Dear Readers,

The wait for Joel Wilde's story is finally over! Here he is, tough and lean and breathtakingly sexy. Thanks to all of you who've written to me asking for his story, and for hanging in there while I wrote it. I hope it's everything you've anticipated, and much more.

Joel is the last of the Wilde family. In past books, he's always come off as casual and laid back, and for the most part he is. He's served in the Marines, has seen and done things he'd rather forget, and just wants to live a simple, uncomplicated life as a bachelor. His main focus is his job as a security specialist, and when an old friend calls in a favor, Joel finds himself in way over his head with a woman who is sensual, determined, and has no qualms about discovering just who Joel really is beneath all that rough and tough military façade.

This story took many unexpected turns for me, especially with Joel's character. He was far more complex than he'd let on in previous books, and he had deeper emotional issues that explained so much about the life he'd chosen and why he swore he was better off being single and on his own. But Lora Marshall, the woman he'd promised to protect, refuses to let him be a slave to his past and to those fears that keep him from committing to any one person.

For those of you who might be reading about the Wilde family for the first time, I hope you enjoy this story enough to want to read about the rest of the Wilde gang. So far, there are seven stories in all, and those books can still be found at your favorite online book source, or at your local bookstore.

While the members of the Wilde gang have all found their happily ever afters, the wild and sexy fun doesn't stop here with Joel! In Born to Be Wilde you'll get to meet three of Joel's good friends, Ben, Jon, and Kevin, all ex-marines who now work for the same security firm, Elite Security Specialists. Each one of these men will be getting his own story, as well. Right now, I'm working on Ben's story, and Wild for Him is scheduled for release in summer 2008. I hope you'll find these friends of Joel's as fun and charming as I have.

For now, enjoy Joel and Lora's story, and be sure to visit my website at to read more about the Wilde series, check out my upcoming releases, and enter my monthly giveaway contest. I also blog weekly at, so please come and join the fun!


Happy Reading!

Janelle Denison
