Chapter 4

Danica fell to her knees in the snow about twenty yards from the cabin, her flesh still heated from Nevan’s kiss and the way he’d moved his hand over her skin. The need to bite him and claim him as hers had made her run away from him. Then there were the scars and the fear he would reject her after he saw how much of her body was ruined.

A tear dropped, forming a dent in the snow. She had spent the last couple of years living alone and coming to terms with the idea of never finding a mate. And she’d just run away from a potential mate.

God, she was an idiot.


Her head snapped up at Jared’s questioning tone. Great. She didn’t need him, or anyone, seeing her like this. “What do you want?”

“I came to talk to you. Why are you out here?” He paused and sniffed the air. “I see.”

She stood and brushed off her jeans. “See what?”

“I petitioned Keegan for your hand.”

Choking, she squeaked, “You did what?”

Extending his hand to caress her cheek, he grew more serious than she’d ever seen him. “You need someone to care for you, to provide you with the security you deserve.”

She swatted at his hand. “You don’t love me, and I’m not entering a loveless mating.”

“We’re friends, Dani. We could grow to love each other over time. My parents’ mating was arranged, as was your parents’, and they loved one another deeply.”

“My parents were in love from the day they met.” She whirled around, only to have him stop her with his hand wrapped around her bicep.

“I can give you everything you desire.”

Squaring her shoulders, she pulled free from his hold and locked gazes with him. “Could you ever make love to me with the lights on? Could you look at my scars without flinching? Without pity?”

His silence confirmed his answer. “I didn’t think so.”

He stepped closer to her and drew her into a hug. “I’ve seen the scars.”

Another tear rolled down her cheek. Yes, Jared had seen her after the fire and had been there, with Shay, during the painful healing. “You still look at me with sorrow. I don’t want people to dwell on those feelings anymore.”

He lifted her chin with his finger. “You don’t have to give me your answer now. Think about it.”

Stepping back, he moved his gaze past her before he shifted into a large jaguar and vanished deeper into the forest.

“Dani, what’s going on?”

She closed her eyes briefly before turning to face Nevan. Gut turning, she hated that hurt look on his face. “How long have you been here?”

“Long enough.” He stood staring at her for several moments before speaking again. “I’m just going to leave. It was a mistake to agree to stay with you.”

He pivoted around and marched back to the cabin. Cursing, she rushed after him. “Where will you go? It’s about to snow again. You’ll freeze…”

Stopping at the bottom step, he spoke without looking at her. “I’ll go into town and call my brother.”

Fear squeezed her heart. If he left, she’d never see him again. He could be her one, and maybe only, chance at have a true mate, and he was about to walk out of her life. He couldn’t leave, not now.

“Don’t go. Please.” He shook his head and continued up the stairs and into the house. She followed him down the hall to the guest room. When she entered the room, her fear turned to nervous desperation to keep him.

“You can’t leave.”

He looked at her then. “I can’t?”

Her legs started to shake. She’d gone too long avoiding the male species; she wasn’t sure what to do. “I just found you. I can’t let you leave,” she whispered.

Standing stock-still, he studied her. “Who is Jared, really?”

Taking a shaky breath, she wrapped her arms around her middle. “He’s Ashwood Falls’ legal counsel.”

He stepped into her space, making her heart rate increase. “No, who is he to you?”

“A close friend. That’s it. He’s not my true mate.”

“Have you two ever…?”


His expression hardened a little. “I heard him say he’d seen your scars.”

With a sigh, she sat on the bed. “Jared pulled me out of the fire and was there through my recovery.”

“Sounds like more than a friend.”

She focused back on his face. Her own fury started to rise. “Jared has a problem with thinking he knows what’s best for others. He also is known for chasing after weaker females.”

“You’re not weak.” He stalked toward her. The gleam in those grey eyes sent heat to her sex.

“What did you mean by finding me and not letting me go?”

She swallowed. “I…you’re the one who’s my potential true mate.”

He stopped a couple of inches from her and cupped her face. She covered his hand with hers and watched shock, confusion, and hint of joy pass over his handsome features in a swirl of emotion. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it.

She kissed his palm, stopping him from saying anything. Peering up at him through her thick lashes, she drew his index finger into her mouth. His sharp intake of breath and the increase in his pulse encouraged her to continue. She ran her hand up the inside of his leg, stopping inches below the growing bulge behind his zipper.

His fingers wrapped around hers and pulled her hand away. With their gazes locked, he withdrew his finger from her mouth so he could cup the back of her head. She watched the play of emotions on his face. There was a battle going on inside his mind.

“Relax, Doctor. Do what you want and stop analyzing the situation,” she challenged.

His gray eyes darkened as his scent intensified. He lowered his head to capture her lips. Like the first one had, this kiss ignited her from the inside out. She moaned and pressed into him, offering herself to him. What they both needed.

The internal debate was over. Maybe it was overridden by desire. Whatever the case, Danica didn’t care. He broke the kiss, drew back, and lifted the hem of her sweater.

A rush of fear shot through her, increasing her pulse and threatening to close off her airway.

Pushing the garment back down, she was beginning to have a panic attack. “Turn the lights off.”

He stopped all movement and made eye contact. “No.”

She shook her head and tried to calm the raging fear. “I can’t…don’t want…”

With a sigh, he sat next to her and linked his fingers with hers. “I’ve seen burns before. Many of them far worse than yours.”

The anxiety eased and she looked away, embarrassed. He cupped her cheek, drawing her attention back to him. “I volunteer with the children’s burn unit at my local hospital. I learned quickly that the last thing those kids need is pity.”

She searched his face. “No one’s seen the scars besides Shay, Cameron, and Jared.”

A tic formed in his temple at the mention of Jared’s name. Her cat liked the spark of jealousy.

“Who’s Cameron?”

“She’s one of the female Enforcers and Shay’s best friend.”

He smiled, sparking the desire up again. Her heart thumped irregularly, and she swallowed as he shifted closer. “If I am your true mate, then you’ll need to trust I won’t run at the sight of your body.”

Damn. She wasn’t sure she could do it. Yes, moments ago, she’d been ready to claim him and had needed him inside her; she still did. But, the fear of rejection had taken over and turned her chicken.

However, he had a point. She was sure he was her mate, and she had to trust the Fates knew what they were doing.

Closing her eyes, she removed her sweater and waited. There was no change in his breathing, no change in his scent, indicating his disgust. Slowly she opened her eyes to find Nevan’s desire-filled gaze surveying her like a delicacy. Her body heated, and for the first time since the accident, she felt desired, wanted, and beautiful.

“You’re beautiful.”

She was about to protest when his mouth covered hers in a searing kiss that sent tiny pricks of sensation through her body. When his tongue dipped inside her mouth seeking hers, she released a soft moan. She trailed her fingers down his side to the hem of his shirt and tugged. He broke the kiss to remove the garment.

Dear. God.

He was build like a cat, full of lean muscle and yummy. Licking her lips, she placed her palm on his chest and threaded her fingers through the dust of blond hair. He pressed into her, forcing her to lie back. When her back touched the mattress, he lifted from her and proceeded to remove her pants.

She sat back up, holding on to his wrist. “Wait.” Her heart hammered behind her ribs.

He pressed a quick kiss to her lips. “Do the scars get worse?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“Then lie back like a good kitty.”

A smile stretched her lips at his teasing. “And if I misbehave?”

“Then I’ll have to punish you.”

The sexy smirk and erotic tone in which he spoke sent a tidal wave of desire through her. “You wouldn’t.”

He leaned in and pressed his lips to her cheek. “Try me.”

Yes. That was a challenge. Her cat meowed in her mind, begging for her to push him. Laughing, she wrapped her legs around his waist and drew him to her as she bit gently on his ear lobe.

He hissed and rocked his hips into her. “You like to bite?”

“I’m a cat, aren’t I?”

She chuckled as he rose to settle on his knees between her thighs. She watched him slide down her legs, then slowly tug her pants off and toss them to the floor. The urge to cover herself weighed heavy on her, but she pushed it away. Nevan looked at her with hunger in his eyes as though her skin was perfect.

Starting at her ankle, he trailed light kisses up her right side, being sure to pay attention to each imperfect, ugly patch of skin. The burns didn’t cover everywhere. They were a spatter of scarred patches left from what her natural healing powers couldn’t fix. It was enough to disfigure her and make lovers pity her. That was why she’d decided to live in the cabin and never take a mate.

Nevan was different. There was no pity in his lust-drunken gaze. “What is it?”

Smiling, she reached out and cupped his face. “You make me feel.”

He turned his head so his lips touched her palm. “I’m not usually like this. I mean I don’t sleep with women I just met.”

She frowned. “I never thought…”

“I know. I just wanted you to know. I haven’t been with anyone since Becca.”

With a finger pressed to his lips, she tried to soothe him. “Shh.” She sat up and kissed his lips.

“It’s okay.”

She moved her legs from around him, but he stopped her. “Don’t leave.”

Studying him, she could see the conflict in his features and feel his desire in his touch. God, she was so out of practice reading people. “Tell me what you need from me.” She’d do anything for him.

She wanted nothing more than to possess his body and mark him as hers, but she understood grief.

She’d dealt with it personally when she lost her parents and had seen it nearly destroy Keegan when he lost his mate.

“Everyone in Ashwood’s been touched with loss in one form or another. That’s what makes us such a tight community.”

He peered at her and nodded. “I felt that today. The love and friendship that linger in the air like magick.”

“That’s the bond between the packs.”

Silence filled the room for several moments before he picked her hand and linked his fingers with hers. “I’m not sure what I need, but I know I want you.”

“And, that makes you feel guilty.” After his nod, she continued. “I’m a very patient kitty.” She shifted closer to him. “And, skilled in stalking my prey.”

She squeaked when he tackled her to the bed. “You make me feel, too.” He captured her lips in a deep, passionate kiss.

Threading her fingers through his hair, she drew him closer. She opened her mouth for his tongue.

Once it slipped inside she sucked on it, pulling a groan from him. She smiled and released his tongue and moved her lips across his cheek to his ear. “Lose the jeans,” she purred, then gently bit his earlobe.

He shuttered and lifted his head to lock gazes with her. His gray eyes reminded her of storm clouds, and they were full of passion.

Yet, he hesitated. “I don’t have a condom.”

She smiled. “I’m not in heat, and I’m immune to human diseases.” She cupped his head and tugged him down for a hard, passionate kiss. Pulling away, she peered into his eyes. “Nor can I pass anything onto you.”

He kissed her on the nose, stood, and removed his clothes. Danica drank in the sight of him. Oh, God, it had been way too long. She sat up, rose from the bed and lowered to her knees in front of him.

Peering up into his face, she ran a hand up his thigh to his thick cock. She wrapped her fingers around it and stroked. Nevan closed his eye and sank his fingers in her hair. She moaned as he lightly tugged the hand full of hair.

When she took him into her mouth, she felt his leg muscles tighten under her touch. He pulled on her hair again, but this time it was to stop her. She released him, and he took her upper arms and pulled her to a stand.

She protested, “I wasn’t done.”

He shook his head. “If you didn’t stop, I would be.”

Giggling, she kissed his lips. “But we would have make up for it in the second round.”

She pushed him down on the bed. As if knowing what she wanted, he laid back and waited. She climbed up on the bed and straddled him. His cock throbbed as she took it in her hand, the large vein hot under her touch. She let out a moan as she guided him to her pussy, then lowered herself on to him, his thickness stretching her in the best way possible.

He grasped her hips, his fingers biting into her skin as she rode him until they screamed out in release.
