“I HATE THIS PLAN,” Jeff said, as he and I stood at the front door. “I might hate it even more than when you had us use the alligators to rescue people at the Space Center.”

“It’s the easiest way, will ensure that no one’s hurt, and will get rid of the Loser Brigade out front without any real effort or a lot of time.”

Rahmi and Rhee were with us. They were both almost vibrating with the excitement of getting to do something, even though they’d been told it was a non-fighting something.

The com turned on. “We’re ready, Chief,” Walter shared.

“Okay, girls, it’s show time. Remember that we’ll want to run back into the Embassy in case anything goes wrong. Inside, retreating, not going forward to attack.”

The princesses looked at the pictures Jeff and I were holding, and shapeshifted.

“We are clear on our required roles,” Rahmi said. “We are to smile and wave and then go back inside when you tell us to.”

“I love the sparkles,” Rhee added.

“Good. You two look great, just like the pictures. Walter, let’s activate Mission: Get Off My Lawn.”

With that, Jeff opened the door and we four stepped out.

The gasp from the crowd was audible. Because of my enhanced vision, I could see the huge floater gate that spanned the length of our facility. But no one on the street could.

The four of us waved to the crowd, which, true to expectations, surged toward us. Even the people at the tables with the petitions got up and came a’running.

As the first people hit the floater gate, they disappeared. But it was a big crowd, and we had people shoving in the back to get close enough to see if who they thought was standing with us were indeed two people thought long dead.

Proving that the human Curiosity Gene was much stronger than the human Common Sense Gene, in a matter of seconds, there was no one on the street. Trotted inside. “Okay, Walter, turn off the gate.”

“Off, Chief.”

The four of us used hyperspeed to grab the tables, chairs, and other paraphernalia left outside. We were back inside in under ten seconds and there was no trace of the mob left anywhere. Gave myself a virtual pat on the back.

“What do we do with all this crap?” Jeff asked.

“Keep the paperwork, we’ll want to look at it to see what they’re trying to do. Just leave the tables and chairs here. I’ll have the Operations Team get rid of them.”

Raj and Reader joined us in the foyer. “All protestors arrived safely and are accounted for,” Raj said.

“They’re also all under arrest,” Reader added with a grin. “Colonel Franklin said to tell you that he took pictures of their expressions, because he knew you’d appreciate them.”

“He rocks. Okay girls, you can change back now.”

Reader laughed. “Ronald Regan and Elvis. The reports on this should be great.”

“Yep. How to ensure your enemies sound like lunatic crackpots without really trying.”

“What if someone took pictures?” Jeff asked. “Imageering can’t alter them right now.”

“Colonel Franklin has confiscated all phones and cameras,” Raj said. “Since the protestors are being treated as terrorists.”

“Hey, not my fault those people managed to sneak onto Andrews Air Force Base en masse and threaten the U.S. Government.”

Reader put his arm around my shoulders as we headed off to get back to the real business of the day. “Girlfriend, I have to say it—I just love watching you work.”
