
I’m so excited to be able to thank the many kind people who’ve helped me become a published writer:

My fun and fiesty agent, Jenny Bent: I can’t adequately express how grateful I am to her for launching me on this journey.

My brilliant editor, Jennifer Enderlin: a bedrock of support and inspiration always. Her mentorship has meant the world to me.

The team at St. Martin’s Press: they’re simply fabulous, and it’s a honor to work with such caring, talented people.

My fellow writers, especially my friends at Lowcountry Romance Writers of America—every member has great stories to tell—and the Beau Monde chapter of RWA, in particular, Nancy Mayer and Sue Pace.

A special thank you to Cherry Adair for first picking my contest entry out of a pile and sending me to the national RWA conference. She has one of the biggest hearts of anyone I know.

I’d also like to thank other writers who have inspired me with their awesome talent, wisdom, fortitude, and grace: Debbie Macomber, Jennifer Crusie, Nora Roberts, Jane Porter, Christina Dodd, J.R. Ward, Jayne Ann Krentz, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, JoAnn Grote, Sharon Brennan Wray, Susan Wiggs, and Virginia Kantra. There are more, so many that I can’t name them all here. Every writer I’ve met has gifted me with something of herself, even if it’s simply the acknowledgment that we share the joys and angsts only writers can know.

Of course, without my family none of this would have happened at all. A special shout-out to my sister Kristin, who organized a sibling gift to me, my first laptop, so I could take my stories anywhere. My husband Chuck and my children, Steven, Margaret, and Jack, have provided me with endless hugs, encouraging words, and cups of tea. The rest of my family, on both sides, have also been unflagging in their support. I love you all!
