Chapter Two

(Present day - October 2013)

I wake with a gasp and bolt upright.

Water. I need water!

As my groggy brain starts to recognize my surroundings, I feel sick. I can’t stop the reflex. I turn to my side and hurl. I vomit until the full contents of my stomach are spewed up. It’s not enough. My guts keep contracting, making me dry-heave again, and again, and again.

Bile burns my throat. Tears stream down my face. My back is covered in sweat. I feel so weak. So pathetic. I gag on the putrid smell and endure another attack. It feels like my stomach is turning itself inside out. My insides hurt.

When the final convulsion subsides, and I’m sure the worst is over, I collapse onto my side. I bring my knees up and curl into a little ball, holding my arms tight over my chest. It’s the most protective position I know.

The stink of my vomit is all around me. It’s so bad I almost start puking again. I roll to the other side to get away.

I’m shocked when I see the marble pillar inches from my nose. I was so far away when I blacked out…

That means somebody came in here and moved me.

Even more revolting than the stench is the thought of the author of that letter laying his hands on me. I start to cry. What else did he do to me while I was unconscious?

My blouse is a wet mess of sweat. My cheeks are stained with tears. I can’t get away from the smell. Breathing through my mouth is no better. It brings attention to the taste of vomit on my tongue.

It’s a wonder I haven’t pissed myself yet.

Cope. I can’t cope. I can’t deal with this.

You can, a strong voice tells me. You’ve done it before. Remember?

I close my eyes and drift away to a place where the pain isn’t so bad…
