Chapter Nineteen

As if there weren’t already enough wonderful things about Brandon to love, another luxury about being the girlfriend of a drill sergeant was that he was so anal about ironing. He’d taken to ironing even her clothes now. He said he didn’t mind, and he did a much better job than she did, so she gladly let him.

Since he’d ironed her outfit for today as perfectly as he always did, Regina had been walking around in nothing more than his Padres T-shirt and a pair of panties again as she got ready. Whenever he ironed for her, she waited until they were ready to walk out to put her clothes on.

Brandon had walked in and out of the bedroom as she got ready, stopping to kiss her and telling her how beautiful she was more than once. A few times he’d stopped and sat on the bed to watch her apply her makeup. The way he stared at her was so intense it made her insides a little crazy. They’d just made love that morning, but something about the way he was looking at her had her thinking it may just happen again. They had plenty of time before they had to leave. If he didn’t stop looking at her like that, she just may have to attack him.

She did think it was kind of weird that he hadn’t tried anything in the shower aside from running his hands up and down her body, but then they’d just made love before they got in. Still, it wasn’t unheard of for them to go at it again so soon after having gone a round—or two.

A few of the times he sat on the bed, it almost felt as if he wanted to say more but held back. He was leaning back on an elbow on the bed, watching her again, and she eyed him through the mirror, smirking when she noticed the subtle swell in his crotch.

“Something on your mind, Brandon?”

The corner of his lip lifted. “I’m just wondering when the hell I became such a push over.”

She lifted a brow curious now and continued peering at him through the mirror. “What do you mean?”

“Why can’t I ever just say no to you?”

Now she had a feeling what was going on in his mind all this time, and it excited her. That swell in his pants meant he wasn’t just thinking about giving in to her earlier request; the thought was turning him on.

She watched as he stood up and walked toward her. “You’ve said no to me,” she reminded him with an evil smile as he reached her from behind.

The flutters in her stomach doubled at his touch. Kissing the side of her neck, he brought his hand around her waist, slipping it into the front of her panties. Gasping, she let her head fall back against him, tracing his hard forearm with her fingers.

“You really wanna give me complete control?” he whispered in her ear then nipped at it, making her shiver as she breathed in deeply.

“I trust you,” she whispered, her heart already speeding up.

“I’d never hurt you.”

“I know you wouldn’t.”

His hand slipped into her panties further down, and he caressed her softly. “I’d be different with you, princess.” He kissed her temple softly. “Gentler.” He lowered his voice. “It may not be what you’re expecting.”

She loved when he called her that now. Licking her lips, she turned her face to his, and she kissed him. “I don’t know what to expect. I just know I’m very curious.”

Pulling his hand out of her panties, he turned her around to face him. “Curiosity can be a dangerous thing.” He stared into her eyes. “I’d never hurt you, but you may not like the denial.”

Tilting her head to the side, she asked, “Denial?”

He nodded, looking deeply in her eyes. “It’s the only way I’d ever torture you.” Her eyes flew open, and he smiled wickedly. “There’s still time to back out.”


“But you said you’d never hurt me.”

“I won’t ever.” He hadn’t done a thing to her yet except touch for a few moments, and already she had the strangest sensation all over. He tugged her hand and lifted a brow then leaned in and rubbed himself against her leg. “You sure you want to? This may be your only chance before I change my mind.”

She nodded, remembering what her sister always said to her. Be careful what you wish for. But at the moment, she was really wishing he’d do this.

What in the world could he mean by torture? He walked her toward the bed. “I did get rid of everything, so we’ll have to improvise, okay?”

She nodded as she watched him take one of the king-sized pillows from under the comforter on the neatly made bed he’d fixed earlier. “First rule,” he said. “If we do this, we do it my way.”

She nodded again, beginning to feel nervous, but she did trust him. He wouldn’t do anything to her that would make her uncomfortable.

“Second rule.” He turned back to her. “You do everything I say.”

The thunderous gulp made her face warm. She hoped he hadn’t heard, but she nodded again obediently. He’d slipped into his Sergeant Billings role, and it excited her so.

“Good girl,” he whispered, kissing her forehead. “Now take everything off.”

He dropped the pillow case on the bed, staring at her hard as Regina stared back, pulling off her T-shirt. Glancing down at her panties, he nodded, so she removed them too. Now she stood there completely naked before him, wondering what he’d ask her to do next.

“Lie down,” he said but slipped out of character when he smiled and kissed her sweetly. “You still okay?”

“Yes,” she whispered, already breathless and embarrassed by that, but she didn’t want him to change his mind, so she got on the bed and lay back.

Brandon climbed over her and brought her hands over her head. “Leave them there,” he said.

Doing as she was told, she lay there, taking deep breaths, her heart going a mile a minute as he took the pillow case and brought it above her head. Her insides went nuts when he used it to tie her hands together, then he lowered his face to kiss her softly. Moving down a little lower, he tugged at her nipple with his teeth, making her squirm, and then let go suddenly.

“Don’t move,” he ordered again and got off the bed.

She watched him, her eyes widening as he walked over to the closet. He told her he’d gotten rid of everything. With her eyes glued to him, she watched as he pulled at something then turned around with one of his ties and sheets?

He walked over to the bed and unfolded the sheets he’d brought out of the closet. “Another rule,” he said, looking up at her very seriously. “And this one is a big one.” He paused as if waiting for her to acknowledge that, so she nodded. “The moment you feel the slightest discomfort you let me know. Understood?”

She nodded a bit more animated this time, and she saw the humor dance in his eyes. She wondered if that humor in his eyes was supposed to calm her nerves—it didn’t. Discomfort?

She watched as he tied one end of the sheet to the bed post then grabbed her right leg and tied the other end of the sheet to her ankle—tightly. “Is that too tight?”

Thinking about it for a moment, she shook her head. She tugged at it gently, hoping he wouldn’t notice, but she wondered how much slack he’d given her. None.

He did the same thing with the sheet to the bed post on the other side. What he did next she knew was coming, but she still wasn’t ready for the eroticism of it. He pulled her other leg toward the other bedpost, spreading her wide open. She’d never felt so incredibly exposed or vulnerable, but at the same time, there was something so arousing about it. He tied the other sheet to her ankle so all her limbs were bound and she was completely vulnerable to him. He could do to her whatever he wanted, and she was helpless to stop him.

Suddenly, she was dying for him to start. He walked around the bed slowly, looking her up and down, his smoldering eyes coming to rest on hers. “That’s enough watching for you.” He picked up the tie and dangled it in front of her. “Do you know why I’m gonna blindfold you?”

Regina swallowed hard, shaking her head. She still couldn’t believe she was really lying there naked and spread eagle and he was about to blindfold her too.

He leaned in and lifted her head, bringing the tie over her eyes and tying it loosely around her head. Everything went dark except for a tiny bit of light that seeped in from the bottom near her nose. “Is that good?” She nodded and felt the warmth of his face come close to hers. Then he spoke into her ear. “You’d be amazed,” he whispered, “just how much more heightened all your other senses are when you take away your ability to see.”

As if to demonstrate, he kissed her just under her ear then sucked softly. Yes, she was amazed. He brought his mouth down on her chin, and when he reached her mouth, he stopped. “Oh,” he said, and she felt him chuckle. “Your needing me to stop torturing you doesn’t count as discomfort, so don’t even think about asking me to stop.”

His mouth devoured hers. It was the weirdest thing to want to kiss him so deeply but not be able to move any other part of her body. Before their kissing could get too crazed, he pulled away, leaving her breathless.

For the first time in all the times she’d been aroused with him, she prayed he wouldn’t touch her down there because he’d see just how wet she was from just this already. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take, and he hadn’t done anything but kiss her yet.

She felt him leave the bed, and she bit her bottom lip in anticipation. The sound of a drawer opening near the bed had her wondering if he was already looking for a condom because she was so ready for him. Trying to calm her breathing so she could hear better, she listened, but she didn’t hear the crackling or ripping of any plastic.

The bed moved with the weight of him, and she braced herself. “I did hold on to a couple of things I thought you might enjoy eventually. She flinched, gasping when she felt something soft tickle her nipple then his mouth on her other one. His mouth pulled away for a moment. “Relax,” he whispered. “You’re gonna like this.”

Doing her best to relax her tensed body, she took a deep trembling breath and concentrated on trying to figure out what that soft frilly thing was he was tickling her nipple with. It was suddenly on her arm, and he swiped it down slowly giving her goose bumps all over. She hadn’t decided if she really liked it or not when it lifted away. The next place she felt it was between her legs and her entire body flinched again.

“Relax,” he whispered, and she tried desperately to, biting her lower lip.

The tickling sensation down there was incredible—like nothing she’d ever felt. But it was only for a moment and then she felt it on her inner thighs. Up and down.



First one inner thigh then the other. It was between her legs again just long enough to make her squirm, and then he pulled it away again.

Next she felt it over and around her belly button. Again slowly. Sometimes with more strength and then softer. Then it was on her other nipple. His mouth latched onto the other one. Her body quivered in reaction. He’d been right. The sensation was heightened so much more than when he usually sucked her, and she could hardly stand it.

He moved away from her nipple and slid down. Feeling his fingers massage her between her legs made her arch her back. Then he kissed her there. She squirmed in anticipation of feeling him suck her because he spread her with his fingers as he always did when he pleasured her that way. Instead, she felt that thing tickle her again as he spread her wide with his fingers, so wide it tickled her most sensitive of spots. She moaned loudly, feeling the beginning of an orgasm just from that touch alone.

Just then he stopped, and the buildup subsided, leaving her agonized and wanting more. She felt it again a little softer, so the tickle wasn’t quite as strong as the first time, but the throbbing started up again. If he tickled just a tiny bit harder—just a little bit more—she’d feel the beginning start up again. She was so close.

She tried lifting her hips to catch more of it, but with her legs tied, she could only move so far. Thankfully, he gave her a little more, and that amazing sensation started up again. Then he stopped again. “You’re pulsating, baby. And it’s beautiful.”

Letting out an agonized moan, she gasped. “Please,” she said, wanting so badly to feel it again. It felt so damn good.

His fingers spread her even wider, and she felt his tongue on the very spot that was yearning to explode. She lifted her waist again as far as she could with an even louder moan, and then he pulled away again, leaving her breathless, her body pleading for him to finish her. “I’ve never felt it throb that much before.” He nearly growled. “Maybe we will do this more often.”

“Please!” she begged shamelessly.

“No,” he said simply. “Not yet.” The tickling moved down her thigh again.

“You’re lucky my legs are tied, Brandon Billings!” she said through her teeth as the yearning between her legs begged to be tended to.

She heard his soft laugh. “I didn’t think you’d like the torture.”

It hadn’t even dawned on her, but that was exactly what this was.


Unbelievably, she felt him get off the bed. No, he didn’t!

Luckily for him, she heard what sounded like a condom package and then what sounded like him taking off his clothes. “Yes!” she said. “I need you inside me, baby.”

This time she felt him climb the bed a bit more aggressively than he had before. What felt like his knees pressed against her ass. He spread her wide with his fingers again, and that magical tickle began again, igniting once again the beginning of what now felt would be one of the most explosive orgasms she’d ever felt. Then he slipped into her. The combination of him thrusting into her and filling her so suddenly along with the unrelenting tickling made her cry out in ecstasy as he finally allowed the glorious release.

She continued crying out loudly, swaying her hips as he thrust harder and harder again and again. The sensation mounted as he rocked into her on and on until she thought she might scream. With one last hard drive into her, he, too, grunted in satisfaction. He stayed there buried deep in her for a few moments then pulled away, and she felt the sheet on one of her ankles come loose and then the other. She brought her legs together, still tingling all over as she felt him slide up next to her. He pulled the tie off her then proceeded to untie her hands.

“I wanted to watch you come.” He kissed her. “It’s such a turn-on to watch it up close, but damn it, I could hardly stand it.”

She wrapped her eyes around his neck. “That was amazing,” she said then pulled away to look at him. “A little agonizing but amazing. What was that you were using?”

He looked around then reached down and lifted his hand to show her what looked like a miniature feather duster. “It’s one of the few things I’ll allow with you. I was thinking maybe something that buzzes would be fun too, but this was way too fun. I don’t know that we need anything else.”

Smiling big, Regina threw her arms around him again. “Well, thank you for allowing this. I know you said you didn’t want to ever go there again.” She smirked. “Something tells me that wasn’t too painful for you.”

Brandon laughed. “Not at all. But it won’t get much more tortuous than that ever.”

Glad to hear him speaking in terms of this happening again, because she enjoyed that much more than she expected to, she grinned. “I love you, baby.

“I love you more,” he said, cradling her face in his hand and kissing her so sweetly she sighed.



Regina had told Brandon it would likely be a full house at her sisters, so Brandon was surprised to see so few cars out front of the house when they arrived. This was the sister she’d mentioned lived in Pacific Beach. They’d driven by La Jolla to get there, and Brandon had gotten that uneasy feeling again, the same one he’d felt the morning he’d driven into La Jolla to get Regina waffles.

Even as they got out of his Jeep, Brandon was beginning to have second thoughts about jumping the gun when he decided on a whim that he wanted to be here with her today. Was he really ready to meet her family? Daddy?

They walked in through the side gate. The party or gathering as Regina referred to it was being held in the backyard. This area was just as ritzy as La Jolla, and her sister’s house was impressive. One of the women standing by the table where a buffet was set up turned and smiled big when she saw Regina. Brandon recognized her from one of the many photos Regina had showed him as her younger sister.

“Here she is,” her sister said, turning back to a table where a few other women and men sat. “Mom was just asking when you were getting here.”

Regina hugged her then turned to Brandon. “Brandon this is my sister Bell. Bell, this is my boyfriend, Brandon.”

Bell who was a slightly taller version of Regina smiled just as sweetly as Regina did and held out her hand. “Nice to meet you, Brandon. Gina’s told us so much about you.”

“Likewise,” Brandon said, surprised Regina had never mentioned she went by Gina. “Regina’s told me a lot about all of you.”

He looked up at the other woman walking up behind Bell. He recognized her as Regina’s mom.

“I’m Gloria,” she said, holding out her hand and smiling just as big as Bell had. “Finally, we get to meet you. We were beginning to wonder if you actually existed.”

Regina gave her a look but chuckled. They moved on as Regina introduced her one by one to the rest of the family members who were there: her other sister, a few cousins, and some of her brother-in-law’s relatives.

“Speaking of,” Regina said, bending over to kiss her niece after introducing Brandon to her brother-in-law’s uncles, “where’s your daddy?”

“He went to get more ice,” her sister Bell explained, saying he should be back soon.

They sat down under a canopy where her mom and some other relatives were sitting.” Honey, how’s your ankle doing?” her mother asked, looking down at it.

Regina wiggled her foot in the air. “All better,” she said with a big smile.

Brandon couldn’t help but frown at the very high heels she’d insisted on wearing. They were sexier than hell, but he’d warned her it might be too soon for such high heels. The past few weeks he was able to talk her out of wearing the higher ones to work, and he was still reminding her to do her ankle-strengthening exercises.

One of her aunts asked her how she’d hurt it, and she explained. Her mom then went on to tell them about Regina’s bad luck.

“My poor baby,” she said with a pout. “We’ve always called her Charlie Brown because it never fails that if something is going to go wrong she always seems to take the brunt of it.” Her mom reached out for Regina’s hand and took it in hers. “But like I always say,” she said, rubbing Regina’s hand in between hers, “God doesn’t give anyone everything. She may have the worst luck, but she has the best spirit of anyone I know. Nothing brings this kid down.”

Regina and Brandon exchanged glances as her smile began to wane, and he squeezed her hand.

“Ha!” One of her brother-in-law’s uncles suddenly laughed. “Charlie Brown. That’s what we should’ve called that nephew of mine growing up. Talk about bad luck.” He laughed. “That kid had a fucking rain cloud over his head all through middle school and high school. Am I right?” He nudged the guy next to him, and they both laughed. “I could tell you stories.”

Her sister Bell brought over a bowl of nuts, placing them on the table where Brandon and Regina sat and rolled her eyes, smiling at Brandon. “Something tells me you’re gonna hear a few stories now.”

As if on cue, his uncle started up loudly. “Remember that time we were in Maui?” He nudged the guy next to him again, who also started laughing. “We’re on this beeeautiful beach. All blue for miles. Totally clean, right? ’Cept there’s a couple over down that way with a dog. Tell me why out of all of us my knucklehead nephew takes a swim and comes up with a turd mustache?” He wheezed so loud and long, even Brandon couldn’t help laughing, especially when he put his finger over his lip to demonstrate all animated. “Everyone’s having a good ole time on this beautiful beach,” he said barely able to get the words out he was laughing so much. “And son of a bitch if that kid is the only one who pops out of the water like this.”

He demonstrated some more.

“All right, all right,” A guy walked out the back door of the house, frowning and holding a very bald baby. “This guy.” He shook his head but smirked. “Now it’s a turd mustache?” He rolled his eyes. “I told him I saw one floating around in the water, and after all these years, it turned into me walking around with turd mustache in Maui.” Then he turned back to his uncle. “You never even saw it!”

They were all laughing now, including the lady who kept snorting on the other side of the wheezing fat man. Brandon was only glad Regina had snapped out of what might’ve turned into a sour mood after her mom’s mention of her good spirit.

“Hey, look who’s up?” Regina’s mom said, smiling at the baby in the guy’s arms. “It’s the little prince of the hour.”

Glancing back, Brandon peered at the guy who’d walked out with the baby. This was the fat man’s knucklehead nephew, who looked disturbingly familiar. Obviously, he was Regina’s brother-in-law because he walked over and kissed Bell before handing the baby to her. Regina’s niece Mandy tugged at the guy’s pants, and he picked her up. It wasn’t until Bell pointed in Brandon and Regina’s direction and said something to her husband that Brandon made the connection.


The guy smiled then it seemed to hit him, too, as his face suddenly brightened. He laughed, walking over to them “No fucking way,” the guy said then turned to his daughter who tapped his lips with her little fingers. “I’m sorry, baby,” he said, kissing her fingertips. “Bad daddy.” He turned back to Brandon with a wide smile. “That you, Billings?”

Doing his best to hide how incredibly uncomfortable he suddenly felt, Brandon forced a smile. Regina was already smiling at him quizzically. “You know each other?” she asked.

“Yeah.” Brandon stood up, reaching to meet her brother-in-law’s already outstretched hand. “That would be me,” he confirmed. “Romero, right?”

“Well, I’ll be damned,” Romero laughed, nodding. “You and Gina? Holy shit what a small world.” His expression went a bit serious, but there was no hiding the continued smirk, the one Brandon remembered his smartass wearing all the way from grade school through high school. “She’s my baby sis now. You better be treating her right.”

Regina laughed. “I’m older than you, Romero.”

“Yeah, but much smaller.” He winked.

Just then Mandy squealed loudly and nearly jumped out of Romero’s arms, reaching her hands over his shoulder. “S and S!” she screeched, squirming for Romero to put her down.

All three of them turned as two little girls in frilly dresses, who looked to be a few years older than Mandy, walked into the backyard from the driveway, each holding onto an even younger boy’s hand. Romero lowered Mandy down to the ground, and she ran to them. As they got closer, Brandon could see the two girls Mandy now hugged were identical.

“Oh my God, is that the twins?” Regina asked.

“Yep,” Romero said, looking back at them with a smile. “Sienna and Savannah.”

“They’re so big!” Regina gasped. “Jesus, the last time I saw them they were babies.”

Brandon was still trying to make sense of what this all meant. Just because Romero had been good friends with Sofie’s brothers growing up didn’t mean he kept in touch with them still. Most people lost touch with their childhood friends. He stared at the two little girls, pretending to be as interested as Regina and trying to keep his cool. This was not so bad, he tried convincing himself. It could be worse.

“Yeah, well, that little dude with them is little Alex a.k.a. The Taz.” Romero laughed. “As in Tasmanian Devil. He’s nonstop trouble. And now he has two of them little devils,” Romero shook his head. “Alex has his hands full lemme tell you.”

What Romero had just said didn’t even register until Brandon’s eyes moved up from the kids to the guy standing behind them now, holding a baby carrier in his left hand and a tray of some kind in the other—Alex Moreno—and he was as big as ever.

Brandon watched, frozen to that spot as the petite blond woman walking in behind him in heels as big as Regina’s and carrying a baby bag asked Alex to take the baby inside. Bell walked over to greet them as everyone’s talking began to buzz in Brandon’s ears: Regina and Romero talking about Alex and his siblings and their kids, Romero’s uncles talking loudly and laughing even louder, the kids laughing and squealing, chasing each other around his and Romero’s legs, and then Regina’s words that brought everything to a screeching halt.

“Oh, good, they’re all gonna be here today? I need to catch up with them. I haven’t seen any of them in years.”

Well. Fuck. Me.

“So how do you two know each other?” Regina asked, smiling as she leaned into Brandon.

“We grew up in the same neighborhood,” Romero answered first. “Izzy told me you were seeing a marine.” He turned to Brandon, his eyes still big with enthusiasm. “I knew you were in the Marines, but even when she told me Gina’s new boyfriend’s name was Brandon, I never would’ve imagined it was the same one. This is some crazy shit.” Romero turned toward the back door then back to Brandon and pointed with his thumb. “You remember the Morenos, right? That’s Alex and his brood there. Remember Valerie from high school? After all their drama . . .” He laughed. “Those two are married now. They all are, and . . .” He stopped and seemed to ponder something for a second, bringing his fist to his mouth.” Er, you guys didn’t get along the greatest back then, huh?”

Regina and Brandon exchanged glances; then Romero tapped his arm and laughed. “That was a long time ago. Some people may disagree, but I think we’ve all matured since then.”

Romero puffed his chest, making Regina laugh. “Yeah my sister would definitely disagree.”

Just as Romero began to protest, there was an outbreak of laughter, wheezing, and snorting coming from the table behind him. “No fucking lie!” His uncle was saying to Regina’s sister Patricia, pointing at the other guy at the table. “Just ask him. Tell ’er, Max. And don’t leave shit out.”

“Hey!” Romero called out loudly with a frown. His uncles both looked up at him, still laughing. “Watch the language. There’s a bunch of kids around!”

“Not to mention ladies,” her sister Patricia added with a raised brow and a smirk.”

“Where?” his uncle asked, looking around as animated as ever, and the laughter erupted once again.

Romero rolled his eyes, turning back to Regina. “Okay, maybe not everyone’s matured.”

Regina laughed, but something distracted her. “I still mix them up,” she said, looking in the direction of the driveway with the smile. “They all look so much alike. Which one is that one?”

Both Brandon and Romero turned at the same time. “That’s Angel,” Romero said, waving him over.

Again as if frozen in time, Brandon watched as Angel waved but motioned he’d be over in a bit. Both he and his wife, who Brandon remembered as Sarah, his girl from way back, were surrounded by Regina’s mom and some of her other relatives greeting them, including Valerie who’d resurfaced from within that back sliding door. This was a fucking nightmare—Brandon’s worst nightmare. For a moment, he actually considered that he might be getting punked.

“They’re gonna trip out when they find out you’re Gina’s new man.”

“Why?” Regina asked smiling—obviously oblivious as to what was unfolding before her eyes.

Brandon turned in time to catch Romero wink at her. “You gotta know the history. We all go way back.”

It had just dawned on Brandon that since he realized who Regina’s brother-in-law was and that he’d shortly be reunited with the last family on earth he ever wanted to be reunited with he hadn’t uttered a single word—he’d gone mute.

“I know that one,” Regina said. “That’s their sister, right?”

Swallowing hard, Brandon didn’t even want to look. He kept his eyes on Romero, who glanced in the same direction Regina was focused on—the driveway. “Yep, that’s Sof.” He turned back to Brandon with an evil grin. “Betcha remember her, huh, Brandon?”

Feeling his insides warm by the second, Brandon knew there was a choice to be made here. Either he turned to look at Regina, who he could feel staring at him or turn in the direction of the driveway. Still hoping this day—this whole fucking situation—could be salvaged somehow, he chose the latter and turned in the direction of the driveway.

Sofie was addressing the little girl whose hand she was holding. Eric walked up next to her, holding a sleeping baby against his shoulder and was quickly mobbed by a few women wanting a better look at the baby. The little girl had the same huge brown eyes as Sofie. Then Sofie glanced up, meeting Brandon’s eyes for a second before looking down at the little girl again. Not a second later, her head jerked up, and their eyes locked.
