Chapter 8

We were both tired after the yard work and all our extracurricular activities, so we decided to soak in the hot tub. I moved the cover and started the pump while Mom went into the master bedroom to fetch towels.

“You want anything to drink?” she asked when she returned. “Beer? Wine? Something else?”

“This is gonna sound crazy,” I said, “but do you have any whiskey?”


“A glass on ice?”

“Sure thing. My little boy is growing up,” she chuckled. “Whiskey on the rocks, coming up.”

I undressed and folded my clothes on one of the patio chairs. The night had turned chilly, so I welcomed the warmth of the hot tub as I sank up to my neck. Mom returned with a beer for herself and an acrylic cup filled with ice and amber liquid for me. She took off her clothes and left them on the deck as I sipped my drink.

The whiskey was Jack Daniels instead of Jameson, but I wasn’t about to complain. I took a longer drink and felt warmth spread through my insides as well. Then I watched as Mom descended the hot tub steps and settled on the bench across from me. The light from below highlighted her figure and accentuated her curves.

“You don’t have anything to worry about,” I said.

“About what?”

“Being able to attract younger men.”

“I know. But thank you for saying so. Being a woman is such a pain sometimes. Everything sags and stretches and isn’t where it used to be.”

“So? It’s what’s inside that counts.”

“But people don’t notice the inside. Not at first.”

“Mom, you’re a beautiful woman. Besides, everyone worries about their looks.” I chuckled. “Christy’s future sister-in-law is a model—like, that’s her actual job, modeling for magazines and swimsuit issues—and even she worries about her looks.”

“Well, I’m no model—”

“You are to me. And you’re the standard I judge other women by.”

“Really? I always thought you liked brunettes.”

I shrugged. “I liked brunettes because that’s who I was lucky enough to have sex with, starting with Susan. Gina, because she was my first real love. And Kendall…” I sighed. “Well, Kendall was a goddess.”

“Not according to Erin and Leah. They—”

“Don’t like her. I know.”

“That’s putting it mildly.”

“Kendall’s a good person,” I said defensively. “She has issues, but so does everyone. And our breakup was mostly my fault.”

Mom raised an eyebrow but didn’t contradict me.

“I didn’t understand what was wrong and wasn’t mature enough to fix things even if I had.”

She sipped her beer as an excuse to process what I’d just said. “That’s a surprisingly grown-up admission.”

“I’ve had a lot of time to think about it, especially now that I’m dating Christy.”


“Yeah. They’re similar in lots of ways.”

“Not on the outside. They couldn’t be more different, looks-wise. That’s why I was surprised when I met her. But… are you sure about her? She’ll eventually decide to be a swinger?”

“Pretty sure,” I said. Then a thought occurred to me. “Ah, now I understand why you were interrogating me about her earlier.”

“Mmm hmm.”

“You didn’t want to throw a stick of dynamite into my relationship if I was serious.”

“No,” she agreed.

“We’re serious, but I’m still frustrated. I know I’m being selfish, although I’m also being realistic.”

“Sex is an important part of a relationship.”

“You’re preaching to the choir.”

“Speaking of choirs… her religion doesn’t get in the way of your relationship?”

“Yes and no. It’s her upbringing more than her religion. She goes to Mass, believes in God, and sleeps with me every night. So being Catholic isn’t the problem.”

“Then what is?”

“Shedding the idea that she has to be a ‘proper young lady.’” I shrugged. “She’s doing better—in lots of ways she’s even wilder than I imagined—but not the big one. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but still… I’m running out of patience.”

“You said she’s ready to go all the way.”


“Do you think she’s just saying that because she doesn’t want to lose you?”

“I… don’t think so. I think she’s really ready. But this thing with Brooke really messed up our plans.” I took a healthy drink of whiskey and tried to relax. I was equally annoyed that Christy didn’t want to use modern birth control, but I didn’t want to discuss it with Mom. I knew what she’d say, and I didn’t feel like making excuses.

Mom brought me back to the present when she asked, “Messed up or delayed?”

“The former,” I said heavily. “The dates’re kinda important.”

“Ah. I think I understand.” She took a drink to avoid saying anything else. She probably knew what was going through my head, and she knew I’d have to decide for myself.

I loved Christy and thought we had a future together, but that didn’t mean our relationship was all sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows.

“Are you okay with us?” Mom asked quietly. “You and me?”

“Yeah, absolutely,” I said automatically. Then I thought about it. “I really am. I mean, I’ve had fantasies since I was old enough to realize how sexy you were. But I guess I’m curious what happens next. I mean, short-term, we’re going to have sex again, probably here in the tub—”

Her grin was practically an invitation.

“—but what happens long-term?”

“I’ve been thinking about that myself, ever since Erin convinced me that the rules were outdated.”

“And what did you decide?”

“Well, part of it is easy. You and I have our tryst and then David and Erin do something similar. At first I thought that was why she was arguing with me about the rules. In a way, it was—she wants to finish what she started a few years ago—but she made some good points.”

“She also made it so you got something you wanted too.”

“Mmm hmm. Which is why I’m sitting here with my son, casually talking about having sex with him. Again. And again, as many times as we like.” She grinned. “That is, as many times as you can get it up.”

“Oh, I think I can manage a few more before you wear me out,” I said with a grin.

“I figured.”

“Okay, so what’s the other part of what happens next?”

“Between us? Long-term, I don’t think this is simply an itch we needed to scratch.”


“So I want to do it again. But… Christy complicates things. You said she understands some of your taboo fantasies?”

“She does, especially about Erin.”

“Mmm. But not me.” It wasn’t a question.

“No. I don’t think she even has a clue.”

“Do you think you’ll tell her?”

“I’m… not sure.”

“Exactly. So our long-term prospects are vague at best, non-existent at worst.”

“We’ll have to gather our rosebuds now, then.”

“More or less. Are you okay with that?”

“I think so,” I said. “I mean, this doesn’t feel like cheating. It isn’t emotional.”

“That’s how I feel. It’s fun, a relief of tension, a fantasy we both wanted to live out.”


“And speaking of fantasies, I want to live out another when your dad gets home.”


“You’ll see,” she said with a coy smile.

“Okay, but what about me? Do I get to live out any fantasies?”

“More than us having sex?”

“Of course! You think this is the only one I’ve had about you?”

She grinned.

“I really want you and Susan together.”

“That’s one of hers as well.”

“I’m sure I can think of others,” I said, “but that’s the first one that comes to mind.”

“Anything we can do immediately?” She set her empty beer on the side of the tub and floated toward me.

“Sit on my lap.”

She grinned. “And talk about the first thing that pops up?”

“Sort of, but not the way you’re thinking.” I stopped her when she turned to sit sideways. “Straddle me,” I said. “Spread that nice, shaved pussy so I can slide into it when I’m ready.”

She gave me an amused look but did as I asked.

I reached between us and touched the pussy in question. She gasped when I brushed her clit. I rubbed my fingers in a small circle and spread her open.

“Something else I want to do first,” I said as I withdrew my hand. I cupped her breasts and pushed them upward. “I didn’t get to play with these enough when I was a boy.”

“You didn’t know what to do with them.”

“Sure I did!” I circled her nipple with my tongue and then sucked it gently. After a moment I switched to the other one. “See?”

“But it’s not the same, is it?”

I shook my head and bit down gently.

“You did that when you were a boy.”

“But it isn’t the same, is it?”

It was her turn to shake her head.

“I had a lot of problems growing up in a nudist family,” I said philosophically. I teased her nipple again and then sucked it, harder this time. The alcohol was working its way through my system, so I decided to let my inner goofball have fun.

“My mother was a total babe,” I said, “but I couldn’t touch her. It was worse when we went to camp. I was surrounded by breasts, but I couldn’t touch ’em, couldn’t play with ’em. All I could do was look.” I jiggled her breasts and said to them directly, “There you were, right in front of me, but out of reach.”

She laughed.

“So I thought about you all the time,” I said, still to her nipples. “All I wanted was to play with you. Instead, I played with something else, if you know what I mean.” I made an exaggerated eye-roll toward my dick. “Yeah, him. Played with him all the time, but I wanted to play with you two. Too.”

I chuckled at my own joke. “Now, let’s talk about your lady-friend down there.” I gave another exaggerated look, just in case her breasts didn’t understand. “I wanted to play with her too, but I didn’t really know what to do. You know? It wasn’t obvious. And with all that hair, I couldn’t see how things worked. But that wasn’t the case with you two!

“You had knobs. You jiggled. You bounced. You swayed. You stood up or spread out. And every pair was different! Your lady-friend was just a triangle. Brown or black, sometimes blonde or red, but always a boring old triangle. Where’s the fun in that?”

Mom was fighting a losing battle not to grin.

“I eventually figured it out,” I told her breasts, “but it took me a while. And I had help. Like, lots of help. But that’s another story. Let’s get back to you two. Where was I? Oh, yes! You were all different. Big, small, round, flat, perky, saggy, you name it. And nipples? Red, brown, or pink. Flat or pointy, sometimes even puffy. Small, medium, large, and everything in between. Some aren’t even round!

“But I’ll let you in on a little secret,” I said confidentially. “I don’t really care about all that. ‘What do I care about?’ you ask.” I leaned closer to whisper to them, “The only thing that matters is… can I touch ’em?”

Mom lost it and burst out laughing.

I waited for her to quiet down before I continued, still to her chest. “Your owner thinks I’m nuts, but let me tell you… I’ve been staring at you since before I can remember. And now… finally… I get to play with you!”

I buried my face in her cleavage and made a motorboat sound.

Mom laughed even harder, until she finally had to push me away and wipe her eyes. “Oh, God,” she said at last, “that was funny.”

“It’s true,” I said, as though mortally offended. Then I grinned. “Seriously. I’ve been fantasizing about your tits since I was, like, twelve. And by God, now I can touch ’em.” I made another motorboat, which sent her over the edge again.

“I had no idea,” she said at last.

“Hey, I’m a breast man, and it’s your fault.” I nuzzled her left breast and then the right. “It’s your fault too,” I said to them. “If you hadn’t been so full and round, I might not have noticed you.” I laughed. “Who am I kidding? I’d’ve noticed no matter what you looked like.”

“So it’s not my fault?”

“Oh, it’s still your fault. You could’ve kept ’em covered. But noooo, you had to be a nudist, had to put ’em out there where I could see. Seriously, you can’t imagine the number of times I jerked off thinking about your tits.” I rolled my eyes. “Dozens… no, hundreds of times.”

She laughed.

“But I’m sorry to say, ladies,” I told her chest, “that I found something I like even more.”

“Oh, really?” Mom said, still smiling.

“Blowjobs,” I said solemnly. “I blame you for that too.”

“Me? What’d I do?”

“First— Hold on.” I focused on her breasts again. I kissed, licked, sucked, and squeezed them for nearly a minute before I said, “Don’t worry, dear ta-tas, I still love you. But now I have to explain to your owner why she’s responsible for another sexual preoccupation.”

“This is gonna be good.”

I released her breasts and held up my index finger. “First, you were the first person I ever saw have sex, not in a magazine or movie or anything, but live and in person.”

“When was that?”

“Dad had to fly a trip and was leaving camp. You were behind the cabin. You gave him a blowjob.”

She shrugged and turned sheepish. “I… um… do that a lot.” She bit her lip. “I have a weakness for men in uniform.”

“I’ll try to remember that,” I said flippantly.

“But… how did you see? I’d’ve noticed if you were hanging around.”

“I wasn’t ‘hanging around.’ I was hiding in the bushes!”

“Doing what?”

“Watching you give Dad a blowjob, duh! But that’s beside the point.” I held up another finger. “Second, you introduced me to Susan, one of the world’s best fella… um… fellatrixes.”


I feigned indignation. “Don’t interrupt. Where was I? Oh, yes. The first time I ever had sex with her, she gave me a blowjob. She gave me lots of blowjobs after that, but the first one was pretty memorable. So there!”

I held up a third finger. “Last but not least, you gave me a couple of unforgettable blowjobs yourself. I still think about the one in the lake, when I thought you were Susan.”

“We switched in the dark.” She smiled at the memory. “That was fun.”

“Mmm hmm. So you’re clearly responsible for my love of blowjobs.”

“Can I say anything in my own defense?”

“If you think it’ll help.”

“Well, first, I didn’t know you’d be watching while I gave your dad a blowjob that time. Second, I didn’t introduce you to Susan with the intention of her giving you a blowjob. And third… why the hell is it a problem that you like blowjobs?”

“It isn’t. I just want you to know it’s your fault I am the way I am.”

“I should hope so. I worked very hard to get you to this point.”

“And you did an excellent job.”

“Thank you,” she laughed.

“You’re welcome.”

“But I’m not surprised that you are the way you are,” she admitted. “I love giving head, so I guess it makes sense that you like getting it. I mean, you don’t think it’s a coincidence that my two best friends are expert cocksuckers.”

“Fellatrices,” I corrected.

“No, cocksuckers. A fellatrix is prim and proper. I suck cock.” Her eyes flashed and she grinned. “I love it too. I think about it all the time. Why do you think we became nudists in the first place?”

That stopped me in my tracks. “Uh… I guess I always thought it was ’cause of Susan. Or Dad, ’cause he wanted to look at the women.”

“That’s part of it,” Mom admitted, “but it wouldn’t’ve happened if I hadn’t said yes. And do you know why I did?”

“No, but I can probably guess.”

“So I could check out the guys. And speaking of which, that reminds me. How hard do you think it was for me, seeing all those dicks and not being able to ‘touch ’em’?” She reconsidered. “Okay, I’ve actually touched a lot of ’em, but that’s beside the point.”

“Hold on. What do you mean, you’ve touched a lot of ’em?”

“Who do you think recruits new swingers in camp?”

I blinked and stared.

Someone has to. Usually I sound out the women, but I give a lot of discreet blowjobs too.”

“For real?”

“Mmm hmm.”

“But not until they’re swingers, right?”

“No, to regular guys.”

“Like who?”

“I don’t suck and tell.”

I looked at her in disbelief. I normally wasn’t a nosy type, but I felt a sudden need to know who she’d blown. I named a couple of men from camp who weren’t swingers.

She shook her head at each.

“Hold on,” I said. “Are you saying, ‘no, I didn’t blow him’ or ‘no, I’m not going to tell’?”

“The former.”

“Aha! So if I eventually name all the guys I can think of, I’ll know who you’ve sucked off and who you haven’t.”


“So why not tell me?”

“Okay,” she said at last, “if it’s that important.” She tried to sound browbeaten, but her eyes danced with enjoyment. “John Eriksson.”

“Manfred’s dad?”

“Yep. They were thinking about becoming swingers, but Ingrid wasn’t sure she could handle it. So I gave him a blowjob while she watched. She let me finish, for his sake, but it didn’t work out.”

“Yeah, I can imagine.” Not everyone was cut out to be a swinger. “Who else?”

“Bob Nelson.”

“The jewelry guy?”

“Mmm hmm, although those are more of a friendly thing, not swinger recruiting.”

“‘Those,’” I repeated. “Plural?”

“Yes, plural. He’s a nice man. He needs some stress relief.”

I chuckled. “Okay, how about Adam Payton?”

“Not him, believe it or not. I tried, but…” She shrugged. “The guys really wanted to recruit Melissa for the group—”

Melissa Payton was Kendall’s mother, tall and busty and built like a wet dream.

“—but they weren’t interested.”

“Okay, who else?”

She named a few other men, but none that sparked my interest. “Most guys don’t think of a blowjob as cheating,” she explained. “Some do, though, and some like it. The cheating, that is. We screen out those guys pretty quickly.”

“Like who?”

“John Jordan.” She made a moue of distaste. “He heard about the swinging and approached us. He came to a party, but made some lame excuse about his wife having a headache. I don’t think he even told her what he was doing. He just wanted to screw around and had no intention of letting her join us. He was one of ‘those’ types,” she finished caustically, “a real double-standard asshole.”

“No kidding,” I said.

“Let’s change the subject to something more pleasant.”

“Such as?”

“Cocks?” Her lips quirked with a grin. “And why a nudist camp is the best meat market in the world.”

“Pun intended, I’m sure.”

“Of course.”

I rolled my eyes but had to admire her wit.

“But first,” she said, “let’s go back to your ‘problems growing up in a nudist family’ comment.”

“I was just kidding,” I said. “It really wasn’t that bad. Well, the part about having to look but not touch was, but we fixed that.” I tweaked one of her nipples just because I could.

“Mmm, nice. But that’s not the problem I mean.”


“You said you fantasized about my tits since you were twelve? Well, you weren’t the only one.”

“What? Did someone…? Who…? Wait, how—?”

“I mean… you weren’t the only one with fantasies.”

“Of course not. But—?” Realization hit me like sucker punch. I felt my mouth go dry. “You?”

“Why not? I’ve always known you were going to be well-hung.” She nodded at my surprise. “Well, since you hit puberty. Most boys are the same before then. But your penis started to grow when your hormones kicked in. It was several inches long before you even sprouted pubic hair.”

I gulped. “You paid attention to that sort of thing?”

“Of course. Didn’t you pay attention when Erin started growing breasts?”

“Well, yeah, but…”

“I used to check on you at night, after you fell asleep. Well, I always did that. Every mother does. But I took a special interest when we started going to camp, because you slept nude and usually with only a sheet. My favorite nights were when you had an erection.”

My jaw dropped.

“It happens to most guys.”

“I know,” I said. “But you looked?”

“Of course. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, remember? You looked at me. Why couldn’t I look at you? Besides, I was curious if you’d take after your dad or… my side. Sometimes I even pulled back the sheet to get a better look.”

“I had no idea.”

“Mmm hmm. Your dad got a lot of midnight blowjobs back then.” She laughed at a sudden memory. “Do you remember when you stopped bothering to hide your morning erections?”

I nodded and felt my face go hot.

“I pretended not to notice, but I loved seeing your cock like that, ramrod straight and begging for attention.” Her eyes flashed with heat. “And then you started having sex with Susan. She used to brag—tease, really—about how big you were, how good you felt inside her.”

“She did?”

“All the time,” she said matter-of-factly. “She knew how horny it made me. That’s why I started fooling around with you.” She gazed into the past and smiled. “I couldn’t help myself. I wanted you so bad.”

My cock felt hard enough to cut steel, but it swelled at the sound of lust in her voice.

She came back to the present and gave me a smoldering look. “You’re the perfect combination: long and thick.”

“Uh, thanks.”

“For pure looks,” she said thoughtfully, “I like longer cocks, like your dad’s. For sucking, I prefer average. My jaw eventually gets tired with a really big one. But for fucking, I want a nice, thick cock.”

“Good to know,” I said, without a trace of sarcasm.

“Mmm hmm. That’s why I’ve been hot for you for years. You’re long enough to look good, even when you’re soft, but especially when you’re hard. You’re probably a bit thicker than I like for a blowjob marathon, but that isn’t going to stop me. And your size is absolutely perfect when you fuck me.”

“Like now,” I said huskily. “Sit up.”

She did, and I gripped my swollen rod. She steadied herself with a hand on my shoulder while I found her opening and set the tip against it. Then she sat back and impaled herself. She groaned as her pussy stretched to accommodate me. I echoed her groan when her molten heat enveloped my manhood.

“Perfect,” she whispered. Then she began riding me.

I squeezed her breasts and swirled my tongue around her nipples. We continued like that for several minutes. Neither of us spoke. We didn’t need to. Our bodies moved in an age-old rhythm. She finally broke the spell.

“Take me from behind.”

She climbed off my shaft, moved to the side, and put her hands on the edge of the tub. She looked at me expectantly as I moved behind her and admired her round ass. Then I aimed my hard-on at her pussy and eased into her. She reached down to play with her clit as I did.

I slid into her with little effort, and she groaned at the sensation of fullness. Then I put my hands on her hips and began thrusting, slowly at first, but with mounting speed and force. She braced herself against the brick coping with outstretched arms. She panted and begged me to fuck her harder, so I pounded until she cried out with a mini-orgasm.

My own orgasm felt like it was hours away, so I slowed down and settled into a rhythm. I fucked her for what seemed like a minute but was probably more like five. She shivered as another little orgasm coursed through her. I cupped her breasts and twisted her nipples to add to her pleasure.

We switched positions again. She rolled to her back and supported herself with her elbows on the brick coping. I lifted her hips and spread her legs. Then I aimed my cock at her opening and eased into her.

I began fucking her with long, steady strokes. Unfortunately, she quickly grew tired of holding herself up with her arms, so I lifted her toward me. She gratefully wrapped her arms around my neck and supported herself with her legs around my hips. I turned and sank onto the bench.

We settled into the new position, and she rocked her hips to keep my cock moving inside her. I held her at the waist and looked into her eyes. She stared back at me intently, locked in a trance of impending climax. Her breasts rose and fell as she arched her back to fuck me. I clenched my buttocks to thrust into her each time our hips met. I felt the pressure building in my balls, but it still seemed far away.

A moment later she arched her back and leaned away from me. Her puckered nipples pointed at the dark sky, and her fingers dug into the cords of my neck. She cried out with pleasure as her pussy convulsed around my shaft. I held her ass and pulled her against me, burying myself even deeper inside her. She closed her eyes and rode the waves of orgasm.

She eventually came to her senses and sagged in my arms. I pulled her upright and paused to admire her cleavage. Then I met her eyes.

I grinned. “Good?”

“Perfect,” she said wearily. Then she realized that my cock was still hard and still inside her. “You didn’t come?”

“Not yet.”

“Give me a minute and I’ll—”

I shook my head. “I have an idea.”


“I wanna come on your face.”

Her eyes flashed with excitement.

We slowly separated, and I sat on the edge of the tub. My cock felt harder than ever, ready to explode. Mom put her hand on my inner thigh and watched as I wrapped a fist around the base of my shaft. She caressed my smooth balls with her other hand. I began stroking, and she unconsciously moistened her lips in anticipation. Her eyes stayed glued to my shaft.

I didn’t last long after that. She moved closer when she sensed my impending release. Then she closed her eyes and tilted her face up to receive my seed.

I came with a grunt and an explosion of jizz. The first spurt arced across her nose and mouth. She flinched but held steady as the next shot hit her cheek. I shifted my aim and coated her other cheek. The last spurt was more gush than geyser, and it oozed over her lips and down her chin. I released my hard-on and sat back, exhausted.

Mom carefully opened her eyes and blinked to make sure they were clear. Then she smiled up at me. “How do I look?”

“Perfect,” I said, and ran a finger along the line of her jaw. I offered it to her, and she sucked the semen. I spread my come over her lips and let her lick it off. Her eyes flashed with pleasure, so I slowly cleaned her face and offered my sperm-covered fingers to her. When we finished, her skin glistened with the remains of my orgasm.

She leaned forward to suck the last trickle of come from my slowly deflating cock. Then she made a noise deep in her throat and wrapped her lips around my glans. She nursed my cock for a minute or two before she finally let it slip from her lips. She smiled up at me and rested her head on my thigh.

“Night-night,” she said with a sigh.

I chuckled.

“Wake me up when you’re ready for another round.”

“Will do,” I said, and almost meant it.
