Tristan tore through the onslaught of Ashmen one after another, never stopping to nurse injuries, never stopping for a breath.

He panted and growled and slashed his way through the mass of soulless creatures that separated him from Scarlet, who had been running high on fear just moments ago until her emotions had suddenly fallen silent.

Her heart was still beating, but the rest of her was eerily quiet. Tristan needed to get to her immediately.

He ran a dagger straight through the throat of his current opponent, flinging off the Ashman’s head with the flat end of the blade and marched forward to the next monster.

He crossed his daggers through the Ashman’s chest and put him down. Two more Ashman charged at him and Tristan thrust both daggers out simultaneously, running them through the hearts of his attackers with careful precision. They fell to the ground and Tristan withdrew his blades, ready for more.

But no more came.

Nate was a good distance away, standing over his most recent kill, Seeing there were no more immediate threats, Tristan took off at a run, tracking Scarlet’s faint heartbeat to the center of the graveyard.

He found her body limp beside a large tree, no sign of anyone else around. Without thought, he fell to his knees beside her and gathered her into his lap. “Scarlet.” No response. “Scar.”

She was alive. She was unconscious, but he could feel her heartbeat—

And then it was gone.

Torn abruptly from his chest, Tristan lost her heart completely.

His body was absent of her pulse, empty of her soul.

He was alone.

