
She’d smelled the peaches cooking in her dream, so when the bed dipped and Jake said, “Breakfast for my baby,” she didn’t know if she was asleep or awake.

But his kiss was real; she could taste sugary peaches on his lips.

“Hmmm… I must be in heaven,” she whispered, levering her eyes open.

“Damn close. Or after last night, I’d say it’s a toss-up. What do you think about this love stuff? It’s pretty damned great from where I’m sitting.”

“Oh, yeah… definitely fine.” She smiled.

“I don’t even feel like running away. Could this mean we’re all grown-up?”

“Or maybe we were just slow learners.”

“Or maybe we were just waiting for the right person to come along.”

“Such a rarity seems to have transpired,” she said with a delectable smile. “Speaking of the right person, would that person happen to have some peachy stuff handy? I’m starved.”

“At your service, babe. Tarte Tatin with a slight variation; you didn’t have any apples. Also scrambled eggs with herbs, fried green tomatoes, espresso mocha or mimosas or both.”

Reaching over, he removed a tray from the bedside table, said, “Move over,” and when she did, deposited the tray in the center of the bed.

As he eased into a sprawl on the other side of the tray, Liv came up on one elbow and murmured, “Déjà vu.”

“Get used to it. I’m not going away.”

“Promises, promises,” she purred.

“You can take that promise to the bank, baby. Peaches first?” he added, casually scooping up a spoonful of peach tart.

Her heart did a little flip-flop; he was promising a future even in the cold light of day. But before she had a chance to reply, the most scrumptious, buttery, sugary peach tart was deposited in her mouth, and she was suddenly debating the relative merits of fabulous sex versus fabulous cooking.

As if he could read minds, he said with a grin, “One thing at a time. I’m saving sex for dessert.”

“I happened to be thinking about today’s vineyard schedule,” she said through her chewing.


His knowing smile inspired her to say somewhat huffily, “You don’t know everything.”

“I’m not saying I know everything. But when it comes to you and sex, I’m pretty well clued in. And don’t get sulky, baby; the fact that I know when you want it just makes it easier to please you. Open up, here’s some more.”

How sweet was that? she thought, opening her mouth for another delicious spoonful of peach tart with whipped cream and crème anglais and then another and another. Really, it was impossible to be miffed at someone who only wanted to please you sexually and could cook as well.

“Janie sent a postcard,” he noted, picking up a card from the tray and handing it to her when she’d had her fill of tart. “She sounds happy.”

While Liv studied the picture, then read the card, Jake ate.

“Do you really think they’re in Monaco?”

“God knows, with Roman’s rerouting abilities. They could be next door. I didn’t get that part about her shoes, though.” Janie had mentioned green beach sandals.

“Oh! I know where they are then! We both had sandals made for us in Florence years ago. They’re in Florence!”

“There you go. We’re gonna have to read her cards for clues. Like the Hardy Boys.”

“Do you think it’s serious with them?”

Jake shrugged. “Hard to tell. You know Janie; she’s not exactly trustworthy over the long haul. Although Roman’s seen it all; he can take care of himself.”

“It would be nice, though, wouldn’t it?”

“Not as nice as it is for us to be in it for the long haul. And I mean that in the most romantic sense,” he said, his gaze over the rim of his espresso cup, amused.

“I may prefer a smidgen more sentiment.”

“I’ll go online to one of those poetry sites. They write anything you want.”

She snorted. “Now, there’s the personal touch.”

“If you want personal, babe, just let me know when you’re done eating, and we’ll get as personal as you want.”

“Maybe I want poetry.”

“You’ll have to settle for food and sex. I don’t do poetry. ”

“Okay,” she said. Really, there was no contest.

He grinned. “No equivocation?”

“Do I look stupid?”

“No. You look sexy as hell, and I’d really be happy if you’d finish your breakfast pronto so we could get on with my schedule for the day.”


He smiled. “It’s a euphemism.”


“Damn right.” He nodded toward the tray. “You could finish later.”


“You’re easy.”

“You make it easy to be easy. I’m not about to turn down a couple dozen orgasms.”

“Wow. I’ve got my work cut out for me.”

“There’s no doubt in my mind you can do it.”

His smile was wolfish. “You got that right.”

And she was.

