allons -- let's go

arrete-- stop

c'est assez-- that's enough

c'est chaud-- that's hot

c'est ein affaire a pus finir-- it's a thing that has no end

c'est vrai-- that's true

chère 'tite bete-- poor little dear

chérie, chère, cher-- cherished, beloved coonass a sometimes derogatory slang term for Cajun

espesces de tite dure-- you hard-headed thing

fils de putain-- son of a bitch

foute ton quant did-- get away

grenier-- attic, loft

id on park francais-- French spoken here

il a pas d'esprit-- he doesn't have any sense

je t'aime-- I love you

jeune fille-- young girl

le grand derangement-- when the Cajuns were exiled from Canada

loup-garou-- Cajun myth: werewolf

ma 'tite fille-- my little girl

mais-- but: often used for emphasis with yes or no

mais non-- but no

mais sa c'est fou-- but that's crazy

merde-- shit

mon ami-- my friend

mon Dieu-- my God

pou-- louse

pur Cajun-- pure Cajun

que sera sera-- what will be will be

sa c'est de la couyonade-- that's foolishness

si vous plait-- please

t'es trop grand pour tes-- you're too big for your

cullottes-- britches

t'es en erreur-- you're mistaken

tcheue poule-- chicken ass

'tite chatte-- little cat

'tite belle-- little sweetheart

Tor Tee-- preceding a name is short for petite or 'tite, and denotes a nickname

viens id-- come here
