Chapter Six

By the time dinner had rolled past, Tessa found herself strangely fatigued. She transferred the dirty dishes from the counter into the dishwasher, though, before standing and stretching her lower back.

“Sorry again about the mess I made this morning.” There was no excuse for it. She wasn’t some flighty teenager who needed to be cared for by mommy anymore. Her lack of consideration annoyed her.

She was a capable grown woman.

She’d organized and run a cruise ship—and this morning she’d childishly left a disaster behind her?

Tessa straightened from her task and gasped in surprise at how close Mark was. He cupped her face and shook his head. “Stop apologizing. It wasn’t a big deal. We’ve had a great day, very productive, and a few extra dishes have been forgotten. Okay?”

“Sure.” Only guilt remained.

Her eyelids were heavy, and she was dog-tired, although that particular thought made her want to giggle.

His touch remained gentle on her skin. His thumb caressed her cheek as he searched her eyes. “Let’s get some fresh air. Would you like to go for a run?”

Her cat uncoiled like a spring, frantic relief washing her limbs. “Yes, oh, that would be marvelous.”

Mark pushed between her shoulders and directed her toward the bedroom. “Strip and shift. I’ll wait for you at the back door—it’s set up so we can open it in either form.”


He paused in the middle of turning away.

Tessa wasn’t sure where the confusion inside had come from. Something wasn’t right, but she couldn’t imagine what it was.


She forced down the strange sensation and smiled. “Nothing. I’ll meet you at the door in a minute.”

Why did the silence in the room echo as she took off her clothes and set them aside? She glanced around, looking for a clue of what was making her so uneasy. Nothing twigged. Nothing made sense except her cat’s increasing demands for that promised run now.

She walked naked through the kitchen, not wanting to shift in the bedroom. Her cougar curled upward, pushing at her skin, and she stopped at the top of the stairs and gave in. Let the shift come over her, limbs and muscles rearranging as she settled into her other form.

The usual rush of “feels good to shift” that was always a part of the transformation was so diluted she sat on her haunches for a moment in bewilderment.

Now the cat was more in control than the human, and the cougar wanted to keep moving. She slipped down the stairs, ignoring all the things that would have sidetracked her before, instead eager to get to the place she could be free to run.

Run with Mark. Her mate.

Tessa had imagined that thought would piss her cougar off far more than it did. The sight of Mark in full fur might have had something to do with the inner calm. Tessa wished she’d taken the time to examine him before she’d changed skins, because he was a beautiful animal, at least as far as a cat could appreciate a dog.

White muzzle, thick silver fur with black markings. He tipped his head at her before standing on his hind legs to reach the doorknob. The flat lever twisted under his touch, the door swung open, and he waited for her to slip out ahead of him.

He nudged the door closed with his forehead, then while she was getting her bearings, he brushed past her shoulder and took off.

The chase had begun.

Directly behind the paddle wheeler, they met wilderness. The backfence line met the trees, so once they stepped over that point there was nothing but rolling foothills. Narrow but well-worn paths led through the underbrush, and Mark leapt from one to the next, always guiding them upward. The heat of day faded to be replaced by the cooler air clinging to the earth, trickling down from the heights.

Tessa pushed herself to catch him, the demand on her muscles finally surpassing the strange malaise that had waylaid her. Blood pumped, and her mind calmed, as if all the excess ideas flitting through her brain were used up in the mechanics of paws hitting the dirt.

Mark vanished from sight around a corner, and she put on a burst of speed to close the gap between them. She flew into a clearing and found herself tackled to the ground, his attack coming from the side.

Laughter bubbled up, the sheer joy of the cat relishing his playfulness as a wolf. He crawled off her and backed away, head low, tail wagging furiously.

Tessa licked a paw and wiped it over her ears, grooming them back into order and knocking off the leaves that clung to her.

Mark’s jaw opened, and his wolfie grin said it all. He thought she was being a typical cat, did he? Tessa ignored him and glanced around the clearing he’d brought her to, admiring the panorama visible on the leeward side of the hill.

The view from the paddle wheeler was gorgeous, but this was spectacular. The last rays of the sun fell in streaks, creating a spotlight effect over the field. Tessa didn’t plan it, just reacted, heading for the nearest patch of sunshine and stretching lazily as warmth furled over her.

Another kind of heat hit her. Mark, rubbing his way along her side until he’d managed to wrap himself around her and clearly state his ownership. In her cat form, it was strange how little that idea bothered her.

The human, however, was the curious one. She bumped her nose against his muzzle before separating herself so she wouldn’t hurt him. Then she shifted back, coming to her human skin at his side.

“So lovely.” She ran her hand over his head and down his back, and Mark rumbled happily.

All the anxiety she’d felt earlier had dissipated, popping like bubbles, and Tessa went with her instincts. She stretched out on the thick layer of moss and rested her head on his soft furry back. The steady beat of his heart and the last heat of the sun lulled her to that point midway between sleeping and being awake.

* * *

She had him pinned. Mark laid his chin on his forepaws and slowed his racing thoughts. Tessa’s cat form was pretty cool. There would still be questions regarding the pack accepting her, but…

Time. Give it time. He breathed out through his nose and watched the tiny grasses in front of him sway.

The sun slid off them in less than ten minutes. While he hated to disturb her, they should head inside, especially since she was lying butt-naked in the bush. He twisted his head slowly, until he could see her face. Temptation beckoned. Mark licked her, cheek to temple.

Tessa’s nose wrinkled as her eyes popped open, and she grinned. “Hey, none of that, or I’ll catch you catnapping sometime and get my revenge.”

She returned to her cougar form, and this time he let her set the pace, following to be sure she took the correct paths that would lead them home.

Home. The word made him happier now than it ever had.

Within half an hour they were in front of the fireplace, the kettle on the stove whistling softly. They’d both pulled on sweats, Tessa wearing a T-shirt from his drawer that satisfied the hunger inside him.

When he slipped onto the couch, Tessa abandoned the easy chair she’d been curled up in while he worked, instead crawling into his lap and cuddling in tight.

Every muscle stiffened, every desire he had to take her roared back up to hundred percent.

“Thank you for the lovely run.” She whispered the words against his neck. He caressed her, his hands going instinctively to tangle in her hair. Their drinks were forgotten as he lifted her chin and kissed her.

Every time he touched her, it was easier to wait, and harder. Easier, because it was just so damn right. Mentally he was on board.

Physically? There was the issue. Waiting became harder—harder like his cock, which pressed against her hip. She had to feel it as she sat in his lap, had to know how much she affected him.

He reined his desires in. Made himself stop drowning in her taste. Pulled her to his chest and worked to calm his breathing.

“Tell me something I don’t know about you.” He stroked her hair over her shoulder. “Tell me about a dream you have—what you want to accomplish.”

Because while he wanted her, he wanted it all. And the sooner he filled his brain with All About Tessa, the better.

She sat up, head tilted as she looked him in the eye. “I want to feel like a success at something.”

The strange way she’d emphasized her words forced Mark to think through her comment before responding. “Don’t you mean be a success?”

Tessa shook her head. “I…” She paused. “I am successful. I’ve got a great education, a supportive family who runs a business I got to contribute to—and I didn’t screw up too badly in the end. From an outside-looking-in point of view, I think people see me and assume I’ve got it all together.”

He’d thought so. “But you don’t feel like that’s true?”

The bright amusement usually present in her face was missing, as was the squirming he’d already grown to expect. “If things work out well, but I didn’t do anything to make it happen, should I feel successful? Dumb luck isn’t something to be admired, Mark.”

Oh hell. “This is why the mating thing feels off to you, right? Why you want me to know about you and care about you before we make it official?”

“Mating’s got to be the purest form of dumb luck there is.” Tessa stroked a finger over his brow, rubbing away the tension. “It’s not wrong, but it’s just not right. It’s so…generic. Why does your wolf want me?”

Because it was right. They belonged together, but simply saying the words wasn’t going to convince her.

Besides, she had a point, even though those kind of things usually worked themselves out later with wolves. “Thank you for sharing. I’m honoured you trusted me.”

She snorted lightly. “Too honest for my own good, at times.”

“I had that on the list I’m making,” Mark said. Her brows went up and he hurried to reassure her. “Not the too-honest bit, but the honest part. I like that you don’t avoid issues, Tessa. It’s a good way to be. Keeps things in the open, makes it easier for me to fix my mistakes when I blow it with you down the road.”

That managed to bring a smile to her face. “You sure you’re going to be the one to screw up? Seems so far I’m the one dropping bombs left, right and center in this relationship.”

“So you admit this is a relationship?”

She poked him in the chest and leaned in closer. “I’m sitting in your lap telling you my deepest, darkest secrets. You’d better believe this is more than casual, buddy. I like dating.”

“Is it dating when it’s with your mate?” He wasn’t going to let her forget where this was headed.

“Hmmm, whatever we want to call it is fine.”

Her hands floated down his chest, fingertips tickling his sensitive skin, making him ache. The distance between them disappeared and their mouths connected again. Slow, thorough kisses that made his limbs loosen and other parts tighten. He returned the favour, stroking her back. Her waist. Sneaking a hand up over her belly until he cupped one breast in his palm. Her nipple tightened, poking against the fabric of the T-shirt she wore.

The entire time she kissed him, exploring with her tongue, letting him nip at her lips. He broke away to press a line of kisses along her jaw until he could catch hold of her earlobe and suck it into his mouth.

Her full-body shiver was more than enough reward.

“Tessa. Let me…” If he was going to beg, what should he beg for? Small steps forward meant he wouldn’t get what he wanted, which was to drive her crazy until she’d had a half dozen orgasms before burying himself in her and marking her thoroughly.

She grabbed the bottom of the shirt she wore and stripped it away. Her naked breasts popped into view, and all thoughts of begging fled, swallowed by raging need.

* * *

Tessa bit back her laughter. She was turned on and eager to play, but the expression on Mark’s face right now? Sheer puppy-dog eyes. Although she’d be nice and refrain from making that comment out loud.

Wolves could be sensitive about such things.

She’d planned on acting a little coy, flirting and showing off. She’d forgotten one vital bit of information. She had been teasing him all day.

He caught hold of her hips and suddenly she was airborne, lifted over his lap and held so she looked down at him as he stared eye level with her breasts. Anticipation built as he remained stationary.

“You seem unsure what to do next.” Tessa smoothed her palms over his head.

His gaze lifted the short distance needed to make direct contact with hers. “I know what to do, but I’m savouring.”

“Like a steak?”

“No objections on my part to eating you all up.”

“You big, bad wolf—oooh!”

He’d obviously stopped savouring because warm lips wrapped around her nipple. Mark sucked, and tingling lines of pleasure radiated out to steal around her torso. A moment’s reprieve came as he switched sides, licking firmly, his tongue rasping over the delicate tip. His grip on her hips remained tight enough to direct her where he wanted, yet the tender caress of his thumbs added to the erotic torment.

One side, then the other. Tessa closed her eyes and did her own savouring. The tenderness in his touch remained, but the urgency was there as well. Increased breathing, heart rates rising. Without taking his lips from her skin, he adjusted their position and made contact with the edge of her panties.

She shivered at the sensation. He played along the seam, back and forth, brushing his knuckles over the center of her sex at the same moment he closed his teeth on her nipple.

Direct line hit, pleasure fast overtaking her. He’d barely begun touching the really good bits, and she was poised to go off. A little firmer now, his fingers slipped under the material and separated her folds.

Mark hummed in approval. “So wet. Let me make you feel good.”

She would have agreed, yet she couldn’t say anything. Just a long, low catlike purr she’d have been self-conscious of except he’d found her clit.

Embarrassed? Only by how quickly she was going to climax.

He petted her with his fingertips, keeping his attention focused on the sensitive spot. Intense pleasure rose faster, egged on when he returned to kissing her breasts. Tessa held her breath as the moment hit, the pulse of her core shooting all kinds of incredible chemicals throughout her body. She clutched his head to her chest and rocked with delight.

He supported her until she stopped shaking, his right hand caressing everywhere he could. Her hips, her back, up her rib cage with a delicate whisper. Tessa drew in a deep breath and smiled contentedly at him.

Then she raised a brow and licked her lips. “My turn…”

There could be no mistaking the eager hope in his eyes. Tessa slipped backward off his lap, running her hands up his thighs. This time it was her turn to explore him. To see what he enjoyed and ease a little of the tension in his strong body. She tugged at his T-shirt, and it vanished between one second and the next.

Eager indeed.

The large bulge behind his sweats was unmistakable. She took a lesson from what he’d done, though, and when she leaned forward it was to press her lips to his solid abdomen.

Mark groaned.

She licked along the ridges of his muscles, taking her time and working her way downward inch by inch.

He growled. A long, low sound similar enough to what she’d done earlier, she knew exactly what it meant.

She lifted her head, timing it just right so she could enjoy his reaction to her fingers closing over his hard length. Satisfaction at seeing his eyes roll back struck at the same moment a peculiar sound echoed through the house. Kind of like a door slamming.

Mark’s eyes snapped open.

Singing rose from somewhere faraway. On the main floor? Getting closer. A sea shanty, one with a lot of slurred words and yet high enthusiasm.

Fingers closed around her wrists as Mark pulled her hands from his groin, his breathing uneven but getting steadier. “We have to stop.”


She accepted the T-shirt he returned, slipping it over her head as she watched in confusion. He took a deep breath and rose to his feet, wincing for a few steps as if he were in pain.

The singing grew louder and Tessa clued in. “Oh.”

Mark adjusted himself and winked at her. “Oh is right.”

He pulled his shirt on before making his way to the top of the stairwell. They waited without a word, instead exchanging snorts of laughter until his grandfather appeared.

The man gave an extra lusty finish to his chorus before slapping Mark on the back and turning to face her.

“Well, lovely to see you again, dear. Ready for the trip? Got everything you need?”

She didn’t get a chance to answer before Mark spoke. “Of course she’s ready. Will you be taking us out soon, sir?”

He guided the older wolf into the living room and settled him in a well-worn leather rocker.

“We leave with the tide. Heard the weather’s going to change—we’ll want to get past the narrows on full swells.”

Mark nodded curtly. “Yes, sir.”

Gramps fell silent, staring into the fire. Mark sat back on the couch and reached out a hand to Tessa. She curled up at his side. The sexual tension between them lingered, and she’d already had an orgasm. She couldn’t imagine what Mark felt like.

His lips pressed to her temple. “Stop worrying. Everything is okay.”

He spoke softly, so she matched his volume. “Were you expecting him tonight?”

Mark laughed, stroking his fingers through her hair. “I think you know the answer to that one by what he interrupted.”

Gramps fumbled with his pipe, humming his tune now as he worked to get the tobacco lit. Then he sat back and smiled, rocking as he gazed into the flames, an aromatic cloud surrounding him.

His appearance wasn’t scary or anything, just unexpected. Tessa’s curiosity shot to high.

Mark touched her cheek, bringing her attention to him. “He gets…confused. This was his ship, and there are times he kind of goes back in time. I don’t know when he’s going to show up, which is part of the reason I’ve never sold the place.”

“But you can’t sell it.”

Mark took a deep breath and nodded, his turn to stare at the fire. “I could sell the place as land alone, but what would happen then? Gramps is happy at the seniors lodge except for those occasional moments he loses track of what year it is. He comes, spends a few nights, then he seems to wake up and heads home. I couldn’t imagine what would happen if he showed up during a session to discover the paddle wheeler was gone. He’d be devastated. Think they’d left without him or something.”

Gramps continued to rock while Mark’s confession rocked her. “You’ve been staying for his sake.”

“He’s my family.” Mark smiled indulgently at his grandfather. “He’s the reason I missed being on the cruise ship with you in the spring—I had a position with the maintenance crew, you know. The person who’d promised to house sit for me while I was away never showed up that morning. You sailed before I could make other arrangements.”

Another mystery solved. “Keri and Jared didn’t mind how that turned out.”

They sat in comfortable silence for a while—well, relaxed as Mark could be. Tessa leant her head on his shoulder and whispered, “We could go to bed…”

His nostrils flared for a moment. “Tempting, but I’d better make sure he settles for the night.”

He stood and brought her to her feet as well, kissing her before tucking her hair behind her ear. “You go to bed. I’ll see you later.”

Tessa crawled under the covers feeling even more confused than when Mark had first announced they were mates. She attempted to stay awake until he came in so they could finish what they started, or at least have time to talk.

Only the soft pillow lulled her, and the next thing she knew the sunshine was announcing the start of another day.
