Cormack’s heart stutter-stepped in his chest. She wanted him, not just his body pleasing hers for the night, but to venture out with her. Fear mixed with excitement inside him, as though she had lit a fuse and he waited to see if fireworks or a bomb waited on the other end. He could be with her, just her, living as his own master, never to be whipped again. To die of old age, like a Born. Perhaps he had already been recycled, for surely this couldn’t be real.

“What of the Bred madness? What would you do if I turned on you?”

She blinked up at him, her adorable mouth drawing down at the edges. “Shoot you, of course. It is the only humane thing to do when the madness comes.”

His hands shook as he held her still. “Would you teach me to read?”

She nodded, smiling. “If that is your wish.”

“My task mistress,” he drew her closer, needing to hold her and assure himself that she was in fact real. “Who knew the day you beat me would be the best of my life?”

She smiled up at him and he could wait no longer to taste her berry ripe lips. Angling his head down, he claimed her mouth in a searing kiss. She moved closer, her wet torso sliding against his, pebbled nipples pressing into his chest, her pelvis aligning her sex with his.

He gasped and her tongue took advantage, invading his mouth, tangling with his own, even as she worked herself against his aching cock, riding him. With only a slight shifting of his hips he could plunge inside her, be surrounded by her wet heat, let her channel milk him dry.

His hands were already braced on her hips, positioning her so the sensitive tip penetrated her entrance when he felt her stiffen. She is untouched, you cannot claim her yet.

Nor could he take the time to do so. They needed to plan, to prepare for their flight. Even as the necessity of it consumed him, he couldn’t help but touch her sex, the pads of his fingers gliding over her clitoris, before delving deeper into her saturated folds.

His mouth watered, just as it had for the meat. “You’re so soft, so wet. Did you like it when I tasted you here?”

Full lips parted and she breathed, “Oh yes.”

He circled her opening, but didn’t try to penetrate her, remembering how she’d stiffened up before.

Making her come was his top priority right now and he bent his head, licking her hard nipple, “I will do that for hours. Lie on my back with you astride my face, my tongue licking your wetness, exploring all of your secrets until you beg for mercy.”

Amethyst eyes glittered in the dim lighting as she held his gaze. “Will you show me any?”

Slowly, he shook his head, stroking her harder, deeper. His cock throbbed, but he ignored the ache, intent on bringing her off. “No. Your body will not release until I let you.”

“Cormack,” she panted, rotating her hips in time to his ministrations.

Lifting his head, he sucked a nipple into his mouth, tonguing the hardened peak. She cried out, trying to sink down harder on his fingers but he removed his hand. Moaning in protest she gripped his shoulders and he cupped her gently, easing her need.

Her whole body shook, demanding release. “Together, Allora. We will come together this first time.”

“Show me what to do.” His task mistress delivered it as an order, not a request.

Taking her soft hand in his calloused one, he wrapped her fingers around his shaft. Angling his cock so the length of him pressed up against the delicate folds, he gripped her hips, showing her how to move so his sex caressed hers. “Ride me.”

She threw her head back and he groaned when her thumb rotated over the slit. Pre come beaded and she spread it around the sensitive crown. He groaned against her neck, fighting the release climbing his shaft. “How does it feel?”

Her eyes were closed and she shook her head almost violently as her hips pistoned up and down in a frenzy.

“Allora, look at me,” he ordered. “Share your pleasure with me.”

Slowly her eyelids lifted to haft mast, as if they had been weighed down. He saw her desire, and a hint of panic as her body moved faster than her mind could process.

“Let yourself go, my task mistress. I will catch you.”

With a cry she did, coming in a rush. The bite of her fingernails sinking into his shoulders, the wet friction from the warm water, the scent of her skin, the soft spill of her hair, eyes wide open as she rode the wave. Cormack knew he would recall how she looked forever, lost in the throes of ecstasy, even as he let go and came across her belly.

She collapsed against him, sobbing in great gasping breaths. “I had no…, no idea.”

Neither had he. Holding her against his chest, he stroked her hair soothing her as best he could. “You’ve never felt that before? Surely you’ve touched yourself.”

She shook her head, sniffling. “"Tis forbidden—a sin for Born woman to do so. That right is reserved for their husbands alone.”

Pride unfurled in his chest. He’d helped her achieve orgasm for the first time. „Twas only fair, since he had never known the depths of pleasure until he’d touched her.

Embracing her while the water lapped at his skin was a type of heaven he had never imagined. He was a greedy bastard though, always craving more. “Let me wash you.”

Lifting her head, she offered him a mischievous smile. “Only if I can return the favor.”

She wanted to touch him? To get to know his body the way he yearned to explore hers? Who was he to say no?

It was impossible for him to miss the way she lit up from the inside as she scrambled off his lap, excitement radiating from every pore. Cormack reclined onto his elbows and enjoyed the view of her shapely backside, the wet ends of her red hair swaying just above the curve of her ass.

She gathered a cloth and a bar of soap, a dear commodity that she would soon have to do without. In spite of his recent release and building hope for a future, Cormack felt a heavy burden weighing on his shoulders. Did she have any idea how difficult it would be, doing without the things she was used to having? Regular meals, a comfortable place to sleep, enough water to bathe in….

As a Bred, Cormack had gone without for most of his life, both by design and even, at times, by choice.

Scraping any sort of life together outside the stability of the colony would not be easy and there were only so many supplies they could afford to steal before someone noticed. Again the sheer amount of planning involved in their scheme pressed down on him.

“What’s the matter?” Allora worked a thick lather from the soap, distributing it between both hands before reaching for his chest.

“I was thinking of all we need to do, to prepare.

There is only so much we can carry ourselves and it will have to be food and water, perhaps some medical supplies.” Savoring her touch, he allowed his eyes to drift shut, more relaxed than he’d ever been, even with all his worries.

“And the journal.” Her hands moved in slow, methodical circles, soaping his abdomen, up his sides, beneath his arms. The cloth followed, dragging across his skin in a sweet lick of wet fabric.

Sighing, he watched her face, totally devoted to her task, even as he mulled over her meaning. “What is a journal?”

“The book you found. It had a note to me within.”

He’d forgotten all about the discovery. “But it was buried in the earth, had been for many years. How could that be?”

Her white teeth sank into her fleshy lower lip and he raised his hand to ease the worry away. “It was written by a girl named Cassandra.”

Cormack blinked, sure he had misheard. “You don’t think it’s the Cassandra, the prophetess who foresaw the day the world ceased turning and beyond?”

She shrugged, a delicate gesture choreographing her uncertainty as words could not. “Honestly, I’m not sure what to think. If this is one of the Cassandra’s written records, I have an obligation as task mistress to report it directly to my overlord.” Her eyes lifted to his and his heart stopped in his chest. “As well as all those who have seen it.”
