Leaving the Toyota outside Ivy’s house, Jaime, Riley, and Ivy got a cab to Enigma. The place was bigger than most. In fact, it looked more like a large warehouse than a club. The music seemed to vibrate through the ground. The second she entered, an array of odors assailed her: alcohol, lust, sweat, wolf, falcon, lion, jaguar, pure male musk.

Jaime inhaled deeply. The delicious odors, the heat, and the contradictory mix of excitement and satiation all came together and engulfed her, feeding her body’s needy state. A tingle spread through her already sensitive system, settling between her thighs. “I feel like a succubus in heat.”

“I’m not feeling much better,” said Riley. “I could draw blood with my nipples they’re so damn hard.” As she went to strut off in her tiny red skirt and her barely there white vest, Ivy tugged her backward.

“Oh no, Nala,” chided Ivy.

“I told you to stop calling me that!”

“No going off on your own. Let’s hit the bar first. Then we dance.”

“Sure,” said Jaime, “if we can get through the mass of gyrating bodies.” It was a further two minutes before they found a spot at the bar and were served. “One, two, three, down it!” Simultaneously Jaime, Ivy, and Riley gulped down their tequila shots before slamming the glasses down on the bar. Jaime gave a contended sigh. “That confirms it: happiness is a drink called tequila.”

“That was our fourth, right?” asked Ivy.

“Fifth,” corrected Riley. “Did you notice those guys over there?”

“If you’re referring to the ones about five feet away, staring right at us like we’re big juicy steaks, then yeah.” Going by the fact that their scents were each a combination of pine, wet earth, musk, and wolf, it was easy to guess that they were wolf shifters.

“Cute, aren’t they?” purred Ivy.

“They’re definitely on the prowl,” said Riley.

They most certainly were. Lustful and heated vibes were wafting from them. Jaime could admit to herself that those vibes were having the desired effect. “I quite like the one in the middle.

What about you guys?”

Ivy gave her a concerned look. “You’re really ready to move on from that giant?”

“Yup. I suppose I could continue to embarrass myself, but I’d rather not. Plus, now that he knows how messed up I am, he’s not going to care either way.” During the drive there, she had told them all about what happened at the Rouge Bar. It had taken fifteen minutes to talk Ivy down from placing a curse on Glory.

“Maybe he’s gay,” offered Riley. “I’m not just saying this because I’m your friend and I love you, but you’re gorgeous and fun, so if he’s not gay then there has to be something wrong with him if he doesn’t want you. I mean, look around you, there’re plenty of guys giving you looks. Just pick one of them and get Dante out of your system.”

“And you’re definitely over Aidan?” Ivy asked Riley.

“Oh yeah. The two-timing bastard actually had the nerve to accuse me of sleeping around on him. He even accused me of having some kind of affair with you.” A snort popped out of Ivy. “You don’t meet my standards.”

“Bitch,” said Riley affectionately, then pushed her glass away. “Come on, girls, get up. Time to hit the dance floor.”

Jaime couldn’t have agreed more. She hadn’t been there long before a guy—falcon shifter, her nose scented—pressed up against her. She twisted in his arms and locked hers around his neck as they danced. He truly was a gorgeous-looking guy. Her body’s response was “oh yes.” Her wolf’s response was “meh.” Her mind…It felt all wrong to her mind. There was only one guy she really wanted.

But you can’t have him, so stop the pining.

Ordinarily she truly disliked being told what to do, but the voice had a valid point. So she stopped thinking about him and continued to dance with the gorgeous falcon shifter in front of her. His mouth was just coming down to hers when she heard a rumble behind her that made both her and the falcon freeze. A low, lengthy, pissed-fucking-off rumble. At the same time, a familiar delicious scent washed over her, exciting her wolf. What in God’s name was he doing here?

Slowly she pivoted, only to find herself face-to-face with a homicidal-looking Dante: his eyes flashing wolf, his muscles bunched up, his mouth set into a hard line. The falcon—maybe he was dumb or perhaps it was a suicidal urge he was having—placed his hands on her hips in a “she’s taken” gesture. Dante reached out, snatched her wrist, and tugged so hard that her body slammed into his. She thought about struggling but was more worried about the falcon’s fate. He made a move toward Dante.

“I really wouldn’t,” warned Dante, though it wouldn’t be a hardship to punch the prick.

Jaime watched as the falcon halted. As usual, that low tone of Dante’s had the effect of a yell.

Her wolf approved and was instantly aroused by it, just like Jaime’s traitorous body.

Dante held the falcon’s gaze, refusing to let him look away. “Let me tell you what you’re going to do now. You’re going to turn around and walk away. Simple. If you don’t, I will gut you open right here, right now,” he said very matter-of-factly. “And then I’ll feed your intestines to you. From what I hear, they don’t taste great. Want to find out if that’s true?” The falcon glanced at her, and she gave him a “just go” look. A mixture of indignant and agitated, he spun on his heel and walked away. Smart. Jaime tensed as Dante’s eyes suddenly locked on her like a predator watching skittish prey. “What’re you doing here?”

“I came for you.”

“How did you even know where I was?”

“It was easy enough to guess. You’ve gone here lots of times with your coworkers on Saturday nights. Now let’s go.”

She pulled her arm free. “I am not some teenager who sneaked out, and I don’t have to ask for your permission to leave pack territory.”

“Your wolf could have got freaked out over something and—”

“My wolf is what you might call fried. It’ll be a day or two before she even has half the strength to overpower me.”

“I don’t care. We’re going.” He reached out to grab her, but she dodged him. “Don’t pull away from me, Jaime. You can’t imagine how much it irritates my wolf when you do that.”

“Haven’t you figured out yet that you can’t control me?”

Yes, he’d figured it out a long time ago. Strangely, he liked it just as much as he hated it. Right this second, though, he wasn’t in the mood to be challenged by her. “You’re pushing me, Jaime, and you’re pushing me hard. Don’t do it, don’t make me more pissed than I already am.” She laughed a humorless laugh. “You’re pissed? Good, because I’m really, really pissed right now. You came after me when you have no need or right to, you chased away that guy as if he’d assaulted me or something, and now you’re trying to drag me back to pack territory like I’m some petulant kid. What is your problem?”

His problem was that he wanted her so damn bad he ached with it, so damn bad that he couldn’t ignore that ache anymore. If his attraction to her had been purely physical—hell, attraction was a mild word—maybe it would have been easy enough to ignore. But there was much more to it than that. He admired and respected her for everything she had gotten through, for how much fight she had inside that amazing body. He enjoyed her company, he enjoyed her smart-ass comments, and he valued that she didn’t fear him. No matter how thunderous his temper was or how firm his orders were, she never bowed down to him, never tried to placate him, never cowered.

Each time females shrank away from him in the past, it greatly offended both him and his wolf.

Dante would never harm a female, no matter the situation, and had those females looked past his build, had they looked deep enough, they would have known that about him. So far, Jaime was the only one who had looked deep enough. And that touched him in a way that he hadn’t expected.

Maybe he should have been distrustful of her, knowing that she’d lied to him, but he wasn’t at all. She’d held her secret to protect herself, and he could never judge her for that. Although she’d kept that secret, she wasn’t a fake. She didn’t hide her nature or personality—what you saw was what you got. Yet she was as complicated as she was straightforward. That amused, entertained, and drew him.

In short, she had somehow made herself important to him without even trying. She was like a fucking magnet to him. It was like Rhett had said, like called to like. And this person who knew just what it was like to need control called to him.

It could be said that they were bad for each other. The problem with them was that they mirrored each other’s hunger and fed on each other’s lust, making self-control incredibly difficult for both of them. While on an intellectual level he acknowledged that the best thing he could do was leave alone this female who ate at both his control and his wolf’s, it wasn’t going to stop him from having her. He wasn’t sure if anything could. Not just because he ached for her so badly, but because he had come to view her as his.

Maybe he should feel like an ass, considering that there was a female out there who was his true mate, waiting for him to claim her. But the truth was that he didn’t want to find her. He’d been kidding himself in thinking that he could ever give up his position as Beta; it would have made him feel as though he was abandoning his pack, selfishly letting them down by choosing his own happiness over their safety and well-being. He wasn’t the first person to forsake his true mate—a person he might never even find—and he wouldn’t be the last. There was no longer anything holding him back from taking Jaime. Even if there had been, he wasn’t sure he could have fought it any longer.

His wolf very much approved of his decision to finally act on his hunger for her. “Get out of the club, and get in the SUV.”

“You can go if you want, but I’m staying.” Then came the change in the emotional temperature around her—evidently, he was now more than pissed.

“I’m sorry, what was that?” His expression and tone dared her to repeat herself, but at the same time warned her not to.

“I’m. Staying. I came here to dance and have fun. You, being the workaholic that you are, wouldn’t know anything about that.” She thought he was going to have an aneurysm, she really did.

But then a crooked smile surfaced on his face—one that made her nervous.

“Fine. You want to dance, we’ll dance.” Once again he pulled her to him, ensuring that her body was meshed to his; one of his hands clasped her nape and the other clutched her ass in a very possessive grip. Rebelliously, she stiffened and glowered at him, but Dante simply held her tighter and bit her lower lip.

“Keep your teeth to yourself!”

“You’d better get used to me biting you, baby, because it’s going to happen a lot.”

“Oh I don’t think so, Popeye. I have more pride than to jump into the bed of some guy who spent the past few months dismissing me. It’s a little too late to come knocking on my door.” Dante fisted a hand in her hair—a shifter gesture of ownership that he saw infuriated her as much as it aroused her. He pinned her with a look. “You won’t be jumping into some guy’s bed , Jaime. You’ll be in mine. Oh yeah, deny it if you want, but we both know it’s going to happen. I’m getting inside that pussy. You’re going to take every inch of me, and you’re going to love it.” She should not have liked the dominance in his tone or the determination in his gaze, yet, perversely, she did. She really shouldn’t have liked that there wasn’t a hint of compromise in his tone either, yet, odd as it was, she did like it. That didn’t mean she was going to give him what he wanted, though. Oh no. If he thought he could ignore her and that she’d jump when he finally decided to call, he was so wrong. “Not a chance, big guy. Besides, I’m not your type, remember? You don’t think of me that way. You like your females to be nice and slim.”

Stunned, Dante froze. Either Trick had told her what he’d said, which was unlikely, or she’d overheard their conversation. Suddenly, he felt like shit.

“There’s no need to feel bad. This might come as a surprise to your overinflated ego, but I no longer want you.”

“Yeah? Well, the scent of your arousal tells me different. You’re already wet—you can’t help it. Just like I can’t help that I’m hard as a fucking rock whenever you’re near.”

“I didn’t say you couldn’t get a response from my body. It doesn’t mean I have to act on it.”

“But you will, baby. You will because you know how good it will be. Now dance with me.” It was both a demand and a dare.

He wanted to play, did he? Well, Jaime would see how he liked a reversal of roles. She would see how he liked it when someone else took the lead. Jaime relished the surprise in his eyes when she twined her arms around his neck and ground against him. Allowing the pounding, throbbing beat of the music to invade her body, she swayed and writhed and swiveled her pelvis. Dante moved in sync with her movements, and their dark, sensual dance had her getting wetter by the minute.

As they swayed and grinded, he skated his hands over her back and roughly cupped her ass, building a need inside her that soon had her liquid and pliant against him so that it was he who was leading the dance—sneaky fucker. Jaime soon regretted beginning the dance. She’d just wanted to tease him for being a jerk, but she’d ended up teasing herself. The way her hardened nipples rubbed against his chest was sending teasing bolts of pleasure down to her clit. She was wet and aching and had never felt so empty. Honestly, she didn’t think she had ever needed relief so badly in her life.

This was sexual torment as its worst. She gasped as he bit her earlobe and sucked it briefly into his mouth before speaking into her ear.

“Turn around.” Again his words were a demand and a dare. Slowly she turned in his arms, though Dante was pretty sure she only did it because she wasn’t prepared to back down. “Arms around my neck.” Very slowly she raised her arms and hooked them around his neck, making her arch slightly against his chest. “Very good. Now keep them there.” Jaime involuntarily shivered as, breathing hotly on her nape, he very, very slowly slid one of his hands up over her dress until it was resting just below her breasts. His other hand slid seductively down her flat abdomen and inched closer and closer to the juncture of her thighs, but he stopped just as the tips of his fingers reached just above her clit. The contact was already too much, but no way would she struggle free and let him see that. No, she’d withstand the pleasure and show him just how little she wanted him. Of course it would be a total lie, but he didn’t have to know that.

Dante kissed his way from her nape to her ear. “You’re mine now, Jaime.” He let his hand creep up and knead her breast. “Not just for one night. When I say you’re mine, I mean you’re mine.

But see, here’s the thing. Now you have to deal with me, and I’m not easy to deal with.” He thumbed her nipple, enjoying the way she jerked and moaned.

Jaime was about to contradict his claim to want more than one night, but then his fingers dipped down and brushed once over her clit. Officially distracted, she arched against his hand, but he didn’t repeat the action. Instead, his hand ever so slowly glided down her inner thigh while the other moved on to her other breast, squeezing hard. Hearing a moan slip from her, she gave herself a mental wallop. She was supposed to be withstanding the pleasure, wasn’t she! Yeah, okay, she could do that.


As his hand reached the edge of her dress, he snaked it underneath and abruptly cupped her possessively. “Mine, Jaime.” Offended by the thong that acted as a barrier between him and what was his, Dante effortlessly snapped it off and stuffed it in his back pocket. Then his hand was delving underneath her dress again and his fingers were skimming through her folds. “So wet.” His finger circled her opening, and instinctively her hips shifted toward his hand. “That’s it, baby.” He harshly plunged his finger inside her, startling a loud moan from her, and swirled it once, twice.

Jaime’s eyes drifted shut as bliss and heat rushed through her body like wildfire. Damn it, hadn’t she only moments ago told herself that she’d withstand the pleasure? Snort. Some resolve she had. One orgasm wouldn’t be so bad though, would it? Deciding that it certainly wouldn’t be, she clung to his neck, moaning, as he began to slowly thrust his finger in and out of her. Every thrust was masterful, just like him.

“Hot. Tight. Wet. I can’t wait to feel you around my cock.” He drove another finger inside her, wrenching a groan from her. “Do you like the falcon, Jaime?” She opened her eyes and twisted her neck to find Dante watching her intently. Right then, he looked dangerous. His lips were fixed into a hard line, his nostrils were flaring, and his eyes had gone wolf.

“Is he what’s got you this wet?

The sensible answer was no. It was also the truthful answer. She shook her head.

“So this is for me?” He wiggled his fingers inside her before thrusting again. Not satisfied with her nod, he said, “Answer me, Jaime.”


He rotated his fingers. “Do you want to know what’s going to happen when we get back? I’m going to fuck you. Really, really fuck you. Fuck you like no one ever has. You want that, don’t you?” The way her inner muscles contracted around his fingers told him the answer to that. “Good, because it is going to happen. And you’re going to scream for me. Not for Pretty Boy, not for the falcon, not for anyone else. Me. Only me.” He thrust his fingers hard and deep as he took her mouth. Like last time, the kiss became pure animal lust and he was growling into her mouth as she was groaning into his. “That’s it. Fucking come.”

As if that was what her body had been waiting for, Jaime’s climax washed over her and he caught her as she sagged against him. Hell, her legs were freaking shaking. The guy was lethal. When Jaime opened her eyes, it was to see his lips twitch into a smile of victory. It should have pissed her off, but as that had been one hell of an orgasm, she’d overlook the cockiness.

He slid his fingers out of her and brought them to his mouth, sucking first one and then the other without once removing his gaze from hers. Her darkly rich taste burst on his tongue, had him wanting more. He fully intended to have more. “I knew you’d taste good. Now it’s time to go.” This time, Jaime didn’t argue. She probably should have, but at this point all she could think about was having him inside her. She’d lecture herself about the whole I-shouldn’t-jump-when-he-calls thing tomorrow. Right now, she needed him inside her. After giving Ivy and Riley—who had been watching in open-mouthed fascination—a brief wave, she allowed Dante to lead her out of the club. Neither of them spoke throughout the journey home. In fact, neither of them said even one word until they were inside his room.

No sooner had he shut the door than Jaime found herself pinned against it. His mouth abruptly landed on hers, and his tongue swept inside like it owned her. She doubted that there was anyone in the world who kissed like Dante; with his tongue, teeth, and lips he dominated, devoured, and conquered. Quickly the kiss became raw and primitive, and so damn deep that it was as if he was tugging at her soul through his mouth. Every single nerve in her body went on high alert, eager and impatient for him to fill her and rid her of that burning ache that just wouldn’t go.

She yanked at his T-shirt and slid her hands underneath, running them along the smooth yet firm abs that his T-shirt had only hinted at. His stomach clenched and he growled as she raked her nails from his collarbone down to the waistband of his jeans. She gasped when he abruptly bit down hard on her lower lip and sucked it into his mouth. Her wolf liked the possessive act.

Finally pulling back, Dante let his gaze travel the length of her body. That little dress clung to her like a second skin, highlighting those delicate curves he loved. He couldn’t decide whether he wanted to bunch up that devil’s creation around her waist or strip it off completely so he could get a better look at what was beneath. He had pictured her naked so many times, it bordered on ridiculous.

Tonight, he would find out just how accurate his imagination had been.

Gripping her wrists, he pinned them above their head. “Keep them there. Now watch while I touch you.”

That deep, dominant, controlled voice sent a feverish tremor through her body. Seeing his eyes ablaze with determination and possessiveness, Jaime understood exactly what she would be getting herself into. He wouldn’t be like the guys she was used to, wouldn’t be satisfied with just a hint of submissiveness from her. He would be intense, greedy, commanding, and would insist on her surrender—something she didn’t like to do. So why was she wetter than she’d ever been in her life?

As Dante skimmed her lower lip with the pad of his thumb, she flicked it with her tongue.

Smiling, he trailed his thumb down her chin, the column of her throat, and down the valley between her breasts. Reaching the front clip of her bra, he flicked it open. His hands slowly slid the bra and dress aside so that they framed her bare breasts. They were round, full, and perfect. He molded them in his hands, thumbing the rosy, taut nipples that were begging for his attention. It would be cruel to disappoint them.

Startling a gasp from Jaime, he swooped down and took a nipple into his mouth. He sucked, nibbled, licked, bit, and drew on her nipple with his teeth. Over and over he did it, changing the rotation each time. Soon her breathy moans turned into sobs as she tugged on his hair, wanting him to release her.

Dante arched a brow at her. “Hands above your head.” With a low growl that made him smile, she did. He licked his way to the other nipple, loving the uniquely sun-kissed taste of her skin. He lavished it with the same overwhelming attention until once again her moans were sobs and she was struggling against him. He was so tempted to take her right there, but he wasn’t finished with this body yet. “I want to look at you.” In seconds, he had whipped the dress up and over her head and slung the bra aside, giving him an unobstructed view of that body that he was obsessed with having, owning.

Fucking beautiful. Her stomach was nicely toned, her gorgeous shapely legs went on forever, and God help him, she had a full Brazilian. “The heels can stay. I want you to lie on your back on the bed for me.”

The command and power in that gruff rumble made her shudder. Her wolf loved the authority in his voice even while she felt challenged by it; she saw a male who could handle her and give her what she needed. Jaime thought about rebelling against him for the hell of it, but the resolve in his eyes warned her not to ignore his order, and she knew the sadistic asshole would keep her hanging for a while if she did. No, she needed release now. She’d rebel another time.

“Very good,” said Dante when she complied.

Jaime literally couldn’t look away from his body as he slowly approached the bed, stripping as he went. She licked her bottom lip as she gazed at his tanned, incredibly toned chest, imagining running her tongue between the grooves of his gorgeous abs. He was literally the embodiment of power, and that acted as a narcotic to her wolf. Was she really about to let Dante fuck her? Was this really happening? Damn, she hoped so. If this was a dream, it was the best she’d ever had.

Allowing her gaze to roam lower, Jaime’s eyes widened at the sight of his cock. Holy mother of fuck. “Well-hung” would be an understatement—though that wasn’t surprising, since he was a big guy all over. His cock didn’t let down in the girth department either. It wasn’t huge in a way that looked unnatural; it was just on the right side of well-endowed.

Dante’s mouth dried up at the sight of her all laid out for him. “Spread your legs for me.” She didn’t. She just stared up at him defiantly. “Don’t make me have to punish you, baby.” That sounded kind of interesting. “And how exactly would you punish me?”

“By not letting you come.”


“Spread your legs, Jaime.” Very, very slowly she parted them, and he inhaled sharply at how wet she was, how swollen and pink and glistening. Drawn by her alluring scent, he settled himself between her thighs and swiped his tongue through her wet folds, making her cry out. Her darkly rich taste had him groaning for the second time that night. “You taste so good.” Although he was desperate to be inside her, he suspected that he’d be gorging himself on her taste for a while.

Gripping her by her hips, Dante pinned her still as he feasted on her; licking between her folds, circling her clit with the tip of his tongue, nibbling on the hood of her clit, and stabbing his tongue inside her. She made the most amazing noises: husky little moans, choked cries, and throaty groans that had his cock throbbing. God, she was so responsive, so receptive. “Do you know what you taste like? Sin. You taste like sin.” And he couldn’t get enough of it.

Damn, was there anything that this guy wasn’t good at? It would have been annoying if she wasn’t benefiting highly from it. Still, she needed him inside her. “Dante, stop with the teasing and fuck me!”

Instead, he plunged one finger inside her and closed his mouth over her clit, suckling hard. Just like that, she fragmented beneath him. So. Damn. Responsive. He kissed and nipped his way up her shuddering body and draped himself over her. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll give you what you need, and I’ll make you come so hard you’ll scream.”

She didn’t doubt that. With one hand knotted in her hair and the other pinning her down by her hip, he finally began to ease himself inside her. The pressure of his thickness caused the most delicious twinge of pain; she wasn’t, by any means, a masochist, but an edge of pain always intensified the pleasure for her. She’d never had anyone as big as Dante before, and the sensation of him stretching her was unfreakingbelievable.

Jaime was so wet that he had no trouble pushing inside, but still he moved slowly—much too slowly for her liking—as he fed her inch after inch. He stilled when he was halfway inside her, giving her time to adjust, but it was time she didn’t want or need. Neither Jaime nor her wolf wanted to be carefully handled. She curled her legs around his hips and tried tugging him toward her to take him deeper. The tugging didn’t work. The asshole withdrew an inch, warning her with his eyes that he’d move at his own pace. “If I wanted to be treated like a porcelain doll, I’d have said so!” she growled. “I can take it, Popeye!”

“Is that so?” His wolf agreed with her, urging Dante to take her hard.

“Yes!” She should have known better than to challenge him; he reared back and then slammed home, burying his cock so deep inside her that she was surprised she couldn’t feel him in her throat.

She cried out as her back bowed. She had never felt so full in her life, and damn, it hurt, but it was a good hurt.

Dante groaned as the tightest, hottest, wettest pussy he’d ever felt contracted around him. It was so good it was also torture. Feeling the prick of her claws on his back only added to the pleasure. “Open your eyes and look at me. Don’t take your eyes off me, Jaime.” Opening her eyes, she started at the blazing intensity on his face. No one had ever looked at her like that, like he wanted to possess every part of her. She moaned as he suddenly began to move.

His thrusts were slow, shallow, and sensual, just as teasing as they were heavenly. But they weren’t enough. “Faster.” He ignored her. “Faster.”

“I’ll go faster when I’m ready to go faster.” The sneaky little bitch tightened her muscles around his cock and threw her hips hard at him to counter his thrust. Dante stilled her by pressing down hard on her hip, digging his claws into the skin warningly but without drawing blood. “Don’t.

Move.” Instead, holding his eyes, she again defiantly clenched around him, smiling a very satisfied smile at the sound of his tortured groan. Bringing himself nose to nose with her, Dante gripped her by the throat. “Unless you want me to pull out and leave you hanging like this, do as you’re told.” The fucking shit-stain! She’d have hit him if she thought the big lug would actually feel it. Her wolf wasn’t impressed with that order either. There was more than one way to irritate him and get what she wanted. She softened her expression and gave him a sympathetic smile. “Oh, Dante, if you’d just explained that you were adjusting to being inside a woman you don’t have to inflate, I wouldn’t have pushed you like that.”

He gave her throat another squeeze. “Jaime.”

“You know, if it feels too weird, you could just put the head in.”


“Don’t worry, I understand if you’re a little out of practice when it comes to real women, so

—” She cried out as he suddenly slammed into her—a punishing thrust. He didn’t start pumping away inside her to prove his virility, though. Damn wolf.

“Playing little games isn’t going to work with me, baby.”

Yeah, she’d gathered that. The truth was that she was in totally unfamiliar territory with Dante.

She was used to getting her own way when it came to guys, even those who were overbearingly dominant. She had always been able to control them in her own subtle way. A little reverse psychology, or simply feeding their egos, often went a long way in getting what she wanted. She wasn’t above using a little provocation either, and if she had said those things to another guy, he would have fucked her to prove his masculinity. But not Dante. He wasn’t a guy she could have dancing to her tune or who would fall for her little tricks. Awkward fucker. “I don’t need this gentle bullshit! I told you, I can take it!”

“Are you sure?” he taunted, loving to see her riled.

“I’m sure,” she bit out. A gasp burst out of her as he suddenly began hammering into her. Each of his branding strokes was a stab of complete and utter bliss. The only problem was that she knew he was keeping himself in check. She wanted all of him. Beating his back with her legs and clawing at him, she growled, “Stop holding back from me!” The next thing she knew, he’d withdrawn from her and she’d been roughly flipped onto her stomach. Then Dante was draped over her, nibbling on the mark he’d made on her neck. “Look, I know you live in caves, but this prehistoric man behavior is totally unacceptable.”

“I love these tattoos.” She had an angel on the back of her left shoulder and a devil on the back of her right shoulder. The angel, however, was holding a bottle of booze, covered in tattoos, and puckering her lips flirtatiously.

“Are you even listening to me?”

“You want it as hard as I can give it, right?” He looped an arm around her and pulled her to her hands and knees. “You should be careful what you ask for.” He drove a hand into her hair, snatched her head back, bit into the crook of her neck, and slammed home. Dante groaned as her muscles tightened around him. He gave the fresh bite on her neck a soothing lick, liking the look of it there. His wolf growled his approval, wanting Dante to mark her again. Oh, he planned to.

Dante swirled his tongue around the shell of her ear and then sucked the lobe into his mouth.

“Feel me, Jaime. Has anyone ever been this deep inside you?” She shook her head, and he was male enough to feel smug about that. “Does it feel good?” At her nod, he gave her a rewarding thrust.

“Does it feel good when I fuck you?” She nodded vigorously, so he gave her another rewarding thrust.

“Better than when Pretty Boy fucked you?”

Guys and their egos! She thought about telling him to grow up, but she liked his version of rewards. “Yes.” That got her the forceful thrust she wanted.

“Did you let him have your ass?”

“No.” Another fierce, rewarding thrust.

“Have you let anyone else have it?”

“No.” Two fierce thrusts were her reward this time.

“You’ll let me have it, won’t you, baby? You’ll let me fuck every hole in your body, won’t you?”

At that moment, she was pretty sure she’d let him do anything if he just made her come. She nodded. His weight suddenly left her upper body, and then, growling, he began violently pounding into her just like she wanted. A fierce climax was creeping up on her as he relentlessly drove into her faster, harder, and deeper than anyone ever had.

“You’re mine, Jaime. And you won’t let anyone else near my pussy, will you, baby?” It wasn’t a question, but a statement. When she didn’t contradict him, he rewarded her by pounding into her impossibly harder.

“Dante…I need to come.”

“Good, because I want to feel you come all over me.” He snaked his hand around her body and found her clit with his finger and thumb. “Come, Jaime. Do it now.” He bit into her shoulder and pinched her clit simultaneously, and Jaime’s entire body stiffened as a bolt of pleasure shot through her that was so perfect it was also bad. As he’d promised, she came so hard she screamed.

Her inner muscles closed and fluttered around him. “Fuck, Jaime.” Three fierce thrusts later Dante exploded inside her, shuddering and filling her with his come. The only thought he had when his brain recovered from the most intense orgasm he’d ever had in his life was “Again.”
