Chapter Four


Find what you need.

Sword, sword, sword.

Sadie’s training kicked in, directing her as though she were on autopilot. Aldon could reappear at any moment. In order to defend herself and everyone else she needed her weapon. She closed her eyes and focused, calling on her magic. The blade she carried had been attuned to her by blood.

If it was nearby she’d sense it…


She didn’t hesitate, launching herself over the railing. The instant she landed she moved, hurrying toward the hum of magic. It didn’t matter why Aldon hadn’t kept the sword instead of tossing it in the trash. His stupidity equaled her gain. She saw the sheath, identifying the leather she painstakingly oiled once a week.

Yes. This is what she needed.

The instant the hilt hit her hand she pulled the weapon free of the casing.

Movement caught her eye. She reared back, ready to dish out some heavy damage, sending a surge of magic down her arm and into her weapon. She’d expected an attack. Aldon would come at her blindly, ready to take her down immediately. What she hadn’t anticipated was Trey—naked as the day he was born—wrapping his arms around her waist as he sank to his knees. The thrill of impending battle had her blood pumping but Trey’s touch sent her thoughts in another direction. A split second, the weight of his body leaning steadily against hers, and she was doomed. She lowered her arm and peered down, gazing at his dark hair and tanned, muscular shoulders.

She’d been so wrong.

Memories didn’t do him justice at all.

In person he was bigger, stronger—sexier.

Licking her lips, she savored the small sampling of blood she hadn’t bothered wiping away. She should have asked for permission but she hadn’t. When she’d bitten him earlier she’d been too focused on her hunger to think about consideration or lust. Now, however, she was more than aware of the man. She could smell him, feel the heat of his body and hear the hurried rhythm of his pulse.

“Easy, darlin’,” he murmured, his voice like gravel cascading over silk. “I’ve got you.”

Her eyes burned as she struggled to hold back tears.

If only that was true.

She wanted so desperately for it to be, for Trey to hold her, keep her…

Love her.

Months of longing had brought her to this moment, confronting her own worst enemy. Even if she’d tried to convince herself that she’d deny the male, she wanted him too much to do so. She could have died without experiencing any of the things she yearned for most with the man at her feet. The blood she’d consumed rushed through her body, suffusing her muscles with life, bringing on a desire so strong it could devour them both.

Her nipples hardened to points, the fire in her belly pulsing downward to her clit. His hair brushed her forearm when he feathered his lips over her free hand, the teeniest of touches yet goose bumps spread all over her skin. How would those prickly strands feel against her thighs if he went down on her? Would he take his time? Or would he go at her like the wild man she imagined he’d be?

He’d know what he was doing. Men like him had years of experience.

“Leigh.” Nathan’s appearance at the foot of the stairs—as well as the name he uttered—iced the heat in Sadie’s veins. “Where did she go?” he demanded, snarling. “Take me to her.”

How selfish could she possibly be?

One touch and she’d forgotten about her responsibilities. Leigh’s safety wasn’t important. Nothing was. All she could think about was Trey—his scent, his warmth, how good he felt.

Damn her for being so weak and vulnerable.

She deserved whatever she had coming to her.

“Where is she?” Nathan shouted.

Sadie wanted to respond but wasn’t certain what she should say.

Leigh had taken enough of Sadie’s blood to flee but was her friend safe? Had she taken shelter at the coven? Or had she ventured to a safe house? Sadie hadn’t had enough time to think ahead or ask her sister-in-magic what her plans might be. Since Aldon had made it clear he’d do whatever it took ensure Leigh’s capture—and the fucking prick was strong enough to phase her out of any location—she had to make sure Leigh would be safe. The coven had power but was only capable of so much. They weren’t physical creatures and never had been.

That was her job.

You’ve got to go. Find her. Formulate a plan.

Shifters—to her knowledge—didn’t read minds, but Trey might as well have. “No,” he growled, holding her tighter. “You’re not going anywhere.” She wondered how it was possible, thinking maybe she’d misdirected a thought in his direction when he said, “You belong to me, baby. Leigh told me everything. The moment you drank from me you sealed the deal. You’re stuck with me. Don’t even think about trying to escape.”

What the hell did that mean? She belonged to him?

Fuck no, she didn’t.

He’d turned her away not so long ago—even as he confessed she was the female intended for him—and she’d been humiliated. She remembered the agony of his dismissal, his rejection corroding her heart from the inside out. Even if he wanted her physically he didn’t have the balls to claim her as his mate to his pack. There was too much at stake. Shepherds had attacked Trey’s city, the werewolves he protected needed him more than she did and they both knew it.

Nothing had changed since then.

He wanted to fuck her. Maybe even to keep her on his terms.

But at what cost?

Suddenly the sword felt too heavy, the air in the room too thick.

To her shame she admitted that she’d be whatever he wanted her to be.

“Why are you even here?” She found it odd she felt so detached from the words, as though someone else had posed the question rather than herself. “Why did you come?”

“Leigh brought us,” Nathan answered, talking in a rush of words, his brows furrowed as he wrung his hands. “She told us you needed help—she told us everything.” He lowered his arms, his hazel green gaze so intense it was difficult for Sadie to meet his eyes. “She’s my mate and belongs at my side. I have a right to know where she is.”

What in the ever-loving hell? You’ve got to be shitting me.

Perhaps it was fatigue or shock that made her laugh at the possibility of such a thing. She tried to wrench herself from Trey’s embrace. When that didn’t work she lifted the sword clutched in her hand. He intercepted her mid-swing, capturing her wrist. He maintained his grip on her waist with his other arm, keeping her snug against him. Like this, she couldn’t move. She was trapped once more, unable to do anything.

“Your mate?” she snarled, blood pounding in her head, emotional demons from the past whispering in her ear. “You expect me to believe that both of you mated with vampires? Contrary to what you might assume, I’m not a total idiot. She’s a member of my coven. I’m responsible for her protection.”

No way would she stand by as Nathan cast Leigh aside. She knew how deeply that wound went. He’d break the young woman’s heart, ripping her chest open and watching her slowly bleed to death. Leigh had been through enough. Sadie would be damned if she let the woman be hurt on her watch.

Bolstered by fury, she snapped, “She doesn’t need or want you, asshole. If she belongs by anyone’s side it’s mine.”

Nathan took a menacing step toward them.

“Don’t let her bait you,” Trey ordered and rose, keeping his arms locked around her waist. Part of her recognized what was happening but another part of her had risen above the scene, causing her to witness what was taking place rather than actually participating. “She’s crashing, man.”

“What are you talking about?” Nathan should have sounded closer, not farther away.

What the fuck was going on?

Why couldn’t she hear?

Why did her vision seem so out of focus?

Her body felt weightless, as though she was no longer of substance. Then her mind fogged over, thoughts tumbling out of sequence. Concentrating, she attempted to piece them together.

Leigh and Nathan. Mates?

Absolutely not.

Trey coming for her? Rushing in to secure her safety?

Only if the world had come to an end.

It didn’t make sense. Something in her mind clicked—like an openhanded slap to the face—and she got wise to what had been taking place. Of course. That was it. None of it was real. She’d managed to delude herself yet again.

It’s another dream.

It made total sense given the circumstances.

What better way to live in captivity than to create your own dreamworld with characters manipulated by mental puppet strings? The turn of events was created in her mind to cope with her situation. She tried to focus, to take the dream in a different direction. She’d take herself way back—to the only night she’d had with Trey. Only this time she’d make him say and do the things she wanted him to. She’d obtain some level of satisfaction even if she had to fake it.

To her frustration nothing changed, no matter how hard she tried to coerce her mind to another path. Trey remained, so tantalizingly close she could smell him. His pulse beckoned, his muscular body taunting her with pleasure that always remained out of her reach. Was that what was about to happen? Would he turn her away a second time, laughing in her face, tossing her aside like a secondhand toy?

Hadn’t it been enough that he’d starved her body?

Did he also have to pick apart her soul?

Left with nothing else, she did as she’d longed to for days.

Why not? It wasn’t as if anyone would hear. If this was her future it was time to lance the wound, remove the infection and start over. Her heart had to come to terms with things once and for all. Otherwise she’d remain trapped in demented nightmares she couldn’t escape.

Just like this one.

Dropping the sword, she threw back her head and released the scream of anguish that had been contained for far too long. She focused on the sound—finding it fitting that her shriek started out fierce but quickly turned into a miserable wail—and found peace in doing the only thing she could.

Finally—after all she’d been through—she let go and accepted her fate.

Trey wasn’t a version of heaven.

He was her tormentor in hell.

Damn it!

Even now, holding Sadie tightly against him and promising her safety, Trey had failed his mate. He’d sensed her turmoil and confusion but had attributed it as a natural response to Leigh’s departure. Prior to her shift in mood he’d scented her desire, his cock becoming hard as a rock. She’s been ready for him, primed for whatever he wanted to give her. If he’d wanted he could have lifted her off the ground and taken her to the wall. She’d have let him. She’d been so hot, the sweet and heady fragrance of her cunt right below his nose.

Then Nathan had appeared and flipped a switch inside his mate.

Once again, much-needed knowledge came too late. Her behavior wasn’t a case of nerves or transgressions gone awry. His proud and unshakable mate had slammed into a wall she couldn’t demolish. He’d never seen her like this—unable to control herself, crumbling right before his eyes.

“She’s been through hell and back. It’s time to pay her dues,” he snarled at his Beta, keeping Sadie pressed to his chest, loathing the anguish he heard in her cry. “Her emotions are all over the place. Use your nose. Scent the goddamn air. She’s about to have a mental fucking breakdown.”

“We don’t have time for this.” Nathan’s desperation beat against Trey, the Beta seeking the security and guidance of his Alpha. Instinctively his wolf reached out to Nathan’s, trying to settle the raging beast. “We have to find Leigh. It’s too dangerous to wait. Aldon—”

“Can’t you see I have my own shit to deal with?”

He got Nathan’s concern—he really did—but he couldn’t focus on the Beta’s anxiety over Leigh, nor could he devote time to ease his pack mate’s worries. For once he had to put his needs—his female’s fucking needs—over the wants of others. He’d known she needed him but had grievously underestimated just how much.

Why didn’t she come to me before this?

“Get the car and bring it ‘round. Grab my clothes outta the trunk. We have to split,” he instructed, thankful when Sadie’s cries died down. Then he saw her posture, the way that she tuned out everything around her.

Damn it.

He expected tears, or perhaps her to cling to him for support. She did neither, remaining where she stood like he wasn’t even there. Lifting his head, he found Nathan gawking at the two of them. The wolf snarled its disapproval in his head, rising once again to display its dominance over its pack mate.

“That wasn’t a request,” he roared, allowing his fangs to drop, giving the Beta proper warning. “Get the goddamn car!”

“Where in the hell do you think we can go? The pack is waiting for you at the station. You can’t take her there.”

Fuck. Nathan had a point. Thinking fast, he blurted, “Diskant.”

“Are you insane?” Nathan shifted his feet and folded his arms over his chest. “He’ll tell the pack. It’ll cause an uprising we can’t control.”

“She saved Ava’s life,” Trey reminded him. “Diskant owes her.”

Nathan frowned, his eyes glowing bright yellowish-green. “That’s true but she’s a vampire. He doesn’t trust her.”

“I don’t give a flying fuck.” So help him, if Nathan didn’t do as he was told soon, Trey was going to blow a fuse and take the man’s head off. “Get the car.”

Thank God Nathan finally listened and stopped arguing. They’d parked a few blocks over and walked the remaining distance to the brownstone Leigh had directed them to. Ironically, Trey knew the location well, having been the one to install Aldon’s security systems. That was how he’d created a tentative partnership with the man.

One the pack knew little about.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

When they got wind of what had happened, the shit was definitely going to hit the fan. He wasn’t sure how things were going to go down from here. He and Nathan had planned on preparing the pack for their big reveal after they exposed the truth to his friend and the Omega of the city, Diskant Black. Circumstances, as they often did, altered his strategy.

He’d have to come up with a different arrangement.

Something he—and the unraveling woman in his arms—could live with.

“Sadie.” He glided his fingers into her hair and cupped the back of her neck. Then he let her go and brought his other hand to her jaw, using the backs of his knuckles to lift her face toward his. “Look at me.”

His heart sank when their eyes met.

Her irises—normally as vibrant as the sky on a cloudless summer day—had dulled over.

She’s staring right through me.

Acting in the only way he knew, he gently cradled her face and brought his lips to hers. She smelled so fucking enticing, wildflowers with a dash of incense. Their mouths met in the barest of touches, a mere whispering of contact. Still she didn’t react, motionless as a statue. He upped the ante, bringing the hand nestled in her hair down and around. Grasping her ass, he yanked her hips to his. His desire for her hadn’t diminished, his cock was thick and fully engorged. He let her feel the entire length, rolling his hips for added measure, sliding his dick up and down her leather pants.

Her lips parted and he accepted the invitation, guiding his tongue into her mouth, keeping things slow and sensual. As much as he wanted to pin her to the floor and fuck her hard and fast—leaving her marked with his scent and branded by his teeth—it wasn’t the time or place. She needed to be lured from the darkness that held her. He groaned when she placed her hands on his biceps and squeezed, her sharp little nails digging into his skin.

That’s it, baby. Just like that.

Kneading her ass, he rotated slightly, trapping his cock between them. It didn’t take much—a slight lean to the left, a footstep to the right—to position the bulging length firmly against her pussy. Her soft little moan nearly undid him. His wolf howled in victory and tried to take control. Trey prevented it, keeping the animal in its place.

This was how he remembered her—responsive and soft, sweet and sexy.

Hell yes.

“Please.” She gazed into his eyes, words raspy. “Tell me this isn’t a dream. Tell me this is real.”

“It’s real, darlin’.” If he could have taken away all of her pain, he would have. He wanted to do whatever it took to make things right between them. “I’m right here.”

He pushed her to the closest wall. Once there he released her ass, lifted her right leg and hooked it over his hip. He brought his hand to the apex of her thighs, cupping her cunt. What he found sent a sharp spasm from his balls to the head of his cock. Heat radiated from the area he palmed, warming his hand. If it weren’t for the clothing between them she’d have drenched his fingers.

“I’ve waited so long,” she whispered, eyes closed. “I’ve wanted this so bad.”

“Rock against me.” He rubbed his hand over the area, applying pressure. It wasn’t possible to find her clit. Her leathers were too tight, covering her too fucking well. He let her guide him where she needed him to be. Paying attention to her ragged inhalations, he let her thrust against him. She keened when he hit the right spot, snapping her hips. “Damn. That’s good. There you go. That’s my girl.”

As she leaned forward, combing her fingers through the hair at his nape, he knew what she wanted. He turned his head, bearing his neck, inviting her bite. Last time her fangs had ripped a hole in his ass. He hoped this time she’d take more care. Her slick and clever little tongue bathed his flesh, lightly skimming over the area. Then he felt her teeth score his skin. There wasn’t pain. No burning pangs as she sucked. Not this time around.

Holy shit.

It was lust to the millionth power, slamming into them both. Not only did the wolf howl through his head, the damn thing felt as though it were right there with them enjoying the moment. It shouldn’t have been possible, yet somehow it was. His own canines lengthened, his wolf-half wanting to mark her as his for the entire world to see.

No, not yet.

He felt her desire, could smell how wet and ready she was.

He’d give her this. Hell, he fucking owed her this.

His mate came with a lengthy groan, her entire body going taut. Shock tore through him when his sac tightened. He yanked away from her, the tip of his jutting erection aimed at the wall. His cock jerked and he followed her right over the edge. Stroking his length, he bent his head, allowing the release to flow through him. His spine tingled, dick pulsing with each jet of his seed against the cream-colored wallpaper. It wasn’t what he wanted for their first time but he’d take it. So what if he’d lost control like a horny kid? This was what he needed. What he’d ached for.

Next time, he’d do things right.

They were both breathing hard when she pulled her fangs from his throat. She nursed the area she’d bitten, taking her time, lapping at the punctures. A part of him resented his ability to heal. In his dreams her ministrations went on forever. If he’d been human she’d have needed more time to close the wounds. As it was, she stopped after only seconds.

He heard a car door slam and within seconds Nathan burst through the door. Trey turned his head, meeting the Beta’s damning look. “I know you’re pissed but you’re going to have to get over yourself. The sooner we get to safety, the sooner we can find Leigh.”

Nathan heaved the clothing and boots in his hands to the floor. “Then I suggest you put your clothes on.”

Trey almost moved away from Sadie—almost. Then he recalled how he’d trapped her before, using his touch to prevent her from phasing away. The moment she’d broken free, standing several feet away, she’d vanished without a trace. He couldn’t trust her not to run and he wasn’t sure what was going through her head. Even if she had to come to him for blood to survive, he needed her help if he was going to assist Nathan. The Beta wouldn’t let this go. He’d do whatever it took to find Leigh, claim her and keep her by his side. The man’s patience only went so far.

“Take her,” he instructed Nathan, moving Sadie from the wall, hating the confusion that swept over her face. “Don’t let her go.”

“What?” Sadie finally spoke, sounding clearheaded.

Trey forced her into Nathan’s arms. “I mean it.” He guided one of Nathan’s hands to Sadie’s waist and then his other to her throat. “Don’t let go. No matter what she does.”

“What do you think you’re doing?” She struggled, fighting for her freedom. The smell of her anger suffused the air. “How could you? After what just happened between us? You selfish son of a bitch!”

Guilt did come but Trey pushed it aside. “We’re going to Diskant for assistance,” he said as he retrieved the clothing and footwear and started to dress. “He’s got security posted around his compound. Aldon’s not stupid enough to fuck with an Omega. He might be able to get the jump on a shifter but he can’t surprise the only one of us who can change at will.”

“So you’re going to tell the pack?”

Trey stopped buttoning his jeans, peering at Sadie across the distance.

He heard the desperation—the fucking hope—in her voice. Emotions he’d caused by his callous treatment of her. Was he going to tell the pack? Eventually. But he had to be certain he was fully prepared for the aftermath. Some serious shit could very likely go down. Since the Shepherd attacks everyone remained on edge. He didn’t have the balls to look her in the eye and say that, so he bent at the waist and tugged on his boots.

“I have to talk to Diskant first. We’ll have to discuss how we want to handle the issue.”

“The issue. Of course.” There it was again, that god-awful deflation in her tone. He resented the hell out of it, even if he understood. She didn’t trust him, not one bit. And he didn’t blame her. “Well then,” she continued, “I’m sure you understand I have issues with my coven to address. You need to let me go. I have to tell them what’s happened.”

“Don’t take this the wrong way, baby, but if the coven really gave a shit Leigh wouldn’t have had to come to us for help.” Nathan quickly tied his boots and stood. “I got the impression she was afraid to.” Able to meet her gaze, steeling himself for the hatred he expected to see from her, he was surprised to see a flicker of remorse in her eyes. “Do you really think they’ll help you or her?” he queried gently. “Do you think they’re more capable of protecting your friend than we are?”

“Diskant Black will never agree to help me or Leigh.” She’d stopped fighting Nathan, passive in the man’s hold. “I’m the enemy, remember?”

“You saved his mate’s life,” Nathan reminded her. It was an important detail. “Ava means more to him than anything. Without you he’d have lost her. He owes you and he knows it. His pride won’t allow him to turn you away.”

“If you say so.” She lifted her arms in mock surrender. “You don’t have to hold me. I’m not going anywhere. We have the same agenda.”

“If you say so,” he chimed, throwing her words back at her.

Her glare of sheer disdain wounded him more than a solid punch in the gut ever could have. Fuck it to shit. He’d meant to be playful, not push her buttons. He approached her, strides steady. Once he reached her he wrapped his fingers around her wrist. He knew it pissed her off when Nathan let her go and Trey pulled her into his arms but fuck if he cared. She was here, in his world, where she belonged.

He wasn’t letting her go.

“Until I know that for sure,” he lifted her from the ground and marched toward the door, “I’m not letting you out of my sight.” Glancing over his shoulder, he told Nathan, “Get her amazing Ginsu knife and bring it along, would you?”

“What are you? A caveman?” She snorted and shook her head, waves of her thick blonde hair cascading down her back. “Why don’t you just drag me out of here by the hair?”

Maybe he was a bastard for laughing but who could blame him? His mate was feisty, smart and ballsy as hell. The pack had no idea how lucky they’d just become. This woman wouldn’t back down from anyone or anything, including him.

Striding for the car, he bent his head. “I’m going to be whatever you want me to be, Sadie. No more running away. No more bullshit. You’re mine, darlin’. All mine.”

“Barbarian,” she huffed, sounding indignant.

“If that’s what you want.”

Nathan opened the door and Trey sank into the passenger seat, situating Sadie on his lap. He gave her hair a soft yank, chuckling when she wriggled her ass against him. His body responded, the wolf reminding him they’d yet to fully stake their possession over her. The quick and sensual act against the wall had only been a prelude of what was to come. He wanted to see his female beneath him, her blond hair fanning over the pillows, and look into her eyes when she came next time.


Even with danger knocking at their door—despite the threat of Shepherds, Aldon Frost and everything else he had to deal with—the future looked brighter than it had in weeks.
