Chapter One

WITH a slight frown, Ben Cabrera glanced down at the formal place setting arranged in front of him, silently contemplating the array of forks, spoons, and knives laid out for him to use. Even for a casual lunch meeting for three, the large, long dining table had been lavishly decorated with painstaking perfection, with a white lace-edged tablecloth, three extravagant bouquets of fresh flowers, and unlit tapered candles in two matching silver candelabras flanking each end of the table. Then there was the expensive, gold-rimmed china he was supposed to eat off of, the cloth napkins that had been folded into a fancy, intricate design, and the delicate crystal glasses with stems that looked so fragile he was certain he'd snap them in two with his fingers if he wasn't careful.

The thought nearly made him wince. As an ex-Marine who'd fought in the Iraq War, he was more used to rowdy mess halls and MRE field rations. After his last tour of duty had ended and he'd returned to the States, he'd settled into a bachelor existence, preferring take-out or prepackaged food and paper plates that didn't require a whole lot of thought or cleanup. As a security agent, he'd honestly never been in a situation where his dining etiquette was called into question.

Until today.

Feeling way out of his element, Ben hoped like hell that he made it through the meal without making too much of a fool of himself in front of gubernatorial hopeful Nathan Delacroix and his daughter, Christine, when she arrived for the impromptu lunch. Maybe he could just watch to see what piece of silverware Christine used before picking up his own so he didn't make any high-society faux pas that pegged him for the simple, small-town guy he really was, and always would be.

"Don't let the elaborate place setting make you nervous," Nathan said, a bit of easygoing humor lacing his voice. "My wife insists that the table be formally set at all times, no matter the time of day or occasion."

Ben glanced at the other man, who was sitting beside him at the head of the grand table. For someone in his late fifties, Nathan was still an extremely good-looking man, the kind that voters were drawn to, with his sandy blond hair, dark, intelligent green eyes, and a distinguished appearance one would associate with a politician. Even on a Sunday afternoon, he was impeccably dressed in a collared polo shirt and pleated trousers.

"Was I that obvious, sir?"

With a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth, Nathan shrugged in answer. "I'm used to my wife's idiosyncrasies, but I know others find all the formality and decorum a bit… overwhelming."

To say the least. There was just enough wryness in the other man's tone to let Ben know that he was also referring to the ostentatious elegance encompassing the entire house. The stately home located just out of the city limits of Chicago had been decorated in a way that was dramatically elegant and smacked of affluence and wealth, with expensive pieces of furniture; rare, collectible art and antiques; marble flooring; and imported rugs throughout the downstairs area.

Truly, there was nothing warm, welcoming, or inviting about the inside decor of the house, but having been in the same room with Audrey Delacroix more than a few times over the past year, Ben had to admit that everything about the furnishings was just like the woman herself-refined and polished, but also very cool and aloof. Quite the opposite of her husband, Nathan, who was warm, friendly, and an all-around nice guy.

Good thing she wasn't the one running for office, Ben thought dryly.

Then there was their only child and daughter, Christine, who'd luckily inherited her father's amicable disposition. Despite her rich and privileged upbringing, she was far from being spoiled or snobbish, and was nothing at all like her mother in terms of Audrey's standoffish personality and the aura of entitlement the other woman exuded.

"Christine should be here any minute." Nathan cast a quick look at his Rolex. "I sent a car to pick her up so she wouldn't be on the road alone, and my driver is pretty good about being on time."

"That's fine." Ben certainly wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. At least not until this current assignment of his was set up and put into action, all of which required Christine's presence and cooperation.

At Nathan's unexpected and insistent phone call earlier that morning requesting Ben's security services, he'd hurried out and arrived at the Delacroix home nearly an hour ago, more than a little curious as to what the other man needed him for so urgently. Ben was a partner of ESS, Elite Security Specialists, and Nathan Delacroix had become one of Ben's high-profile clients over the past year. The other man called on Ben whenever he needed extra security for campaign events, public speeches, or other political situations. And with the race for governor only three weeks away and things heating up for a big finale, Ben could only assume that Nathan was in need of extra security and backup for the duration of the campaign.

But instead of the simple, routine security detail he'd expected, Nathan had thrown him an unexpected curve by informing him that as of that morning, he was being hired to provide his daughter with around-the-clock protection. Nathan had gone on to tell him that he'd received an anonymous threat against himself that also put Christine's safety in jeopardy. The note that had arrived in an unmarked envelope instructed Nathan to drop out of the election, or risk losing what was most precious to him. And there was nothing, and no one, that Nathan adored more than his daughter. Ben had seen that for himself over the past year.

And now, Nathan was trusting Ben to keep Christine safe and out of any potential danger.

Earlier, Nathan had handed Ben a dossier on his daughter, which gave him important information on Christine-her newly formed business and job as an event planner, where she lived, and details about her recent past and breakup with her ex-fiancé, Jason Forrester, seven months ago. Including the fact that Christine had to have a restraining order issued against the man due to continual harassments and threats.

The elder Delacroix had no idea if her ex was behind the current blackmail attempt, but considering Jason had worked directly for Nathan as a political consultant before being fired and blacklisted in the political arena for his blatant indiscretions, along with the discovery that Jason had been embezzling money from the campaign contributions, Christine's ex had every reason to want to sabotage Nathan's campaign for governor. Delacroix had assured Ben that Jason would have no qualms about using Christine for leverage to ruin him, since Nathan had been the one who'd been responsible for sending Jason, and his shot at a political career, on a downward spiral.

At least that's how Jason had seen things. According to Nathan, the other man should have been far more considerate and faithful to Christine, as well as keeping his hands out of the campaign funds.

Thinking back on the security details they'd discussed back in Nathan's study earlier, there was something Ben had meant to ask the other man, but had been sidetracked by other more imperative issues. "Sir, is your daughter aware of the fact that you've hired me as her bodyguard, twenty-four/seven, until the election is over?"

"No, not yet. Which is why I've invited her to join us for lunch today, so I can break it to her gently." The older man laughed. Clearly he understood there would be nothing easy or gentle about informing his daughter she'd have a shadow for the foreseeable future.

Leaning back in his chair. Nathan's expression took on a firm and determined look. "My daughter has become very independent recently, but I can promise you she'll cooperate with this sudden change of plans. Having a private bodyguard, especially during election time, isn't something new for her. She might be a bit surprised at the live-in arrangements, but she'll understand that it's absolutely necessary and non-negotiable."

Ben nodded in agreement. Until they discovered who the culprit was that had sent the intimidating letter, he'd be glued to Christine's side.

Ben had to admit that the job of protecting Christine's body certainly wouldn't be a hardship, not when she had the kind of shapely curves that made him wonder, and imagine, what she'd look like naked, with nothing but moonlight painting her supple, creamy-looking skin. Then there was all that silky blond hair the color of rich honey, those bright blue eyes that were always so full of life and carefree laughter when she was around him, and that sweet mouth of hers that could smile so guilessly, yet also managed to fuel some hot, erotic fantasies of how those soft, sensual lips might feel sliding against his skin.

The front door slammed shut, the sound jarring Ben out of his inappropriate and too arousing thoughts. His job was to protect Christine Delacroix, not seduce her, no matter how much she'd made her interest in him clear. And she had, each and every time they'd run into one another over the past months of Ben working for her father.

But no matter how much she flirted and teased, or how much the mutual attraction simmering between them tempted him, Ben was a professional. He could daydream and fantasize about Christine all he wanted, but he'd never touch.

Not only was she about to become a client-and he didn't mix business with pleasure-but she was so out of his league, in so many ways. Socially and financially she was at the top of the list. The only reason he was even a part of her affluent world was as a hired security agent. Other than that, there was nothing about her privileged lifestyle he could even begin to relate to.

"Speaking of the angel, here she is now," Nathan said fondly.

The sound of heels clicking on the marble entryway sounded seconds before Christine appeared in the dining room, dressed in a beige V-neck top, slim black jeans, and a pair of expensive-looking designer shoes that enhanced the length of her slender legs. Her dossier pegged her at five foot five, a good eight inches shorter than himself, but the confident way she carried herself, combined with those killer heels she always wore, made her appear much taller than she actually was. And they made her legs and her ass-his two favorite attributes on a woman-look sexier than hell.

But despite those four-inch heels strapped to her feet, there was a distinct and lively spring in her step that caused her loose hair to swirl around her shoulders. The brisk energy in her walk also made her small, firm breasts bounce with just enough motion to draw his gaze for a brief, appreciative moment before lifting back up to her lovely face once again.

He silently agreed with Nathan. Christine did look like an angel, but Ben's thoughts were anything but saintly or pure when it came to her.

As she entered the room, her gaze locked on her father first, since he was seated at the head of the table, and she headed toward Nathan with a sweet, genuinely-happy-to-see-you grin curving her lips.

"Hello. Daddy." Reaching his side, she leaned down and placed a kiss on his smooth-shaven cheek.

The warm, affectionate smile Nathan gave his daughter in return made him appear ten years younger than his true age. "Hi, sweetheart."

Ben pushed back his chair and stood up to greet Christine, finally bringing her attention to the fact that he was in the room, too. She glanced at him in startled surprise.

"You remember security agent Ben Cabrera, don't you?" Nathan asked his daughter.

Once her initial shock at seeing him there on a Sunday afternoon ebbed, she flashed him one of her effusive grins. "Of course I do. Hello, Ben."

He nodded politely in return. "Christine."

She rolled her eyes at all his formality, then waved a hand toward his chair, setting off a light, tinkling sound from the gold bangle bracelets circling her wrist. "Please, sit down. You don't need to stand when I enter the room. I'm hardly the Queen of England,'" she said, laughter in her voice. "And how many times have I told you to call me Christy?"

He settled back into his seat, doing his best to remain unaffected by that mischievous twinkle in her eyes that made her look too damned irresistible. "A few." He knew that her friends called her by the informal nickname, but for Ben, calling her Christy was too personal and intimate. Especially since he was about to become her private body guard for the next three weeks.

"Maybe someday you will." Her sexy wink and the playful lilt to her voice indicated that she wasn't done trying to sway him-no big shock there. Undoubtedly, she was used to getting her way. She also took great delight in provoking him, the minx.

She slid into the chair next to Nathan and across from where Ben sat, then glanced at her father. "Where's Mother? It's nearly one o'clock in the afternoon. Is she not joining us for lunch today?"

"She's still in her room, as far as I know." Nathan sighed, the sound barely concealing the frustration creeping into his tone. "According to Maggie, she woke up with a headache and claimed she wasn't feeling well this morning. Things haven't changed much since you moved out."

Ben shifted uncomfortably in his chair. Though he was used to people discussing their private lives in front of him, since he was supposed to be the invisible bodyguard, this intimate table discussion was more than he wanted, or needed, to know about this family's conflicts that centered around Audrey. Ben had no desire to get involved, and he figured if he was lucky, he wouldn't even have to see the woman for the next three weeks.

"I'm sorry." Christine went on as she shook her head, apparently used to her mother's personal issues, too. "I'll be sure to stop by her room to say hello before I leave."

Nathan nodded. "I'm sure she'd like that."

Christine tipped her head toward her father. The diamond hoop earrings in her lobes caught the light from the overhead chandelier and sparkled brilliantly. "You don't have to fib on my account. Daddy. She hasn't even come close to forgiving me for calling off the wedding and embarrassing her in front of her high-society friends. Never mind my humiliation. She tolerates me right now because I'm her daughter and she has no choice."

Nathan grimaced, but didn't refute her claim. "Fair enough."

An elderly woman with graying brown hair and kind hazel eyes entered the dining room from an adjoining doorway, a glass pitcher in her hand. Judging by the apron tied around her small waist, and the way she began pouring iced tea into their crystal glasses, Ben guessed that she was part of the household help.

"Hi, Maggie," Christine said in cheerful greeting. "How are you doing?"

The other woman beamed at her as she finished filling Ben's glass with tea, then moved on to Nathan's. "Just wonderful, Sweet Pea. When your father mentioned that you were going to be here for lunch today, I decided to make one of your favorite meals."

Christine thought for a quick moment, that infectious gleam sparking to life in her eyes again. "You made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?"

Maggie laughed. "You always did love those as a little girl, didn't you?"

She gave Maggie an impish grin. "Still do, actually."

Amusement softened Maggie's features. "I sure do miss having you here at the house every day," she said, an unmistakable hint of melancholy in her voice. "As for lunch, I made wild mushroom ravioli with sweet vermouth and cream sauce. And for dessert, bread pudding with my special apricot sauce."

"Mmmm, you spoil me." The hunger and anticipation reflecting across Christine's face made for an arousing combination. "I can't wait."

Once Maggie retreated to the kitchen, Christine reached for the sugar bowl, dropped a few of the crystallized cubes into her tea, and met Ben's gaze from across the table as she stirred her drink. "I didn't realize that lunch on a Sunday afternoon was such a security risk," she teased good-naturedly. "Should I be concerned that you're here?"

It was clear that Christine was just kidding around and making light of his presence, but Ben wasn't quite sure how Nathan wanted to handle telling his daughter of his purpose for being there. So, he glanced at the other man, giving him the opportunity to handle the situation, and answer the question.

Nathan cleared his throat. "Actually, Ben's here at my personal request."

"Oh." Christine picked up her napkin, unfolded the piece of expensive cloth, and placed it on her lap.

Ben immediately followed her lead and did the same thing.

"Are you going somewhere after lunch that requires security?" she asked her father curiously.

Before Nathan could launch into an explanation, Maggie arrived with three salads and set one of the plates in front of Ben. "Thank you, ma'am," he said automatically, and glanced up as the older woman finished serving Nathan and Christine.

A sassy grin quirked one corner of Christine's mouth, and she lifted a perfectly arched brow in amusement. "-Ma'am?" she mouthed to him, as if she couldn't believe he'd used such a formal expression.

She was toying with him. Again. Because she could and obviously enjoyed the seductive game that tempted him to play along. God, if she was anyone else, he'd be flirting right back and wouldn't hesitate to act on the undeniable attraction between them. Wouldn't hesitate to drag her off to some dark, secluded spot so he could kiss her, slow and deep, and slake all the pent-up lust she'd been stirring in him over the past few months. If she was anyone else, he would have had her by now, in all the shockingly erotic ways he'd imagined for much too long.

Unfortunately, she wasn't anything like the easy, forgettable women he met at Nick's Sport Bar or The Electric Blue. A woman he could enjoy for a few weeks until he had his fill, then leave her behind. No, this beautiful, sensual woman came with too many complications, and he wasn't about to jeopardize his personal and working relationship with Nathan Delacroix by taking advantage of his daughter's interest. No matter how badly his sorely neglected libido wished otherwise.

So, instead, he had to sit there and struggle to remain completely unaffected when she knew damn well that she was causing him all kinds of discomfort. She was just waiting for him to react to her outrageous behavior, and when he didn't rise to the challenge, she finally glanced away.

He watched carefully as she ran her fingers across the three forks lined up on the left-hand side of her salad plate, and waited for her to choose the correct utensil. When she picked up the fork on the inside closest to her dish, he subtly copied her move.

She didn't start in on her salad right away. Instead, she held her fork just above her plate as she turned her attention to her father. "So, tell me, what's going on? Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine, sweetheart," Nathan said reassuringly as he took a drink of his tea. "But with three weeks left until the election, I figured it never hurts to have extra security around."

She nodded. "I couldn't agree with you more."

Just as Ben was about to dig into his salad, Christine casually set her fork back down on the table and traded it for the one on the far left. Frowning in confusion, he placed his own utensil back where it had been and made the mistake of lifting his gaze to hers. She gave him a cute little gotcha smirk and winked at him, telling him without words that she was so on to his ploy.

The woman was something else, and he had to tamp the unexpected urge to laugh at being caught in the act. That bit of humor she evoked surprised him, because it had been much too long since a woman had amused him as much as Christine did. If anything, he knew they could at least be friends during the next few weeks.

Christine continued the conversation with her father without missing a beat. "There are so many fanatics and extremists out there, especially with the whole gentrification issue at stake, and your safety is definitely a priority."

Nathan ate a bite of his salad. "Actually, this is about your safety for the next few weeks, and that's why Ben is here."

Upon learning who her father had hired for her, Christine met Ben's gaze, her blue eyes bright with delighted pleasure and satisfaction, the kind that spelled pure, seductive trouble for Ben. "You're my bodyguard?"

"Yes, ma'am," Ben drawled, and gave her a good-ol'-boy grin before digging into his salad again.

She bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing out loud. "So, during the next few weeks, when I'm out at a public function, Ben will be with me?" Christine asked her father, to confirm exactly what to expect from Ben's services.

Finished with his salad, Nathan set his fork on his plate and looked at his daughter, his expression uncompromising, showing Ben the resolute opponent that Delacroix had the ability to be. "Actually, this security detail is a bit different. I've hired Ben to be your bodyguard twenty-four/seven, until the election is over. Hell be by your side at all times, day and night, which means he'll be living with you and staying in your guest room at your place."

Christine's jaw dropped open, then snapped shut again. For the first time since arriving, she was clearly shocked and speechless at her father's unpredicted bombshell and it took her a few moments to speak.

Finally, she glanced at Ben, then back to her father. "Is having Ben live with me really necessary?"

Nathan reached over to his daughter and clasped his larger hand over hers on the table and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I know it seems extreme, but right now, it's absolutely necessary."

"Why?" Christine's worried gaze searched her father's for answers. "What's going on that I'd need that kind of stringent, round-the-clock protection?"

Nathan moved his hand back as Maggie came through the dining room and cleared their salad plates. As if sensing the serious tone to the conversation, the other woman quickly and efficiently placed their main entree dishes in front of each of them, then retreated back to the kitchen.

Ben inhaled the rich, redolent scent of pasta and cream sauce topped off with grated Parmesan cheese, and his stomach rumbled hungrily in response. It wasn't often, if ever, that he ate something homemade and smelling as mouth-wateringly delicious as the wild mushroom raviolis that Maggie had prepared, and he was anxious to taste and enjoy the meal. But, at the moment, Christine was obviously too upset to feast on one of her favorite dishes, and Ben was trying to be a gentleman and not start without her.

"You know I'd hire security for you regardless since the election is so close," Nathan went on in an obvious attempt to alleviate his daughter's fears. "But this morning I received an anonymous letter demanding that I drop out of the election or face some kind of dire consequence. While the threat wasn't specific and I have notified the police, I'm not taking any chances with your safety or your mother's safety. I'm making sure that we all have round-the-clock protection."

It didn't escape Ben's notice how Nathan had cushioned the truth about the intimidating note he'd received, and knew he'd done so deliberately, to keep his daughter's panic at a minimum. Ben appreciated the gesture, since it was much easier to watch over someone who wasn't jittery and constantly looking over her shoulder for something to happen. He needed Christine calm and relaxed and cooperative, and her father had achieved that state of mind beautifully.

Christine drew a deep breath and let it out slowly, her initial trepidation fading beneath the small smile she gave her father. "You're right, of course. I'm sorry I overreacted. It's just that you've never employed a full-time bodyguard for me before."

Ben guessed that Nathan never had any reason to until now.

"It's strictly a precaution, okay?"

Seemingly reassured, she nodded. "Okay." She picked up one of her remaining forks and pierced a ravioli, her appetite restored. Before taking a bite, she asked, "Do you think the threat for you to drop out of the race for governor is related to the gentrification issue?"

Since Nathan Delacroix was one of ESS's clients, over the past year Ben had kept up on Nathan's campaign and political views, and what he'd learned had given him a healthy respect for the man.

Even though Nathan was very wealthy himself, he was a man who fought for the underdog and was a huge advocate for the poor. He believed in equality and nondiscrimination, and he also believed in preserving the integrity and historic quality of many of the inner city neighborhoods, especially the lower west side of Chicago.

"It very well could be related," Nathan said with a shrug. "But as I said, there wasn't anything definitive stated in the letter, so it could be tor any number of reasons, as well as just a hoax. The police will be checking into any leads they might find, but in the meantime I'll sleep much better at night knowing you've got Ben watching over you."

Christine nodded in understanding.

While Nathan and his daughter went on to discuss her father's political agenda, specifically his opposition to tearing down old, lower-income neighborhoods in Chicago to make way for luxury condos and commercial high-rises, Ben listened to their avid conversation and ate his lunch.

Ben made it a point to understand not only the people he watched over but the agendas around them. While Nathan was committed to restoring and revitalizing the rundown neighborhoods, he had political opposition to his views on gentrification. Charles Lambert. Nathan's opponent for governor, was pushing to tear down the deteriorating lower west side to make way for a chic and trendy locale that would bring in a substantial income for all involved.

But Lambert's way would also destroy the inner city and those who lived there. Long-time residents would be evicted and displaced in lieu of modern, state-of-the-art buildings and upscale businesses. And unfortunately for Nathan. Charles had the support and financial backing of major developers and many of the cities wealthy residents.

The three of them finished the delicious main course, and Maggie followed that up with a heavenly-looking bread pudding drenched in a rich, decadent apricot sauce.

Christine took a bite of the dessert, then closed her eyes, a soft, appreciative moan escaping her lips as she savored the delectable taste. Ben wholeheartedly agreed that the confection was as close to ambrosia as he'd ever enjoyed, but it wasn't the dessert that captivated his attention. No, it was Christine's sensuous response that ensnared him and kept him riveted to the sated expression on her face. When she finally let her lashes drift back open, met his gaze, then oh-so-slowly swiped her bottom lip with her tongue, he felt his blood pump hard and fast in his veins.

She blinked at him, then smiled sweetly.

He dropped his gaze to his own dish and released a deep breath. Lord, she was brazen. Or maybe it was his overactive imagination putting a sexual slant to her enjoyment of the dessert, because her father seemed oblivious to his daughter's wanton display.

"There is absolutely nothing that compares to Maggie's bread pudding." She sighed, and ate another spoonful, and Ben was eternally grateful when she didn't launch into another moaning, groaning, orgasmic like response again.

"I have to agree," Nathan said in between bites. "I think she outdid herself this time, if that's even possible."

"Absolutely." Christine wiped away a bit of sauce from the corner of her mouth. "By the way, Ben, since you've officially been hired as my bodyguard, I wanted to let you know ahead of time that I have plans tonight."

Ben swallowed hard, trying not to choke on the bread pudding he'd just eaten. "A date?" Jeesuz, was he about to be a tagalong chaperone while Christine went out with some guy? How awkward was that? He hadn't even considered that possibility, and for some odd reason the thought of her being with another man as he stood close by and watched made his stomach churn with something too close to jealousy.

And he was so not the jealous type.

"A date, an engagement, whatever you want to call it," she clarified with a wave of her hand, which sent off another melodious sound from her gold bracelets. "I'm meeting up with some friends at Envy. It's a nightclub in the city. Have you been there before?"

He shook his head. "No. I've heard of it, though." Envy was so not his type of place to hang out. It was like comparing sophisticated cosmopolitans and caviar to the cheap beer and pretzels he preferred. But it didn't matter what he liked, because he was being paid to remain by Christine's side, no matter what she did or where she went.

"As far as I'm concerned, Envy is a hedonistic place, and you don't belong there," a pretentious female voice interjected, the chastisement in her tone glaringly evident.

Ben immediately recognized the voice. It seemed that Audrey Delacroix had deigned to grace them with her presence.

Christine rolled her eyes at her mother's derogatory comment. Then, with a smile in place, she glanced toward where Audrey had just entered the dining room, dressed in a brown silk blouse and matching slacks. Her blond hair was pulled back into a complicated twist, and though her makeup had been impeccably applied, there was no mistaking the dark circles beneath both of her eyes.

"Hello, Mother," Christine said amicably.

Ben automatically stood up, not daring to look at Christine this time. His manners were ingrained, and he figured greeting Audrey formally might earn him a few points in his favor. "Good afternoon, Mrs. Delacroix."

Audrey spared him a brief, dismissive look that made him feel like pond scum and said nothing in reply. Ben sat back down. Clearly, she didn't appreciate him, the hired help, eating lunch in her fancy-schmancy dining room with her husband and daughter.

Nathan nodded toward his wife, his acknowledgment stiff and forced. "Audrey."

"Nathan." She gave him an insincere smile in return.

Oh, boy. The strain and tension in the room was suddenly thick enough to cut with a knife, and Ben decided his best course of action was to keep his mouth shut, finish his dessert, and try to blend in with the damask wallpaper behind him.

Audrey slid gracefully into the chair at the farthest end of the table, keeping herself separated from the three of them. She gave her daughter a pointed look, her blue eyes brimming with disapproval. "I don't understand why you feel the need to go to a place like Envy."

Christine straightened in her seat and didn't back down from her mother's criticism. "It's a night club, Mother. It's fun, I enjoy being with friends, and I've hosted events and parties there. I go for business as well as for pleasure."

Audrey opened her napkin and smoothed it onto her lap. "Then maybe you ought to reconsider your so-called job, as well as the people you choose to hang out with."

Christine stared at her mother, a glimmer of hurt passing over her features before firm conviction took its place. She opened her mouth to say something, but her father was much quicker.

"Leave her alone, Audrey," Nathan cut in brusquely. "She's not doing anything wrong or something that's going to sully the Delacroix name."

Audrey pursed her pink lips and glared at her husband, but remained quiet.

Maggie came out of the kitchen, and Audrey asked the other woman to bring her some dry toast and fresh fruit. Once she was gone, Nathan spoke.

"Just so you know, I've hired Ben here as security for Christine," he told his wife, "and Dominic has been assigned to you for the next few weeks."

Audrey appeared totally put out and annoyed. "I'll be glad when the election is over. The last thing I need is a bodyguard dogging my every move."

"I'm sorry it's such an inconvenience," Nathan replied, his apology genuine.

Instead of softening, Audrey's gaze darkened with resentment. "It's for the greater good, now isn't it?"

Ben nearly winced at the sarcasm in the woman's tone.

Nathan sighed heavily, almost with defeat. Placing his napkin on the table, he pushed back his chair and stood. "You'll have to excuse me. I have an appointment with my advisors at the office."

Audrey lifted an incredulous brow. "On a Sunday?"

"Yes, on a Sunday." Nathan met his wife's gaze, and Ben watched as something passed between the two, a battle of wills that had Audrey bristling. "I don't know how late I'll be home, so feel free to make other plans for the evening."

Before Audrey had a chance to respond, Nathan glanced at his daughter, his smile affectionate and warm. "As always, it was wonderful seeing you, sweetheart."

"You too, Daddy," she said softly.

Nathan turned toward Ben. "Make sure you take care of my girl," he said, his gaze speaking volumes.

Nodding, Ben shook the other man's hand, sealing the deal they'd made back in his study. "I will, sir," he promised.

And that meant keeping his eyes and ears open for trouble, and his hands off his client.
