Gabriel stared at Tennius in disbelief. “What do you mean, he’s dead? He can’t be dead!”

Tennius kept a stoic expression. “Your father passed away this morning. They believe he was poisoned, my lord.”


“Who would dare to do such a thing?” Gabriel raised his voice. “Where were the guards? Where were you?”

Tennius’s face grew red in anger, but he kept his voice controlled. “We were all there, my lord. Someone must have poisoned him with magic.”

Gabriel’s blood began to boil as he charged out of the room and into the chaotic court. People were frantic and confused, running around the castle, but Gabriel couldn’t make sense of any of it.

He simply marched ahead and let the chaos surround him as he headed nowhere.

Later that day, he was donned the earl of the region, taking his father’s place, and crowds gathered to honor him. He should have been proud to be the new earl. But he was numb.

His brother was dead. His father was dead.

The only good thing left in his life was Scarlet, who stood by his side as he accepted his new title. She squeezed his hand throughout the evening, assuring him that things would be okay and that he would be a great leader.

She was bright and beautiful. And she was the only reason Gabriel believed in himself.

Or anything.


Two nights after Gabriel was made earl, Scarlet held her mother’s hand and watched her writhe in pain as she babbled.

“Scarlet,” Ana said. “Take my brooch. Keep the brooch. It is not for the earl. Not the earl.”

Scarlet nodded in confusion. Her mother had been spewing nonsense for nearly two weeks and Scarlet had stopped trying to find meaning in her words. “Yes, mama.”

Ana started to cry and Scarlet cried right along with her, wanting to soothe the disease and take away the pain. She had known her mother was going to die, and she had had months to prepare for it. In a way, Ana had died weeks ago when her mind went mad. But that did not make their goodbye any less gut wrenching.

“Please don’t die, mama,” Scarlet whispered. “I need you. I cannot do this without you.”

Ana’s body started to convulse and Scarlet watched in horror as the life disappeared from her mother’s eyes.

Scarlet was lost, confused, alone and completely broken.

She was empty. Completely damaged.

Scarlet had lost everyone in her life.

Everyone except Gabriel.
