dipped down to her sweltering cunt and plunged two fingers inside. Her back arched. She cried out. Her flesh tightened around his digits. He began to sweat.

Rooting in her passage, he coated his fingers liberally with her wetness. He could probably find something in the galley to use as lubrication, but nature had provided well enough.

As soon as his fingers dripped with her essence, he circled her clit a few times. He wanted her not just aroused again, but as fevered as he could manage. It would blunt some of whatever pain she might feel.

With a steadying breath, Thorpe dragged his fingers through the well of her wetness again, then skimmed up to her back passage. With his free hand, he spread one cheek wide. She tensed. Her opening looked so small, untouched in any way. Was she even ready for this? Did she want any man to have this sort of dominant, primal claim on her?

“Take the damn ear buds out. I need to talk to Callie.”

“But she’s surrendering so well. She’s giving us—”

“We don’t know if she’s going to consent to this, and I won’t force it on her. Trust me, if she agrees to this, she’s going to surrender more than she ever imagined. Even more than you hoped.”

Sean nodded, then removed the ear buds and cupped her face in his hands. “All right, lovely?”

She gave him a shaky nod. “Can I see you?”

Flicking a glance in his direction, Sean asked a silent question. What’s best for her? Thorpe nodded. Cutting off her senses was all well and good, but they’d given her that test. She’d absolutely passed, giving herself over and trusting them entirely. Now she needed reassurance. And he wanted to be with her, talk to her, look at her, feel that instant connection to her soul as he sank deep into her body.

“Of course.” Sean pulled off the blindfold.

She raised her gaze to him, then turned to look over her shoulder. Thorpe met her stare, and electricity zinged down his spine.

He leaned over her back, thrust his fingers into her hair and tugged slightly. He set his lips to her ear. “We’re going to get inside you, Callie. Deep. So damn deep. You’re going to scream for us. You’re going to come for us, too.”

She whimpered, and to make his point, he rubbed at her clit again, then plunged his fingers into her cunt. “Yes.”

“Both of us,” he said. “Together. At the same time. Are you ready for that?”

She froze and tried to look over her shoulder at him again. He tugged on her hair. “Yes or no. We can discuss it if you need.”

“I don’t.” She stared up at Sean, and Thorpe saw the man’s face soften at her expression. “I trust you both.”

“I’m going to take your ass, Callie. I’m going to ease my way inside and fill you like you’ve never felt. Sean’s going to take up every available bit of space in your pussy. We’re going to fuck you.” We’re going to love you. “We’re going to make you feel so good. You will communicate with us. Tell us what feels good, what doesn’t. If we’re too fast, too slow, too hard, or just right. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Sirs.”

“That’s good, lovely,” Sean praised her, then he bent to kiss her, taking her mouth with abandon.

Slowly, Callie relaxed under the long, devouring melding of lips. Thorpe took the opportunity to work her clit with teasing circles, a rhythmic brushing of all those nerves guaranteed to send her soaring when the time was right. Then he paused, cutting off her sensation for long moments. She groaned into Sean’s mouth as if in agony. He repeated the process a few times, dragging her closer and closer to another orgasm with every delicious manipulation of her flesh and every maddening delay.


She didn’t need to finish the sentence for him to know what she begged for. “No coming, pet. You wait for us. Understood?”

Callie moaned in protest. Thorpe slapped her ass.

Sean grabbed her chin. “You will be patient or you’ll get nothing. Now answer Thorpe.”

Her whole body tensed, on the edge, flushed and ready and about to burst. “Yes, Sir.”

God, she really was amazing. He knew they were pushing her far and fast, but she just drank in everything they gave her as if she needed to feel like she belonged with them.

Thorpe was painfully aware that he couldn’t give her anything else tonight.

“Good,” he praised, removing his fingers from her clit one last time, dipping them into her drenched cunt, then dragging them back to her untried rosette.

Slowly, gently, he worked his fingers in and spread them apart little by little, back and forth, over and over. They weren’t going to do the job of a good set of anal plugs, and the sensations he was about to heap on her would be totally foreign. But she was as ready as he could make her now.

Fitting himself against her slick feminine folds, he slid inside her pussy, hissing out his pleasure and gripping her hips as she surrounded him. Fuck, it was heaven in here. Thorpe would love to stay and drown forever. But he remained only long enough to stroke her slowly and coat his cock with her juices. Then he withdrew.

Finally, he pulled apart the firm, pale globes of her ass and settled the head right against her puckered hole. “Arch your back, pet. Push down and exhale. I want this to go as smoothly as possible.”

Callie gave him a shaky nod and did exactly as he demanded. She welcomed him. Maybe anal sex didn’t say love to some people, but he knew the trust and courage she was showing, and he both admired and adored her for it. Of course, she also looked so fucking sexy, he could barely contain his need to shove inside her and pound her to the most demanding orgasm ever. But he did.

Backhanding perspiration from his brow, Thorpe began to slide inside her, a deliberate, steady push. The head of his cock eased in. She was every bit as tight as he imagined, and her body heat was already incinerating him. The sweat he’d wiped away just moments ago popped up over his skin again. Then he reached the tight ring of muscle and paused.

“Callie . . .” He pried her cheeks apart a bit more. “Keep arching. Push down as much as you can. Release a deep breath. Squeeze Sean’s hand. Tell me if it’s too much.”

She drew in a shaky breath and nodded. “I will.”

Bracing her knees a bit farther apart, she rebalanced and repositioned. Her ass pointed up to him, and he could see her releasing her breath.

Thorpe bent to kiss the small of her back, then pressed inside her again, gently tunneling down. The plum head of his shaft popped past the tight ring and . . . ah, he was gliding deeper and deeper. Callie gave a sharp gasp. A little pain—not unexpected. But he petted her hip, crooned praises to her, watched as Sean smoothed the hair from her face and smiled at her as if to silently tell her that he was beside her every step of the way.

It seemed like forever before he found himself buried to the hilt. Once he was, Thorpe couldn’t help but grip the lush curve of her hips and toss his head back with a groan.

“You in?” Sean asked.

Thorpe managed to uncross his eyes long enough to nod at the man. “Get ready.”

He didn’t have to tell Sean twice. The man grabbed frantically for his condom and tore off his pants. Thorpe didn’t pay attention to the rest. He closed his eyes and reveled in every second of Callie’s burn, of her sweet surrender. God, this would be seared in his memory forever.

Gritting his teeth, he pulled back to the grip of her muscle, then melted into her again. This time, the stroke flowed. Callie breathed through it. Her moan of pleasure at the end ratcheted up his tightening arousal.

He withdrew and plunged his way into her again, this time with more speed and force. She rewarded him with another incoherent sound of need as she clawed at the sheet. Fuck, if that wasn’t the sexiest thing he’d ever heard.

“Hurry,” he barked at Sean. “Seriously.”

“Yep.” The other man wriggled under Callie, brought her head down to his, and kissed her furiously.

She dissolved into a puddle between them, moaning from deep in her throat, and undulating back into him stroke for stroke. Then Sean was gripping her hips and whispering something thick in her ear that Thorpe couldn’t quite hear over the roar of his heart.

Callie gave a shuddering gasp as Sean probed her opening and worked his way into her pussy one agonizing inch at a time. Through the thin membrane inside her, Thorpe felt the other man coast up, slowly filling her with every inch of his cock until she began panting and let out a keening cry.

“Am I hurting you, lovely?” he asked, strain evident in his voice.

“It’s tight. I feel so stretched.”

Thorpe gnashed his teeth and fought for patience. He peeked around Callie’s creamy shoulder, kissing it, then shot Sean a look.

The other man nodded. “We’ll take it slow, then.”

“Don’t you dare!” she screeched. “Fuck me, damn it. I’m dying . . .”

She liked anal sex and double penetration. Callie had already been the woman of his dreams, but this made her his hottest fantasy, too.

“Demanding minx,” Sean growled.

“Yes, Sir. Now hurry!”

Thorpe slapped her ass once as a matter of principle. “You don’t make the demands, pet. But as it happens, fucking you suits us.”

Sean didn’t wait or reply or even give a shit what he was doing. He simply began thrusting up, shoving into her pussy with long, firm strokes that shook her body. Oh, no way was the fed getting all the pleasure.

Thorpe found the rhythm of Sean’s strokes and began diving his way into Callie’s ass between each. They quickly fell into sync, like a complicated trio of dancers—Sean plunging inside her, then Thorpe grinding down into her, and Callie rocking her hips for the most impact. It became a symphony of breaths, moans, skin gliding, sheets rustling. Fuck, it was like they’d done this a hundred times and knew the cadence and flow they each needed for maximum pleasure. It was utter magic.

Sweat now covered his chest and back. It was definitely on the cold side out on a houseboat in November, but July had nothing on him now. He sweltered, felt dizzy, almost fucking faint. His system was overloading with need and pleasure. And a love so strong, Thorpe knew he’d never recover.

As one, they picked up the pace, each straining until they melded together in perfect sensual harmony. Every sensation seemed to magnify the closer he got to the runaway orgasm he couldn’t stop. Air whispered over his skin. His heart roared. His muscles bunched. Even the hair on his arms stood up as goose bumps covered him. This was going to completely flatten him.

Change him.

Sean grabbed Callie and kissed her again, a passionate consuming of her lips cut short by her high-pitched wailing.

“Please . . .” she pleaded.

“Yes,” Sean grated out. “Now. I’m dying.”

“Fuck, yes,” Thorpe echoed, knowing that he was seconds from losing all control. “Come for us.”

Before he even finished the sentence, a guttural cry escaped Callie, something deep and primal and immensely satisfying as she jolted and bucked between them. Sean’s hoarse shout echoed his own as ecstasy blindsided him. His entire body and soul poured into her as he released. She might have given him all of herself, but he’d given her every bit of himself in return . . . everything but the three words that stuck in his throat. But Thorpe had no doubt that he loved her now, tomorrow, and forever.
