Please, I’ll give you whatever you want.” The offer spilled out of her mouth before she thought it through and she could have bitten her own tongue off at her stupidity. The Cyborgs were notorious for their raunchy sexual appetites. She’d overheard several of the kitchen supervisors snickering over the lewd use they had for farm animals left unattended by careless Breds. Luckily, both the driver and the commander ignored her, facing forward as they dove deeper into the planet’s crust.

Allora though her heart might explode, it beat so fast. Once the Cyborg had secured her in the tunneling vehicle, they both ignored her. Turning she looked out the back, through the same glass-tique material used to construct the draining tube. Thin as her hand, but virtually impenetrable.

Some sort of scooper mechanism filled in the tunnel behind them, leaving an obvious but impassible trail. Not that Allora expected anyone to rescue her. The only one that might attempt it was left at the mercy of the overlord.

Bits of rock pinged against the metal hull but the ride was surprisingly smooth. Allora wanted to ask where they were taking her, but figured they would ignore that inquiry as well. Instead of worrying about her own hide, she fretted over Cormack. He had been alone, trapped in the draining tube. She would never forget how he looked, on his knees, his expression fierce as he eyeballed her. Gone was the tender lover she had dallied with in her bathing chamber. She looked into the eyes of a man bred to kill. Not all the Breds were capable of taking out a Cyborg, most were designed to be laborers, but Allora didn’t doubt that if Cormack had escaped, he would manage to kill every Cyborg he could find.

The arrival of the Cyborgs had chased the Borns from the chamber, but eventually, Mag would give the order to investigate. With a flick of a switch Cormack would be as good as dead. Her throat closed up as guilt swallowed her whole. I put him in there, abandoned him.

She thought over what the Cyborg commander had said to Cormack. He was after her because of the Cassandra prophesy. Could it be a coincidence that he showed up to nab her on the heels of her discovering one of Cassandra’s journals? Allora believed in fate and destiny and with the belief came the acceptance that there was no such thing as a coincidence.

Clearing her throat, she raised her voice, hoping to project authority. These Cyborgs were no different than some ornery Breds who’d distilled and drank the grain they were supposed to be harvesting, men full of themselves and not able to see beyond the moment.

“I found one of Cassandra’s journals. If you take me back, I’ll show you where I’ve hidden it.”

Commander Tuck turned to face her, those eerie white eyeballs completely still in his face as he studied her. “You speak the truth. But why would you wish to return to the stronghold where you’ve been held captive all these years? Your father wishes to see you.”

Her lips parted in shock and outrage but she was to overcome with emotion to speak right away. Tuck waited, the perfect statue and his nonchalance over such an emotionally booby-trapped subject enraged her. “My father was Cyborg scum that captured my mother, raped her repeatedly. She fled across the Light Side to escape him.”

Though the commander’s expression didn’t change, the driver, Rothguard, let out a hearty guffaw.

“Some has been telling you lies, little girl. Did they brainwash you into thinking that Borns are superior beings, the pinnacle of God’s creation and all that happy horseshit?”

“They aren’t lies. Man was the most evolved creature ever to walk the face of the earth.”

Rothguard cast a smirk to Tuck. “Betcha she still believes in Santa Claus too.”

“My mother gave her life to see me safe from you monsters.” A sacrifice it seemed only delayed the inevitable.

The commander either didn’t know or didn’t care that she was on the emotional skids, heading straight for hell. “Tell me where the journal is and we will get it forthwith.”

“Set me free first.”

Tuck turned away. “Impossible. That violates mission parameters.”

Her jaw dropped. They would rather have her than Cassandra’s journal? If they didn’t free her, she couldn’t free Cormack.

“Then go back and get the man trapped in the draining tube.” At his blank stare, she added “My…mate.” She barely hesitated over the word.

Borns were married in traditional human fashion.

Breds chose Only Ones, forsaking all others.

Cyborgs mated, like animals.

Now was not the time to have a pissing contest over semantics. They needed to understand Cormack’s importance to her. Clearly her father held some great rank, though she couldn’t be bothered to give a shit about him at the moment. He’d waited twenty-nine years; he could wait a bit longer if the difference meant Cormack’s life.

“Very well, if you will cooperate with us, then we will retrieve him.”

Allora blinked. Surely it couldn’t be so easy? But Rothguard angled the ship around in a half circle, the spinning helix grinding up the rock they had just replaced.

“Do you have anything that will cut through the glass-tique? The lock was jammed and I couldn’t open it before.”

“We won’t need to go through the tube, just pray Rothguard can stop in time.”

“In time for what?” Allora said and gasped as the bottom of Cormack’s prison gave way. Her Bred dropped through the hole and caught the nose of the vehicle just as it stopped spinning.

Allora gasped, envisioning him impaled on the giant bit like the kitchen supervisor had been. And he was not out of danger yet because if he dropped through the hole he’d fall down the long tunnel they had created.

“Help him!” She lurched forward, as if she could grab Cormack through the windshield.

The commander shoved her back in place. “It’s what we intend to do, Allora. If you wouldn’t mind switching places with me for a moment?” Gripping her by the seat of her pants he stuffed her into his seat then did a flip over the top to land where she had been sitting.

“Showoff,” Rothguard mumbled, though his gaze stayed put. With a start, Allora realized Cormack was coming closer to her as the spiral nose of the vehicle retracted. Tuck had demolished the seat to get to the trap door beneath. Propping it open with one booted foot, he stood poised to grab for Cormack the second the Bred was pulled into view.

He didn’t have to.

With an unholy roar Cormack launched himself into the vehicle taking Tuck down to the floor. She screamed his name but he didn’t so much as look in her direction as he pummeled Tuck again and again.

Blood spattered the interior as blows were exchanged.

Allora gripped the other Cyborg’s arm. “Stop them, they’ll kill each other!”

Rothguard sighed and shook his head. “I knew this was a bad idea.”

When he didn’t move quickly enough, Allora vaulted over the seat, whip in hand. Gripping a bit with each hand she created a chokehold around Cormack’s neck. “Stop this at once!”

He struggled against her hold and wheezed “Traitorous bitch,” before going limp and crumpling to the deck.
