
It used to take time to set up a transatlantic call, but these days Violet just had to dial. Sometimes the connection was a tad fuzzy, but tonight it was perfect.

Unfortunately, it was early in Provence, and Daisy didn’t take well to being wakened up at the crack of dawn.

“Darn, I’m sorry. I can never seem to remember how many hours difference it is between here and France. But I just had to call and tell you-they’re gone.”

“Who’s gone?”

“Camille and Pete, of course. You wouldn’t believe how gorgeous she looked. And how happy.” Violet swung her legs on the desk, beaming herself. “She was so happy she shined like a sun ray.”

Daisy sighed right along with her. “Cut it out. You’re gonna make me cry. But man…she is so overdue for some happiness after all she’s been through. Did they tell you where they’re going?”

“No. Darn it. You’d think after all you and I went through, planning Pete being around her, matchmaking the whole thing, that they could at least have said where they were going to elope.” Violet sipped at her lavender tea. “On the other hand, she packed three bikinis and not much else.”

“Ah,” Daisy said, with that perfect French accent of hers. “So we can relax now.”

“Yeah. I’m checking on the boys and his dad until they get back. And somehow between the two houses, there seem to be a dozen animals to watch over. And I don’t know what I’m going to do with all this lavender-”

“The point, sis, is what we’re going to do about you now.”


“We’ve got Camille settled. But now, chérie, it’s your turn.”

Violet blinked. “I don’t understand.”

“You don’t have to understand. You just relax, and let me take charge. But for right now, I’m going back to sleep. It isn’t even dawn yet. Love you, Violet. And on Camille-we did good.”

“Yup, we did,” Violet agreed, before hanging up the phone. Daisy hadn’t made a lot of sense, but then none of the Campbell sisters appreciated being wakened from a sound sleep. She’d counted on having a longer conversation with Daisy, but it didn’t matter. They’d talk again soon.
