Chapter Six


IT TAKES EVERYTHING I have to get out of bed this morning. I hardly slept, my mind too occupied with last night’s events. Every time I moved, trying to force myself to fall asleep, my entire body ached but not in a bad way. More in a wow, that was amazing and I came so hard I almost blacked out sort of way.

Not that I’d ever admit that to Gage.

What had been an amazing moment went south real quick. And it was all my fault.

Regret fills me at the way I spoke to him, how I called what happened between us a mistake. I mean, yeah. I sort of do regret that it happened but only because our ‘relationship’—I have no idea what else to call it—is so bizarre. I don’t know him, not really. And what I do know of him, I don’t like. Every time we encounter one another, sparks fly, and usually they’re angry ones.

Not last night, though. Those angry sparks turned into chemistry-filled sexy sparks, which then morphed into totally orgasmic sparks. God, the way he touched me, his mouth everywhere, his hands everywhere, his drugging kisses, his big cock moving inside me . . .

My body tingles just remembering it.

Forcing myself to get up, I take a quick shower, scrubbing my still-sensitive body carefully with soap. My palms brush over my nipples and they harden instantaneously. God, what would I do if he was in the shower with me? His big, soapy hands sliding all over my skin, reaching between my legs, his sure fingers touching me in that exact spot where I so desperately want him to touch. Bringing me to orgasm again and again—

“Marina! It’s almost seven! You’re going to be late!” Mom yells from the other side of my bathroom door, killing my delicious Gage-in-the-shower fantasy in an instant.

I really need to move out on my own, but I come from a traditional family and haven’t really found the need to fight it. Until now.

Finally I get my butt to the bakery to find the pumpkins Gina had set out a few days ago gone, damp spots remaining where they’d been and a scattering of pumpkin seeds. I stride into the bakery and look around, waving at Eli, one of the two college students we have working for us part-time, on his perch behind the register.

“Where’s Gina?” I ask as I get closer to the counter.

“Back in the kitchen. She’s working on that second batch of chocolate croissants for you.” Eli grins and shakes his head.

I forgot all about the croissants. I think I’m still in a Gage-induced haze.

Entering the kitchen, I find Gina standing at the oven with her back to me, peering through the glass window to check on her croissants baking within. “Hey. What happened to the pumpkins outside?” I ask.

“Oh! You startled me.” She whirls around, her smile rapidly replaced with a frown. “When I arrived this morning, they were destroyed. Smashed all over the sidewalk.”

I frown in return. I stayed at least an hour after Gage left, mopping the floor, scrubbing down the wall he pinned me against. I’d been about to leave when I noticed the streaks all over the glass front door, from where he had me pinned there too. I’d had to grab the Windex and scrub ’til it shone.

Having sex in the freaking bakery was not the smartest thing to do. I still can’t believe we did it. I mean really, what the hell was I thinking? He should be my sworn enemy, not the man who gave me the most intense orgasm of my life.

And if he ever knew that, I can only imagine the smug expression on his too-handsome face. The sight of it would probably make me want to punch him.

“I stayed pretty late last night,” I finally say. “What time did you get here?”

“Around four. I came early, couldn’t sleep.” Gina opens the oven door and reaches inside, a baking mitt covering her hand as she slowly withdraws the cooking sheet from inside. Perfectly formed golden brown croissants fill the tray, the fragrant aroma making my mouth water.

And I left just past eleven, so it had to have happened between midnight and four. “I bet it was kids.”

“I’m sure. I already cleaned up the mess. It wasn’t that bad, but it makes me reluctant to set out any more pumpkins.” Gina shakes her head. “Jerks.”

“Yeah.” Unable to resist, I pluck a piping hot croissant off the tray, tearing off a small piece and dropping it into my mouth. It melts on my tongue, warm and so freaking delicious I moan loudly. “So good, Gina.”

She beams with pride. “Thank you. You know, you can check the security cameras. See if you can see anything.”

“You’re right.” I tear off another piece and chew. I always forget about the security cameras. They’re relatively new. “I think I’ll go check it out.”

“Let me know if you see anything,” she calls after me as I leave the kitchen and head to my office.

Deciding I better check before I get on with my normal day and forget, I log into the security site we use, bringing up the outdoor camera. I fast forward through the film, not really seeing anything until around two-thirty in the morning, when two people with slender builds and hoodies over their heads and faces come along and smash the pumpkins against the sidewalk, kicking them over and jumping up and down on them like they’re bouncing on a trampoline.

Yep, kids. So stupid.

They don’t linger long and I stop checking, knowing there’s not much I can do since I can’t see their faces. Besides, maybe I could get them on vandalism charges, but come on, what cop is going to go after kids destroying pumpkins?

If it happens again, then I’ll contact the police. For now, I’m letting it lie.

Huh. I wonder if the cameras caught Gage and me last night? My cheeks heat at the thought of seeing the two of us kissing in the front entrance, me plastered against the door . . .

Deciding to check the other cameras, I click quickly through the feeds, rewinding and fast-forwarding through the last few days, momentarily startled to notice that business is definitely picking up during the early lunch crowd. I usually don’t come out and help behind the counter until around twelve thirty, but customers are coming in even earlier, the place looking packed around eleven thirty.

I know by the daily tallies that business is increasing, but seeing the evidence makes it even more real.

Great. Business is picking up, and I’m thrilled. But are Gage and I on the camera feed or what?

Continuing my search, my heart starts racing when I don’t find any evidence of the two of us, when really there should be. The camera system cost a bundle when we initially purchased it, but the monthly maintenance fee isn’t that bad and worth the expense. Though maybe I should reassess. Who really needs a camera on the kitchen? Really the only people who are in there are me and Gina and our handful of employees.

Right. And me and Gage last night . . .

Sitting up straight, I go to the kitchen camera feed, my head pounding as I scroll back to approximately ten o’clock last night. I start to fast-forward again, slower this time, until a horrified gasp escapes me.

Gage, with his back to the camera and still clad in his suit, his big hands holding my arms above my head as he kisses me senseless.

Arousal drips through me, slow as honey, and I lean my forearm on the edge of my desk. My mouth goes dry as I watch us. I feel like a voyeur even though I know it’s me. And Gage. I can almost feel his lips on mine, our tongues touching, my hand buried in his hair—

“You have a phone call.” Gina peeks her head around my office door, and I squeal, clicking out of the camera feed so quick I swear I strained my finger.

“Holy crap, you scared me.” I rest my hand against my chest, feeling my rapidly beating heart. If she’d come inside, she probably would’ve seen the footage. How could I explain that?

And how the hell do I get rid of it?

“Didn’t mean to.” She lingers in the doorway, wiping her hands on her apron.

“Who is it?” I ask, breathing deep, smoothing a shaky hand over my hair as I try to gain some composure. Watching the video of Gage and me together has me rattled. And I didn’t even really get to see anything.

I saw enough, though, to remember just how good he made me feel.

“I don’t know. I happened to pick it up when I went out to the front and he didn’t leave a name. Just asked for you.” Gina leaves without saying anything else, and I reach for the phone.

“Hello, this is Marina.” The person on the other end is silent for so long I wonder if they’ve hung up. “Hello?”

“Hey,” the word is breathed out, the voice undeniably familiar.

“Gage?” I tighten my fingers around the receiver, startled he’s calling me. I thought he’d hate me, after what I did to him. “Um . . .”

“Yeah, this is awkward. Listen, I talked to Archer about you.”

I’m stunned. Why would he still talk to Archer about me? “You did?”

“He’s willing to meet with you sometime next week. He said for you to call his direct number at the office and you two can set up a meeting. You want the number?” Gage asks, sounding efficient. Very business as usual.

Nothing at all like the man who held me in his arms last night, murmuring filthy words in my ear while he pushed inside me so deep I thought I might splinter in two.

“Yes, I want it. Let me grab a pen.” I find a notepad and pen and jot down the number Gage rattles off, his deep voice sending tingles sweeping over my suddenly too-hot skin.

Just hearing him talk on the phone and I’m a goner. This is so ridiculous.

“Why are you being so nice to me?” I ask, clutching the phone so tight I know my knuckles are white. “I—”

“Treated me like crap last night? Yes, you did.” He pauses, as if struggling with whether he should say something or not, and I silently urge him to go ahead and just say it. I don’t care what it is. I might get angry but . . . I doubt it.

Or the anger will just be rapidly chased by arousal, so hey, that works too, right?

The man has turned me into a sick, twisted woman.

I want to apologize to him for being such a bitch last night and kicking him out, but I just can’t find it in me to say I’m sorry. And that makes me feel like an even bigger bitch. “I panicked,” I say instead.

“Because we had sex in the kitchen of your bakery?”

Closing my eyes, I let my head fall to my desk, thumping my forehead on the thick pile of papers. “Yes,” I agree weakly.

“I know. I did too.”

He didn’t seem panicked. He’d been really sweet and aggressive and sexy and gentle. I’ve never had sex against a wall in my life. I’ve never been touched, kissed, fucked—yes definitely never fucked—like that ever. Ever, ever, ever.

So it blows my mind that something so crazy, so absolutely, terrifyingly wonderful, happened with a man I don’t really like.

You like him when he has his hands all over your body and his tongue in your mouth.

Lifting my head, I open my eyes and scowl, banishing the nasty little voice inside my head and focus instead on the man I’m talking to.

“I know you regret what happened, and I feel bad for pushing myself on you,” he explains. “So I thought I’d call up Archer and get this handled for you. It’s the least I can do.”

I don’t regret what happened. Well, maybe I do a little, but who regrets great sex? “You didn’t really push yourself on me. And thank you,” I whisper, feeling a little choked up because really, the man could’ve told me to fuck off and die and I wouldn’t have blamed him. I would’ve deserved it.

“You’re welcome.” He pauses, again as if he’s struggling with what to say next, and I get it. I feel the same way. “I’ll uh, see you around.”

Panic flares. I can’t let him go. Not like this. “Wait a minute! Don’t I, um . . . owe you dinner?”

He remains quiet, but I can hear him breathing. “You don’t owe me anything, Marina.”

I love the way he says my name, his deep voice seeming to caress every letter. Holy crap, do I have it bad for a man I don’t like. “It’s the least I can do,” I murmur, throwing his words back at him. Maybe . . . maybe we can see each other again. One more time. It wouldn’t hurt, right? And I need to make it up to him, how awful I was. How I basically forced him to leave.

We had amazing sex, and then we were almost angry over it. Like we resented each other or something. So weird.

I’m tired of feeling resentful. Can’t we just . . . enjoy this connection?

“You’re serious.” He sounds incredulous. I’m not surprised.

“A deal’s a deal, right?” Reaching for my mouse, I bring the security site back up, pleased to see I didn’t exit completely out of it after all. The screen is right where I left it, me being held captive by Gage against the wall. I speed it up a bit, to the part where I can see we’re completely naked. My legs are wound around his waist, my heels digging into his perfect, flexing ass as he pushes deep inside me.

I’m transfixed. Watching us having sex, having him on the phone, it’s like Gage overload.

“You don’t owe me this. I don’t want you throwing this dinner back in my face like you’re prone to do,” he says grumpily. “Considering how you believe I always have ulterior motives.”

I let the insult fly, too enamored with the sound of his voice while watching him hammer inside of me on the computer screen. I squirm in my seat, feeling like a complete pervert at, what, just after eight in the morning? “I won’t throw it back in your face,” I swear to him, not sure if I can really keep that promise. “I guess it all depends if you say something stupid to me. Like you’re prone to do.”

Ha. We sound like little kids fighting on the playground.

Thankfully, he ignores my dig as well. “I’m leaving for San Francisco tomorrow, so how about tonight?”

“Tonight?” I hit pause again on the screen and turn it off, turning away from my computer so I won’t be distracted. “That’s kind of last minute.” Like I have any plans.

“I know. It’s either that or we wait until early next week, when I get back.”

I can’t wait that long. I want to see him, which I sort of hate. I absolutely shouldn’t want to do this. But my humming body more than wants to see him. “Fine. Tonight,” I say curtly, wincing when I hear my tone so I try and soften it. “That sounds . . . fun.”

He laughs. The jackass. “Yeah, you sound thrilled. Look I’m going to try and get Archer to accompany us. He can bring his fiancé.”

“Wait, what? You want Archer to go to dinner with us?” Okay, I hadn’t bargained on that. I’m going to have to be on my A-game if that happens. I might even have to present my proposition to him, and I’m not quite ready to discuss it yet. I still need to handle a few details.

“Yeah, Archer and his fiancé. Trust me, you’ll love her. And Archer, too. This isn’t some business dinner, Marina. Just pleasure.”

Just pleasure. Oh, now those are two words that take on different meaning when used in reference to Gage and me.

“Okay.” I swallow hard. “Let’s go out to dinner with Archer and his fiancé.” I close my eyes and push my desk chair into a circle. This is probably a really bad idea.

But I can’t back out of it now, right?
