“ANGEL PARTS,” says Uriel in his booming voice. “The monkeys are slicing up our injured brethren before they can recover. They are trading our feathers, fingers, and other parts for currency. And you all know how long and painful it can be to grow back fingers, not to mention the parts we can’t grow back.”

Angels roar, restless with violence.

Uriel lets the righteous anger build with the masses. “For so long we have waited. For so long we have let monkeys infest this beautiful land, letting them believe that they are the most favored species in God’s universe. They still don’t understand why they’ve had unprecedented free reign over Earth for so long. They’re so arrogant and stupid that they don’t even realize that no one else is dumb enough to make a legendary battlefield their home.”

The crowd chuckles and hollers.

Uriel smiles at them. “But I have amazing news, brothers and sisters. News that will put humans like this in their rightful place. News that will allow us to punish them with God’s blessing.”

The crowd quiets.

“You’ve heard the rumors,” says Uriel. “You’ve heard the speculations. I’m here to tell you that they are true. The signs are here. We have definitive proof of the reason why Gabriel the Messenger brought us here to Earth.”

The audience murmurs excitedly.

“We don’t have to wonder anymore, brothers and sisters. We don’t have to argue and debate about whether this is a drill or a skirmish with the Fallen or just another warning to the humans while they peck at us with their pebbles and rocks.” He pauses for dramatic effect.

The crowd quiets.

Uriel sweeps the crowd with his eyes. “Biblical locusts are here.”

A low murmur quickly bursts into an excited roar.

He lets the noise build before putting up his hands to quiet them. “As many of you know, part of my job is to visit the Abyss. Yesterday, I opened the Bottomless Pit. From it, black smoke rose and darkened the sun and the air. Out of the smoke came locusts upon the earth. Just as it was foretold, their faces were the faces of men and they had tails like powerful scorpions. Thousands upon thousands. Pouring into the sky.”

As if on cue, all the angels in the crowd turn the same direction to look up at the sky. I see the dark cloud on the horizon before I hear what they hear.

The cloud explodes, spitting out more darkness, growing ever larger. A low buzzing quickly turns into a thunderous roar.

I’ve heard this before.

The sound of swarming scorpions.

Everyone is silent and still while we all watch the roiling cloud rush toward us.

Uriel raises his arms like he’s ready to hug the crowd. “We have our confirmation, brothers and sisters. What we have been waiting for. What we have been bred for. What we have lived, breathed, and dreamt of is finally here!”

Uriel’s voice feels like a booming command in my head.

“We will be like—”


“—Heroes of Old!”

He takes a deep breath. “Finally.” Another breath, his chest swelling with satisfaction. “It’s time for Judgment Day. The legendary apocalypse is HERE!”
