Chapter 12

“What?” The shout jerked her out of a sound sleep. Sweeping the hair out of her face, Misty looked blearily around until she spotted Cody across the room, his cellphone to his ear. She’d been so out of it, she hadn’t even heard it ring.

With a groan, she collapsed back on the pillow. Being the Premier’s mate wasn’t easy. She smiled into her pillow. Mate.

No doubt someone had some ridiculous dispute at eight in the morning and needed help. She groaned. Eight in the morning. Making a phone call at this time of day should be outlawed.

“This is a joke.” The mix of anger and fear in Cody’s voice had her looking up, her smile vanishing.

Although his back faced her, she saw the tension lining his body. He clutched his forehead and his hair stood straight up as if he’d been nervously running his fingers through it.

Worry built inside her. Cody wouldn’t lose his cool over some silly dispute. She rubbed her eyes, willing her brain to engage even as the lingering dregs of sleep clouded her mind. Maybe something else caught fire. Or someone had gotten hurt.

“They attacked her, for Christ’s sake. She defended herself.” Hysteria tinged his voice, but the words had her jerking. Was he talking about her?

“This is bullshit and you know it.” He paused, no doubt listening to the person on the other end. “I understand that, but this is different.” Another pause. “Ridiculous. She shouldn’t have to defend her actions.”

Her throat closed with worry the longer she watched him. Whatever the person on the other end had said, sent Cody into a rage. And it became more and more apparent it concerned her. She doubted the news would suit her any better than it did him.

Then he turned and met her eyes across the room. He visibly softened as his gaze settled on her, and he blew out a frustrated breath.

“Fine. But this had better go down as you claim.” He disconnected.

Misty bit her lip, considering him as he crossed the room and sat on the bed beside her. He opened his mouth, but seemed at a loss for words.

“Cody, what’s going on?”

He grabbed her hand and squeezed. It was meant to comfort, but knowing he thought she needed it only increased her nervousness.

“That was the council.” He stopped to consider. “Apparently yesterday was not the first protest staged by a group of hybrids. They’ve been putting a lot of pressure on the council for equal rights.”

“Equal rights for hybrids. Okay, I’m all for that,” she muttered, still trying to figure out how this involved her.

A touch of pity entered his eyes. “I know you are, honey.” The endearment scared her. He’d never called her honey before. “The thing is…a couple people were hurt when you fought your way free yesterday. The hybrids are demanding you stand trial for your actions. Tomorrow.”

Her eyes widened in alarm. Stand trial? People who stood trial with the council rarely got away scot-free. It wasn’t like the human judicial system. There would be no jury of peers, no innocent until proven guilty. The council ruled with an iron fist. Most who stood trial never saw the light of day again.

“But…I had to fight back. I didn’t do anything wrong. There was no other way to get away, and I had to get away. They were pulling my hair and pushing me. They slapped me before I even tried–” She felt the panic bubbling up, choking off her rambling as it rose.

He shushed her, pulling her into his arms, and running his hand down her back in a soothing caress.

A sob of fear broke free, and she found herself crying into his shoulder as he whispered reassurances in her ear.

Why was this happening to her? And why now, after everything else had fallen into position? The man she loved, loved her back. Had mated with her the previous night. Everything had clicked into place perfectly, only to fall to pieces. It wasn’t fair.

“They assured me it’s just a formality. They have to appease the hybrids, but have no intention of harming you. After it’s revealed that you acted in self-defense, they’ll let you go. Don’t worry, my love.”

His words sank in, penetrating the wall of grief and fear. Just a formality. With Cody beside her, she could face this with grace.

Cuddling into her mate’s embrace, Misty let his warmth surround her, give her the strength to pull back the tears.

“It’s going to be okay. This will work itself out, you’ll see,” he whispered into her hair.

She thought about the way he’d yelled into the phone, defended her actions. About the fear even now flowing through the connection they shared.

He wasn’t as cool and collected as he appeared, and that knowledge gave her what she needed to put on her own facade. She’d be strong for him, because that’s what he tried to do for her.

“Okay. We’ll get through this. Together.” She sat up to look at him.

“Together,” he whispered back before leaning in and claiming her lips in a bruising kiss. A wave of passion crashed through her, and she allowed it to sweep her cares away.

Tomorrow was uncertain. She wasn’t about to let today slip away. For now, the man she loved sat beside her, and she was going to enjoy every moment she had left.

* * *

“Are you okay?” Cody asked from the kitchen doorway. For the past few minutes, Misty hadn’t moved from her position on the couch. Had scarcely blinked. Her eyes stared blankly across the room, though he doubted she saw anything at all.

At the sound of his voice, those blank eyes swung his way. It took a moment before they focused on him. She tried to muster a smile, but the effort was wasted. He knew the turmoil raging within her. Felt it through the bond they shared, even as he fought to hide his own from her.

“I’m fine.” Her voice cracked a bit. The lie was so obvious, he could have picked up on it even if he didn’t have a link with her.

On hurried feet, he moved in front of her and knelt down. Although her smile still curled her lips, tears pooled in her eyes as she watched him.

“Don’t lie to me, Misty. I know you’re not fine.” A single tear spilled over, the sight breaking his heart. He reached out and wiped the tear away with his thumb, smoothing it over her cheek.

As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t protect her from this. And it killed him. He was supposed to keep her safe from everything. To protect her with his life. But he hadn’t anticipated something like this coming.

“I’m scared,” she whispered. The quiet admission tore into him. Even feeling her emotions hadn’t prepared him to hear the anguish in her voice. Breaking his gaze, she stared down at her hands. “Some brave mate I am.”

The anger was swift. “Don’t.” He shook his head. “Don’t do that. You are everything I have ever wanted in a mate. More.” He waited until her gaze rose to his before continuing. “I’m scared, too.” It was easier to admit than he’d thought it would be. Especially as gratitude lit her eyes. If sharing his fear with her took some of the weight off her shoulders, there really was no choice.

“You are?” she asked.

Cody shook his head, gazing at her in confusion. Didn’t she know how worried he was? Couldn’t she sense it? Her emotions must be incredibly intense to overpower their newly formed bond. Or maybe he was better than he’d thought at blocking his turmoil from her.

“How can you ask me that? Of course I am. Misty, you mean everything to me. Absolutely everything. Don’t you know that?” Another tear spilled over, and he reached up to wipe it off her cheek. “Everything is going to be okay. It has to be. But…” He paused, taking a deep breath while gathering his thoughts. “If things don’t go our way tomorrow, I’ll find a way to get you out of there.”

Panic leapt into her eyes. Her hands shot out, wrapping around his biceps like twin vines.

“No, you can’t. It would be suicide. If something goes wrong, you have to promise me you won’t do anything stupid. Just leave and don’t look back.”

Anger burned in his veins, pulsing hot behind his eyes. “Do you really think I could just walk away from you? Nobody will touch you as long as I have breath left in my body. I told you once I would protect you from anything, and I meant it. You’re mine.”

With her hands, she forced his to unclench and pulled him beside her on the couch. “It’s a moot point. Everything is going to be fine. Tomorrow is just a formality.” As she spoke, she crawled into his lap, resting her head on his shoulder.

He shuddered at the feel of her in his arms. Turning his head, he sniffed her hair. Without a doubt in his body, he knew life would be meaningless without her. He tightened his arms, giving her comfort and taking it in turn.

“I’m sorry. I meant to ease your fears, not dump mine on your lap,” he said, cuddling her closer.

She reached up and ran her hand over his jaw. “I love you,” she said.

The emotion shining from her eyes floored him.

“God, Misty, I love you so much. I can’t stand the thought of anything happening to you.”

“Do you think… Could you just hold me for a little while?” Her tentative whisper swept through him. Nothing would tear her from his arms.

“All night if you want.”
