“I get it,” Tim said. “But I think you’re expecting too much out of Gaultier.”

Shook my head. “No, and here’s why. They pissed Amy off, right? She already threatened to go to the press. So, we’re going to the press. MJO, am I right in feeling confident that you could write an article that would practically require the Gaultier Enterprises Board and other top dogs to ensure they were at Michael’s funeral?”

Oliver nodded slowly. “I’d suggest including Titan and YatesCorp in that goal as well. I can focus in such a way as to insinuate that non-attendance means anti-alien sentiments, along with non-support of the President.”

“But what if they don’t care?” Amy asked. “There’s a freaking mob outside, and we have politicians who hate us. They may use it as an excuse not to come.”

“Well, as to that, I think we’ll make our ‘friends’ outside work for us, not against us.”

“Only Tim and Amy seem clear on your idea, baby. I’m not clear, and looking at Chuck’s expression, he’s not either. If he can’t follow you, no one else can.”

“Okay, here’s my plan. We not only agree to the President’s wishes, we go one better. We go overboard. We bring out all our top people, with the clear expectation, since we’re honoring a war hero, that everyone else will be showing up. A few calls made on our behalf by my good friends Lillian Culver and Guy Gadoire and we have plenty of important people who realize this is a be seen or never expect a favor from American Centaurion again event.”

“I’m sort of stuck on the veils,” Jeff said.

“No one’s going to expect us to do anything during Michael’s funeral. Everyone should be attending, right? And that means we need to be visible. However, funeral attire includes veils for women. So, we make it a new ‘rule’ that all women have to be heavily veiled, so that no one can see their faces. Gloves on the hands. Sensible shoes. And all that.”

Raj smiled. “I can find the body doubles. They’ll need to be able to imitate mannerisms. We have plenty of troubadour women, all bored, because the science and mathematics sides don’t feel it’s an impressive skill, either.” Oh look, Raj had a sarcasm knob just like the rest of us.

“We’re about to make your brothers and sisters in acting talent feel very needed and vital to the cause, Raj.”

“Good. We can delay the funeral about a week, maybe a little more. Preparations have to be made, and we can claim cultural needs to create what will seem like a natural delay versus an invented one.”

“Like sitting shiva.”

“Right. In fact, we can use the Jewish traditions as examples, with specific details changed to our advantage.”

“Instead of rending the outer garment, make it like a burka and make us even harder to identify, type of thing.”

“Exactly, though more tailored. We can’t stall too long, but it should be enough time for my troubadours to be able to imitate their assigned doubles well enough to make it through the event itself.”

“Here’s what I don’t like, if I’m following your so-called plan correctly,” Chuckie said. “The only people who will be disguised are the American Centaurion women. Meaning those same women will be the ones doing the guerrilla raid.”

“Yes, that’s exactly what the plan is. Look, we need to get in and find out what the hell Gaultier is up to and retrieve our stolen data, right? And that means we need to get our hackers inside so we can all sing the Proximity Equals Access Song. But none of them are trained in fieldwork, so they have to go in as part of a team.”

“Got that right,” Stryker muttered. The rest of Hacker International nodded their agreement with their leader’s assessment of their lack of B&E skills.

“I don’t want to send in our Field teams, in no small part because they aren’t able to avoid the Al Dejahl Mind Control Trick and apparently all of us are. And if we get caught, we need someone who can talk their way out of things and think on their feet.”

“I know where this is going,” Jeff said, “and you’re right, I officially don’t like it.”

Ignored him and forged on. “So that means we need to have a team of experienced operatives. The only people who can be so covered up no one could tell if they were the real people or impersonators are the women. So, we’re going in with the hackers.”

“The funeral can be made to be very long,” White said. “So that should give you time, but even so, it might not be enough time. The facility is quite large.”

“And there are those hidden levels we couldn’t find,” Amy added. “Where you just know they’re hiding all the evil stuff.”

“And our data, I’m sure. And God knows what else, but I’m willing to bet that it’s the new drug that Vander’s worried about. So we’ll be helping our new friend at the F.B.I., too.”

“You’re okay with this plan?” Jeff asked White.

Who shrugged. “We have limited options, Jeffrey, and we do need to find out what’s going on over there. Besides, Kathy’s right as always.”

“Thanks, Rick honey.”

“I hate it when you two do that,” Jeff muttered.

“Who are you planning to take with you?” Chuckie asked.

“Lorraine and Claudia.” Who high-fived each other. I loved my girls. “And Serene, complete with your bomb arsenal.”

She bounced up to high-five Lorraine and Claudia. “I’ve been playing around with more miniaturization in my spare time. You’ll love what I’ve got for us!”

“I’m sure, as long as you’re not throwing the bombs at me.”

“I’m on the team too,” Adriana said. Who then got high-fives from both Lorraine and Claudia and a hug from Serene. We were all fired up about being the All Girl Power team. I’d have to play Good Charlotte’s “Riot Girl” when we rolled.

“And me,” Buchanan added. So much for All Girl Power. However, on the good side, Jeff and Chuckie both noticeably relaxed. “No one would expect me to be at the funeral, and most of your enemies still seem unaware that I exist, which is how we want it. You two,” he pointed to Len and Kyle, “obviously ‘guarding’ whoever’s pretending to be Missus Chief will mean that most observers buy the ruse.”

“Children are not allowed at funerals,” White said. “A new rule that I’m sure our current Pontifex will be glad to enforce.”

“Good one, Mister White. Meaning that we won’t need to worry about any of the kids blowing their moms’ covers. And Kevin, that means Denise stays in the Embassy, hopefully where it’s safe.”

“Who else is on your team?” Chuckie asked.

“Me,” Amy said indignantly.

“Nope. Ames, you need to be at the funeral. You’re the only one who will have enough pull with the Gaultier bigwigs to keep them at the event. Especially since we think one of them is the current Apprentice, we need to keep them where all of you can see them. And Caroline will need you, because there’s no way she’s going to be a part of the guerrilla team.”

“Why not?” Caroline asked as she, Naomi, and Abigail all joined us.

“What are you guys doing here?”

“Whatever they gave me brought my powers back,” Naomi said. “Just a little, but I could feel all of you over here. I realized we were needed.” She looked right at me. “Blaming the wrong people for Michael’s death doesn’t bring him back. But making the people who killed him pay in ways they don’t want to will at least avenge him.”

“So Sis and I are in,” Abigail added.

“Okay.” This earned a lot of angry looks from the menfolk. “Look, dudes, it’s all great that you want to tell me that we delicate little flowers need to stay close to home and safe. Only no one was safe at their home yesterday. And we can use the A-C powers, even if they’re just the standard ones.”

“And no one would believe we wouldn’t be at our brother’s funeral,” Abigail said. “Meaning that we’re great choices to go undercover.”

“So I’m going, too,” Caroline said. She was still wearing both her engagement ring and the Unity Necklace Michael had given her. My heart hurt looking at them.

“No,” I said as gently as I could. “You need to be at the funeral. Both because of who Michael was to you, and because you need to be seen.”

“No one would believe that Kitty wouldn’t be there with you,” Chuckie said slowly. “In that sense, you become the perfect cover.”

Caroline took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “You’re right, Chuck. And Kitty, I know you’re right, too. I won’t have any trouble being dramatic if you’ll need me to.”

“Probably will. You and Amy are going to have to work on how you’ll signal each other.” Swallowed hard. “I’m sorry I won’t be there, Caro.”

She managed a sad little smile. “I wish none of us had to be.” Her expression hardened. “But we do, so, let’s make sure that it’s worth it and get these bastards where they live.”
