Chapter Eleven

AFTER dinner and cleanup, the family converged back in the living room with their stomachs filled with a delicious meal and the atmosphere mellowed by good wine. From across the room, Cameron glanced at Mia, who was sitting on the couch next to Heather, while conversing with his family. Thank God his sisters had finally run out of embarrassing stories about him in his youth and had moved on to other topics that no longer centered around him.

Mia laughed at something Susan's husband, Ted, said, the light sound brimming with genuine amusement. Cameron smiled at just how beautiful she looked when she was happy and was glad he'd invited her to come tonight. Not only because he wanted Claudia to meet the woman who'd created her birthday present, but because Mia obviously needed the distraction from the more uncertain issues going on in her life. Even if it was just for a few hours.

She appeared relaxed and very comfortable around his family, which didn't surprise him at all. Despite her initial nervousness, her outgoing personality made it easy for everyone to like her-including his nieces and nephews. The younger ones, especially, seemed drawn to her. And who wouldn't be, considering Mia's warm smile and the way her gray eyes lit up when one of the children came up to her or tried to get her attention-which she always gave them. And that kept them coming back for more.

Three-year-old Marissa, who seemed completely infatuated with Mia, had managed to maneuver her way up onto Mia's lap in that mischievous way of hers no adult could resist. The little girl leaned against Mia's chest, fascinated with the shiny silver bracelets Mia was wearing on her arm and the tinkling sound they made whenever she moved her hand.

"If she's being a bother, just set her down and tell her to go play with the others," Claudia said about her young daughter.

"She's no bother at all," Mia said and gently ran her finger through the little girl's soft curls. "She's just as sweet as can be."

"At the moment, yes," Heather jumped in. As Marissa's aunt, she was very aware of her personality and mood swings, as they all were. "But that's subject to change at a moment's notice."

Marissa, oblivious to the conversation about her, blinked up at Mia, her dark lashes framing her pretty blue eyes. "Bwacelets on my hand?" she asked and pointed to her own wrist.

Mia gave in to the request without hesitation, and Cameron had to swallow a chuckle at what a soft touch she was. "Sure you can wear them, so long as you give them back before I leave, okay?"

"Okay." Marissa beamed happily, and it was clear to everyone in the room that Mia had just been conned by one very sly little girl.

Mia removed the bracelets from her wrist and slipped them onto Marissa's arm. She immediately shook her fist and squealed in delight as the silver trinkets made that musical, jingling sound for her.

"Tank you!" Marissa said and then scooted off Mia's lap and scampered off to show the others what she'd managed to confiscate, the little imp.

Once the laughter in the room subsided, Barbara made an announcement. "It's time for Claudia to open her birthday presents."

Susan helped stack the wrapped gifts on the table in front of Claudia, and his sister spent the next half hour opening each one. She received her favorite perfume from Heather, a luxurious bath and body gift set and certificate to spend the day at the spa for pampering from Susan, a pair of gold and diamond earrings she'd had her eye on from her husband, and a crystal figurine from their mom and dad to add to her growing collection.

"I didn't forget about you, sis," Cameron said once she was done opening those gifts. Standing, he went to retrieve the present he'd left over in the corner for her to open last and handed it to her. "I actually managed to get you something unique and original this year."

"What, no gift card to a department store?" she teased, knowing Cameron had given up long ago trying to figure out what his sisters wanted or needed and had resorted to purchasing gift certificates to their favorite places to shop instead.

"Hey, it's your fortieth birthday," he said as he sat back down in his seat. "I wanted to give you something special to commemorate you being so old."

She narrowed her gaze at him, though laughter sparkled in her eyes. "After that remark, this better be a great present."

As she eagerly ripped off the wrapping paper and opened the box, Cameron glanced at Mia. She was watching Claudia expectantly and biting her lower lip in that adorable way of hers that told him just how anxious she was feeling.

He understood how important it was to Mia that his sister like the gift, but Cameron already knew she had absolutely nothing to worry about. And moments later, after Claudia had removed her present from the protective bubble wrapping, his sister's gasp of pleasure confirmed what Cam already knew. Claudia loved her birthday gift.

"Oh Cameron, this is absolutely stunning!" Claudia said' in awe while his other sisters and his mother all oohed and ahhed in feminine appreciation over the delicate, colorful hummingbird design. "Where did you find such a beautiful stained-glass design?"

Cameron couldn't have hoped for a better opening, and he waved a hand toward the woman sitting across from him. "Mia made it."

All eyes immediately shifted to Mia, whose face flushed pink from all the direct attention. She shrugged as if it was no big deal, and because he was coming to know her well, he could sense the insecurity running beneath the casual gesture.

"It's just a hobby and something I do in my spare time," she said, downplaying her talent because that's what she'd been doing for years.

"A hobby?" Susan exclaimed incredulously. "If the quality of your other work is even close to this piece, you're wasting the kind of artistic ability most of us would kill to possess."

"I couldn't agree with you more," Cameron said, backing up his sister before glancing at Claudia and setting his plan in motion. "In fact, I was wondering if your friend, Amy, might be interested in something like this to add to her gallery? Mia has a dozen or more unique designs that are equally as amazing."

"Oh yeah," Claudia said, nodding enthusiastically. "Amy is always looking for new and different art to sell, and I know this would be right up her alley. I can give her a call on Monday, put in a good word, and you can follow up from there with an appointment to meet with her," she said to Mia. "I'll be sure to give you her name and phone number before you leave."

Mia stared at Claudia in wide-eyed shock, obviously thrown by the shift in conversation that now centered around her and the stained-glass designs she created. "I… uh… well…"

"That would be great," Cam jumped in, because Mia had lost the ability to speak. He caught the uncertainty etching her expression and told himself he was doing the right thing. That this was exactly what Mia needed to give her designs the exposure they deserved.

Whether or not Mia agreed with him remained to be seen.

"TONIGHT went well, don't you think?"

Mia leaned her head against the soft leather seat and glanced Cameron's way as he drove his Porsche away from the curb of his parent's house. It was dark out since night had fallen, but the streetlights they passed enabled her to see the satisfied look on his face.

"Quit looking so smug, Sinclair."

"Smug?" he said, oh-so-innocently. "Why in the world would I be smug?"

"You know damn well why." She was still reeling from his ulterior motives and the flurry of excitement and enthusiasm he'd generated with his family over her art. "You set me up, didn't you?"

"How so?"

He was playing hard to get, but she wasn't going to let him off so easily. "By giving your sister one of my designs as a birthday present."

He brought the car to a stop at a streetlight, which allowed him a free moment to meet her gaze. The honest sincerity in the depths of his eyes made her heart thump hard and fast in her chest.

"First and foremost, I bought the hummingbird design from you and gave it to Claude because I knew she'd love it, and she did. Don't ever doubt that."

She lifted a brow. "And she just happens to have a friend who owns a gallery here in Chicago?"

He shrugged as he shifted into first gear and they started moving again. "Yeah, and?"

"And that was your intention all along, wasn't it?"

He flashed her a nonrepentant grin. "Guilty as charged."

She shook her head and laughed. "If I'd known you were going to make me and my stained-glass art the center of attention with your family, I never would have agreed to come with you tonight."

"Which is exactly why I didn't tell you ahead of time."

She knew she ought to be mad at him for interfering in her life and for giving her that initial push she needed to do something with her designs. But deep down inside she was too appreciative of his support and belief in her to summon any real anger.

Still, her own personal doubts surfaced, and her hands twisted in her lap. "I don't know if I'm ready to do something like this." A consignment shop was one thing. A high-end gallery was another.

His brows lifted in surprise at her confession. "Why not?"

"Because…" She drew a deep breath, hating the uncertainty knotting in her stomach. "Because it's just stained-glass art, and I'm sure a gallery owner is looking for something more unique than what I have to offer."

"And you'll give her unique," he said, flashing her a confident grin. "You need to show her your erotic pieces. Those are going to be what sets you apart from any one else who creates stained-glass art."

It was a phenomenal opportunity, so why in the world was she hesitating and so nervous? And then she realized a part of what was holding her back: a healthy does of fear.

If it was just her regular designs, her decision would have been an easy one to make. But she knew it was the more provocative pieces that would intrigue people the most and draw her the most attention. And that's where her fears came into play. Not only would she be putting her art on display for everyone to see, but so many of those erotic designs were like a window into her soul if anyone cared to look deep enough. Those unique creations were filled with her emotions, her hopes, her dreams… and everything she secretly wished for in her life but had been too afraid to embrace as her own.

As if sensing her wavering thoughts, he reached across the console, took her hand in his, and intertwined their fingers. "Just go and talk to her, Mia," he urged gently. "What can it hurt? If you find it's something you really don't want to pursue, then you'll have lost nothing but an hour of your time. But if things with Amy work out, it could change your whole life and future."

And that possibility scared her, too. For as much as she sometimes disliked working for the family business and how restricting it could be, the fact remained that it gave her security and stability, whereas the world of art was so unpredictable and uncertain. And very fickle.

Who would have thought she'd be afraid of anything?

"Promise me you'll at least talk to her, okay?" Cameron asked and gave her hand a squeeze.

She forced her doubts and insecurities away, knowing she had to at least meet with Amy or she'd always regret passing up such a prime opportunity. "Okay."

They arrived at her apartment building, and Cameron shut off the car. "Come on, I'll walk you to your place."

Once she was safely inside her apartment, he closed the door behind them. The kitchen and living room were dark and shadowed, indicating that either Gina wasn't home or she'd already gone to bed. So when Cameron turned toward her and slid his hand along her cheek and into her hair and then lowered his mouth to hers, she didn't hesitate to meet him halfway.

Kissing Cameron was not only a sensual experience, but it was magical, too. With just the touch of his lips, he made her entire body come alive. Her skin tingled, her belly tightened, and her nipples hardened into sensitive peaks. No other man had ever had such an immediate effect on her, and she reveled in the pleasure of losing herself in the softness and heat of his mouth on hers.

Gradually, he guided her back a few steps until her bottom came into contact with the nearest wall. He aligned his hard thighs and lean hips against hers, and there was no mistaking the erection straining between them. He placed his hands on her waist and nibbled at the corner of her mouth, used his tongue to trace the lower curve of her lip, and when she sighed he slipped inside and slowly deepened the kiss.

His mouth took hers, hot and soft and with a languid hunger that said how much he wanted her but was in no rush to take this into the bedroom. It had been so long since she'd just made out with a guy, and Cameron was showing her everything she'd been missing… the heady buzz of anticipation. The slow, agonizing buildup of sexual tension. The simmer of arousal making her restless and needy.

His hands slipped beneath her top and skimmed upward, stroking her skin all the way up to her sheer, lace bra. She waited for him to cup her in his palm, nearly trembling with the desire to have him touch her there, to drag his fingers across her aching nipples. But instead he merely caressed his thumbs just below her breasts, teasing her and making her moan in frustration.

She felt him smile against her lips just before he slanted his mouth across hers and seduced her with more of his slow, soft, erotic French kisses.

An eternity later he finally lifted his head, and they were both breathing hard. Her lashes fluttered open, and she stared into his hot green eyes, her lips wet and swollen from his generous kisses and her legs as weak as a newborn colt's. Luckily, his solid, male body offered all the support she needed.

Making out with Cameron was like enjoying a piece of Godiva chocolate, she decided dreamily… the kind that melted on your tongue, yet the pleasure lasted long after the candy was gone.

"God, that was almost better than sex," she said, amazed at just how much sensual enjoyment this man had given her with just his kisses.

He chuckled. "Mmm, that was nice," he agreed huskily, then sighed. "I should go."

"You don't have to," she said, much too anxiously.

He withdrew his hands from beneath her top, and she instantly missed the warmth of his touch. "I know, but I have a long day tomorrow and it starts early."

"All right." She was definitely disappointed, but she understood and she had to work in the morning, too. "Thanks for taking me to your parents' today. I really had a good time. Your family is wonderful." And after meeting everyone, it was easy to see why he was such a great guy.

Smiling, he slid his thumb along her jaw. "They enjoyed having you there, too."

Just as Cameron had promised, there had been no pressure from his siblings and no speculation about their relationship, which had made it easy for her to relax around them. Then she thought about next Saturday, when both she and Cameron would be at her cousin Steve's for his son's one-year birthday party, and wondered how they were going to pull that off with everyone believing they were still adversaries.

She expressed her concerns. "Today was easy enough being your friend, but how are we going handle next week with my family?"

He leaned his forehead against hers and grinned. "Very, very carefully."

MIA knocked lightly on her brother Scott's office door, then walked inside as Scott and her other brother Alex were discussing an upcoming restoration project they were interested in acquiring.

"Sorry to interrupt," she said as she came to a stop in front of Scott's desk. "Here are those contracts you needed, along with the typed-up estimate for the Franklin Building project that's going to bid tomorrow."

"Great." Scott reached for the stack of paperwork and set it down in front of him to review. "Thanks."

Alex, who was sitting in one of the two chairs in front of the desk, cast a sideways glance at Mia. "I've been meaning to ask you all morning. What's with the button-up suit you're wearing?"

Mia would hardly call her short cutaway jacket, constructed of a soft mint green tweed with braided trim along the lapel, buttoned up. Sure, the matching skirt hit her at the knee instead of inches above it, and the jacket only allowed a small glimpse of her cleavage, but the outfit was casual and comfortable. And most importantly, sophisticated and fashionable.

"What, a girl can't wear a suit to work every once in a while?" she asked.

"Well, sure," Scott said cautiously. "But that one you're wearing is just very…"

The right word seemed to allude her brother, but not Alex. "Nunlike," he supplied for Scott and laughed. "At least for you, anyway. That's more along the lines of what Dana would wear," he said, referring to his wife of a few months.

Scott leaned back in his seat. "I guess we're both used to your more… colorful outfits," he said, and Mia knew "colorful" was his way of softening what should have been termed as flashy or outrageous. "This nice suit just surprised us both."

She gave the hem of her jacket a tug. "Well don't get used to it, because I'm not changing my entire wardrobe." She'd worn the two-piece designer suit today because she had a meeting with Amy at her gallery and she wanted to look her professional best. She hadn't thought about how her brothers might react to the more reserved look.

"Mia…" Scott's tone was tentative, even a little concerned. "Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine." She went on alert, wondering what, exactly, her brother was getting at. "Why do you ask?"

"I don't know." He shrugged, but he was wearing a slight frown, as if he was trying to figure out what was bothering him so much. "You just seem so much more… subdued lately."

"It's called maturity," Alex cut in. "I think our baby sister is finally growing up."

She stiffened. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Stop bristling," Scott said, smoothing things over between her and Alex before a war could ensue. As the oldest of the family, Scott had always been the peacemaker. "It's not an insult, Mia, but a compliment. We've just noticed some changes in you the past week or so. Good ones. And you seem happy, too."

"I've always been happy," she said automatically.

"No, this is different. Your overall mood, your personality…" His voice trailed off as he narrowed his gaze on her, as if he couldn't quite put his finger on what had changed. "Is something going on that we don't know about?"

"Or that we need to know about?" Alex added, suddenly Mr. Concern.

She immediately recognized the protective glint in her brothers' gazes, and she thought about everything going on in her life that would undoubtedly set them off. Her affair with Cameron. Being stalked by an unknown person. Her appointment today with Amy and the possibility of exposing her very intimate artwork no one but Cameron knew about.

Scott and Alex would come unglued if they had any clue what she was currently dealing with, and she wasn't about to enlighten them. "Look, there is nothing going on you need to worry about. And as for this suit, I bought it because it was a helluva good deal and it looked good on me."

Scott grinned. "Can't argue with you there."

"So stop reading so much into every little thing." Then she deftly changed the subject. "Is there anything else either of you need today?"

Scott thought for a moment and then shook his head. "I think this is all the important stuff I needed."

"I'm good, too," Alex said.

"Great." She turned around and headed for the door. "I'm taking the rest of the afternoon off."

"What?" Scott said in surprise.

"Why?" Alex asked at the same time, equally startled by her unexpected announcement.

She stopped and pivoted back toward her brothers, her chin lifting a fraction. "Because my work is done and I deserve the time off, that's why," she said matter-of-factly.

"I won't argue there," Scott said. "But it's all so last minute."

She stifled an exasperated sigh. Her brothers were so damn nosey, and it was clear they were waiting for more of an explanation. She debated telling them it was none of their business, but she didn't want to rouse their suspicions in any way. And she wasn't ready to tell them about the possibility of her artwork being displayed in a gallery, just in case it didn't work out.

"I'm going to lunch with a friend and then shopping." It wasn't a lie. She was meeting Carrie for lunch and then she wanted to find a new outfit to wear this weekend. She just failed to mention her appointment with Amy. "And I might just buy something shocking to wear to work tomorrow so the two of you will quit spending all your time speculating about everything I do."

Scott shook his head and chuckled. "Okay, now there's the Mia we know and love."

Alex nodded his agreement, grinning. "Yep, full of sass and smart-ass comebacks."

"And don't either of you forget it," she said and left the office before she was late for her meeting with Amy.

MIA was lucky enough to find a parking spot on the street two spaces away from the storefront of the Brennan Gallery. She turned off the engine, closed her eyes, and inhaled a deep calming breath to still her jittery nerves.

She wanted to be sure she arrived early to make a good first impression, so she pushed aside her anxiety and gave herself a quick, bolstering pep talk. Then she grabbed the leather-bound portfolio holding a few of her designs and a photo album of the others she'd left behind and made her way inside the gallery.

She was greeted by a nice-looking young man with short spiked hair and black framed glasses that were very retro in design. He was wearing black slacks and a black silk shirt he'd left untucked, and as he approached her, she noticed a slight sway to his hips that was more feminine than masculine.

She smiled at him. "Hi, I'm here-to see Amy."

He looked her up and down and seemingly approved of what he saw. "You must be Mia Wilde."

His soft, slightly lilting voice matched the way he walked, and Mia had the fleeting thought that if things worked out, and this guy was single, she could hook him up with Will. "Yes, I have an appointment at eleven to meet with her. I'm a few minutes early."

"I'll let her know you're here." He went behind the counter, picked up the phone, and spoke in low tones Mia couldn't hear. Then he hung up and said, "She'll be out shortly."


Actually, Mia was grateful for the extra time alone, which gave her a chance to check the place out and see if it was something that appealed to her. The main area of the gallery was open and spacious, with partitions that gave way to different types of art. The collections included everything from paintings, to sculptures, to collages, and photography. There was jewelry, antiques, and varying degrees of woodwork, all of which spanned pop art, deco, contemporary, eccentric, retro, and everything in between.

There was definitely something for everyone's tastes, but what she didn't find was stained-glass art, which definitely worked to her favor.

"Hi, Mia, I'm Amy Brennan," A female voice said from behind her.

Mia turned around and found herself looking at a tall, slender woman with honey-blond hair styled in a blunt cut that framed her beautiful face. She was wearing a very chic yellow pantsuit, which made Mia infinitely glad she'd chosen her own outfit so carefully.

Switching her portfolio to her left hand, she extended her right hand toward Amy. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise." Amy's handshake was firm, like a no-nonsense business woman. "Claudia was pretty insistent that I'd love your work, and I'm not one to pass up the possibility of discovering the next great thing everyone just has to have."

Mia did her best not to feel intimidated or pressured by her comment. She didn't think she had "the next great thing," but hopefully her artwork was original enough for Amy to consider displaying pieces in her gallery.

Amy led her into a private room, expensively decorated and accented with equally expensive-looking art. They sat next to each other on a comfortable black leather couch, and Mia set her portfolio on the glass table in front of them.

"Okay, let's see what you've got," Amy said.

Tamping down the nervous flutters in her belly, Mia withdrew one of her favorite and most challenging pieces-a mermaid perched on a large rock surrounded by the deep blue sea. The mermaid had long flowing hair that covered her lush breasts, and her long, elegant tail fin was designed in rich shades of gold, greens, and blues.

Tilting the panel upward for Amy to view, Mia waited for her response.

Amy studied the design critically. "Hmmm, that is a very beautiful design."

It wasn't the enthusiastic reaction Mia had hoped for. But then again, Amy was only seeing one dimension of the design and not the full scope of what this picture entailed.

"There's more to this piece than just the mermaid," Mia told her.

The other woman tipped her head curiously. "How do you mean?"

Mia glanced around and found a tall marble column braced up against a wall with nothing on the base. There was a spotlight shining down in it, as if someone had recently bought whatever had been displayed there. It was a perfect place to prop up her design and present the more intimate aspects of her stained-glass art to Amy.

"Can I use that marble column over there?" Mia asked.

"Sure, go right ahead."

Standing, Mia crossed the room and set the large panel up on the base and then took a few steps back. The spotlight from above made the colorful shards of glass sparkle and come alive, just as she'd hoped. The mermaid's hair, intertwined with ribbons of seaweed, shimmered in beige tones, and her tail fin became a kaleidoscope of dazzling hues that sparkled like jewels.

"Oh, wow," Amy breathed in awe. She stood and came to Mia's side. "The light on that stained glass makes the picture look absolutely amazing."

"There's something else in this picture I'd like you to see," Mia said, excited by Amy's more positive response. "It's here, in the mermaid's hair."

Just as she'd had to do with Cameron, Mia encouraged Amy to look deeper, to see beyond the original design to the underlying erotic shapes within the original picture. It didn't take Amy long to find the man and woman locked in a sensual, erotic embrace.

Amy gasped and glanced at Mia, her eyes wide in surprise. "How in the hell did you do that?"

Mia laughed. "I incorporate the lovers into the original design as I sketch it, before I do any actual stained-glass work."

Moving up to the marble column, Amy examined the mermaid closer. "Mia, that's incredible. And gorgeous. And so unique." Her voice rose with energy and exhilaration. "I can't believe you haven't done anything with these designs until now!"

Mia shrugged. "I guess the timing wasn't right until now." And it helped to have the right connections, she thought, thinking again of how Cameron had made this possible for her.

Amy casually crossed her arms over her chest, her brow arching in amusement. "You know, Claudia didn't tell me your designs had naked people in them."

"That's because she didn't know," Mia admitted. "Her brother, Cameron, gave her one of my regular designs for her birthday, and I didn't mention the more provocative pieces because I wasn't sure if that was her thing or not."

"Claudia might look and dress like Mrs. Cleaver," Amy drawled with affection, "But she'd appreciate having naked people in her stained-glass design."

"I'll have to remember that for next time," Mia said with a grin.

"So how many of these erotic pieces do you have?" Amy asked, back to business.

"About a dozen, ranging in different sizes and designs. I brought three of them with me to show you, and I have a photo book of all the others I have in the collection, along with just my regular stained-glass designs."

"Perfect," Amy said with a satisfied nod of her head. "Let's go talk numbers."

Mia followed her back to the leather couch, where she showed Amy the other designs she'd brought and they looked through the photo album together and discussed her other work.

Once they were done viewing all the photographs, Amy made her decision. "I want to keep all three of the erotic designs you brought today, and I'll even take a few of your regular pieces, because let's face it, there are some people who might find the provocative ones a bit too shocking," she said with a laugh.

It thrilled Mia that she'd be able to display all of her art. "Sure. I'll drop them by the gallery tomorrow."

"Great." Amy opened a file folder on the table and pulled out a contract to review with Mia. "I work on consignment, a seventy-thirty split, so when the sale is made I automatically take my thirty percent, and at the end of the month I'll cut you a check for your seventy percent."

"Fair enough," Mia said with a nod.

"How would you like to price these designs?" Amy asked, indicating the pieces of art Mia was going to leave with her today.

"I really have no idea." She thought about the amount Cameron had paid her for Claudia's birthday present, but she had no idea if that was a fair price or not. And she certainly didn't want to throw out a price that might make her look presumptuous.

"You know the market better than I do, so I'll leave that up to you."

"All right." Amy thought for a moment. "For the erotic pieces, I don't think we'll have any problem getting you anywhere from fifteen hundred to two thousand dollars, depending on how large and elaborate they are. And if anyone wants a custom-made, one-of-a-kind piece, we could probably get double the amount."

Mia nearly choked on that, certain her stained-glass artwork would never sell at those inflated prices. "You're kidding."

Amy patted her leg, laughing at her naivete. "Trust me. I've been in this business for a long time, and I know my clientele. You've got something no one else has, and once the word spreads about your art and that unexpected twist you've added, it's going to drive the prices even higher than that. But we need to start low at first, to generate interest and get them sold and in the hands of the right people. And I have a list of clients who love to have bragging rights about this sort of thing."

Mia's head was spinning. She'd only expected pocket cash out of this, play money, not the potential of actually making a living at what she'd considered a hobby for so long. She had no idea if she could keep up with the demand, but she'd worry about that when and if it happened.

Putting her art, and her trust, in Amy's hands, Mia signed the contract that would allow this woman to sell her work. By the time she left the gallery, she was floating on air, and the first thing she did once she was in her car was make a call to Cameron, the one and only person she was ready to share this moment with.
